Queen Elizabeth II poses with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and wife Akie after they arrived for a private audience at Buckingham Palace in Westminster, London, on Thursday.
© Japan Today
Royal welcome for Abes
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Queen Elizabeth II poses with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and wife Akie after they arrived for a private audience at Buckingham Palace in Westminster, London, on Thursday.
© Japan Today
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"In Japan we have four seasons. How about your country?"
The Queen is not happy. Even a Japanese woman is taller than her!! :-(
"You have four seasons in a year. One has four seasons in a day."
The looks on the faces of the two women could not be more different.
Akie - "Lookit me, in a palace with a real Queen! Can't wait to put this up on Facebook!"
Liz - "Worst thing about this job, one has to have all kinds of riffraff in one's sitting room."
elbow room
You guys are so funny... love it... hahahahaha "4 seasons"....
A comedian quipped recently that her Maj has obviously run out of smiles. Perhaps royalty only get a limited number?
Dear Leader looks somewhat "constipatted" (NOT a "spelling mistake"... ;) )
We are not amused.
Prince Philip probably wasn't allowed to attend just in case he came up with one of his classic insults!
Both the Japan's first Lady and Prime Minster dress impeccably. Flawless style.
"Both the Japan's first Lady and Prime Minster dress impeccably. Flawless style."
Matchy-matchy shoes worn by Mrs. Abe are considered a fashion no-no. And with the all white ensemble, I can see why. She looks like a nurse.
Every time i see the Queen i chuckle/think of david brent's 'queen joke'.
Japan Violet
At least the Japanese guy in the middle was voted democratically into power. As opposed to the unsmiling lady on the right who just happened to be born into the richest landowning family in Britain. Why does a relatively hardworking successful politician have to have a 'private audience' with someone who inherited their extreme wealth? The older I get the less supportive I feel about the royal family.
So nice that the Royal Queen of Great Britain gave the democratically-elected Prime Minister of Japan a private audience.....
Moderator: You seem to be obsessed with the queen. Also, your reference to Abe as "democratically-elected" is irrelevant.
Mrs. Abe... one of her jacket buttons (third from the top) is either missing or undone... why?
Met all three. Very nice people, but the Queen's my favourite.
elbow room
Japan is a safety country your highness - please take some lessons from us.
Ha ha, funny stuff! Every time I see her meeting people, I picture Mr.Bean headbutting her.....
Kobe White Bar Owner
England has 4 seasons, Japan has 5....... What? i hear you say.... spring summer fall winter + rainy.
I want to see Mr and Mrs Abe with price Philip that would be priceless. This is a great laugh about meeting HRH by Adam Hill get to the end its worth it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQLhQw4739c
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe seems to be standing in lordly grandeur. Nice photo!
Hi Xodradek, Formal surroundings, humble opinion Akie displays the understatement., tasteful simplicity. On the other hand Abe san, demeanor evokes his offer to purchase Buckingham Palace has been accepted.
Christopher Glen
@Burakumin. That was her mother, who was still around when that episode came out