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Ukraine today could be East Asia tomorrow: Kishida


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Why Kishida running his mouth,when Lloyd Austin and China Defense Chief agrees to stay in touch Google Lloyd Austin Chinese Defense Chief

-12 ( +10 / -22 )

Quite exaggerated but in essence the message (that letting other weak countries be attacked without offering help will mean that the same thing will happen in the future to other weak countries)

11 ( +23 / -12 )

Ukraine today could be East Asia tomorrow

Could be yes, could be not.

China like to flex it's power but they prefer stability rather than conflict.


3 ( +12 / -9 )

Kishida called for the "rules-based international order" to be upheld,

The historic rules-based system of international order is being upheld, throughout history he most belligerent nation with the most ruthless leader who's willing to unleash his powerful military is in charge. Warmongers like Putin and the Kremlin do not see Russia having fixed boundaries, they will continue to expand their territory. They're shark-like, they've tasted blood and want more, especially other people from other nation's blood, civilian or military, women, children, the elderly, it doesn't matter, they all bleed. I wonder whether other potential empires like China, India, and Brazil think the same way, given they each have systems akin to Russia's national socialism, I think so. Anti-westerners, pro-Russia, and others in the alt right movements have said with justification that it's the 'west', US/UK/NATO and nations that side with them that are the warmonger; that certainly has been true, but today it is Russia that is destabilizing the world through its warmongering. And the west/NATO/US are unwilling to go directly toe-to-toe with Russia, rightfully fearing nukes will be used.Most reasonable people want to see life continue on the planet, but extremists like those in national socialism movements have shown that destroying the planet is fine by them, they want to payback their enemies, real and imagined, at any cost.

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

China like to flex it's power but they prefer stability rather than conflict.

Things can, let’s just hope if something unthinkable ever happens to Japan, other countries have nicer immigration policies for them to take advantage of.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Japan is a peace-loving nation

But let me fear monger my way to explain why we should scrap article 9 and gain enemy base strike capabilities. You know for peace...

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Japan has contributed to regional peace and stability ?

How ?

Hosting the occupied force of the USA military and following their advice like a moron.

Attaining a nuclear arsenal and with preemptive strike capabilities doesn't look like Japan is a peace loving nation.

The people want peace but the government doesn't !

-8 ( +16 / -24 )

This ignores the historical context and series of developments that led to Russia invading Ukraine.

The same context and developments cannot be seen for Taiwan.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

In the long run, I think it might be better for the Japanese to have their own army, own weapons and own nukes. Everyone else can complain about it.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Kishida called for the "rules-based international order" to be upheld

The "rules-based international order" that Kishida endlessly refers to is the control of the world's financial systems by the United States through its military power.

The "rules" are created by the US but don't actually apply to it or its satellite countries, which is why the British war criminal Tony Blair will receive a knighthood from the Queen on June 13, despite being responsible for the deaths of 900,000 Iraqis in the illegal Iraq invasion in 2003. 63% of those polled in a YouGov survey against were against the award and 1.2m people have signed a petition opposing it.

The mothers of British soldiers who died in the illegal invasion are disgusted by the award:

"Mothers of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan wrote begging the Queen to rescind the knighthood. One said, “our misery is compounded knowing that the man responsible is being honoured.”


That's the true face of the "rules-based international order"

9 ( +20 / -11 )

Kishi Kun:

Please stop acting like the lapdog that carries errands from the US, transmitting its myths and fears because it is losing economic power and world leadership..

And dedicate yourself once and for all to solve the JAPAN'S REAL PROBLEMS !!..

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

@rocket oink

Own weapons and nukes

Everyone else can complain about it

Yeah Japan can have its own military and all that.

Do you assume they are trustworthy yet ?

lets not be too quick to forget what happened last time they had a military.

They even lied recently by saying they didn't have chemical weapons but it was discovered they were supposedly keeping them for defense purposes only .

There's still a passive agressive superiority complex issue with Japan and the way it operates.

Japan is also trying to be the boss of Asia and not just a peaceful neutral passive nation that it trys to advertise itself as !

So yes i think its necessary to keeping a very close eye on the Japanese military agenda.

And yes they hold a grudge over the atomic bombings of Japan.

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

Taiwan won't be next Asia's Ukraine; the power difference between China and Taiwan is overwhelming, Taiwanese lack the will power to resist, and Taiwan cannot be resupplied by land.

Instead, Taiwan looks more like Afghanistan; it will fall quickly in a week or two.

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

Ukraine today could be East Asia tomorrow: Kishida

Ukrain: Taiwan 

Quemoy Islands: Crimea

Russia: PRC

Japan: Germany

The Philippines: Poland

Finland: Mongolia

Moldova: South Korea

Transnistrie: North Korea

Laos/Cambodia: Belarus

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Yeah Japan can have its own military and all that.

Do you assume they are trustworthy yet ?

lets not be too quick to forget what happened last time they had a military.

Japan is also trying to be the boss of Asia and not just a peaceful neutral passive nation that it trys to advertise itself as !

Japan has no war for 77 years and no SDF members and no people died over combat/battle until now. It looks like Japan will not make war happen because they love enjoy peace.

7 ( +11 / -4 )


So straight from the horse's mouth 'smashed to smithereens'. I think Wei Fenghe has been watching too much Ukraine videos supplied by Russia and fancies a bit of action himself.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Could be yes, could be not.

China like to flex it's power but they prefer stability rather than conflict

Russia under Putin was saying the same before the invasion.. :(

Beijing insists on war. The threat style is highly identical to Kremlin's before the invasion and mass killing.

China will 'not hesitate to start war' if Taiwan declares independence, Beijing says


3 ( +7 / -4 )

Fearmongering void of any context or nuance. One of the oldest far-right tricks in the book.

Even if China was planning to attack Taiwan or Japan, both are a) very difficult to invade due to their geography, unlike Ukraine, which has historically suffered due to its lack of mountains in the borders and b) too valuable business partners. Who'd be buying China's slave-produced goods if they decimated their most productive neighbours.

Kishida and others worship people who did exactly what Russia is doing in Ukraine now. Their sense of "order" is the hegemony of Japanese corporations over their Asian neighbours and other "developing" nations. Equality or peace, if ever mentioned, are only rhetorical devices used to make them look like the good guys.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

said Kishida, whose country has joined Western-led sanctions against Russia.

By blocking 1.1% of Russian imports... which is a smart move. Just lip service to his US masters.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Aaaand the facade falls away, Kishida reveals himself to be another Abe-protege clone, applying himself vigorously to calling for a bigger military budget.

When you project fear and anxiety, that's what you manifest.

And regarding Taiwan, Kishida and others might do well to look into its history. It's a documented fact that 'founder' Chiang K'ai-shek was a US-proxy gangster who despite being lavishly financed by the US allowed corruption to get the better of him, which is why he lost to Mao on the mainland and had to run away to Taiwan with his tail between his legs.

[ Chiang Kai-shek not only used mobsters to extract money payment from rich industrialists that were forced to “fund” the money-squandering machine of the KMT apparatus, but he also tolerated members of his own family and closest associates to be involved in criminal activities. One of the most emblematic examples of this is the Lin Shiliang case.

Lin Shiliang was an assistant of Chiang Kai-shek’s brother-in-law, H. H. Kung. Lin had met Kung via the Green Gang. When the Smuggling Prevention Office discovered that Lin was involved in the smuggling of goods and that he wasted his money in gambling, drinking and prostitution, Lin protected himself by revealing that Kung was the mastermind of the smuggling scheme. Chiang Kai-shek’s wife, Song Meiling, interceded for Kung, because she was his sister-in-law. Chiang dismissed the case and fired the director of the Smuggling Prevention Office (see Frederic Wakeman: Spymaster: Dai Li and the Chinese Secret Service. 2003, pp. 325-327).

It is not surprising that in 1947, an American military adviser reported to President Truman that the KMT’s defeats at the hands of the Communists were due

to the world’s worst leadership and many other morale destroying factors that can lead to a complete loss of will to fight. The complete ineptness of high military leaders and the widespread corruption and dishonesty throughout the armed forces, could, in some measure, have been controlled and directed had . . . authority and facilities been available. Chinese leaders lack the moral courage to issue and enforce an unpopular decision. (Grasso / Corrin / and Kort 1991, p. 137).

The widespread corruption and injustice of the KMT government, which are symbolised by its alliance with the Green Gang, made its one-party rule so hated that the Communists seemed like the only hope for the future of China.

After the KMT lost the war and the central government of the Republic of China retreated to its last stronghold on Taiwan, the one-party regime would continue to use gangs to maintain its power on the island. ]

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

""He warned however that the world must be "prepared for the emergence of an entity that tramples on the peace and security of other countries by force or threat without honoring the rules""

Yes sir, Japan should and must be prepared for the simple fact that China has not given up it's claims over Taiwan and waters of the south east Asia.

The free world is facing the greatest challenge of all times since WW2 and if we fail in Ukraine then the gates of Hell are wide open for all Dictators and Tyrants to run across our lands.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )


Japan refused to sign a peace agreement with Russia and has issues with all its neighbors.

The only reason Japan hasn't been in any wars is because of its war history and defeat and surrender and the forced constitution that was written by the USA government.

I understand that its possibly perhaps true the majority of the Japanese population want peace - however this is the government we're talking about and if they truly wanted peace and a passive stance then they wouldn't need the preemptive strike capabilities and nuclear and chemical weapons.

And they wouldn't be evolving themselves in the Ukraine conflict and the sanctions game.

Kishida traveling around pretending to be boss is ridiculous.

Make no mistake because the Japanese government definitely is in competition with China as trying to be boss of Asia and that means military power.

Japan has enjoyed 77 years of peace but they don't get to anymore.

Time for Japan to grow up and be independently responsible.

The USA military is tierd of protecting Japan and its nonsense way of doing stuff.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )


Impressive list. You forgot one more:


It's obvious Kishida is being forced to act as regional fearmongerer.

Kyo wa heiwa dayo neToday 07:52 am JST:

Japan has contributed to regional peace and stability ?

How ?

Hosting the occupied force of the USA military and following their advice like a moron.

Attaining a nuclear arsenal and with preemptive strike capabilities doesn't look like Japan is a peace loving nation.

The people want peace but the government doesn't !

Spot on. Typical hypocrisy, American-style.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Japan has enjoyed 77 years of peace but they don't get to anymore.

Time for Japan to grow up and be independently responsible.

The USA military is tierd of protecting Japan and its nonsense way of doing stuff.

@kyo wa gheiwa...

Many European countries join in the NATO. Japan joins in the security treaty with the US. Even Russia and China are on their own agreement helping each other. The US military is in Japan because there is a US and Japan Security Treaty for a long time. Japan has been independent so it has SDF to defend its own country.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Japan may not have had any wars recently but i think it's important to remember that Japan pays for the hosting of USA military bases in Japan and the USA military has used the bases in Japan to wage wars and conflicts as a staging area .

So Japan is responsible for the actions of the USA military via Japan indirectly .

It's a bit hypocritical to say Japan hasn't been involved in any wars for 77 years.

Not really a pacifist nation because its under the nuclear umbrella of the USA military and an extended family member of NATO.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Unlike some nuclear military powers ruled by dictators who're rather waiting for something to happen, it would be just too late for most others when something did actually happen and we all know something could happen which just did.

CCP China did not hesitate to openly suggest POTUS(s) to split Pacific saying " Pacific is big enough to share by us two super powers.."

Russia has started claiming Hokkaido should belong to Russia , Ainu are all Russians. not to mention about Kim Dynasty

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

China and Russia. . . Two sides of the same coin? Could be.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

It's a bit hypocritical to say Japan hasn't been involved in any wars for 77 years.

Because Japan has a constitution article #9. It is war renouncing. Who made this article after that war? It is the USA government. As long as it has the constitution, it can't go fight, except self-defence.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Could Ukraine today be really the East Asia tomorrow? What a cynical political stance of Japan PM, trying to project a hyperbolic image for himself internationally.

Hyping ‘China threat’ in Shangri-La Dialogue, Kishida sends aftershocks of Europe geopolitical quake to Asia.

Instructed to rope in Asian nations to antagonize China, Kishida is armed with ill intentions, stressing the need of 'bolstering maritime security cooperation'.

What is he trying to achieve?..

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Kishida trying to play statesman again. Keep your opinions to yourself, focus on the economy and the safety of Japan rather than winding up China..

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Ukraine today could be East Asia tomorrow: Kishida

It is very understandable. Russia and China are very identical dictatorship countries.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

As Basil Faulty of BBC Faulty Towers once famously said, "don't mention the war".

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It will be, if you push for it. IE, war mongering, more war mongering, saying dooms day will come.

Frightening, or, trying to frighten people to your side/ideas? In todays world, no one/country wants to go to war/engage in warfare, unless, sovereignty is compromised. Except, when the war/conflict, can/is fought somewhere else, IE, not in the HOMELAND. If it is not in the homeland, then, war/conflict will/can be fought for far far lesser reasons, eg lost of influence/hegemony etc etc.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Right or wrong, the man has a right to state his opinions. He is clearly worried about what could be.

With what is going on in Ukraine, we can all see it is better to not be in such a situation yourself.

Nobody knows exactly what lays ahead. War is scary as we see pictures of the dead on streets and in rubble, mass graves, destroyed buildings etc.

What makes some feel so entitled to force another nation to do what they want over what the nation wants? What makes anyone believe they have a right to kill others to get their way?

It looks like a pendulum of opposite thinking has stretched to a point where one side believes the only way forward is through violence and war.

Everyone knows war is the worst state of living and dying. Russians know their country is at war, but because all the fighting and damage is done in Ukraine they are insulated from it unless they have family or friends in the fighting. Getting images on TV and internet is one thing, while seeing it outside your window and hearing the explosions, screams and destruction with your own ears makes it a lot more real.

Any discussion that helps keep war away, that alerts people to a potential danger so that non violent action can be taken must be a good thing. Step back and take a breath. Work on what you have in common and do not resort to violence. Once it starts it is much much harder to stop.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Just a reminder

The occasion was ...

The IISS Shangri-La Dialogue is Asia's premier defence summit. It’s a unique meeting where ministers debate the region’s most pressing security challenges, engage in important bilateral talks and come up with fresh approaches together.


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japan should be more worried about itself too. A war with Japan would be enormously popular with the Chinese population. If the Chinese gov is ever under pressure domestically such as bad economy etc. war is always a card they can play to immediately boost support.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Prime-minister Kishida, U have to study Asian history.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Ukraine today could be East Asia tomorrow.

Or Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Vietnam.... Yesterday.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The global warmongering has went to 11. Let’s get this straight, no NATO in Ukraine, no war. Someone remind me please what Republican is president of the US now?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Let’s get this straight, no NATO in Ukraine, no war.

No, thats Putin's big lie. According to Putin, Ukraine is really Russia. This was always going to happen no matter what. He used excuses and demands he KNEW could not be accepted, as his excuse to invade Ukraine and make it part of Russia. He will gladly make Ukrainians stateless people like Palestinians.

This has nothing to do with Western Europe, or NATO. it is about Russian empire building so Putin will live on in history like the murderous Stalin before him. This is 100% on Putin.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Or Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Vietnam.... Yesterday.

I didn't realise that Iraq and Afghanistan were part of America with US passports and US laws in force. Libya and Syria were never invaded by the US and Vietnam was a loss. I am sure the American people can rest easy with all that Iraqi oil now owned by America.

Unlike Russia, America does not invade to conquer and make others a part of America as Russia does.

America frees, (or try's too) people so they can determine their own fate with democracy.

Saddam = Dictator. Afghanistan = Religious Regime.

Iraq now a fledgling democracy. Afghanistan again a religious regime, (US failure).

America has made terrible mistakes. But Russia is outright evil and it intends on permanent ownership of what it conquers. By comparison America is a boy scout trying to do good but not always getting it right.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


Unlike Russia, America does not invade to conquer and make others a part of America as Russia does.

I guess you missed that part about Hawaii. And Guam. And Saipan. And the Philippines. And Japan!

3 ( +3 / -0 )


I guess you missed that part about Hawaii. And Guam. And Saipan. And the Philippines. And Japan!

Lets see, Philippines and Japan are fee sovereign nations so what is your point exactly?

Saipan? The one that has a history of colonial periods under Spain, Germany, Japan and the US?

Guam? Signed over to the US from Spain?

Hawaii? Hawaii became a unified, internationally recognized kingdom in 1810, remaining independent until Western businessmen overthrew the monarchy in 1893; this led to annexation by the U.S. in 1898.

Yes none of those have anything in common with Russia's brutal invasion for territorial expansion.

Attempts to say the US has done anything like Russia is doing, for permanent border expansions and territorial gains, through unprovoked invasion is simple proof you do not understand either history or the current invasion.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


"Iraq is a fledging democracy."

Care to share any information which can support this assertion beyond the usual pronouncements put out by the US or US-affiliated sources?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Japan will be the new Ukraine because the US will force the country to fight against China over Taiwan. After re-acquiring Taiwan or during the said process, China will blockade any shipping lane to Japan permanently and implement economic warfare against Japan. As an island country with no exploitable resources, Japan will be economically destroyed and isolated.

With this result, Japan will emerge as another Ukraine but at least the US can use this pretense to permanently absorb Japan as the new American territories to deter China for real. Japan is already willing to expand American military facilities that cover the long-term settlements of Americans in Japan. This means the another Anglicization where Japan will become the next "Australia"

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

When they can’t solve the problems at home ( so many issues facing each citizen in Japan who are struggling to make ends meet ), they divert the attention externally and we fools fall for it!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Care to share any information which can support this assertion beyond the usual pronouncements put out by the US or US-affiliated sources?




0 ( +0 / -0 )

And Southeast Asia sea too! Considering the recent China warplane harassing an Australian surveillance plane with flaps that got sucked in its engines. That is an act of war, of a pully nation towards weaker nations who could do nothing because they cannot do anything about it.

Human History shows that war-mongering nations had a way to divert attention at home to war overseas to gather nationalist support and suppress discontentment at home. Putin did the same by attacking Ukraine. China CCP would follow. These dictators do not like anyone better than them with democracy. CCP has created havoc in Myanmar is proof of that intention. Belarus is governed by a dictator regime so it is left "safe" while Ukraine is not. The bully does not like to surround them with non-bully ones.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The lesson from Ukraine is that if one is not able and willing to defend one's self, there are homicidal, psychopathic dictators who will be happen to try to conquer you.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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