Serina, 26, a singer for AKB48 sister group SDN48, poses as a sexy vampire at a talk show event to promote the film "Underworld: Awakening." The fourth film in the series, which opens in Japan Friday, stars Kate Beckinsale as the vampire warrior Selene who leads her forces against the humans.
The main topic of conversation at the talk event was Serina's love life and when she is planning to marry. She said 32 would be a good age to get hitched. "If my boyfriend were a werewolf, he'd be a good pet to go out with in public," she said. As for her type, Serina said, "I want a carnivorous boyfriend who can bite me gently."
Anything else? "I value personality more than appearance. It would also be nice if he were telepathic," she said.
© Japan Today
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Vernie Jefferies
Thanks for this picture JT.....nice one
They're not even really trying with this one, aren't they?
Note the clever use of duct tape in this very professional shot.
I´ll bite!
ooeeer missus
Is that how you shoot a gun, with legs crossed? I would uncross those legs before I used my gun.
does she mean carnivorous like "carnivorous men" in Japan?
Love how they had to leave the tape marker on the floor so she know not to move from that spot. Tell you one thing, she is pretty hot but she would not be on my team during the zombie apocolypse with that shooting pose.
Too much colour for a vampire.
I like the Selene/Serina link. Beckinsale is better looking. But this will do.
The Munya Times
Why is she standing legs crossed so much? Correcting curvy legs. Doesn't affect me, I wouldn't want to have an affair with a vampire anyhow, even if sexy. But she doesn't look that bad, not that bad at all.......... for a vampire.
Well, for relaxing I'll go to see some women.
Look Serina, we have an old carnivorous sex addict oojisan in the apartment building where I live. if you remove his false teeth his he can do it for you very gently without causing a scratch.
Now, I am not so sure about he can do that, but if he doesn't sense your presence and opens the door you might as well ring the bell. Good luck.
Don't give a darn about the movie, but she certainly looks good in that outfit.
Otherwise, she might have duct the questions.
More than likely TelaPathetic! heheheh sorry, I could not help myself.
She hot. Me carnivorous ... me bite gently ... sometimes.
Is she one of the voices in the Japanese version or is she hired just for the promotion?
Shall I assume the position, Ms. Serina?
That is so animal house cactus. Thumbs up
Um it's called 'gaffers tape' and it's a gaff that they included it in the shot. Gaffers tape is used mark the spot on the floor so actors can 'hit their mark' on cue. Bad, bad photog didn't frame the shot and then uploaded an unedited 'gaff' image for public display. I guess anyone with a camera can call themselves a photographer these days... kawai so.
You really can't call something a sister group if their concept is the antithesis to AKB48: 20 something women who look like 30/40
You really can't call something a sister group if their concept is the antithesis to AKB48: 20 something women who look like 30/40
Why can't Japanese record companies find women like Linda Yamamoto anymore?
Read between the lines: He has to obey my every single selfish demand. or i would never reveal a relationship in public
Read between the lines: I want a good shag.
Read between the lines: he must be rich and buy me presents every time i desire. hints are random and inconsistent..
Women... can't live without them and they can't pee standing up. Happy Friday everyone! Serina would telepath, and carnivorous wolf. Seriously, Serina is prettier than the star of Underworld. The movie is pretty good, perhaps too many bites.
Read between the lines: I'll do anything for money.
Franchesca Miyara Yang
You must be seriously kidding right? That "woman" in the picture is nowhere near Kate Beckinsale's career and performance level, let alone beauty.
apples and oranges.
Serina looks so much better than Kate, it's not even funny.
"Is that how you shoot a gun, with legs crossed?"
She's not shooting the gun, she's just posing with it.
why 48 ? what's so special about that number ?
Just watched that underworld - awakening movie. Action packed, yes, Story plot: poor to none. Ending: probably another sequel. Ratings (personal): 0.5 out of 5.
midnull no no, no comparison to the actual Kate Beckinsale!
Geoff Gillespie
Just time for the latest results. Beckinsale 1, AKB48 bint lost....
Serina's boots come up too high, we can't see her knees.