Japan Today
picture of the day

Yasukuni gathering


Members of a rightwing group gather at Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo Monday, the 71st anniversary of the end of World War II.

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16 ( +25 / -9 )

Short-legged clown troupe with pants and jackets that are four numbers too large.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Why, if these guys are so proud of their military, have they never joined it?

18 ( +24 / -6 )

Me thinks they all want an Ice cream.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Having fun with the first five comments. FACT is that these people don't do anything that's against the law in Japan. And that the laws interdicting such behavior will never be written. Every nation is allowed to commemorate their war dead soldiers. Have you noticed how war winners never have Class-A war criminals among themselves ?

-17 ( +13 / -30 )

Losers, all of them, and if you mentioned to them the fact that Japan lost the war they'd get pretty riled up, I bet. But they want to remember a Japan that lost its way, murdered tens of millions, enslaved hundreds of thousands, and then had bombs dropped on them to stop it all.

Stay classy, people. And don't forget: you lost.

7 ( +16 / -9 )

There is nothing wrong with honoring the dead of wars, but what is pictured above seems to be scenes reminiscent of Confederate Civil War re-enactment people in the states who can't let go of the past.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

The Emperor Hirohito had disowned Yasukuni already. His son Akihito has. No doubt the son Naruhito will as well. Grasping for the glory days of death and misery through war is not worthy of a nation. Only peace

13 ( +15 / -2 )

At least these guys are out in the open about their beliefs.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Looks like they're getting ready for sake-fueled Banzai charge. It's a lost cause.

5 ( +9 / -4 )


Me thinks they all want an Ice cream.

I think those guys need some 'Cooling off' http://www.japantoday.com/category/picture-of-the-day/view/cooling-off-9 from yesterday.

I know I would prefer some cooling off, even more than an ice cream. Don't you?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What i love about this pic is that dr martens/ranger boots are still far rightists boots of choice, even in 2016 Japan! Too hot for the bomber jacket though. I like this pic, old rising sun flag is cool too.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Have you noticed how war winners never have Class-A war criminals among themselves ? and why would victors want the defeated to charge them with war crimes!? that'll probably start another war! The defeated have alwasy got the raw end of the deal in wars, that's why they're called LOSERS. Secondly if you prey for the souls of the leaders that were responsible for mass genocide arnt you condoning the crimes they commited? I have never seen Germans enshrine the souls of Hitler and his Nazis in a place so Germans can go and prey them!

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Some of those guys remind me of Dads Army....without the funny bits.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

KKK types for sure. Hate everyone that is not like themselves.

But they are the power base of the LDP and frankly Abe has more in common with these characters then he has differences.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Having fun with the first five comments. FACT is that these people don't do anything that's against the law in Japan. And that the laws interdicting such behavior will never be written. Every nation is allowed to commemorate their war dead soldiers


The scumbags in the picture aren't honouring Japan's war dead. To do that they would need to be in the actual shrine and actually praying, not parading around on the grounds of the shrine in cosplay waving military flags, as they are in the picture.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

You ought to know this bunch is party to a violent rightwing presence that long precedes WWII. This presence has a history of intimidation, assault and murder of progressive people in Japan. You have good reason to be weary of rightists like this.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

You have good reason to be weary of rightists like this.

Not really. SDF recruitment is low. Japan can't rise again. China won't allow it.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Just needs a few Pokémon and some Hello Kitty to put this picture in perspective. To say they have the mentality of a child is an insult to all children.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Sf2k:"The Emperor Hirohito had disowned Yasukuni already. His son Akihito has."

VERY good point! They funny thing is, I bet you the lot of these clowns would say, "I'd gladly die for the emperor! That's why I'm here! To remember!" or some such garbage, but not only would they turn tale, run, and trip on their oversized clown pants while doing so, if you reminded them of the fact that their living god has disowned the shrine they choose to insult their nation at, they would go ballistic (then turn around and trip over their clown pants). Like they IHA, they choose to SELECTIVELY idolise the Emperor and the Royal Family, and ignore what they see fit, and force what they believe Japan should be onto their idea of what the Emperor should be, and likewise would keep the entire Royal Family prisoner, force them to pray at Yasukuni, etc.

Gotta love how the government "can't interfere" when it comes to allowing an old man -- their god -- to abdicate, but they sure can visit Yasukuni and honour war criminals on the public dime and in their official capacity.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

This is what happens when you are more than a bit thick or if, for whatever reason, you did not attend school.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

That fat guy standing behind the fossilized man in the wheelchair looks as if he wouldn't last a day in a real army.

I say just let them have their fun. They can't do anything outside Japan. They're just doing what Abe wants to do but wouldn't dare in public.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

There is what's wrong with Japan. Right there! In the name of expressing their opinion and free speech, they are permitted their parades, permitting to drive up and down the street blasting everyone with their outdated...music. They should have been banned and criminalised long ago. How can people believe Japan's sincerity when trash like this are allowed free rein?

7 ( +8 / -1 )

It was daft right wingers like these people who created the system that ultimately led to the war and to the loss of so many lives. The only difference is that these guys have the benefit of history to learn from and yet fail to.

The right wing in nearly every country wants to lead society towards division, conflict and war. We need to make sure they never get that chance again.

11 ( +12 / -1 )


Secondly if you prey for the souls of the leaders that were responsible for mass genocide arnt you condoning the crimes they commited? I have never seen Germans enshrine the souls of Hitler and his Nazis in a place so Germans can go and prey them!

It is not that simple nor different from the case you mentioned. Yasukuni honors all dead soliders including many Koreans and Taiwanees who fought with Japan.

Also, Shintaro Ishihara, who said "if you are Japanese, you must go to Yasukuni", also said "when I go to Yasukuni and pray for soliders, I always make sure to exclude Hideki-Tojo "

WIth your logic, doens't that mean the situation is more like germans honor war dead excluding Hilter?

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Japan's right-wing losers have much in common with America's core Trump supporters. They are stuck in low paying unskilled jobs long subsidized by the government, and now that such support has been whittled down it's time to blame the dirty foreigner. And ironically they turn to 'populist' heroes who were born into a life of privilege, like Abe and Trump.

Other similarities:

These wing nuts are mostly male. And if not, they wish they were.

They think they are 'manly'. They don boots, military fatigues, headbands, hats (made in China) to hide bald spots and other insecurities about hair/virility. They talk tough and deride civility, er, I mean, 'political correctness'. They like uniforms and chants. It gives them a collective chubby. They like their own noise.

They rely on symbols and clichés to make up for a lack of reasoning skills and personal integrity. (i.e. "stand up, Japan" or "lock her up!" or "Benghaaaaaaaaaaazi" or "die, cockroaches!")

They are not interested in social justice. They are interested in protecting their fantasy world. They are not concerned about people different from themselves.


Yasukuni honors all dead soliders including many Koreans and Taiwanees who fought with Japan.

Can you say with a straight face that these dudes in the photo and the LDP troupe that visited Yasukuni give two whatevers about Koreans and Taiwanese?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Politicians are a dime a dozen, and some of our Japanese politicians are dingbats. They inherit their position from their father no matter what kind of brain they have. Don't give them the attention they seek because they don't matter! As far as Yasukuni Shrine goes, it only matters if an Emperor goes there. Hirohito stopped going there after the class a war criminals were enshrined, and Akihito has never gone there either. And it is THEIR SHRINE! The Emperor is the nominal head of Shinto. McArthur wanted to tear down the shrine and make a dog racing track. It's true! But the ambassador from the Vatican said that all countries have the right to pay respects to war dead, so McArthur dropped the plan.

5 ( +6 / -1 )


Stay classy, people. And don't forget: you lost.

Care to say the same thing to the people at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? It would be very fair, because in Vietnam the US also killed millions of people and committed horrendous crimes. The only difference is that in Japan war criminals were tried, and the US had tried only one, the most notorious killer, Lt.Calley for the My Lai massacre, who walked free after three years.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

"Care to say the same thing to the people at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? It would be very fair, because in Vietnam the US also killed millions of people and committed horrendous crimes. The only difference is that in Japan war criminals were tried, and the US had tried only one, the most notorious killer, Lt.Calley for the My Lai massacre, who walked free after three years"

I imagine a lot of these types in the photo would deny any atrocities took place. This kind of bizarre mindset reaches up to the highest levels of government.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

There is what's wrong with Japan. Right there! In the name of expressing their opinion and free speech, they are permitted their parades, permitting to drive up and down the street blasting everyone with their outdated...music. They should have been banned and criminalised long ago. How can people believe Japan's sincerity when trash like this are allowed free rein?

Still a lot of white supremacists roaming around the fringes of southern states in the U.S.A. They are officially loathed these days but seem permitted to carry on their rather dubious ceremonies etc. There are also a tonne of websites out there with KKK and Neo Nazi material, both in the U.S and Europe. I seem to recall the head of the KKK seemed to have something to say about the elections recently. Like he still has some sort of political voice.

That's one of the cons of free societies, all sorts of undesirables take advantage of it. That's the price we pay and its worth paying in my view.

Care to say the same thing to the people at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? It would be very fair, because in Vietnam the US also killed millions of people and committed horrendous crimes. The only difference is that in Japan war criminals were tried, and the US had tried only one, the most notorious killer, Lt.Calley for the My Lai massacre, who walked free after three years.

Vietnam. Wow, if ever there was a lesson, Vietnam provides it. Its a pity the U.S didn't learn that lesson and walk away from the Mid East a very long time ago.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I'll bet that when they get home their mommies and wives rule the house!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Matt Hartwell

if ever there was a lesson, Vietnam provides it

It could be a good lesson if the US learned it, but it did not. America keeps invading other countries, at the same time critisizing other countries for their invasions in the past.

And yes, about the photo. I found it extremely misleading. People who are not aware of the real situation can think that the whole premises of Yasukuni are full of right-wingers, what is not true. I was at Yasukuni today and I saw just 2 right-wingers' trucks and about ten people in ex-Imperial army and navy uniforms, that's all. At the same time there were many thousands, literally, of ordinary people who came to honor the war dead. I had to wait about twenty minutes before I was able to come in front of the main altar. If think a photo of the lines of waiting people would be more suitable then a photo of a bunch of right-wingers (though such photo would not be so pandering to Westerners' tastes and would not provide sufficient fodder for Japanese-bashing)

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Imagine German politicians visiting a similar Hitlerkuni or Nazikuni shrine?

And Angela Merkel offering flowers?

And yet Japan have the gal to demand the removal of the Comfort Women statue in Seoul!

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Really these nut and losers should be ashamed. This shrine is for the public not for any secular group. How dare they disturb the sanctity and peace time of the enshrine.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

John-San, if you look at the picture you can see the huge stone lantern behind them - that lantern is nowhere near the shrine itself, it's located in the outer grounds. I suspect that the reason these morons are doing it back there is because they aren't actually allowed to do it in the shrine proper. They're an embarrassment even to the place they venerate most. They're an embarrassment full stop.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

"Imagine German politicians visiting a similar Hitlerkuni or Nazikuni shrine?"

A slight stretch of the imagination. But anyway, herein lies the problem for Japan: German politicians generally have not done so, do not do so and will not do so. Unlike Japan, in Germany the denial of history is rightly prohibited and rightly severely punished under the law. This is also one reason why in Japan you see such ignorant people in positions of authority and the scum in the photo. Every year at this time they continue to paint Japan as solely a victim in the war it wantonly perpetrated across Asia. It is why in the international community that Germany is respected as having learned from history and Japan remains a laughing stock for not having done so.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Yes, honour the war dead.

Hit by a bullet, aimed or stray,

Bombed, poisoned with gas or radiation,

Burned with napalm, blown up by mines

Bayoneted, tortured, beheaded.


So that a very few could make some money.

Because that's what it comes down to.

The rest is smokescreen.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Asakaze: "Care to say the same thing to the people at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial? It would be very fair, because in Vietnam the US also killed millions of people and committed horrendous crimes. The only difference is that in Japan war criminals were tried, and the US had tried only one, the most notorious killer, Lt.Calley for the My Lai massacre, who walked free after three years."

I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish with your comment on any level, really. First, I'm not American. Second, I am 100% against the Viet Nam war, and feel the US should never have gone in, and deserved to have their butts handed to them as they did. Third, it is not in the LEAST comparable to Japan's colonisation of Asia (including Viet Nam, by the way, where they killed more than 20,000, raped many, forced them to study Japanese, imprisoned all sorts of people in Hanoi's later known "Hanoi Hilton", etc.) and atrocities that killed more than 10,000,000 over a period of more than 30 years, and which many continue to deny. Yes, I think more Americans should have been tried as war criminals for things that occurred in Viet Nam, but you are still just comparing wars and atrocities, when the specifics and the scales are not at all comparable. Where is the Unit 731 of Viet Nam? The Nanjing Massacre was far more extensive than the most infamous in Vietnam (again, can you even admit Nanjing happened?), how about the whole sexual slavery system and bayonetting women who became pregnant after being gang raped? How about the sword march to 100 decapitations? The Death Railway? The Baatan Death March? Slaughtering POWs when the war was coming to an end?

I'd go on, but I think you honestly don't believe these things happened. And if you truly believe that what is in the pictures here is different from reality, why go to Yasukuni at all and instead not go to the war cemetery that has no war criminals enshrined? Sorry, but as long as you go to Yasukuni and pray, you are also praying for the murderers of millions.

Oh, and by the way, the Koreans and Taiwanese have asked to have the names removed from the list of those interred there, but the owners of Yasukuni selfishly refuse -- when there is absolutely zero reason to do so.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Japan's. KKK Same mentality. It is an unfortunate byproduct of having free speech. Although these Neandertals would deny it to others. Can't quite understand why they celebrate getting their ass kicked big style.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Still a lot of white supremacists roaming around the fringes of southern states in the U.S.A. They are officially loathed these days but seem permitted to carry on their rather dubious ceremonies etc. There are also a tonne of websites out there with KKK and Neo Nazi material, both in the U.S and Europe. I seem to recall the head of the KKK seemed to have something to say about the elections recently. Like he still has some sort of political voice.m

The issue is people's lack of acknowledgement about the past. The KKK are a fringe group. Would you imagine them being allowed to parade through Washington DC once a year? Yet that's what's happened here. Right in the middle of Tokyo. Free rein, permitted by the government to do their thing, deny Japan committed any wrongdoing. But wait, Mr Abe prayed for peace. Why? The right-wingers deny any wrong was committed. Therein lies the onion.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

This is one big example to show that Yasukini is not same as what-if german honoring Hitler analogy.

In 2005, some Taiwanee politicians visited Ysukuni to honor taiwanee dead, which caused a debate in Taiwan. Some Taiwanee think that visiting Yasukuni is an individual choice.


There is no equivalent to german analogy, say like.. French politicians visited Hilter tumb to honor, because it is different. Besides, guys in photo are not honoring Hideki Toji specifically but entire Japanese Imperial spirit.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

No comment.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish with your comment on any level, really

I'm trying to get you to understand several simple things.

First, the fact that you are not American does not change much, because almost all Western countries have long ugly lists of their crimes in colonial wars. Even such small countries as Belgium and Holland, best remembered as Nazi victims, in their colonies behaved no better then Hitler. Even China and Korea, ever moaning about Japanese cruelty, behaved no better then Japanese when they have a chance (South Korean units in Vietnam, where they were hated as the most ruthless killers, China's barbarity during the agression against Vietnam in 1979).

Second, I do not deny Japanese crimes, but Japan paid for it with war crime trials, apologies, compensations. I do not remember any war crime trials in ex-colonial powers, let alone compensations. Many war memorials in such countries can be viewed by victims of Western colonization as "glorification and whitewashing" worse then Yasukuni.

And the last. The West with its horrible history of agressions is not in position to give lectures on morality. Any such lecture will end in comparison of what country's butcher list is longer. One more time, in order you to understand it: I do not deny or whitewash, I just want to tell you that the West in no better, period. So leave Japan alone, you pray for your war dead in your memorials, let Japanese do the same.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

There is no equivalent to german analogy, say like.. French politicians visited Hilter tumb to honor, because it is differe

If you spill coffee on your shirt, do you keep on wearing it, or do you clean it? Same applies here. These enshrined war criminals are a stain on Yasukuni shrine. The officials claim there's nothing to be done once the names are enshrined. Well these politicians could go to Chidorigafuchi cemetery nearby. Civilians can go to the shrine. Of course the esteemed individuals in Japan are not really interested in praying for peace. They know what they are about, and want to stir up ill will in the region. Of course they'll never admit that.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Nice "peace" memorial Japan. This is what Yasukuni stands for in Japan.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

If you spill coffee on your shirt, do you keep on wearing it, or do you clean it? Same applies here. These enshrined war criminals are a stain on Yasukuni shrine.

You would keep on wearing it if your shift used to belong to your beloved ones, your father ,your mom..etc. Friend of mine says he goes to Yasukuni because his grand father is honored there.

Prime minister, Shinzo Abe visited Yasukuni, not this year,but in past, saying he goes to Yasukuni to pray peace.

Is he really thinking of peace?

Is he trying to stur up ill with his neighbors? because he should know A-class criminals are honored there.

Or maybe he is not happy about idea that Tokyo war trials are fair one and A-class criminals are simply bad guys, since his grand father was on the trial for A-class criminal as well.

All we know is Shinzo Abe is the guy who deiceded to aplogy and pay a billion yen to former Korean comfort women in 2015 even though Japan already paid compensation 8 billion US dollars in 1965.

And here is the reaction from Koreans. Yet another statue of comfort women, now in Austraila. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-06/comfort-women-statue-unveiled-in-sydney-despite-dispute/7697036

I will say this girl statue is stained with a full of Korean's political manipulation and ego.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Look, these right wing thugs are censors. They are there to remind you that you risk getting beaten up or killed if you publicly something about the old imperial system that they (and coincidentally the LDP) do not like. There is a lot of self censorship in Japan because of people like this.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Most Japanese think these people are crazy. And scary.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

All we know is Shinzo Abe is the guy who deiceded to aplogy and pay a billion yen to former Korean comfort women in 2015 even though Japan already paid compensation 8 billion US dollars in 1965.

He and Japan deserve recognition for this. But let's be honest, 1billion yen is a pittance.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Or maybe he is not happy about idea that Tokyo war trials are fair one and A-class criminals are simply bad guys, since his grand father was on the trial for A-class criminal as well.

I agree. The allies on tried them for crimes against other allied forces, not POWS. True justice would've been to try them for Nanking, Unit 731 and the sex slaves. Nobusuke Kishi should've paid the penalty for his crimes against humanity. If anything, the US should be thanked for its excessive leniency.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


All we know is Shinzo Abe is the guy who deiceded to aplogy and pay a billion yen to former Korean comfort women in 2015

And the same guy who, in 2007 denied that it ever happened.

Abe doesn't do sincerity.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

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