Prince Hisahito, center, accompanied by his father Prince Akishino and mother Princess Kiko, arrives at Ochanomizu University's affiliated kindergarten for his graduation ceremony in Tokyo on Thursday.
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Perhaps the last in a long line before they die out. A bit sad but life goes on.
Our lovely little Prince! Long live the Prince and may he be our future Emperor.
Is he 6 already??! My God, time flies!
These guys are apparently the coolest people you'd ever meet.
I wonder how the Japanese treat their royalty?
It's nice that the dad showed up for graduation - a lot of them don't / can't take the time off work.
I think Hisahito's dad's work schedule has a bit more flexibility in it than most kids' dads...
Stephen Jez
Well on JT they will jump on you if you criticizer them at all. So with a hysterical fervor maybe?
Such a cute lil guy. The family look like nice people.
On a side note .... "Graduation?" Seriously?! It can hardly be referred to as that.
For moving from Kindergarten to Primary school?! Am I the only one who finds this both an absurd use of the English language and fairly crazy concept generally?
In my day, you graduated from University. Thats all.
While having a small celebration for a child starting primary school is great and all, I cant help but feel that this nation of overwhelmingly only children with parents who attend every tiny event and over-celebrate every single milestone, are going to grow up spoilt brats.
Do you think they would leave their palace looking any other way.?
they look frail.
Open Minded
I might be from the underground class society, but why celebrating school entering? A big cuddle - as every morning - and done!
Making big things of it just creates useless stress to the children.
But when back home in the afternoon, they got a nice ice cream :-)
looks like a nice kid. hope he isn't TOO bullied at elementary school for being what he is. different.
Viviana Guadagno
They look great !!!! And Prince Akishino looks like Ryuichi Sakamoto .
Michael Craig
A great milestone for the little Prince! May he achieve many more!
It's not that odd. My nieces attended "graduation" from PRE-SCHOOL - complete with caps and gowns. I admit I was thinking "Wut?" when I heard about it, but I guess that's the deal now days. The elementary schools I work at do not have a Kindergarten "graduation", but then again they aren't private schools, either.
It's only "over-celebrating" to people who don't know nor care to learn about or understand the culture!
Tea Water University? Watered Down Tea University? I know it's real but I just get a kick out of the name.