From left: Chiaki Kuriyama, Kaya Scodelario, Johnny Depp, Brenton Thwaites and Taishi Nakagawa attend the Japan premiere of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" at the Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo on Tuesday night. The film opens in Japan on July 1.
© Japan Today
Pirate gang
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Johnny looks half dead in the photo so an apt title.
Aly Rustom
Depp has aged a bit.
Kuriyama though, stunningly beautiful as ever.
Guess who looks like he needs a better-than-average vintage of Cloud Bay pinot noir? Or has he already had a couple and needs to be held up by Kaya and Brenton?
I hope Depp can pay off his debts soon so they'll stop making these movies.
I remember thoroughly enjoying the first one with my girlfriend at the theatre. We weren't married at the time. We are going to celebrate our 14th anniversary this year. This series has been going on way too long.
JD looks rough. Why are these other people part of the publicity. Japanese voiceovers? Eye candy?
Looks like Jonny depp bought his suit during one of these beginning-of-year sales "Fukubukuro"
No style whatsoever.
Johnny D is looking well past his sell by date.
True. Shame, he could have done with the money....
The mother of his children really took good care of him and his family. Once he gave her up his life went to hell.
Just give 2003 a call, I think they have it all there.
Just do a Google news search for Johnny Depp, pretty much all the stories recently are about him being on the verge of bankruptcy (lavish $2 million per month lifestyle + expensive divorce + use of dubious management agency = he is going to be making Pirate movies until they become the 2030s equivalent of late 1990s Steven Segal straight to video releases).
He has set sail on the good ship Nicholas Cage, with Bruce Willis as his cabin mate.
Depp needs to go away. Never liked him, never will and his abuse allegations and known temper make me wonder why he's even a "star" anymore.
As a victim of abuse myself, I agree that Depp's last marriage was marked by abuse. Seems he still hasn't recovered from it, poor guy.
Geoff Gillespie
@ Reckless
Long gone and with good reason. His personal life - which we really didn't need to know about, but there ya go - is a joke and his "career" even more so. He has become the least bankable actor in Hollywood with a trail of miserable efforts in his wake and a big fat pay cheque for each of them in his chubby little mitts, guaranteeing the movies are all financial disasters. Was great early on, especially in Donnie Brasco, but since then...meh.
As a victim of abuse myself, I agree that Depp's last marriage was marked by abuse. Seems he still hasn't recovered from it, poor guy.
Yes, I'm sure a former victim would make such remarks.