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© Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.5 things to know ahead of the Abe-Putin summit
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Russia is a 'has been state' which as Reckless said are master strategists. Scummy states when they have no reputable business or credit ALWAYS resort to wheeling and dealing their way to scheme out another play down the road. Putin and company remind me of those scummy used car salesmen that are always looking for a way to sell off that crap car that nobody wants. They will lie to your face and somehow make you feel like they are giving you something but it's all smoke and mirrors. Russia's glory days if one could even call them that by first world standards are long gone and fully replaced by corruption and heavy handed tactics. Um, wait, I guess then internally, Russia's glory days are still alive and kicking but to the outside world it's just a has been and now a neighbourhood bully once again.
As they say. "keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
Aly Rustom
Agree with the above. All of you are right.
Excellent way to put it. Excellent. Spot on.
Let me just add this: like you guys said, they are master strategists. This idiot PM is wet behind the ears, behind the times, and is a complete buffoon with no real world experience outside of Japan. The russian bear will play him the same way he plays with his pet dog Yume. Abe will be on his feet panting and will not get any of the islands while promising EVERYTHING to the russians. After that, Abe will go home, lick his wounded pride and put a spin on his utter disaster, somehow spinning it into a great victory for Japan. NHK will tow the party line and rest of us just go back to our 6-7 days a week of work- too tired to question our dear leader.
At least give it a try, if Russia is not open to compromise then write good relations with them off and focus more on China. In a couple of decades Russia will be a puppet of China anyway. Even the economic opportunities up for discussion are drab, Russia's East is one of the most squalid and blighted places on Earth. Furthermore, if Russia's East were to be developed, Russia would have more of an interest in retaining the islands as strategic defense anyway, so they would be less likely to hand them over with a more developed East
Snap election is coming in January? so Abe is doing his usual public relations act. But as a pacifist, being good with your neighbors is best. Abe won't get the land.
Japanese society
To be honest, USA can't protect Japan from China economically even militarily. The only country who can protect Japan is Russia. Only Russia can place balance between China and Japan. China will push back only in the case Russia is in the side of Japan or supports Japan.
turbostat: Well, if a supposed Assange confidante says so, it simply MUST be true! He's never done anything for personal gain, after all.
Japanese society
It is time to sign the Peace treaty. The Japanese society should accept 2 islands offer. It is the best option. If Japan won't cooperate with Russia, then Japan will fall and China will rise. In this case, the world will face unbelievable bleeding. . It seems like Russia-Japan partnership and Peace treat. No. It is setting the balance in the World for the World people and bright future of the World people. If China and Chinese rise they will do every possible brutality with Tibetans, Uighurs, Mongols and etc. The Chinese are very aggressive people. It is in their blood. So, we can't change them. Much bleeding will occur. We hope that the Japanese people are not selfish. It is the responsibility of Japanese people.
"UK's ex-ambassador of Uzbekistan."
Who, just going on what we know, has credibility a couple of orders of magnitude higher than a certain ex US Secretary of State, initials H.R.C., some people were all hot to get elected a few weeks to POTUS a few weeks ago.
Japanese society
The USA is great country. Unfortunately, this country is losing its leading place to China. The USA has huge debt to China. So, the Americans can't face China. The only country who can oppose China is Russia. The Europeans are powerless before China. They are far from China and they are very passive. But Russia borders with both Japan and China and has both physical and mental strengths.