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© ReutersProtest near Israeli embassy
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But, of course, they don't protest against Hamas' slaughter of innocent civilians.
Because they hate Jews.
Because they support terrorists!
Any way you look at it, they support the slaughter of Jews by terrorists.
That is what their actions say!
Bruce Pennyworth
Has absolutely nothing to do with hating Jews and everything to do with the fact that Israel treats all Palestinians as if they are terrorist when half of them are children. Israel is justifying a genocide based off the attack of a small group of them and your response is "it's because they hate jews"
You are taking a complex issue and thinking about it without any attempt at comprehension.
Nah, you're right. They don't hate Jews at all...
Indeed! You are taking a simple issue - do Jews have a right to life - and thinking about it without any attempt at comprehension.
Once you accept that Jews have a right to live then talk is possible. Hamas wants to exterminate Jews so talk with them is not possible.
Dale Spenser
I guess they could have added "Stop Hamas!" but that would be asking too much.
NCIS Reruns
What chutzpa! How dare Israel defend itself?
Aly Rustom
Bruce Pennyworth-
The only one above making sense.
Fuji Matsu
Small mistake guys...the attack is not on Gaza. It's on Hamas.
Poor Palestinians who are kept hostage by Hamas are waiting for Israel to finally save them from the worst leadership they ever had. Leadership (Hamas) who is a Terror group who cares only about themselves and not about the 2 million people who live in Gaza in poverty and fear.
Hamas has slaughtered more than 1300 people in Israel on October 7th. 80% are civilians - Children, Women, Elderly! To all commentators here, think twice before you run and protect Palestinians. They are actually looking forward to Israel saving them from Hamas.
Good luck Israel with releasing the hostages. Next step is to remove Hamas and then have peace with Palestine.
No one celebrates loss of life anywhere! (Oops. Except the Arabs around the world who continue celebrating the successful terror attack on Israel.)
At least Israel gave them a warning and a chance to get out of the country before trying to eliminate Hamas - unlike Hamas did with Israel.
But still, I doubt that most Jews are happy to see loss of civilian lives in Gaza. I think the Palestinians could help their case out by agreeing to allow the Jews to exist alongside them. Israel even lets them into the country to work for goodness sakes.
Anyway, we all hope this stops soon and that as few lives are lost as possible.
When the UN divvied up the land in 1948, Israel got the worst part and yet, look at it today. Look at where the Palestinians are today. If they would only have been willing to peacefully co-exist and put their aid money towards helping their people, I think things would be quite different today.
I believe Japanese do not have that strong feelings against Jews like in other parts in the world. We have been living in these islands, isolated far East and historically do not have much experiences with "foreigners" including Jews. For instance, many people in the world could tell Jewish people by their family names, but who could in Japan? So, dismissing those demonstrators in Japan as Jew haters is not appropriate, and it's wrong to assume that those people don't feel anything to see bloody scenes of the Hamas attack. It's just very painful to watch continuing bombardments in Gaza and the civilian victims thereby. Personally, I would consider the world a hopeless place if extremists on both sides are not be marginalized and ways for the two states solution for coexistence will not emerge after ten and thousands of people are killed.
Who said they hate Jews? check those videos of Jewish communities in London & NYC protesting against the Israeli's illegal occupation. Israel is the terrorist here who is justifying their actions because Palestinians want to defend themselves.
When Jews were expelled from Germany, no other European country wanted them in, but Palestine did. They took them in and these "settlers" took full control of the land and stole the land of the indigenous Palestinians. No one hates anyone. Palestinians don't hate Jews- they hate the Zionists. Even the Jews themselves hate Zionists.
Before saying anything, do some proper research
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