A man wearing a a look-alike mask of U.S. President Barack Obama promotes a pachinko parlor in Tokyo.
© Japan Today
Pachinko man
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A man wearing a a look-alike mask of U.S. President Barack Obama promotes a pachinko parlor in Tokyo.
© Japan Today
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Shocking, Speechless, Japan can not change !
Brilliant! Great image.
"Yes we can" help you to waste your money
"Yes we can!" be ridiculously childish.
I think that it's kinda cheap to use his photo like that. But hey I guess they have to do what they have to do.
Who's the lady in the picture? Why not put some info in on her too?
Man that is a scary looking mask in the smaller compressed photo! It does not look quite so bad when enlarged though. I think everyone everywhere is hoping for better times to come!
Lol, that woman had to be in there didn't she? I think this picture is more about her than the Obama-wanna-be.
ok i will get flamed for this but here i go..... i would have voted for obama if i was an american and wish him luck in his presidency BUT this photo represents the circus nature of his inauguration....what a total waste of everyones time....including obamas
"Yes we can... cause you to leave your children at home/in the car/wherever you like as you spend money that you really can' afford to be spending"
That mask is horrible. Combined with taht horrible coat, it looks more like Devo's "booji boy".
That is such a scary image of Obama, it almost seems like a Halloween mask. I think the woman is trying hard not to notice such a spectacle.
I agree, not a very flattering mask. Scary, looks more like a mask from an African civil war. Makes me think of the "change" Robert Mugabe has brought to Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, not the supposedly more positive change the world is supposedly expecting from Obama.
Man, that mask made me drop my hot coco on my lap.
So much for the Japanese understanding what all this "change" talk is about. They don't get it and are so ignorant.
That seems to be just a joke inducing people to play. There are all kinds of look-alike masks at shops.
piss take, the world is such a piss take... long live America, as the world will continue to take from one hand and slap the other... Japan dont get it.
The caption should read "Japanese woman brushes off pachinko promoter like yesterday's trash". Could she look any more like she doesn't give a rat's hind end about the spectacle behind her? The only thing truly representative of Japan in that pic is her reaction.
YES we can? As in come throw your money away, yes you can?
The real Obama's ears don't stick out like that. And he doesn't wear trousers that are too long for him, like the bloke in the picture.
Is it just me or does it look like they're BOTH wearing masks? With the mask in the foreground being the scarier of the two.
Stephane Dauzat
The 2 masked guys creeped me out
This just goes to show racism in Japan. I honestly don't think they think they are being racist, just naive. It's the same thing as the "monkey" Obama commercial that aired earlier last year.
I won't deny that there is racism in Japan, but I fail to see how this mask shows it. Would a mask of Bush or Clinton show racism? If not, how come this one does?
There are a lot of clueless people who will use anything for an add or promotion because they think it is timely or cool. Zero taste people with even less common sense. It just shows how insulated and clueless some people are.
This post should be a lesson to many out there. Notice how he singled no one out, or take a shot at Japan? That is because there are "people" like tkoind2 describes in every country on the planet. Good post tkoind2 on all points.
esasychord2 - Almost all japanese did NOT think that monkey on that commercial was Mr. Obama. That was just a joke/parody like that movie companies make stupid/funny imitations of original movies. I asked some japanese about it and they did not think he was Obama.
What's the lady holding up - a model of the first mobile phone, is she undertaking a periscope trial for the Japanese Navy or what?
I think she is taking a picture of "Obama"
I wonder why he couldnt wear Japan's Prime Minister mask or the Emperor's mask? Why make a mockery of another nation's leader versuses your own? If its because they dont want to disrepect their leader, than treat another nation's leader with the same respect.
"A man wearing a a look-alike mask of U.S. President Barack Obama;" Oh and to the JT, nothing about the mask looks like President Obama. Have better taste in selecting the picture of the day.
It's racist and stupid ! This is the worst advertising campaign for Pachinko to use.
What does this signify ?
I'll give you that it's stupid and as an advertising ploy fails miserably. I still don't want to play pachinko.
But what makes it racist?
racism |ˌreɪsɪz(ə)m| noun the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief