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Protesters shout slogans during a rally in Tokyo's Shibuya district on Saturday. About 4,000 people gathered to protest against Prime Minister Naoto Kan's inaction on China's claim to the disputed islands in the East China Sea, known as the Senkaku islands in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

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These women should protest about age discrimination in japan instead a stupid island that will never be visited or inhabited

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Inaction? I'd like to hear what they propose?

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Very commendable, but I'd rather work on hooking up with the guys in the advertisements in the back. But that is just my priority. However, the article does not make clear what "inaction" they are criticizing. What do they want him to do about it. Well, still, I'd rather hook up with the cute guys in back. Did I say that? Who are they anyway?

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Funny the advertisments in the background sort of go with the protest "Change Ur World"

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Since Japan already considers them Japanese territory and has done so since the late 1800s, what "action" is there to take? If it's getting the U.S. to declare that the islands fall under US defense parameters, it's done. If Japan needs to shift it's military focus in that direction, it's done. What more do these folks want?

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actually agree with Ossan for a change. these protesters want to have a dig at Kan, and are just using the issue to do so. I'm surprised anyone could be bothered. some people need to get a life.

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Nationalist reemergence. Good to see.

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Japanese nationalism is trendy again! That last time that happened was in the 1930s, and we know what happened as a result of that.

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I like peaceful demonstrations, without ugly violations,,, burning flags. but I just cant see more men there.

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The same bunch of people as in the recent picture of the day nationalist "demonstration". Again the lady in the white jacket takes the lead (last time she did wear a "staff" batch and a black dress). At least this time she left her kids at home.

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whiskeysour, it's a "stupid island" with lots of oil around it. I'll take it if you don't want it :)

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I think its good to see a little demo going on, but I wish the locals wud demo against some more domestic issues that need to shouted out. Lets hope this issue isnt just diverting the masses concerns from more important things, I know I know, wishful thinking but one can dream cant one!

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They would be much better served protesting their government to make a formal apology for all the acts of atrocities committed against China, Korea, and the rest of Asia, instead of taking this arrogant righteous victim attitude....

But that's why common-sense is so UN-common in Japan...

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Would make more sense protesting the corruption that their government is riddled with and also the corruption within the japanese police force.

Forget the senkaku islands for now and sort their own immediate area out first.

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So.... according to these people, what should Kan and Japan have done? Wage war over islands they already claim are theirs? What a bunch of idiots.

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These women should protest about age discrimination in japan instead a stupid island that will never be visited or inhabited

LOL. You are so right!..:)

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The woman speaking into the megaphone handset is the same one who was on a similar pic a few weeks/months ago parading her kid in another anti-China rally.

(just found it: Sunday 07th November's pic of the day)

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4,000 people had nothing better to do?

They want Kan to "bitch-slap" China. China says some insignificant rock is Chinese, and they want RESPECT!!!

Unfortunately, THOSE days are over...

With a culture based on the group (rather than the individual), Japanese nationalism is NEVER a good thing. Wait until some of the younger members of this group get angry enough to actually do something about the "China problem", and assault a Chinese tourist in Japan.

This is the silly stuff that wars are born out of...

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KevininHawaii............now , now, don't give them ideas.

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Nationalist reemergence. Good to see.

Really Needabrew!? Why is that? Do you think you might profit from it? Somehow get ahead? Or the kids and people, as a result, will become more humane, and more compassionate--better human beings? REALLY? Nationalism is a disease and the better we put it to bed the better! The days of empire should be over as empire is a disease in and of itself. Nothing good comes from it.

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I think the woman with the microphone was the same one dragging her children for another protest a few weeks earlier. Wow! Time on her flippin hands. Bet she is a pain in the a$$ to listen to during the evening meal!

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These fools are playing with fire. If they had any idea how dependent Japan's economy was on China's continued trade with Japan, and how quickly many of their jobs and lives would crumble if it stopped, they'd think twice about whining in the street.

Nationalism is never a good thing, especially if you are a resource poor country without any means (planes, bombs, armies, etc) to steal resources from other countries.

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Its like a bicultural comment.... why even bother?

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Well at least they got more people together than the one or two hundred that demonstrated in China (out of 1.3 billion people). So, who did you say the cute guys are?

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The guys on the poster look really hot. Where is LoveUSA today?

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10-15 years (Global Warming) that island will be totally eroded nothing will be left except a mountain under the sea.

one thing I know for sure, China will have possession of it tomorrow or 10 years later .They will definitely own the stupid islands. timeout 4 bicultural - does it really matter ? these women will never see the money from the oil. The oil will not benefit the people of japan because the road ways are smokey & toxic to breath. I mean really- Do you ever think before you start typing & ranting about my comment ? please sit in th corner and wait. Japan should let the islands go and/or negotiate a friendship or peace agreement or use the precious black gold/ texas tea together.

I For ther past few months I have not seen Chinese tourists in a long time at disney. Usually they are yelling and screaming in tokyo station in unison. What happened to all the tourists ?

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whiskey sour, let the Chinese have these islands and they will want more. Like Chamberlains "peace in our time". The Chinese are using the Japanese as the goat. The cause of all of their troubles and to be hated. We have extended our hand in friendship and it has not been returned.

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When I saw the small version of the picture, I thought they were protesting Ka-tun and NYC.

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Poster in the back: the person wearing yellow - is that a boy or a girl?

Either way, such display of sissiness would not fly in NYC, ha!

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and who provides all those nice sparkling clean Jpns flags? Yes, guys in back tremendous sissies. Would not last five seconds in the USA. Still, I think they are pretty cute!

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Some posters have most definitely not been either to China or Japan. Ordinary Chinese and Japanese don't give a witches thinble about the islands. The only way the Chinese government could stop Chinese from coming to Japan was to order Chinese tourist companies to stop organizing trips to Japan. In turn, the Taiwanese are showing up in mass in Shinjuku. I'm guessing that is a way to poke China in the eye. (Look at the signs on the busses - if you read Japanese). But the STA busses (Shanghai Tourist Association) are still in Shinjuku. And personally, I think that the ultra-natinalists on both sides are deranged. Ultranationalist Japanese are scarry to me too.

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Extreme nationalism will promote the war, blood sheds, body bags and more hatred. History has showed no nation was extreme like Japan or Germany. New generation have to realize that their forefathers stupidity. Because of that narrow minded nationalistic people, the second war was started.

Because of their arrogance and unrealistic ideology, Japan was an only nation in the world which was nuked. Many Asian nations suffered Japanese cruelty during the war time. Japan was a villain of the second world war.

Japan surrendered the Allied force unconditionally in 1945. After 65 years, they have lost the memory about the bad old days. It is time to move on with peace, smiles and friendship. If not, there will be more Hiroshima and Nagaski.

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@DobuNezumi; chill out a sec and enjoy Japanese taking pride in their country.

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JeffLee at 08:50 AM JST - 19th December Japanese nationalism is trendy again! That last time that happened was >in the 1930s, and we know what happened as a result of that.

Cute but totally off the mark. The Nationalism in Japan of the 1930s, actually starting in the 20s, is entirely different in both objective and scope as nationalism in Japan today. The Nationalism in China today is what mirrors Japanese nationalism and military expansion of the 1930s.

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mindovermatter at 11:06 AM JST - 19th December They would be much better served protesting their government to make a >formal apology for all the acts of atrocities committed against China, >Korea, and the rest of Asia, instead of taking this arrogant righteous >victim attitude.... But that's why common-sense is so UN-common in Japan...

Japan has apologized to China, South Korea, Asia multiples times. Over 17 according to CNN. Let's move on shall we? The issue isd China's military expansion threatening all of it's asian neighbors.

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KevininHawaii at 01:29 PM JST - 19th December With a culture based on the group (rather than the individual), Japanese >nationalism is NEVER a good thing. Wait until some of the younger >members of this group get angry enough to actually do something about >the "China problem", and assault a Chinese tourist in Japan. This is the silly stuff that wars are born out of...

Funny that all you attribute to the Japanese is a hundred times more valid when addressing the Chinese living under a totalitaria dicatatorship. The risk of a Japanese tourist being assaulted in China is far far greater than the reverse if we take past anti-japan demonstrations and store and car destroying activities as an example.

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sorry to digress, but did the photographer lost focus while taking this picture? cos' the posters at the back took up 35% of the photo, and looking at the smaller version, i almost thought they are protesting against pretty young boys...

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I find this picture of Japanese nationalists disturbing, given Japans recent past record of military aggression and barbarity against its neighbours. Of course, the Chinese are by no means angels themselves. We all remember the Communists` massacre of its own citizens at Tiennamen Square, and also their illegal annexation of Tibet.

Scenes such as these, though, are reminiscent of the bad old days in Japan. Countries that deny their history, like Japan, are destined to repeat past mistakes, therefore this picture to me is very disturbing.

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given Japans recent past record of military aggression

Japan doesn't have a recent past history of military aggression. The war ended 65 years ago. If it's recent military aggression you want, there are plenty of other countries with a much more recent - current, even - history of aggression. How many wars has Japan started in the past half-century? How many civilians has Japan killed, either in 'real' fighting or using unmanned drones? How much 'collateral damage' from Japanese bombing of weddings? How much DU has Japan spread in other folks' countries? How many 'enemy combatants' (aka as goatherders grassed on by their neighbours to settle personal feuds) have been banged up in offshore Japanese concentration camps? How much ethnic cleansing carried out using Japanese machetes?

The loons in this picture are not representative of the majority of Japanese. It's the same old faces appearing again and again. And all they're doing even is waving flags and shouting. As demonstrators go, they're pretty wussy.

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Chinese need to send troops to Japan, simply to crack down these hooligans.

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65 years ago. Yep, let's see that makes an 18 year old comfort woman at that time, what?--83. I have a feeling those in that age bracket would call it a "recent ... past"

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The loons in this picture are not representative of the majority of Japanese. It's the same old faces appearing again and again. And all they're doing even is waving flags and shouting. As demonstrators go, they're pretty wussy.

This is true. Kind of like the tea-partiers of USA. Crazy. Most are unemployed housewives who have a lot of time on their hands and very little reflection or study in things like history, social studies, philosophy, etc. Dangerous people in the end.

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zenpun i agree with you. Being proud of your country is a good thing, But Both countries need to stop worrying & arguing over small worthless islands

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The islands aren't worthless!!! That's the whole point!!

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I agree with "needabrew" chill out people.. national pride is a necesity to the Japanese.. The China Incident" Shina Jihen". In 1937" the Japan - China war was called the incident as neither country made a formal declaration of war.

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Ausieguy; That is right, it was a Japanese attack.

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OssanAmerica - point taken. IMO there is also a chance of violence by Chinese people against Japanese tourists in China also.

This article/photo is about Japanese people protesting, so I commented on that.

TheRat - You really think the Tea-Partiers in the USA are crazy? They are a growing political force, so if these Japanese protesters have that kind of following, we are in trouble.

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I find this picture of Japanese nationalists disturbing, given Japans recent past record of military aggression and barbarity against its neighbours

OK. But the photo provides the context in a different way than you suggest. Their rally departs from Japan's past military aggression--Japan and China are bickering over a different issue. It has nothing to do with what Japan did upon Asian countries in the wartime. Besides, national flags are conventional ones-- NOT the same as the national symbol in the Imperial era. These protesters are NOT the same as hard-core right wingers. Speaking of a national flag as iconography.

TheRat - You really think the Tea-Partiers in the USA are crazy? They are a growing political force, so if these Japanese protesters have that kind of following, we are in trouble.

Nah, I personally don't think they are similar to the Tea-Partygoers. Most of these protestors do not necessarily engage in a rally for political motives.

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