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SDF PR house


The Self-Defense Forces on Tuesday opened a PR house in Shibuya to try to increase their appeal to young people and expedite recruiting. The house, named "Jieikan," provides information on the SDF to the public, and visitors, including children, can have their photo taken in SDF uniforms and camouflage fatigues. Admission is free. Map to the house can be found at Google Map.

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If they really want to increase PR, they should start selling these uniforms in the cosplay section of adult shops.

I'm sure the sailor suits would be in high demand.

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In Shibuya, huh?

"Dasai! Maji Ukenndakedoooo"

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Don't people join the armed forces so they can go out and fight? What's the incentive with the SDF? They don't get to do anything.

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They get to train with cool weapons and machines, and seduce women with their snappy uniforms - all with zero risk of getting killed.

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One of my students loves these uniforms and has a huge collection at home of military uniforms from all over the world: US, German, British, Danish, etc. He also collects model guns and likes to slide into my study and show me his latest purchase. He is already training hard to join the Ji-Ei-Tai after graduation and would love this store, I am sure.

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Spot on. Kabukicho would have been a better locale... : )

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Almost every military today, even the Chinese PLA, wears a modified version of the American "suit" outfit. Why doesn't Japan adopt a modernized version of the old IJA and IJN uniforms with those snappy caps, white gloves and swords? Probably wouldn't cost more than another Patriot ABM battery and I bet it would make everybody to start paying real close attention to the JSDF...

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Considering what I see from the young kids when I am forced to go to Shibuya, I don't think the SDF is doing itself any favors by trying to recruit there.


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I see they borrowed the no-personality mannekins used in the salaryman suithouses.

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Why doesn't Japan adopt a modernized version of the old IJA and IJN uniforms with those snappy caps, white gloves and swords?

China and the Koreas would cry foul and accuse Japan of glorifying her militaristic past and so and so forth. The reaction to Japan's offer to dispatch airforce planes for post-quake aid for example.

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I am surprised I dont see any of the usual CCP propaganda internet mill house workers crying foul. Nice change.........

But I say, to hell with it, toss out article 9 and bring back the big guns. China and Korea would start peeing in their pants like school kids. Jack boots in the rear helps to get a few straight.....LOL

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no dancing commercials? Hire some local talent to dance and sing like smap to get the young ones in?

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lmfao @ Joe: I really think it is about time they re-examine things on that note, also. I mean, on the one hand.. they DO prove to the world that you can be a woefully underarmed nation in the midst and bombing range of half a dozen countries who hate you.. and still be relatively safe.

At the same time, it's kind of a national indignity that's gone on long enough.

From what I can see, the SDF has to start taking itself seriously if ti expects the Japanese perspective boys and girls too. Enough with the cartoons and songs and dance. Make with the parades, or annual arms displays or something. Every other country does it ..and that's how they maintain young enthusiasm in enlisting.

For every country that whines about it, screw them. All of them are guilty of the same or worse type of things to someone else at some point and it doesn't matter if it was 200 years ago.. it counts if somethin 50 years ago does :D.

Personally, if I were one of those Tokyo string bean boys, I'd join up just for the excercise and the ability to shoot things, not have much of a chance at getting killed and be able to help in one of my country's all too frequent natural disaster related emergencies.

To me its all the better than I don't have to be a weapon of policy, like most soldiers are today.

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