Director Martin Scorsese poses with Japanese actress Koyuki at a news conference in Tokyo on Thursday to promote his newest film, "Hugo," which opens in Japan on March 1. The film is nominated for 11 Academy Awards.
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The movie looks intriguing, not so much for the 3D but because of the story. It should be fun!
I never knew he was so short.
one has real 'talent' while the other is a "talento'.... she probably doesnt even know who he is
@grammefriday.....Do you even know who Koyuki is? She is not a "talento" but a rarity in Japanese acting circles who at one time was almost shut out of ever getting any work because she refused to work with any talent agency.
She starred next to Tom Cruise in the movie "Last Samurai" . You rarely see her on any variety programs where the true "talento" hang out.
Edited to add....She now is with Avex, She is a model as well.
This pic does not do Koyuki justice at all. She is an extremely beautiful woman. Google her for better pics.
She sure is a beautiful lady. Who is the little old bloke with glasses?
Poor Martin, the story is really about him but seriously, Koyuki is Koyuki.
Trying not to be sexist but Koyuki is poetry.
Yea I dont think Marty would go for talentos... I could totally see him flipping out if the AKB or Johnny posse crashed.
while she is undoubtedly beautiful and has operated 'outside' of the 'talento' system, that doesnt mean she is actually a talented actor... in fact I recall her appearance in Last Samurai as being described by some reviews as perfect in casting terms but her acting as somewhat wooden (that was in the reviews where she was even mentioned)...
That's because she was being "reviewed" from a Hollywood point of view. Look at her performance through a more Japanese bias and you should come away with a totally different opinion. Hollywood's critics don't know everything.
That there is a living legend. And Koyuki isn't all that bad either.
Her acting as a Japanese character in LS was very good, IMHO.
I think she should have dressed better for the event.
Koyuki was also great in Always - a Japanese film that takes place in 1958; Always 2 is out now. Koyuki, far from being a talentless hack, is a pretty good actress in all the movies and commercials I've seen her in.
I'm glad whoever is promoting Hugo here in Japan decided to go with someone who can match Scorsese rather than some real talent-less talento. Koyuki and Marty at least can project skill and talent.
Agree she was good in Always & Always 2(both been shown on NTV). Always 64(3) is out now
Koyuki, always welcome on my screen! Scorsese, too, but in a different way.
Yes, Koyuki was great in ALWAYS but it's sad that the rest of the world will only know her as that slag from Last Samurai or whatever typically demeaning Asian role she would gratefully receive from Hollywood.
Great director
Taxi Driver, The Aviator, Casino, Shutter Island, The Color of Money, Goodfellas, The Departed, Gangs of New York all top notch films.
Did the movie he directed titled 'Kundun' the biopic about the Dalai Lama come to Japan? didn't see it yet
Martin is 163 cm and Koyuki is 172 cm. So I guess he just under the average height of a Japanese man and his is short when compared to an American actress but taller than the average Japanese man.
I liked her in the small part she had in Ikebukuro West Gate Park But yeah - this isn't a great pic of her
I dunno if she played a prostitute exactly, bit harsh. She did sleep with the Tom Cruise character but - which is very icky!
Mr Scorsese may indeed win an Oscar for this movie, but he definitely isn't going to win the Best Jeanist award, which I'm sure he will be bummed about.
As for Koyuki, I'm not sure what she is trying to achieve by wearing a toga. As far as I know Hugo isn't set in Ancient Rome.
Koyuki looks really good for someone who's given birth 4 month ago
She starred next to Tom Cruise in the movie "Last Samurai"............................thanks for reminding, she has lovely shoulder