Protestors stage a rally against the deployment of U.S. Marine Corps' MV-22 Osprey in Okinawa, at a park in Tokyo, Sunday.
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Protestors stage a rally against the deployment of U.S. Marine Corps' MV-22 Osprey in Okinawa, at a park in Tokyo, Sunday.
© Japan Today
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heh? its raining in Okinawa today. Where r they?
And here the world is taught that the japanese are a busy diligent people.
I believe I am regular Japanese and after some study, I concluded that those equipments are fast, safe, quiet and very useful. I feel that Japanese media is not trying to be most precise for safety of the equipments.
Information warfare of Chinese RPC is underway.
Caution Japanese people, wake up while there is time.
Thomas Haynes
Several thousand sorties, several hundred thousand flight hours, and 6 fatalities since coming into service in 2007. That's pretty darn good for a new air-frame.
Ronald F Stark
They'll shut up when Japan buys a few. I wonder who in Okinawa paid for all those signs?
Quite a contrast to the pictures of about 5 Japanese demonstrating about the Fukushima crisis. Good to know where their priorities lie.
This type of protest should be banned because endangers national security. Japan is being bombarded by the Chinese propaganda machine.
Imagine if all these people got together and worked on something that could actually HELP the nation instead of protesting the help they are already receiving. The fact that all these people are protesting in Tokyo is pretty much proof that they're just angry about stuff and need to vent it in some way, so this is the easiest. Anyway, I bet it won't be long before Japan buys some and then suddenly they'll be swelling with pride about their 'modern' air-force; that and they'll pipe down when China sends more ships to the disputed waters.
These people would be better of protesting the collusion between power companies and the new Nuclear Agency, as well as police molesting kids and not getting charged, etc., but nah -- that's just 'shou ga nai' stuff.
Thomas Anderson
Maybe you should go live in Okinawa.
Probably more fundamental problem is the unfair burden of Okinawa compared to other part of Japan as you know. I believe that protesters also understand benefit of Osprey. But they, like most of other Japanese people, feel they have debt for Okinawa. I , as regular Japanese, also do so. There are certainly divide in this issue in Japan.
What aircraft would these people prefer?
If the answer is none of the above, time to change the signs to 'nandemo hantai'.
Good on you sir. Took the time to educate himself on this and not follow the herd. Agree with your second post that Okinawa should not shoulder the majority of the bases.
The Osprey is stil an experimental aircraft and ought not to be flying over densely populated areas. Osprey amscray.
Really sad to see the Okinawan got hurt. Maybe protesting is not the best way but it's understandable considering the time we live in. Lots of people around the world are protesting now, cause it's the most efficient way to draw goverments' attention. I think the Japanese Chinese and US goverments are all hot-headed now. Good thing is that people of these countries are rational and willing to find a solution. BTW, people who are expressing extreme attitudes, could you please show us your ID to prove you are a citizen of these countries and really are involved? Opinions are welcomed. Extreme comments intended to stroking anger are not. Anyway, I think the Japanese Chinese and Americans should stick together and pressure their goverments to have a constructive conversation. Unless you really think there's enough communication and trust among these three countries. Drop the tough guy shit and each take a step back. None of them is profiting now. It's just a matter of who suffers more.
If, instead of just bleating out the old, old lines about how Japan needs the U.S.A. to protect itself against the fiendish Chinese and North Koreans, how totally safe the Osprey is, etc., etc., etc., why not read up on it?
Here are a couple of excellent articles to start with:
If, on the other hand, you think you know all about it anyway, don't bother reading them.
T_rexmaxytime, cracapha, unequivocallyobservingjapan, and others:
They shouldn't be surprised that such a rally be held in Tokyo against the deployment of the Osprey at Futenma. There are a large number of mainland Japanese who sympathize with Okinawa's cause These demonstrators are a fraction of the silence majority who fully understand our appeal.
Even in the United States, there seems to be an increasing number of people who sympathize with the plight Okinawa is forced to put under, thus supporting our cause. The New York Times has recently editorialized the Okinawan issue twice. See the paper's September 14 editorial, "Ospreys in Okinawa," and November 2 editorial, "Outrage in Okinawa."
The deployment of the tilt-rotor aircraft at Futenma was Washington's answer to Okinawa's vociferous demand for the reduction of this excessive military footprint. What a throw of taunts! What a hubris!
maybe the u.s. military should just pack up & go home. then we'll see how quickly they change their tune as china's knocking on their back door & south & north korea at the side door.
Oh my God! Japanese protesting. Its a good thing, JUST THE WRONG PLACE! fight for human rights and freedom from corporation slavery and your Prime Minister to stop praying at the shrine of war criminals which enrages one the most powerful nations on earth RIGHT NEXT DOOR! Fine scrap the old osprey, bring in more noisy hercules and chinooks, that will vibrate their office chairs nicely. Ridiculous priorities really.
When you're right, you're right! Regionalism is not a reason to just say, "Who cares what happens in Okinawa?" If citizens believe the government does not want to listen to the people, then Japan can change its name to eastern China. There is no reason for the Ospreys to be dumped on the Japanese. If there is, why doesn't the USA military say what it is? The Osprey's range is limited, and it does not include China. It is obvious that there is no "military intelligence" in this situation.
Your opinion will change when the Chinese Communist knock on the door of your house and put a gun to your head. This does not concern you? I don't want that japan is the second tibet.
@noriyosan The purpose of the Osprey is to be deployed aboard amphibious assault ships. There are just such ships stationed in Japan. They offer different mission packages as opposed to helicopters that are currently being used as well as increased capability. Had they been put there last year and been used in the Tsunami relief effort we would not be having this discussion right now.
Get real. Does anyone in the military, "military intelligence" or civilian life REALLY believe the Osprey is going to stop any attack? Anyone who believes that masses of well-trained Chinese soldiers coming ashore in Okinawa will be stopped by moving Marines in Ospreys to the beach needs a lesson in modern warfare, i.e. satellite imaging, submarine patrols, drones developed by JAPAN (Japan Today article), etc. If there is a possibility of a Pearl Harbor type attack on Okinawa, then the USA military has wasted billions on defense of Japan and the Japanese military leadership and politicians are at fault. Everyone must remember that Japan honors freedom of speech and assembly. Try that in China without government permission or sponsorship.
Been reading up on the posts about the Osprey on Okinawa. Its strange how people said to protest the Osprey to the Japanese Govt. And now that they are, they are getting crucified again for doing so.
@nori perhaps you need to heed your own advice about modern warfare. Maneuver Warfare from ship based Marine forces or Navy Seals has been used in every modern war and the military use is not only for killing but for saving lives as well. In 2004 and in 2011 naval based aircraft were used to great effect in Tsunami relief and supply delivery. I know because I was there. All you people who pretend to understand what the US military does in this region should do some serious research before you start touting your tiresome redirect about they can't even do this or that because frankly you have no idea what you are talking about and it only shows how ignorant you are.
Matthew Simon Nov. 05, 2012 - 07:29AM JST
The US military could be the most beneficial organization in the history of mankind (nowhere close), it still doesn't justify its massive, decades-long presence on the small island of Okinawa where a growing number of citizens would prefer them gone to a greater or lesser extent. Stick with the issues that matter.
@taro In circles we talk again. Many of you the complain about the military presence refuse to acknowledge the good things that they do on daily basis. Things that are only possible because they are forward deployed to places like Okinawa. Tell me, how fast do you think the response to things like the Tsunami would have been had they been stationed only stateside? It would have taken days or weeks longer. Also how much longer do you think it will take to respond to a real threat from NK or China without them being here already? I agree that the presence can be reduced however I also must say that much of this protesting and anger incidents aside is due to poor information and ignorance on the part of those involved through no fault of their own. Finally as stated before since the USA has an agreement with Japan for use of the bases and equipment they operate here and is going out of their way to try and acknowledge the fears and complaints of the public in Okinawa (when they really aren't required to) It is up to the people of Okinawa to get elected officials in place that support their voices and will make change happen. Until that happens we just have to agree to disagree.
By the way, probably we should not overestimate this photo. If you look carefully, number of people on photo is not very much. Flags are printed and possibly prepared by one person and provided for others. Result of several questionnaire survey shows opinion is quite equal for both side. Photographers did too good job to emphasize topic. I hope that Japanese media will propagate more scientific data to remove distorted image of Osprey. In any case, I also hope that we will not see more accident. Accident is unnecessary loss of life and money obviously. And it cause huge loss by damaged reputation. In one questionnaire survey, only 42% of Japanese believes statement of US army regarding safety of Osprey. I think there are big room for improvements.
67 years on with very little change. Please list those times when the US has done anything to acknowledge the fears and complaints of the Okinawans. I'll give you the short-term curfews when a local girl is raped.
Oh, sure. It's all a big media-fueled conspiracy against the US military. The poor Okinawans suffer from ignorance (according to Matthew Simon Nov. 05, 2012 - 08:37AM JST "I also must say that much of this protesting and anger incidents aside is due to poor information and ignorance on the part of those involved through no fault of their own.") of the situation because the media hasn't reported the facts correctly and the people are unable to find pertinent information on their own. Glad you all could take the time to clear that up.
@taro you first comment, you mean like listening to the Okinawan Governor in DC recently? @taro and your don't think the media is distorting the truth about these aircraft? You just keep drinking that kool-aid
@taro also what has the Japanese government done to acknowledge the fears and complaints of the Okinawan people aside from token "yes that is too bad" support?
You assume that the J-government is not influenced by the US. That aside, Tokyo takes the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) approach to US bases and are quite happy to have the bases in Okinawa. However, that would all change if the US would express its desire to, say, move Futenma to Kyushu for example. Tokyo would have to go along. Yet, the US, peacekeepers of the world, global human rights protectors, and the spreaders of democracy (whether a nation wants it or not), refuse to relieve the burden on Okinawa. For all of their own unique reasons, everyone is would rather listen to Okinawa complain than do anything about it. The US is supposed to be above that but it isn't.
As for the media, everyone who doesn't like the reporting thinks the media is biased against the truth. The CIA funded media in Japan after the war to promote the "goodness" of America and, later, to promote nuclear power. Those incidents provide specific evidence of media bias (propaganda) by the US so we know they are capable of it. Perhaps they continue to do that in Japan. I would prefer to see it from the POV of the first sentence of this paragraph.
well said taro67 re: (NOV. 05, 2012 - 11:31AM JST)
There is much in what you say.
Well done for saying it.
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