People offer prayers on the first business day of the year Wednesday at Tokyo's Kanda Myojin shrine, which is known to be frequented by worshippers seeking good luck and prosperous businesses.
© Japan TodayPraying for prosperity
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They'll have a better chance at the voting booths.
true, but they have faith in Abenomics.
I know it's tradition and all, but seems to me if these folks are praying to the "Gods" for "good luck" and "prosperity" seems to me they should consider those "Gods" more than just around the New Year!
Moderator: Please do not make fun of traditions like this.
their gods are greedy , once a year prayer to them is all the require.
Moderator: Please refrain from making stupid comments like this.
Leigh Ivan Quintellio Wighton
Don't just pray, make it so!
They are working hard making it so when not praying.
One of the main differences between hatsmoude and New Year's Resolutions; the former you ask for it from outside, and the latter you do it yourself.
"Don't just pray, make it so."
An interesting sentiment, given the difference between "Good luck," and "頑張って."
New Year prayer is routine job every year. It seems that most of people think to get jinx if they don't.
Let the Japanese economy shine from this year. The good times of the economy is not very far.
Unfortunately you will not get everything you pray for in life. Many great people were either born prosperous, became prosperous or had access to riches whenever the need arose. Remember prosperous thinking can open the way to prosperous results.
Prosperity is very simple. You get it by making more money than you spend.
It's got nothing to do with God, belief or prayer.
If they would just rally for a union they'd be better off
Reminds me of the first time I visited Tokyo many years ago. All I saw in Shinjuku in the morning was a sea of black suits.
Statistical studies with control groups?
Maybe with CEOs of public stock companies, so stock prices could be used to test outcomes?
Daniel Naumoff
At least once praying for the wellbeing, not the fleeting wealth, would be fine. Just once.
Aly Rustom
With Abe at the helm? Fat chance. Unless they are praying to become politicians..
Exactly! Best quote I've heard all day
True too