Miss Universe Japan Emiri Miyasaka, 25, shows the costume she will wear to the final of the global competition in the Bahamas in August. ''I think this kimono appears very avant-garde and shocking. If I could express the concept with one word, it would be 'shin' (new),'' said Miyasaka who is a model. Currently undergoing training, such as how to walk, put on makeup and speak English, Miyasaka said she can hardly wait for the day she ends her slimming diet. Asked what she wants to do first after the contest, she answered: ''Eat grilled meat.''
© Japan Today
Reach for the Universe
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I'd like to say something but I can't find the right words. Probably, somewhere beneath that mess is an attractive woman. Is that the image of Japan she is going to project to the world?
I'm having the same trouble as smartacus...
And what an image indeed. She might be attractive but this woman needs to apply makeup with a brush and not a gardening spade. I might suggest that the person dressing her also gets off the mind-altering drugs.
Yikes is the first word that came to mind.
She looks like a slutty old bitch..no offense just sharing my thoughts only..really lost sense of fashion..the designer is a Joker..
japanese drag queen? japan will have an excellent chance of winning in that classy 'costume'!
Ow! Crotch shot!
Please....someone stop her...and her personal assistant....what next adult movies ??? Insult to any kimono maker...what's with the hair ???
This is most likely the country-themed costume, which tend to be both representative of ones nation as well as, you know, sexy. Google 1st Runner Up Kurara Chibana's and Miss Universe Riyo Mori's country costumes for comparison. They are somewhat similar.
Miss Roppongi? But still kinda intriguing
Disgusting and a ridiculous disgrace... These girls have NO say in what they wear so I can only imagine that this tragedy is the result of some misguided "Fashionista"...
Perhaps this just a way to garner press coverage - good or bad doesn't matter - for a institution that has seen it's day in the sun and is having a hard time to get wealthy patrons to support it ?????
Someone PLEASE change this girl's handlers - stuff like this only accelerates the downfall of such "Contests"
Am I fashion challenged or is that outfit tacky.
She don`t deserve to be Ms Universe Japan on that dress!
my eyes are bleeding!
she hasn't finished getting dressed
Aargh, there is nothing attractive about that outfit at all. I think she is also stepping on the end of her obi with that skyscraper heel, so it's dangerous as well....
Witch Universe?
I'm sorry to be shallow but she had me at the hot pink undies and suspenders. Can't wait to see it at the finals lol. You go girl...!
kind neat
You are all prudes. The outfit rocks, as does she!
Doesn't even look like her!
My eyes scanned up and down the picture. Have to admit, most of the costume is a travesty, but my eyes finally settled around the middle and I have to share Anomaly Jr's view that the hot pink suspenders and knickers really got to me too. Call me shallow guys!
the top half is good but the bottom half does not belong on a miss universe stage.
Thank God I'm not Miss Japan rep. I wouldn't put myself so low as to wear such a costume and represent my country.
Oh no...she's a beautiful girl, maybe the most beautiful they've had yet, and this awful costume? It doesn't show off the beauty of her hair, and the makeup kills her face. This is a shame.
It may be the nature of the pose, but the obi seems toooo wide - the balance is off and the costume seems top heavy. A 2/3 obi is better, but generally, a variation on the width and design of the obi could be made to flatter the image. A provocative costume.
Miss Universe? She looks more like tart to me!
Wonder what the folks at Audi think. One the one hand, they are getting great exposure for their logo, since this picture will be all over the place. On the other hand, is that really the image they want? Personally, I think she looks terrible, the make-up and hair makes her face look round and fat. But, the outfit is hot She'll defintely win this year's Metropolis Halloween party costume contest.
Yeah! This outfit rocks! You're all a bunch of conservative fuddy-duddies. When I see her walking down the runway on this I'll feel proud of my, er, adopted country.
Yes!! This alone will get her a place in the finals.
Mmmm. Pink suspenders and undies...
If you're reading this Emiri, MARRY ME! I'll make you the happiest girl in the world!
No. Way. Please please tell me this is a joke.
Ewww!! I feel sorry for her
Is this kimono??? Kimono used to be a garment of exquisite beauty, splendor and dignity. This is a disgrace for womankind and for Japan. It is an expression of the deep degradation of capitalist, Americanizing Japan. And the car commercial is also typical.
The sad thing is she's already a beautiful young woman, why is she cheapening herself like this. There are many ways to be sexy and classy and this isn't one of them.
YGHhome: No, no, no. This fashion is in no way influenced by capitalism or Americanization. Walk down the street in Tokyo, you will see it is influenced by modern Japanese culture.
She might get done for flashing...
i just threw up in my mouth a bit
this costume internationally? wow!
who ever approve this must be out of his/her mind!
yeah, hope it will be a big hit and new trend for "young" japanese waring kimono!
You'll see! This costume will achieve it's intended purpose.
Miss Universe Japan?? I see a cheap hooker which came right out of some cocaine-polluted smart set bar in Miami Vice (not that this is a bad thing but it shouldn't be called Miss Universe)!
errr.... that's pretty tacky
This really shouldn't be allowed...the biggest, cheapest disgrace I have ever seen for Japan.
The Miss Universe judges will love it. No, I'm not being sarcastic. I believe they will. Now... if only I could bump into her in Azabu.
Lovely girl, terrible makeup and an absolutely horrendous "dress". I didn't think this was the sort of image Miss Universe would want to be associated with? Maybe fine for a Japanese audience familiar with this kind of thing, but is it really appropriate for a world stage? What impression does it give people of Japan? :(
Oh my god what a disaster!! She looks more of a tranny than Jeremy the drag queen down the cock and bulls. She looks beastly and slutty. I can't see that image appaeling to a worlwide audience and she got chubby wubby legs.
Whomever designed that costume is screaming to get fired.
Also, the designer hates her with a passion and has a visceral despise for Japan. That is self-evident in the humiliatingly slutty design he/she has coughed up. There is no way this misrepresentation of Japanese women can be allowed in an international contest. It's sure to become laughing stock in the worst sense.
I like to see this fashion on the street...hahaaa
That is exactly the fashion of the street, the women wear short skirts or no skirts at all...very ugly and comic at the same time. Bring the anime culture to the Universe.
Someone tell me what really happened here? There is more to this story. Call it anything but Kimono. I thought that only on the streets of Tokyo, i see half-dressed people, but not on the international arena! Who influenced this fashion? The color certainly says it all.Spreading the message of how advanced Jpeople are in the sex industry and the high-tech?
err... is that part of the show?
OK - that's the end of Japan's shot at the title for another year...
Raja Kumar
Rich and materialistic olympic nations like Japan/USA/Brazil/EU/South korea/Spain rush for less and less garments on their women.
Wonder which is better for nations,more or less garments for beauty.
Beauty in women, after all ,is in the eye of the beholder ,is different from one nation to the other .
It also different in the eyes of every uniquely different person.
So, that's miss universe Japan. I haven't been paying attention to any of those beauty contests for a long long time. Isn't the kimono kind of sleazy?
holy god damn!!!
Hmm as one of only three? JT readers that actually enjoyed this photo for what is was, I would like to take this moment to thank JT for my fave photo of the year... so far.
(Goes off to search for more examples)
More pics here... http://www.daylife.com/photo/0bJU9Nt7Etee2 http://news.3yen.com/wp-content/images/610x3.jpg
hahahaha, bleeeucch. what a mess
wow....sexy....kimono and panties...
cheers to Sarge for excusing the inexcusable heheheh
This is pretty ridiculous. Most of America still thinks that Kimonos = Geishas = Whores. And this absurd getup reinforces this misconception. Considering that Kimonos are something of a national identity item as seen from foreign countries, I think the relevant cultural/foreign affairs ministry of the J-govt (if there is one) ought to file an court action stopping this display of excessively bad taste.
JT must think we are idiots. Most of us who have ANYTHING to do with Japan know what YAKINIKU is. If she had said "eat sushi" would the article have translated that as "Raw Fish on Vinegared Rice"?
With this many responses I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes the next Japan Today Poll question...
Is that a Pre-packaged halloween costume ?
At least you can see the universe and the stars.
Jeff Huffman
Nice. Looks like something you'd wear to the Playboy Mansion on Halloween. Just pathetic.
As OssanAmerica said, this will do nothing but reinforce the misconception that all geisha were prostitutes who could sing, dance and play the koto.
That looks.....weird...
I'm speechless
Whoa, some manga creature gone bad . . .
Where is the rest of the kimono? Her hair looks like it could replace the propeller on a old Japanese Zero.
Cheap! That is the first thing in my mind when I saw this photo. I don't think she is very attractive to being with, but the cheap manner of altering the traditional kimono is a real turn off. The very fact that the kimono is modest is what makes it attractive. I'm sure the whole country is regretting her as a representative. I hope she doesn't wear that to the Miss Universe contest. Disgraceful.
I think that is a creative design. It will make the closed Kimono have more imagination underneath. Or maybe it always does? I just don't like the color scheme, and I don't like the fact that the "miss universe" does not look Japanese at all. Once again following the path of the Amsterdam window dressing.
smarticus had the first comment and captured the sentiments about this perfectly.
Here we go again. Please explain what she is "suppose" to look like. She looks Japanese to me. She sure doesn't look Swedish or Ethiopian.
OK, I'm not sure WHEN she's going to wear this? Last time I checked, there wasn't a lingerie competition or a bedroom attire competition. It certainly wouldn't qualify for an evening gown or swimsuit competition entry.
Bad choice Japan, bad choice.
I know what most would like to say: "See me when your diet is over"
ALL competitions of this sort degrade women, that's the point isn't it? Some of us are just lucky that our kids are above it. We just have to stop supporting it.
Whoa! It's not good when your blush and lipstick matches your stockings and underwear.
Whoa! I think we have a winner, ladies and gentlemen. When they have pole dancing as part of the contest I'll start watching again. If this outfit is any kind of gauge, they just might (hope they do).
Trick or treat?
This is actually a bad image for Ms. Universe repesenting Japan. There is boundaries between wholesome pagentry and escort service. She is getting a bad advise from somebody and it will affect her future earnings. She lost humbleness and class. If you're a major company to promote your product, do you want her as a major representitive? Company executive will remember this.
That outfit was a bit shocking to the eye. At first I thought I was seeing a Kimona instead of this vulgar outfit. As one mentioned it looked so cheap & I do agree. That will degrade her when competiting against the other women. What a pity someone dreamed up this outfit.
Looks more like something you buy at Don Quiote for having fun in a hotel.
I'm speechles,...so I'm tpying. I sure hope she ( or they) changes her mind before she goes on stage!
Face kinda reminds me of Sasha Grey for some reason.
When all else fails sex sells.
There's only one thing wrong with this pic. Her toenail polish should be hot pink, matching her lingerie ensemble. But seriously, I would vote for her if they'd let me vote. And maybe they will this year. This contestant accurately represents our universe - sexy in a tacky way without regard for subtlety. We're in the wal-mart age and I don't know when or if we'll come out of it. Our Miss Universe should represent this throwaway plastic time in our history.
Is this Japan's answer to Kathy Griffin? What a mess.
Looks bad. Really bad. I think Don King told her to take a dive on this one so that Donald Trump can hire her for some other thing later. Problem is that she is not blonde, and we know that Trump likes em stupid, tacky, and very blonde.
I won't be surprised if she wins, recently Japanese participants take the first places basically helped by the sponsors like Mikimoto etc. These competitions are ridiculous.
this is her French manager's blog.
for the record, she does NOT have fat thighs, the pose is terrible all spread-eagled with one leg half cocked makes her look wide. Her legs are nice, not tooth picks. she is slim while not being a bag of bones.
The Obi however, is definitely to wide, and makes her look like she has no waist. and definitely , this is tacky, its like a kimono that flashes open from the waist down and shows the crotch...oh wait, that's exactly what it is. Its nothing inventive, its just a cheap trick to flash panties and over sexualize the kimono. Also I agree the make-up is terrible and makes her face look round. There are tons of ways they could use a kimono to make her sexy, beautiful, and demure, rather than just a crotch shot.
Hell, even a similar design with a miniskirt underneath, the design as it stands is like a modification for easy access.
All things said and done though...crotch shot = yum but does not = Ms.Universe win.
i am not a prude in any way, and i don't feel it is anyone's place to make declarative moral judgments about this woman or what she is wearing...
however... that is one freaking ugly, unattractive outfit. are they really serious? they can't think that makes her look good in any way. what a waste of inherent sexiness.
one more thing- there is no reason for that woman to be on a diet. that is just insanity.
also, that outfit is a complete rip-off of christian dior: http://www.tuningnews.net/news/071205c/pirelli_calendar_2008.jpg
sorry- i'm on someone else's computer, and it keeps doing weird crap & copied/pasted part of that url- here it is properly:
OMG last time, you just have to see that it is the same outfit (and i despise this computer/mouse!)
the end of that url should read: pirelliUNDERSCOREcalendarUNDERSCORE2008.jpg
Some people are saying this costume is a national disgrace.
SiouxGirl at 01:52 PM
Interesting assessment. Very true.
A quote from her handler--
She should walk around with her underwear showing herself.
Looks like ostrich in a heat. A bad image for Japan.
I actually like the outfit. Maybe I should buy one for myself. Who is the designer.
Her head doesn't match her body! Is this two people!?
Sometimes we just need to say CFM, and this is obviously one of those times.
One word came into my mind as I saw her in this get-up: skank. Too bad that she looks like a trashy 'tute. She might have actually won....