Protesters, including Japanese upper house lawmaker Taro Yamamoto (front 2nd L), demonstrate against a state-secrets law during a rally in Tokyo's Shibuya district on Saturday.
© Japan Today
People power
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Protesters, including Japanese upper house lawmaker Taro Yamamoto (front 2nd L), demonstrate against a state-secrets law during a rally in Tokyo's Shibuya district on Saturday.
© Japan Today
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And good to see some young people in the picture standing up against Abefascism. Made my day.
This is a humble start for true democracy. Everyone has a right to assemble, guaranteed by the Constitution. According to an idiot ISHIBA's definition, these people are terrorists. That's a far from the truth and I would like him removed from political arena for good.
Surely the title should be People Powerless?
Most of these people have the right to vote. Let us hope they good memories of how the LDP walked all over the people will in the next election. If Japanese democracy is to be saved the LDP and its followers must be removed from power.
It's good to see people standing up for what they believe. One can't help but wonder how long they'll be allowed to.
Mariam Tebourbi
unless mass protests happen across the country, Abe and co. won't listen to the people, and nothing is going to change. Nice pic though
The secret you missed, Probie, is that protest is actually fun! So, yes, people smile.
New government would change / rescind the state secrets law after next general election if people don't forget it and still want to lose it at that time. I don't think LDP is ruling this country forever.
I dunno, I asked my Japanese neighbors and co-workers what they think about the state secrets law, and over half of them agreed with it...
44% is not a majority.
LDP 43.01%
New Komeito 1.49%
Your Party 4.71%
total 49.21%
Still not a majority, especially with a postwar low turnout of less than 60%. The LDP coalition didn't win; everybody else lost.,_2012
The LDP won because the DPJ fell to pieces, the economy was at rock-bottom, Abe promised a 'return' to prosperity, and the other opposition parties decided to squabble among themselves instead of working together to keep the LDP out. I do not recall any talk at all about secrecy laws in the run up to the election.
People Power? The law passed. Obviously the politicians who pushed through the law have no respect or concern about people power. If the people want to really show their power -- do so in the next election -- vote out all those who supported the law!
People power?
Glad to see the people out and about, but with the new law passed it won't be long before the riot team is called in with clubs and shields, then SWAT, and people who do this kind of thing are imprisoned or killed. The Japanese government has TRULY taken a very, very large step back with this law, and they seem hell-bent on becoming like China in terms of state control. As such, again, I am truly glad to see that a lot of people don't want to go back down that road.
Mariam Tebourbi
Also, way to go Yamamoto-san!
If the Japanese can do the same as what the Ukrainian people are doing right now, then they have a chance for change.
No, you cannot.
(is it really getting that bad where you can just buy these signs).
No, it is not.
Have you ever heard of computers and printers?
I am absolutely shocked.
You mean to tell me Japanese people actually protest and speak out publicly against things, which contradicts the stereotype of "all" Japanese as being an unthinking mass of brainwashed sheeple afraid to go against the grain?
The things you learn everyday.
J Govt needs to listen to the voice of it's people and learn to compromise. At least in passing a less ambiguous secrets bill. But I fear J Govt does not realize that to bring anger to it's people's hearts equals losing the next election and hopefully ousting of some of the dead weight in J Govt.
Tess de la Serna
You are not Asian, right? Most of them are not really that way. Their culture is very very different to the west but they are not what the western thinks. Most Asian act slow... very slow, especially in politics. I don't know why. I have lived in both hemisphere and I can say that Asians are more into spirituality while the Western are into applications, "practical" stuff.
My apologies if I have not explain myself clearly.
SerranoDec. 08, 2013 - 11:38AM JST
And possibly, they are too ignorant to know what they have given up in exchange of national security.. I found this secret law is too ambiguous. The law has to strike a balance between national security vs freedom, but this law is missing that fail safe vehicle. Hope Japan does not repeat the same mistakes that lead them into the WW2.
I pray for Japan and Japanese.
Too little, too late.
I hope you are right.
badsey3Dec. 09, 2013 - 04:09AM JST
So what does it mean? So are they just having fun or real?
Really? Because governments around the world have found using the barrel gun does in fact solve their core issues.
Well it shouldn't be a surprise since the majority voted for the people who authored this bill/law.
It is "laws" like this is why you have the 2nd amendment.
NolivingDec. 09, 2013 - 12:24AM JST
The right of gun ownership does not resolve core issues, PERIOD. Nice try.
cleoDec. 09, 2013 - 02:58AM JST
Thanks for the update of polls. This is a critical info to consider.
I wonder why they haven't protested Chinese invasion actions. I'd like to tell this reason. Why they only attack Japanese government? It's obvious that China is bad behavior. Do a demonstration front of Chinese embassy as well as crazy against state-secrets law demonstration! Why they never do it?
=Must be able to buy those signs at the 100Yen shops now (is it really getting that bad where you can just buy these signs). 60's-early 70's protests in Japan were big.
The US government support it, BIG brother has spoken.
OT) Obama Administration Welcomes the Passage of Japan's State Secret ...
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman: ... Japan's Major Newspapers Have Timely "Scoops" on t... ... Discussion of Japan's State Secrecy Protectio ...
So Yamamoto has added another issue to his repertoire? Good for him for breaking out of the one trick pony rut. Idiocy spread thinner is still idiocy.
The farmers must be delighted. They voted for the LDP, and aren't their votes worth about 4 or 5 times that of the city-dwellers?
If they are so passionate about this, why are some of the smiling like they're having a fun time?
It's probably an event to some of them. Seeing that detracts from the point.
Cleo, That's just the LDP. The LDP, New Komeito and Your Party combined did receive over 50% of the vote. This law is in fact the will of the voters.
I don't think this protest is real. they are just having fun. to get what it feels like to be a foreigner protesting for a day from tv. they want to make you think they are protesting for the bill. if only the people of japan really supported democracy and human rights. they ALL move and think in one unit. and that unit supports japan the people of japan. period.