Richard Gere, in a scene from his latest movie, "The Hunting Party," appears on a Tokyo subway poster advertising Dandy House. In the movie, Gere plays a journalist on the trail of Serb war criminals. The connection between the movie and Dandy House -- a chain of esthetic salons for men -- remains unclear. PHOTO BY ERIKA ARAGON
© Japan TodayRichard Gere
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All the old actors are dominating the theaters recently..Stallone...Ford, now Gere. I guess Viagara does more than help out with one's love life!
Perhaps the connection is that Gere is the 'public face' of Dandy House. Nobody at JT has seen his advertisements for the company, I guess.
the missing link: the "ambassador of good will" that has nothing to do with the movie and actors.
In fact, a search of JT's archives using Google reveals this:
I hear you can have a dandy time in a Dandy House.
Yeah, but what's the connection between Dandy House and "The Hunting Party?" Do most Hollywood stars advertise a product in Japan in their movie persona? That would be like Harrison Ford advertising beer dressed as Indiana Jones.
smartacus: Cross-promotion. The line between the actors and their movie personas is so closely connected (and probably blurred) for most people, so why not use it? Not saying that I approve of it, but it happens.
blvtzpk I understand that, but is Gere that closely tied to his movie persona, which in this case, is a reporter hunting Serb war criminals? In other ads for Dandy House, they just use him as he is. I guess I just find it odd that they show Gere in a scene from a very serious movie, as if to imply there is a connection between the subject matter and Dandy House.
You have no argument with me there at all! I could just imagine control-freak directors like Kubrick (who wanted complete say over every aspect of their films - including movie posters) being asked "Sure, sure, Stanley. And we'll just put this blurb for Chanel No.5 under her image in the Eyes Wide Shut promo pics. What? You don't like that idea? But they've paid her millions! Come baaaack!"
Undoubtedly Dandy House have been able to have this leverage with 'their boy Gere' in the case of this movie. DH might also be underwriting part of the promotion costs, if not all!
Funny you'd mention that. I totally recall (pun intended) Ah-nold SchVartzn-eeger doing some beer ads. One in his "Predator" do-up, another as the Terminator.
Let's not forget, Bruce Willis pumping Eneos gas in a costume resembling the oil rigger suit from Armageddon.
Kiera Knightly dressed as buchaneer for, some product that escaped my memory.
Almost every sports star in their uniform.
What a crappy movie this was.