Japan Today
picture of the day

Vigorous Japan


Prime Minister Naoto Kan attends a meeting of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in Tokyo on Monday. The poster behind him reads: "Restoring a vigorous Japan."

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Kan: just add the "fist up" to make it more genki. Works every time!

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PM Kan has one ace that should be played well.... he is well versed in hi-tech, and can set up the industries of tomorrow. As long as former PM Hatoyama and former Sec Gen are near for advice on foreign affairs, he can get things done, but not necessarily the economy. Forces in play in international economics is overwhelming till the end of this year, so PM Kan may be able to mitigate negative developments, but can not single handedly fix the problems. Very helpful if someone in the DPJ can anticipate the coming problems.

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Kan looks cool on the posture. Let's vote for him for better Japan

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Correction: The picture convey Kan as someone who lacks confident being the PM.

Coming from a pleb background isn't easy when you're dealing with a opposition that's got family fame and fortune.

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Correction: The picture convey Kan as someone who lacks confident being the PM.

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I know that they gave someone probably 1000 man to produce this slogan. But I must say that never has a slogan failed to inspire less in me when I read it.

It is just a bunch of words. They are as meaningless as a dead language used by some tribe in Borneo 5000 years ago, inscribed on a rock leaving nobody alive to interpret it.

Kan. It's the economy, stupid. Forget everything else and make a solid effort on this one issue and you will keep your job and place in history. No slogans. No policy. Just do it. Even if you leave a problem to be solved 20 years down the line, give the people something now so that they can have 20 years of success to solve that other problem.

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The poster should be redone. The picture does not convey Kan as someone who lacks confident being the PM. He is unsure and have no idea of how to lead Japan as a country and in world affair. People want a person who is not afraid of leadership and have a backbone in getting things done with positive results.

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I wish to hope so.

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If there was ever a country in need of a complete overhaul, Japan would be it.

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I don`t know about everyones opinion on the poster, but for myself, I think the poster is a total lie and it is just another gimmick to try to get voters to vote for an incompetent politician.

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Restoring a vigorous Japan

Sounds like a massage parlor slogan.

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I've been seeing this kind of poster, promising to get Japan back on track, every year since I came to Japan. But the economy seems to be getting worse and worse.

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Another inspring political poster.

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