Japan Today
picture of the day

Paris Hilton


Paris Hilton attends "Girls Graduation Night" to promote her fashion brand Honey Bunch at No Name Club in Daimon on Friday. The party was fully organized and run by student committee members.

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Spot the brain cell.

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I see Paris has learned the Japanese V sign for photos.

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The amountof chlamydia in that one room must be astonishing.

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Why is Paris the only one looking at the Camera?

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So what happened to all the charity work Paris? Remember? After you got out of jail you promised to quote, 'set a better role model' unquote. You also said you would be, 'working hard for charities'. The charities concerned all say they've heard zilch. Keep up the good work ...

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What do you think is the collective non-fashion IQ among all those in the picture? I'd be surprised if it went into triple digits.

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No nipple slip, or anything...! :(

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Good for her. She's pulled herself up from her bootstraps and helps make people happy. Yet some people on the interwebs just want to say negative things about her. What are they insecure about?

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This picture defies the quote: " The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express" - Francis Bacon. Sr.

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I love paris

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This picture made me smile.

I like the yellow hat.

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Just what Japan needs -- it's youth aspiring to be like Paris Hilton.

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I see Paris has learned the Japanese V sign for photos.


Not really. She's only pointing out that that she in fact has TWO brain cells, not just one as uberloser said in his first post...

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The crass leading the clueless

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Just what Japan needs -- it's youth aspiring to be like Paris Hilton.

Agreed lad. Why would she do this to the mindless youth :( we need better role models than this. Look at all the make up! They don't even look real! They look as if they are plastic dolls... guess that's what they aim for.

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She's pulled herself up from her bootstraps and helps make people happy.

What are you talking about? She pulled herself up by her gilded, connected family, not by her bootstraps.

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Paris works hard for her money. I do have high regards for her in that respect. Everything else about her, well, she's just a human being....shit happens in everyone's life.

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You have to come from a disadvantaged background to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps"- in what way has she ever had to struggle?

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why is everyone hating on Paris. Leave here alone. She has a very tough life, been to jail, lost her BFF...etc. etc. etc.

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in what way has she ever had to struggle?

She has to go through backstabbing from her own best friend, gossips from the medias and bitchy comments from some JT posters too....:)

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Wow, so many tramps in one place, and so little time.

herefornow, I'd rate the collective IQ: a sympathy 10. Perhaps I'm being a bit too generous though. My 10 year old daughter has a higher IQ than all in the picture combines.

Moderator: It's not very nice to refer to the girls as tramps. It lowers the level of discussion and reflects badly on yourself.

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Actually, I think Paris is rather clever. She is rather plain looking but manages to make a lot of money. I, myself, am better looking but haven't figured out a way to sell clothes off of my face. I would hazard a guess that she her IQ is triple that of her fans.

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The girl with her face in front of Paris' chest has pefect teeth.

The girl in the yellow hat might als have perfect teeth, but she's hiding them.

proxy - Good one.

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"Wow, so many tramps in one place"

Wow, you must know everything there is to know about these students.

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What's to know? That they adore an ex jail bird who reneges on promises of personal and societal reform? Spends record breaking sums of money in boutiques for a personal wardrobe and offers not a shred of intelligence in interviews. Jealous? No really, just tired of the low caliber role models. No wonder so many young J women are hare-brained. Oops, sorry Sarge, a sensitive point...

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Lots of Japanese and not one has natural black hair.

Is brown the new black? :-)

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What do you think is the collective non-fashion IQ among all those in the picture?

Who cares :-P

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That one girl directly left of Paris looks scary

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The girl with her face in front of Paris' chest is a CanCan model, I'm sure of it.

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Actually, I think Paris looks quite attractive in this photos. For those girls, it is a big thrill and everyone seems to be having a good time.

ptolemy, who are you to refer to these girls as tramps? And as for comparing their IQ to your 10-year-old daughter, yeah right. More likely, your IQ is your daughter's age.

Moderator: Readers, please keep the discussion civil.

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I agree with Razor - these girls are having a good time.

What could possibly be wrong with that??? :-)

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The picture is full, but the heads are vacant.

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I agree with Razor and Sushi.

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gogogo - That's just not the best photo of her. I'll bet she looks less scary in other photos.

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these Japanese girls are merely being used as exotic background accessories for the blonde in the center.

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C'mon, they're all having FUN - you're only young once. I wish I was that young and innocent.

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Why is paris and the girl on her right who is half out of the pic the only two looking at the camera? accident or planned that way? Are there many other cameras? Why does paris know which one to look at? why don't hte other girls know? Does JT have an in with paris we don't know about?

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Well guys, I think everyone looks great here. Only in Japan would Paris have only average looking skin, and hers is tremendous. (Sooo jealous!) Actually, the J-girls look pretty intelligent. Not too much make-up, and quite alert looking. I like them.

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I cant think of anything +ve PH has done, looks more like she is using these kids to open a new store to sell her crap, maybe call it whores-are-us.

If I had a daughter & knew this hair brained twit was coming I wud make sure my daughter stayed home that day, I cant think of anything +ve that PH cud offer school girls unless she was giving a speech & trying to tell them about all her mistakes(wud take a while though) & to NOT follow in her hairbrained footsteps

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An airhead like Hilton fits in perfectly in Japan. It's not her skin I'm thinking about, Miffy. I'm more worried what disease she might be bringing here.

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Mom 'n daughters

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I bet there's not a D-cup in the lot. What a waste.


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This is in Lex, right? i was there.

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correction, didn't read the caption lol... she came to lex later anyway.

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the j girls must love hilton; she is "cute" and rich. also, she must love japan; zero chance of her receiving any criticism over here for contributing zero to society in spite of the silver spoon in her mouth

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gosh..it's already almost midnight and you guys are still bitching about Paris Hilton?...go get a life!

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I Must say the girl in the middle right is gougers! I hope she comes on this site and reads this comments and leaves something good for me :P... girls that beautiful is the reason I love Japan :) :) :)!!!

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earthcreature - The girl with the perfect teeth? Gougers? Yeah, she is!

What about the two girls on the left?

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Paris Hilton, I just love that girl

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gougers? That's "gorgeous" that you wanted, I think.

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hmm but her brand doesn't seem to make her look as good as she used to be .. does she really like these kawaii kinda flavour?

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Wow! All these ladies want a picture with a Paris. But all I see in Japan is sooo much better lookin chic everywhere the eye can see! I mean I get whip lash everytime Im there..

P.S. Love those yellow teeth, girl in the green. She so Austin Powers!

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Sarge at 05:50 AM JST - 1st March earthcreature - The girl with the perfect teeth? Gougers? Yeah, she is! What about the two girls on the left?

They are okay. No where near as good as the perfect teeth :P hahahhah sorry about the typo :P hahah. GOUGERS LADS!!!hgahha

I will miss that girl :*(

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I wish I was that young and innocent

who said anything about being innocent?

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Miss Hilton could do more, but she doesn't. She does well at promoting herself. Some of us who don't come from wealthy families or have a lot of money are active in our communities taking care of the elderly, organizing voters, collecting winter coats for children, rescuing animals, and on. We work at full-time jobs and manage to do volunteer work in our free time. Miss Hilton doesn't. She could at least campaign for planned parenthood. But she doesn't. She gives an impression to the rest of the world that Americans are vapid and shallow, and we're not. She doesn't care about the message she gives off as long as it's PR for her. This is why I'm hoping she'll abandon this country and go live in England or France, anywhere else.

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for me japanese girl is more pretty and cute

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