If you are color blinded, I let you know that kimonos wore by Kannushi and miks are white, not black. In funeral parade, no one wore Uchikake on their head, either.
Or we could ponder why even so many Japanese opt for the phoney Christian style wedding?
Thankfully, some points of culture fall by the way side.
And I don't even want to get into how much money the stone faces pocket for wedding and funeral services. Makes me wish for an invasion of Franciscan monks, and I am agnostic!
although I don't think they represent most couples getting the Shinto wedding.
That just seems to indicate that perhaps you have not seen many (any) Shinto weddings. I've never seen one where they didn't. In that, this photo is very representative of the event.
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Harshana Sj
looks more like a Funeral parade
@Harshana SjMAY. 24, 2014 - 05:24PM JST looks more like a Funeral parade
If you are color blinded, I let you know that kimonos wore by Kannushi and miks are white, not black. In funeral parade, no one wore Uchikake on their head, either.
Ali Khan
they look happy, which is nice, we should respect the culture. Good wishes and be happy for the rest of your life
The Spokesman
Must everything in Japan be deathly serious?
Crikey! Risk a laugh line!
Or we could ponder why even so many Japanese opt for the phoney Christian style wedding?
Thankfully, some points of culture fall by the way side.
And I don't even want to get into how much money the stone faces pocket for wedding and funeral services. Makes me wish for an invasion of Franciscan monks, and I am agnostic!
They both look so happy. May their lives be full of happiness and joy.
Neither the groom, nor the bride, look "deathly serious". They look really happy, as it should be at a wedding. Nice photo of the day, JT.
The Spokesman
I wasn't talking about them obviously, although I don't think they represent most couples getting the Shinto wedding.
At least the pretend Christian priests can and do smile at what is much better held as a joyous occasion.
That just seems to indicate that perhaps you have not seen many (any) Shinto weddings. I've never seen one where they didn't. In that, this photo is very representative of the event.
It's very representative of a Shinto wedding at an outdoor, genuine shrine.
But most folk these days marry at a "shrine" inside a hotel, as false as the "chapels" therein.
I did it myself, twenty years ago....