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Protesters shout slogans at a march denouncing South Korea and China in Tokyo on Saturday. About 70 demonstrators gathered to denounce South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's call for Emperor Akihito to go beyond expressing "deepest regrets" for Japan's 1910-1945 colonial rule last month. They also criticized China which sent six Chinese surveillance ships yesterday to waters near disputed islands, known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, amid growing tension between Asia's two biggest economies over the disputed islands.

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Poor old guy looks like he could do with some laxatives...

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Good Morning Japan. Another day of tension, I am afraid...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Hope this group can keep it peaceful and civilized. I am all for protesting but if it becomes a mob like in China, it isn't going to do any good.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Tit for Tat.... as the snowball rolls down the hill....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Gambare nippon !

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

Is that a hindu dot?

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

It is about time Japan stand for its rights. The best defense is a strong offense and possession is 9/10 of the law. More protests are needed in front of the embassies. Unfortunately, people in Japan can't just take a day off and still get paid like the Chinese.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Protesting sure is in vogue these days. At least the Japanese aren't killing anybody or destroying anything.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

When thousands of people gather to protest against nuclear energy, it's not reported, but when only 70 nationalists scream, it's picked up in the news. Bias?

18 ( +19 / -1 )

Again, this time a Japanese loser. While the smart ones are busy feeding 'their families. Still, as others hae pointed out they aren;t injuuring people, smashing cars and restaurants and throwing crap at the chinese embassy.

When thousands of people gather to protest against nuclear energy, it's not reported, but when only 70 nationalists >scream, it's picked up in the news. Bias?

Ansoplutely . JT feeds on controversy.

7 ( +9 / -2 )


3 ( +4 / -1 )

Warispeace, you're right.

The media here is orchestrating events nicely, keeping the pot light off nuclear protests, and hyping up the hatred for China to justify wasting so much money on some rocks.

Which is more important? You decide...well, actually the media dictates.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

As more Japanese are physically attacked in China and more Japanese businesses are destroyed, look to see the right wing in Japan become more emboldened.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The Japanese people will need more help from Americans. Please send more Ospreys, we need to be defended by America.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

House there were 70 right wing demonstrators, while in China there are thousands. Next from China will be the killing of Japanese residents. Perhaps the Chinese government will round them up for their "protection".

-6 ( +5 / -11 )


The best defense is a strong offense and possession is 9/10 of the law.

Please remember this thought when the Northern Islands issue comes up again and after China takes those islands by force.

Also, just as a side note, the original quote is "Possession is nine points of the law"

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I witnessed this between Shinjuku and Ikebukuro on route 305 yesterday.

They are all completely livid, and it looked like there were definitely more than 70 people there. There may have been 70 core members waving flags, but a lot more joined them and were walking along shouting too. The police stretched a good way behind and a long way in front.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Hundreds of Japanese march in Tokyo, against Korea, shouting "Kill Korea!"


I don't get it. Japan's getting spanked by China, but Japanese protest more against Koreans instead.

I think Japan is a coward. They can't say anything to China, but it's easy to pick on the weaker neighbor, whom Japan blames for all their economic troubles.

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

Some eyewitnesses say the crowds got bigger and bigger and thousands of Japanese ended up joining the mob protests, with attacks and harrassments on any people who they thought were Koreans (some were probably Japanese mistaken to be Koreans).

Koreans should stay away from Japan, it's very dangerous in Japan. They will attack any people who are found to be Koreans.

Japan is not really much better than China.

-13 ( +9 / -22 )

It is now time for Japan to call all good Japanese men and women, including long-term permanent residents to and aid for this great country.

Start the ROTC program and increase the current numbers of read-reserve force of 50,000 men to 200,000.

Early this morning, 100 Chinese Fishing Vessels left China bound for the Senkakus for the first phase of INVASION, or shall we say, TESTING JAPANESE RESOLVE and national defence.

This strategy were succesful in the case of grabing islands and reefs of the Philippines and Vietnam by sending large flotilla of fishermens ships first, then the PLAN noy at the far distance.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

In the States.... no one is up in arms about Islamists.... we know this is not some massive well constructed reaction to some idiot's movie. Just a bunch of out of work bad boys with little else to do. Even when 911 happened we didn't protest.... protesting is like throwing a fake punch.... in America... you don't fake a punch.... the consequences can be painful. We either do nothing or you will soon know otherwise.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I think that any protest is okay, acceptable without violence breaking something that someone is owning, on the other hand, in China, thousands of protesters are acting like hell as if there is no law there.

7 ( +7 / -0 )


You got some gaul asking us foreign residents to get reading to fight China on behalf of the a-holes in j-govt, j-politicians who have played a HUGE part in tis fiasco!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

And that's one of the big differences between Japan and China. Here they tend to do things the civilized way. China on the other side...

5 ( +10 / -5 )

@kwatt you are right! Protesting is fine,but creating a mayhem is unacceptable. As long as these japanese protester don't go berserk like the chinese do, it will still be another peaceful day here in Japan.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

@chucky7136; ah thanks for the link! Yeah, that is what I witnessed yesterday. Was confused when this report said there were only 70 people. Waaaaaaaaay more than that!

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Koreans should stay away from Japan, it's very dangerous in Japan. They will attack any people who are found to be Koreans.

Sources? Links? Evidence? I visit over 10 companies a week for work, mainly in Tokyo. Some places I have visited this month include Shin-Okubo (Korean town) and Asakusa (major tourist destination). I saw lots of Chinese and Koreans but I have never witnessed what you claim.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

CarbonLayup, it could be possible, there were more than one protest going on at the same time. Also, the Japanese media tends to play down any stories that can reflect negatively on Japan. A Korean woman tourist with her child was surrounded and attacked by the Japanese mob made up of both men and women. They pushed the poor woman and her child around and spat on them. There are also more reports coming from Korean tourists in Japan who just got off the planes, who are getting death threats in their hotels, called racist names, and told to go back to Korea. No such things are happening to millions of Japanese tourists to Korea who are happily enjoying their stays in Korea. Like one person said above, this tells you who is civilized and who isn't.

-12 ( +5 / -17 )


A Korean woman tourist with her child was surrounded and attacked by the Japanese mob made up of both men and women. They pushed the poor woman and her child around and spat on them. There are also more reports coming from Korean tourists in Japan who just got off the planes, who are getting death threats in their hotels, called racist names, and told to go back to Korea. No such things are happening to millions of Japanese tourists to Korea who are happily enjoying their stays in Korea. Like one person said above, this tells you who is civilized and who isn't.

Again link please.

13 ( +14 / -1 )


And that's one of the big differences between Japan and China. Here they tend to do things the civilized way.

There may be some rape victims and Cetaceans that don't quite see it that way.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The fools in Korea and China meet their counterparts...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Your link to the outrageous stories about Japan points to a Korean blog.... hardly a credible source. If you want us to believe these stories about supposed attacks on Koreans here, pleae show more credible evidence.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

NHK have been covering the protests in China the past few days, even showing a meagerly attended protest on Friday with 12 or so people. Will they now show these Japanese lunatics spouting their hatred, or will it be the usual "Japan can do no wrong" editorial attitude that will prevail?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

This guy's probably just happy that he finally has a purpose in life; sad that purpose is rage and desperation. Anyway, so long as they keep it peaceful, unlike what's going on in China, then all's good.

But here's a thought; while Chucky has given us examples of Japanese behaving in the exact same manner as the Chinese we denounce, and only provided a link from a Korean blog (which I agree is not really credible), do you think if such incidents were occurring in Japan that they would publicize and play it up in the media here? Of COURSE they will play up every single incident of attacks on Japanese nationals, but would they REALLY report in detail when Japanese at home attack other nationals? It's going to happen here if it hasn't already -- despite the differing nationalities we are all still human, and humans are all still flawed.

And just think.... all of this because of one old man in Tokyo who should have retired from politics long ago.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

WillieB, my links all go back to Korean newspapers who have quoted Korean tourists and Korean reporters who have taken pictures of Japanese protesters holding the Rising Sun flags with signs saying urging Japanese to kill Koreans. I really don't understand where I'm supposed to get links that would satisfy you when the Japanese media and the Japanese people will never admit their citizens do anything hateful. But the proof is in the pudding, the anti-Korean protests have been going on a daily basis since last year, but now the difference is it's gone much bigger and they involve physical harrassments and verbal assaults, with on the verge of violence. The Japanese seem to be taking their frustrations involving the Chinese, on the Koreans. The more Chinese put pressure on Japan, the more angry Japanese get on the Koreans.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

I think this was the bunch that passed me yesterday on Koushu-Kaido, Shinjuku. They were a small group, no black vans, looked fairly normal. As I said in another thread, if China (and Korea) keeps pushing this way, they are going to inadvertently push the general public's sentiment to the right.

Usually the nationalists appeal to no one but themselves. That might not be the case for much longer.

Anyone who lives here knows the general Japanese population does not hate Koreans or Chinese, yet China brings its children up to hate the Japanese, blaming the current generation of Japanese for the sins of their fathers. (I don't know if Korea does the same in its schools.)

China's education system teaches hatefulness and spite to a generation more affected by the policies of its own country and leaders than by the actions of the Japanese.

Soon, then, for the Japanese to learn to be men of grosser blood.

(We may talk about how Japan has its own version of history. Yet China is not innocent here either. Only last week it had to back down from its plan to introduce patriotism lessons into Hong Kong schools - propagandizing that the one-party system works best, and more than one party leads to chaos, glossing over Mao's mass starvation of his own people, glossing over Tiananmen Square... and as a Brit, I never learned in school about Britain's mass destruction of Dresden, or the historical persecution of the Irish.)

It's time for everyone to step back, draw breath, and calm down.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

And if you look at the photos in Chucky's link you will notice that NOT ONE member of the Japanese general public is paying these marchers any attention at all. The nationalists exist in their own world. Let's hope it stays that way.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

dear chucky, you don't question the source's credibility? I bet those stories were fabricated, and images are photoshop'ed. Japanese people are really polite, I know because I have worked with them.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

oh, and I doubt the reasoning ability of someone who claimed Samsung's products are better than Sony's :))

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Isn't it strange that you won't find too many anti Chinese protests in Japan, yet anti Korean protests go on daily, day after day, for years? Not only that, the more the Chinese riot against Japan in China, the more Japanese protest against Koreans who are basically doing nothing but watching from the side lines. The explanation is this. Japanese know they can't anger China too much because they know very well what China can do to Japan. Korea, on the other hand, Japanese consider as couple of rungs lower than the racially superior Japanese. So I suppose it's easier to attack the weaker sub human ethnics, rather then angering China which is much admired in Japan.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Chucky, you are wrong.

There were plenty of anti-China placards in the march that passed me yesterday. I only saw two anti-Korea placards, one saying Kill Korea (the other side said Kill China) and one claiming the idea of comfort women being forced was a fantasy.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

blackrock, Samsung's are better, go check out the Consumer Reports magazines and others to find where Sony rate compared to the world's best and largest hardware making company. I have to question someone's reasoning ability, when he still hasn't gotten out of the 1990's.

hatsoff, being polite has nothing to do with what's inside their minds. I bet all those who carry kill Koreans signs are also polite at the same time. The general public minding their business? How do you know who's general public and who isn't? I think those who carry the flags and marching with kill Korean signs are also general public too. Even if what you say is true, how come the general public have never said anything to counter the haters? The answer is because they support them silently.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

And just think.... all of this because of one old man in Tokyo who should have retired from politics long ago.

Not really. These island disputes have been simmering continually for over 60 years. And they will continue to boil up and simmer down because there does not seem to be any possible feasible resolution to the situation. All concerned have put themselves in positions whereby it would be political suicide to stand down on the issue. Similar anti-Japanese demonstrations by the Chinese have taken place in 1971, 1989, 1990, 1996, 2004, 2005, and 2010.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Regarding attacks on Korean tourists, I live in korea and have heard none of this on KBS or Yonhap News.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Not really. These island disputes have been simmering continually for over 60 years.

That's not true, nobody really cared about the islands until now. Chinese activists have been getting arrested for years and nobody cared then.

But now it's clearly getting mainstream. Ishihara started the whole thing.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

There's a difference between some far-right nobody making a statement and an actual high ranking official making a statement.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Even if what you say is true, how come the general public have never said anything to counter the haters? The answer is because they support them silently.

No Chucky, you're fuelling your own fantasies here. Look at the photos in your own post. Look at the pedestrians. Are they showing ANY interest at all in the protestors? No. Not one iota of interest.

The general public not saying anything about the protesters DOES NOT equate to tacit agreement. Spend any time in Japan and you find this is a perfectly normal response. Brits, Americans, Chinese, etc - we all voice our opinions freely; we don't wait to be asked. The Japanese don't do that.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

That's not true, nobody really cared about the islands until now.

@Thomas Anderson. You can't be serious. Try this for starters:


0 ( +1 / -1 )

I am serious. Please tell me when this dispute has gone mainstream before as it is now.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

In fact, both sides can't utilize the resources there if the disputes continues. Having a war for it is nonsense and do no good for the both the Chinese and Japanese, except the US may profit from the arms sales.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And that's one of the big differences between Japan and China. Here they tend to do things the civilized way. China on the other side...

The difference is due to education. The Japanese are more laid back about it, because in schools they aren't taught what really happened in the Pacific War. The Chinese and Koreans get riled up because they are taught extensively about Japanese atrocities and conquest, so the memory is more alive there than here.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

@JeffLee you are funny! We all know Chinese and Korean people are brainwashed by their governments. Here is an example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZHy2NDU9R8

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

JeffLee: and you think the Chinese are any better? Nope, their government even censors internet.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Still, as others hae pointed out they aren;t injuuring people, smashing cars and restaurants and throwing crap at the chinese embassy.

And like the Japanese media would print anything if they did. They lower the numbers of the nuclear protesters and ignore then and then turn around and cover this? They also lowered the numbers of this from what people have said. Wouldn't want to appear to similar to the "red Chinese" right?

I also have zero doubts that Koreans and Chinese are being spit on and insulted - they get that anyway. Pushed and shoved? No doubts there. Anyone who thinks differently really does need to get out a bit more and speak to others about how they feel about Koreans and Chinese. The only people are clueless are the teens to 20 something who don't really have an opinion because they haven't a clue about history. Chat to someone 60 or so and many of them will rant for days about the Chinese and Koreans. And why? What has China and Korea even done to the Japanese in the past century?? Nothing. What has Japan done? Where to begin....

This is all pathetic and petty - and you can claim Ishihara for stroking the embers and creating flames. Why people on this board are ignoring that is beyond me.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )


How about invasion of Takeshima by ROK and killing of many fishermen during that time?

How about the man who had a bowl of ramen thrown at him?

How about the Japanese coast guard cutter being rammed by a Chinese Fisherman while violating Japanese territory?

How about the Japanese Businessmen that were abducted and framed by the PRC government for spying?

The list could go on..

1 ( +5 / -4 )

That's not true, nobody really cared about the islands until now. Chinese activists have been getting arrested for years and nobody cared then.

In 2005 the same thing happened as is happening now. The authorities let people protest and cause damage. They only stepped in when they thought things had gone too far. And even if they arrest people, they won't be as harshly treated as if they were protesting against something else, e.g. the Chinese Communist Party, or campaigning for democracy.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Just hope those protests don't start turning violent like those in China right now. Even my Chinese neighbor living here in Japan said that he feels safer here than trying to go back home to China. I even asked him if he felt afraid that Japanese people living here would be hostile towards him, but he reassured me that he has many good Japanese friends who actually have expressed concern about his family's welfare back in China and have wondered if they're not being affected by all the violence happening or lost their jobs because of this. They still continue to frequent his shop even through all of this and have continued to support him. Then again, maybe the 70 or so protesters above would have another thing to say about this. And then again, I would rather have 70 people hate me, than the millions of Chinese protesting violently in demos all across China.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

hatsoff: " I only saw two anti-Korea placards, one saying Kill Korea (the other side said Kill China) and one claiming the idea of comfort women being forced was a fantasy."

Anyone who would bother to make sign saying the idea of comfort women being forced was a fantasy KNOWS they are wrong, and probably their family was involved in the raping of women overseas, so they need to 'comfort' themselves with such signs. If one thinks it's an utter fantasy, why go to the lengths said people do to say it was a fantasy?

As for these protests, as I said before, I'm glad to see they are not getting violent.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Anyway, hope no one forgets this when Ishihara pushes for the Olympics in Tokyo! :) Looks like he sunk his own ship, so to speak.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@JeffLee you are funny! We all know Chinese and Korean people are brainwashed by their governments. Here is an example. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZHy2NDU9R8

I've heard something about it but I was not sure. SKorean teachers are really teaching hatred of Japan in school.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

kwatt, Japanese teachers are teaching revisionist history. It's a national pasttime in Japan.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Can't say I'm surprised, wonder how far this will escalate?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

**How about invasion of Takeshima by ROK and killing of many fishermen during that time?

How about the man who had a bowl of ramen thrown at him?

How about the Japanese coast guard cutter being rammed by a Chinese Fisherman while violating Japanese territory?

How about the Japanese Businessmen that were abducted and framed by the PRC government for spying?

The list could go on..**

Go on then because what you've listed is pretty poor in comparison to what the Koreans and the Chinese have suffered at the hands of the Japanese in the last century.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Many people here just think the Chinese government is promoting anti-Japan emotion in China. To the contrary, the Chinese government has adopted a friendly policy towards Japan, the foreign ministry is dominated by pro-Japan officials. Since Japanese politician stirred up the disputes by purchasing the islands, Chinese people think their government has betrayed the national interest and demand a tough stance towards Japan.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

again where I work, not one Chinese or Korean cared about squat, they are here to make money and return home,, they don't give a rats ass about some rocks, a island.. one Chinese asked me(I am American, Texas Mexican) and know about land being taken, but he asked me, which do I like more Japan or China? I said both, I am a guest to both nations when I visit, though Japan is my home now, I forget the past, and live for the future, I have four LOVELY children half Japaneses/Mexican Americans, and what happened in the past has no effect on their or our lives.. We are happy why can't the world be??

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I remember in that Movie Crocodile Dundee, when he was asked about the Aborigenies claim to New Zealand territory, he said they don't claim it, they belong to it, who's gonna care after 1000 years? They will be gone and the Land it will still be here! Nice Saying Mate!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don't understand what people are referring to when they say Koreans have done something to the Japanese. Are there been massive protests against Japanese? Are there been Korean protests against Japan? Are there been Koreans rampaging through and smashing properties and burning them? Are there been Koreans holding up placards against Japanese and calling them to be murdered? Are there been threats against Japanese tourists? Nope. None. In fact, Japanese visitors to Korea just keeps growing. Yet, you guys are putting Koreans as some violent criminals and refer to us as "them Chinese and Koreans". I just don't get where all this hatred comes from.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@Tezbo - "Well, you see Aborigines doen't own the land. They belong to it. It's like their mother. See those rocks? Been standing there for 600 million yeras. Still be there when you and I are gone. So arguing about who owns them is like 2 fleas arguing over who owns the dog they live on."

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The difference between China and Japan is not how the protest.... civilized versus uncivilized. The difference is Boiling Point. The Chinese boil at around 150 degrees.... even less than alcohol..... while the Japanese have a higher boiling point... but when the Japanese do boil.... the extra heat required to get there is released with a furor. It is not about civilized / uncivilized at all.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Yes, Mikosuzuki-san,

The Japanese people will need more help from Americans. Please send more Ospreys, we need to be defended by America.

You are right!

More Ospreys, please!

More US bases!

We need American defense!


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japanese education and media whitewash history. Chinese, S. Koreans play up history. Two different approaches, two different reactions. Both sides are to blame.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@Aries, I think you got the wrong message from my comment. I was referring to protests, demos and riots.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Now - let's see if this old man has the guts to try this on the streets of Beijing! I'd pay any price to have a front row ticket for that!

Japanese education and media whitewash history. Chinese, S. Koreans play up history. Two different approaches, two different reactions. Both sides are to blame.

A voice of reason - agree 100% Jeff.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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