A worker walks by a teddy bear in an area devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture.
© Japan TodayTired teddy
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A worker walks by a teddy bear in an area devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture.
© Japan Today
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Poor teddy!
Reminds me of Toy Story 3
Ohhhh no Latzo
Forgive my cynicism but many news photographers / cameramen do carry their own teddy bear with them to create such shots.
It is not just a Teddy Bear. There is also a baby bear wearing a hat with its face in the dirt. I hope the kids that own these dolls are still alive. So sad.
There is a baby there. I hope someone picks it up and sits it in the lap of the mom.
Hey, I had me one of those when I was a kid.
Harry Gatto,
I understand your cynicism however in this case, there's simply no need to try and create a scene. Also in Rikuzentakata there was a Winnie the Pooh bear on the roof of a house, about 5 km away from the coast.
There are just too many tragic examples to need to invent it.
Reminds me of the bear "Bobo" in the Simpsons episode "Rosebud".
He should pick the teddy bear up and sell it for some bottle caps then buy some Rad-X.
Yeah, you'd think so but that didn't stop a journalist from gluing several cicada to a tree a few summers ago and taking the picture.
I wouldn't go so far as to assert the shot is phony, but assuming that stuffed bear has been exposed to the elements for the last two months, my initial impress is that it looks awfully clean.
Looks like the poor fella has his foot caught under the plastic container. I hope the bears owner is safe. That would certainly light up the childs face to see his/her bear again.
Thanks for saying it Harry. A lot of this stuff is staged. You can't sell a photo to news services unless it shows something heart-wrenching. A few weeks ago, I visited a local dump in Sendai and saw 5 of 6 of these things. The really big ones are Sodai Gomi, so people are using this chance to get rid of them. Once one gets wet, yeccch. Nobody wants it.
Except a photographer.
AERA filled its little memorial magazine with this kind of unhappy pap. They showed the Statue of Liberty in Higashi Matsushima or wherever and applied this caption.
"Only the god of death glowers over this rainy lawless land"
or some such prurience.
My view of journalists has taken more of a beating than my house in the last two months, and that is saying something.
Sad, like when the Ewok was shot by imperial walker blaster fire in Return of the Jedi.
It does looks staged. And where is the sign?
Protest Bear needs a sign !
"It informs to Wen Jia Bao that Protest Bear has fallen down, and he can't get up."
I saw many Winnie the poohs, teddies and dolls like that. No no, it was not set up. I saw some real stuff like that. In front of some houses, there were some house appliances, tvs, etc piled up. It makes you cry 'cos people were just going on with their daily lives when the disaster struck. It is not funny guys.
Excuse me... but what the hell is wrong with you? I've ignored your nonsensical postings up until now but this takes the cake.
As someone else said, there is more than enough scenes of heart wrenching devastation. Most people who have gone to the areas themselves say the same stuff. The pictures and videos do not do any justice until you see and sense it with your your own eyes, ears, and nose. Scenes like this are more than common but I guess in your view, it must all be setup. Oh yeah, some journalists went out of their way to put all those shoes of children, their backpacks and belongings in a strewn pile just for a photo-op to make a quick buck.
Remember the news about the disaster & loss of not only homes, businesses to humans & children is NOT that common to people out of Japan, like in USA, Canada, Auistralia, England & others.
We can ONLY go on what was showen on TV of a photo like that of a Winnie the Pooh bear, to wake us up again.
After all the peoples uprisings in of Egypt, Libya, Yemen, & other incidents have been headline news to some of us YET we want to know all that is going on in Japan.