Model Kiko Mizuhara, who made her film debut in the film adaptation of Haruki Murakami's novel "Norwegian Wood" in 2010, participates as a campaign model for Uniqlo's new spring-summer UV Cut Collection, "Wearable Sunscreen," for women. Uniqlo is offering 26 new types of T-shirts, cardigans, hats and stoles that cut 90% of the harmful UV rays we are exposed to daily. Acknowledging that UV-protective apparel has long been limited to sportswear, Uniqlo says its new collection offers both stylish and casual outfits and accessories at a reasonable price that will all together please the eye, skin and pockets of the women who buy them. Products range in price from 1,000 yen to 2,990 yen.
© Japan TodayUV Cut
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No UV-protection clothing for men?
My first thought was, now they offer fashionable protective clothing?!
Better to wear UV cut clothes than smearing this deadly suncream lotion on your body. Kiko did a really great job in Norwegian Wood, I hope to see her in more movies soon.
Not much use unless it comes in burka.
Huh? Which deadly sunscreen would that be?
UV protection concepts have been commercially adapted into both lotion and clothe fabrics. Women seem to care more than men, even skin cancer is danger to both.
@Nessie: Sunscreen lotions contain potentially harmful chemicals like Benzophenone, homosalate and octyl methoxycinnamate (also called octinoxate), which are known to mimic naturally occurring bodily hormones and can thus throw the body’s systems out of whack. Some also contained Padimate-0 and parsol 1789 (also known as avobenzone), which are suspected of causing DNA damage when exposed to sunlight. Many sunscreens now contain nanoscale particles of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide which can cause skin cancer.
I got a wake-up call when my friend who rode with me in my car with a +30 sunscreen lotion. It left marks in my car that I could not clean with anything. It s now 4 years later and I can still see the white marks. If that haapens to my car, I don't even want to know what it does to my skin.
Putting it simply, I would never put something on my body that I wouldn't put in my mouth.
Wearing those UV-Cut clothes is an ideal solution. The women wearing burkas in those hot Arabic countries are not so wrong actually.
Looking forward to seeing her movie.
You may be killed by cosmetic companies.
Just say "YES" to a prospective investor, the movie is on go immediately.A local network is still effective ...
The plastic woman looks like Carmen.
A simple quiz: person A gets significant exposure to sunlight daily during the summer months to their face and forearms, as they travel to and from work, totaling about 8 hours of exposure to high UV radiation every week. Person B gets the same amount of exposure per week, but in longer, concentrated stretches(2 hours at a time sunbathing and living a nocturnal lifestyle the rest of the time). So who is more likely to develop a melanoma?
I want to slap the idiot obasans who wear long gloves and big sombreros just to go down the block to the supermarket. Learn some simple facts about radiation exposure (intensity and duration) and stop buying in to marketing schemes.
So does anyone know that much of normal clothes offer a great amount of UV protection? A dark denim long sleeve shirt is just about 100% protection for what it is covering. Polyester and nylon a great UV protection due to their reflective properties.
Here's a tip: It's what you don't cover is what is vulnerable. Wear a hat!
If you placed yourself into that lady's shoe, you will wear a same outfit as well as a fashion catalog appeals. Scientists and fashion designers sometimes do different things, but think a same thing. You cannot ask that lady about her professional job.
You may recall a scene when Michael Jackson got out for a walk, he was escorted by some bodyguard with a black umbrella protecting his skin from exposing under the sunshine. There are two dangers - direct and indirect sunblocks on your uncovered body ... We may see many affluent women in developed countries (not Japan) have a habit of taking sunbath. as a result, their skins look different when they turn into 30s, 40s and later.
Thank you for the info.
I've never understood why stores use mannequins, like the ones in this photo. They give me the creeps.