Japan Today
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Welcome from NoriP


Singer Noriko Sakai, who received a suspended sentence earlier this month on charges of drug use and possession, appears in an orientation video on the home page of Souzou Gakuen University in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture. Sakai, 38, has enrolled to study welfare and nursing care.

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What's this? Say no to drugs video?

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Too funny...this case never ceases to amuse me.

She is really good looking though, isn't she...

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Nice! She's already back doing PR gigs - for the university!

I love that the university is trying to milk NoriP to boost it's popularity. Souzou's gonna get a rep as Kanto's No.1 Party College!

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I say use her behind! If she was smart she would try and make a reality show out of this.

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I say use her behind!

I can get behind that statement.

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"I say use her behind!" .... Behind what?

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I say use her behind! I can get behind that statement.

I'll back that up.

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Perfect role model for any university - students need to follow her simple steps to a rich life:

1) Become a famous singer 2) then a famous actress 3) Start doing drugs and neglect your son & family 4) Get caught & apologize 5) Suspended sentence 6) Work off the media buzz that the trial produced and gain profit from it

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So that means that this university is hard up for cash. how pathetic!

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I like the colorful autumn leaves in the image grab.

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Her first question to any professor: Where's the key to the pharmaceuticals?

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Seriously, let's give this girl a break. She's trying to straighten things out and become a model citizen and......sorry, I was out of touch with reality for a second. PR, PR, PR. I'll believe she's sincere as soon as she cleans up after someone with incontinence.

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Awesome, I live in Gunma. Maybe I'll run into her. Can invite her out for coffee, maybe she wants to practice her English.

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Whoa, those colorful leaves are so trippy. I see trails.......whoa.

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she cannot give up Meth. she will be back on it in no time.

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Why would they want to advertise that a convicted drug user is studying there?

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Do you reckon her hair is real? :-)

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Is she even able to vote, now that she is convict??

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ppayne, she will be studying on line from her home, so chances of you running into are are very slim if at all any.

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Very photogenic. If this hardcore druggie is to star in any form of video, shouldn't it be one related to convicted felons who have been sent down for 5-8 years hard labor. Or she might be given a staring role in a documentary, playing the part of a pumped up junkie who neglects their children to the point of endangerment?

As Ramzel points out? What sort of role model does this person offer?

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Convicted drug abuser no thanks!

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If this hardcore druggie is to star in any form of video, shouldn't it be one related to convicted felons who have been sent down for 5-8 years hard labor. Or she might be given a staring role in a documentary, playing the part of a pumped up junkie who neglects their children to the point of endangerment?

"hardcore druggie" describes someone on the present tense, do you really think that she is using hardcore drugs now?

your other comments are throwaway at best, and communicate little more than your close mindedness towards issues surrounding people with drug convictions.

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sorry for the double post, but..

What sort of role model does this person offer?

she is a person that has made a mistake, and she can at least effectively vouch for the devastation that this mistake has brought to her life. I daresay that she can offer a whole lot more to the cause of drug prevention than can any squeaky clean advocate that knows little more than what they have been fed by texts or the media.

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I thought she'd been put away for 18 months?

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C'mon guys, time to ease up - the woman has already destroyed her reputation, and is trying to make amends, and let's face it, many of us from western nations are not exactly unblemished when it comes to a history of dabbling recreational/party drugs. Maybe some on this board are squeaky-clean Sunday-school types, but I know I'm not.

Good luck to Noriko in her future endeavours.

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"I thought she'd been put away for 18 months?"

Suspended, of course.

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She looks pretty alright to me.

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These comments felt like a drug binge; At first I was giggling. Then, I was laughing out loud and felt like I could tackle any challenge that came my way. Then they started to take themselves and this sad/stupid story WAY too serious and I started crashing. By the end, I was depressed again and had to look to score another JT story fix hopefully with some good comments.

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WhatMeWorry: LOL!

Her comeback begins. Next, she'll be singing in the student lounge!

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Her new name is Nori-D

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No, she is now being labelled as "Sakai moto hikoku". Which is better than just "hikoku" I guess.

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Unfortunately, i get the glimpse of Ijima Ai looking at this picture.

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she is not even famous but she is on the newspaper all the time, I hate that

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What a hottie! Blaze one up!

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Yeah, looking at the photo there, you can tell shes a hardcore druggie. Heh, seriously, how can you look at the girl and even think that for a moment. Recreational occasional drug abuser sure. The signs are much easier to hide, but hardcore addict, those you can spot right away.

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MELONADE: Great point. HELLHOUND: You should ask your Japanese friends who Noriko Sakai is. Or if you're ostracized for being gaijin, try Google.

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So if she doesn't go to jail, are all drug users let off?

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I'm not too concerned about some celebrity getting caught with drugs. What is concerning is a celebrity of her age doing it. This isn't just a youthful indiscretion. She may have been influenced by her deadbeat boyfriend, but she chose to get into the lifestyle.

In the West, if a straight as an arrow celebrity gets caught with drugs, they get more credibility and become even more popular. I wonder if its beginning to get that way in Japan now as well. Nori-P was a huge star back in her day and her popularity was in large part based on her sweet and innocent image. I would be interested to know if there have been any opinion surveys of her after being arrested indicating any significant change in the publics view of her.

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Why does all of this remidn me of Martha Stewart? Celebrity turns perp, does a little time, pays a fine, then goes back into the spotlight.

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Why does all of this remidn me of Martha Stewart? Celebrity turns perp, does a little time, pays a fine, then goes back into the spotlight.

You're saying she shouldn't? And why the Martha Stewart comparison anyway. All she did was "lie" to investigators. That was what she was convicted of. She says she told the truth, they said she lied, no proof one way or another, jury didn't like her, wanted to punish her for "insider trading" and so convicted her. Wouldn't be surprised if her conviction got tossed one of these days.

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Definitely something fishy about this PR gig. Already, too many secrets and lies regarding this entire narc scandal, and too many questions that go unanswered.

Was this PR actually a planned move by the school? Was this woman being "forced" to do such PR because she had no choice except compliance?

Is she really, wholeheartedly into senior nursing/welfare? Or is she doing it just for her personal redemption, before it's all too late?

If only someone knew the truth behind all these......

But one thing is for sure: 893 involvement (Inagawa, Sumiyoshi, Yamaguchi), although I can't figure out the exact roles played by these clans in this situation.

Her new name is Nori-D

D for what? Disenchanted? Disillusioned? Disaffected? Distopia? Debauched? Demoralized?? All these seem to apply to this damaged woman so to speak...

she is now being labelled as "Sakai moto hikoku". Which is better than just "hikoku" I guess.

Ex-defendent, but current convict. So no better.

What is more disturbing IMHO is that some TV stations (especally, TBS) started to regard her as "former talent," "ex-actress-cum-singer" even at an early stage (say, back in September). Must be part of the media lynching techniques...

There has to be a better description, say, "currently deactivated talent/singer/actress" and so on.

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Excellent choice of ambassadors for your esteemed institution

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Anyone know how well her CDs are selling? Cause I reckon with all this publicity people will be buying up her CDs as much as Michael Jackson's.

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