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Don‘t think so.....
that person
Agreed with TokyoTelegraph
JJ Jetplane
Agreed. They are clearly still budding up at tables. Groups are separated by a table or so. But for the most part they are still grouping together.
Jack Frost
Eating, facing each other, two feet apart, with nothing in between.
Why are they in the office?? Its still a lockdown request in Kanagawa. Mitsubishi producing trucks does not constitute essential services during lockdown. And I'm sure Mitsubishi Fuso is not a public transportation service?
Just like all this non-essential construction work that has not stopped since the start of lockdown in Tokyo.
Kenji Sato
Employees ignore social distancing between tables during their lunch break at the staff canteen of Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corp in Kawasaki.
One cough could kill
If they also have to work nearby each other, does it make any difference? Keeping separated from groups you don't work with seems appropriate.
But supplying trucks and spare parts for various services (medical supplies, etc.) is probably important.
They also produce part and products to keep all the logistics around Japan running. Ambulances, fire trucks, food supply, etc. I would think that's an essential service.
For people who think this is ineffective because some people are talking in groups of two, you need to look up the concept of 'viral load'.
It's almost impossible to go out in the city and not be close to someone sometimes. The whole point of social distancing is to decrease the number of close interactions we have. The idea that they can be eliminated is ridiculous.
There will be no jobs left if you are offended by the social distancing in the photo. So many "Karens" out there.
Obviously Covid is not the killer in Japan they predicted it could be. We must all accept these low risks to the general public.