Japan Today



The Kong Show talks to author Bob Tobin about his new book


In this edition of the Kong Show, we’ll be talking with Tokyo resident and book author Dr Robert Tobin. Tobin has just released his second book in Japan (in Japanese), which you’ll be hearing about during this interview.

Dr Tobin has written more than 30 articles on the topics of leadership and change for the Journal of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and continues to be a regular contributor.

He is also a consultant, author and conference speaker who has given TED Talks and has worked with such prestigious companies as IBM, Gap, NEC, AIG, Disney, CitiGroup, the European Commission, the U.S. Navy, UBS and Louis Vuitton.

He is Professor Emeritus at Keio University Faculty of Business and Commerce where he taught courses in leadership, creativity, communication, strategy and organizational change for the past 20 years.

In addition to all of that, he also runs an art gallery in Tokyo, Tobin Ohashi Gallery, which Time magazine called one of the top four places to see art in Tokyo.

Tobin is originally from Boston, went to UMass Amherst and Boston University and taught in the MBA program at Pepperdine University in California where he lived for seven years. Back then, he thought he’d never leave Southern California but then he came to Asia and fell in love.

In this interview, we discus some of the various chapters of his book (Japanese title) "Jyu-Nen-go, kōkai shinai tame no jibun no michi no erabikata," translated into English as "How to choose your own way to not regret after 10 years.

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Thank yo so much Kong. Best, B

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