Japan Today
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Time for change


Protesters belonging to the nationalist movement "Ganbare Nippon" hold a placard which reads "Regime Change" near the Diet building in Tokyo. More than 1,000 people marched Thursday, demanding Prime Minister Naoto Kan's resignation. They cited failures in Kan's recent foreign policies such as his slow response to the North Korean missile shelling on the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong and the muddle over the diplomatic spat with China over the disputed islands in the East China Sea. Support for Japan's government has dropped to 27%, the lowest since Kan took office in June, with voters unhappy over his handling of rows with China and Russia.

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Lovely picture.

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Why is this nationalist? Isn't it different from 'pro-Japan'?

Semantics, but there is a difference in nuance.

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Where are all the young people? If anyone should be protesting the government it's the kids in their 20s living with the consequences of their parents' previous excesses. Great placard though.

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Unfortunately, there is no better alternative. The LDP? No thanks.

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Cleverly worded sign, in case anybody's interested. 無脳 (muno, brainless) is a pun on 無能 (muno incompetent).

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"Yes, I am, can"

uhh... Nice effort?

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yokomoc -- agree completely. Has their fascination with games, the Internet, social communities, mobile, etc. made them so oblivious to the impending impact of twenty years of spending on roads and airports? Or are they just resigned to their fate, as they know it is too late to do anything about it?

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Pretty poor Pshop on the can lid.

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I wonder if these nationalists' clothes were made in China? Hahaha, the irony!

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And like someone else mentioned, what's the alternative - the LDP?

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A photo of the LDP leaders should say "More empty!" above the flip top head. Sort of like dumb and dumber.

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Yes, I am, can uhh... Nice effort?

Yes, I am empty can, not yes I am can. Empty headed. Empty brain -- muno. Incompetent -- muno. Makes good sense actually!!

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Give 'em an "A" for originality, anyway.

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I am all for the "Ganbare Nippon" movement and all, but I would like to see a wider range of people involved. People in their 20s would be nice. Some younger people I know actually said they feel like nothing will change anyway, so why bother voting?

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they are idiots, but kudos on the funny sign. mad eme laugh at least.

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It's about time some Japan caught on to the 'empty Kan' thing.

Regardless, these right-wing nuts are just that -- nuts. When Kan quits the person who replaces him will be equally as ineffective, and the next LDP member who wins the election for PM will be the same.

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LOL, trying to change Japan? Good luck!

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I am all for the "Ganbare Nippon" movement and all, but I would like to see a wider range of people involved. People in their 20s would be nice.

Yes. They could dress up in brown shirts and march through Chinatown in Yokohama. No, john, there's nothing to admire about these volk.

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I am all for the "Ganbare Nippon" movement and all, but I would like to see a wider range of people involved. People in their 20s would be nice. Some younger people I know actually said they feel like nothing will change anyway, so why bother voting?

Younger people, WOMEN (herbivore men do not count) and MINORITIES that have Japanese citizenship would be nice. But you know what, it will never happen because the old grumpy men do not welcome in those groups.

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And I thought it was bad when English speaking newscasters made terrible puns. The English pun on the sign just made me want to grab his sign and cut off that corner.

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Younger people, WOMEN (herbivore men do not count) and MINORITIES that have Japanese citizenship would be nice. But you know what, it will never happen because the old grumpy men do not welcome in those groups.

Yes, I agree 100%! Why do these groups at least band together or something? Start some kind of movement at least. Show Japan that the Japanese are not just "grumpy old men" and are diverse in both age and heritage. I wonder if, to some degree, the whole idea of seniority in Japan carries on so that people feel that they should not upset these "grumpy old men." One reason I like the DPJ is that I could become a member or a supporter for the party and vote in their Presidential elections.

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Younger people, WOMEN (herbivore men do not count) and MINORITIES that have Japanese citizenship would be nice. But you know what, it will never happen because the old grumpy men do not welcome in those groups.

Got a problem with herbivore men? They can join this movement if they want, and i bet theyd have a better understanding than YOU on this matter!

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Herbivore men are named for their lack of interest in sex and their preference for quieter, less competitive lives. I do not think participating in a protest, group activity that is loud or complicated activities such as politics would interest many of these "herbivore men."

I do think that these people can join, however I doubt they would actually want to, much less actually do anything. On a different note, did anyone actually see these protests? I am interested in some more information about these "Ganbare Nippon" people and what exactly they are protesting. Research time.

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These people want change but what is their alternative? These people should get a job. If some of them do have one, they should ask their CEOs, how much of their companies revenues are coming through Chinese trade.

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I do like the poster, even if these guys are likely right-wing stooges. Let's face it - Kan's head does seem rather empty. I think it should be time to replace him in a few months.

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Cut them some slack! It is their right to demonstrate against the government. Does show that they are not completely wrong, Hey I like the empty can Kan.

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only in japan...

who's the next empty can to take his place? most japanese don't care the least. how kan wakes up each morning and ass/u/me leadership is beyond me...

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It seems to me there are protests going on all the time, yet nothing ever seems to change. I do like the empty can too

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People have right to protest peacefullly. Kan's administration acquired many existing problems during one of the most difficult time. The skill of domestic and foreign policy will become even more important to Japan. Regardless of who is the PM, Japan should support one leader at a time with respect. Probem is that some of the opposing government officials sets bad examples to the public by critizing Kan openly. If they have something to say, do it behind closed doors. They need to minimize bickering and work together to find solutions to many problems in Japan.

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Plenty of other cults like Aum also don't like the Kan government, doesn't make them right lol.

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What a wonderful idea! I mean, changing the PM makes Japan look oh so stable to gaikoku! Why do people complain so much about the government and demand change of leaders but yet, put up with so many things that actually do need to be changed? Kiddy porn, unpaid overtime, lack of daycares...

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Why weren't they around when the likes of Taro Aso, Sosuke Uno, Yoshiro Mori and the other real incompetents were in power?

After all, it's the system that those oafs created that Japan is now burdened with.

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What was inside a can-- I mean 'his brain'?

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