Nine lawmakers quit the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) on Thursday and Friday in protest over Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's decision Wednesday to dissolve the lower house and call a general election for Dec 16.
This means that the DPJ -- with 239 seats -- no longer has a majority in the 480-seat lower house, going into the election.
The six who quit the DPJ are Masahiko Yamada, Yoshitada Tomioka, Makoto Yamazaki, Takashi Nagao and Osamu Nakagawa, Sakihito Ozawa. Eriko Fukuda, Ben Hashimoto and Akihiro Hatsushik. The lawmakers bitterly oppose Noda's decision to call an early election mainly because the DPJ's popularity has plummeted in polls in recent weeks. Some, like Yamada, who is a former agriculture minister, oppose Noda's stance on taking Japan into the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks.
Meanwhile, the small opposition Kizuna Party announced that it will disband and five of its six lawmakers will join the People's Life First Party led by former DPJ leader Ichiro Ozawa. The Kizuna Party was formed by ex-DPJ members who quit the party over their opposition to an increase in the consumption tax. Ozawa's party now has 57 lawmakers.
© Japan Today
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Ah, Ichiro Ozawa, the Gorbachav of Japan. Ozawa has won and lost power, anointed and then written off lots of times. Now we're in Act III scene one and Ozawa wants to really have three major political groups in Japan. Pretty exciting stuff in Japan in the last few years IMHO.
I believe one rather opportunistic DPJ member intends to join the LDP...
There is only one party running in this next election - the LDP, and they will win by a landslide.
The Soka Gakkai party will remain its primary coalition partner. Then you will have the DPJ which will poll 10% or less, a possible Hashimoto/Ishihara far right coalition polling around 10% and the Ozawa and the leftist parties making up around 10%.
Ozawa's party won't be a viable "third force" after the election, but it will get at best a bunch of seats and about 1-2% of party votes, and will probably look to form a new version of the DPJ with DPJ dropouts and SDP members after the election as a third party.
Hashimoto's party has a better shot at coming in third after DPJ and ahead of Soka Gakkai. I agree, the 2nd/3rd place will be interesting to watch, but also a signal we are back in the 1990s with no organized or credible opposition to the LDP left. The task will be to see how the other parties organize themselves during the next 3 years when the LDP is comfortably back in power.
So, by Christmas we are back to what we had for 50+ years:
Transparency: 0% Greed: 100%
And Tepco, Hepco, Jepco etc. are probably already warming up their nuclear power plants. "The new government says they are safe, and what the new old government says is always right!"
Hashimoto said he wasn't joining with Ishihara though, no?
Why can't these people pick a party and stick with it? The musical chairs of those in government in crazy. Quit the party? Out of the government you go. There is no reason why these guys should be able to quit and join other parties without the support of the party they defect to AND the okay by the people who pay their wages. Have officials ALL elected in and get rid of the family pass down - that is what is screwing this place up. Too many silver spoons in mouth prats who know nothing about running a country or what it is like to not be above average in the income bracket.
If the public votes Abe back in I will scream - short memories and a death wish for this country - well, even more than now. He will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Hope these rats lose their seats soon. Japan has too many self-interested and self-obsessed politicos - which is why nothing ever gets done here.
Michael Craig
No mention of the Social Democratic Party or the Japanese Communist Party, either.
They are now Japan's "true Left".
Elbuda Mexicano
The Soka Gakkai Party?? Dude! Get your facts straight! The Soka Gakkai is a RELIGION, and they back the Komei party, 公明党, Just because many people from one religion back a certain party does not mean the same a a religion and political party being one and the same. Geez, many people go to Shinto Shrines and they back the LDP oh but the also back the DPJ, so what??
man overboard. release the political lifevests... this ship is sinking.
"Rats leaving a sinking ship" ,and if anyone believes they have left because Noda san chose to go to the polls????
Actually it's quite funny watching the political bits on TV commentary shows. There are now 16 parties that intend to field candidates in the election ... way too many to make any sense overall. The commentators are busy predicting who will do what and which party dropout will move to yet another party. Time is short before the election and many of these parties are not prepared to make a run for it. Apparently only the New Komeito party is ready to roll ... last time their top brass lost big-time and this time around they are eyeing the proportional representative spots in order to move back into the Diet ... meaning that losers will be winners in this stupid category.
By the way ... Elbuda Mexicano writes above that Soka Gakkai is a religion and they back the Komei party. They are a religious sect ... and they actually are the Komeito party. Their members form the core of it. And believe me ... are they ever organized.
There is no Soka Gakkai party.
Well, that now 9 less idiots that are in office. I hope more will quit soon.
"The lawmakers bitterly oppose Noda’s decision to call an early election mainly because the DPJ’s popularity has plummeted in polls in recent weeks."
BS! This is the excuse. The reality is that they are rats on a sinking ship. Rats, whom I might add, will find the next ship to float by and anchor themselves to before THAT ship sinks as well.
Hikozaemon: "The Soka Gakkai party will remain its primary coalition partner."
I usually have respect for you, but not at the moment as it's clear you buy into the unintelligent, uninformed hysteria that surrounds the religion in question, and the party they generally support. Soka Gakkai is not a party -- it's a religion. The party you are referring to is the Komeito Party, which is not a religion. Get your facts straight before passing on rubbish you've gotten from someone else who knows no better.
Smith and Elbuda, you are both being ridiculous. Yes, you are technically correct. Soka Gakkai is a religion, and Komeito is a political party. But that's about it. Anyone over 21 in Japan knows that Soka Gakkai started Komeito and all vote for it, the Komeito are all Soka Gakkai, and that come election time Japanese will all be getting phone calls asking them to vote for Komeito. And if you think that Ikeda Daisaku has nothing to do with what Komeito politicians are either incredibly uninformed, or you are as I suspect a Soka Gakkai who is defending the indefensible.
Come on. Tell someone on the street now that Soka Gakkai has nothing to do with Komeito and watch the laughing begin!!
Wasn't this 6 just a few hours ago?
LDP and Hashimoto/Ishihara will be the winners here. Komeito will get the same turnout they always get for the reasons I mentioned. Who joins what as a coalition will have nothing to do with ideology but more to do with political expediency. So it's anyone's guess what a coalition govt will look like.
But having members leave DLP for the reason that DLP shouldn't call an election because they're unpopular is kind of weird isn't it? Like, that will help DLP's chances...
Japanese politicians just like having meetings. One of the few countries where you get elected and then spend the rest of your time wondering about when to jump ship and join another party, or whether to start your own party instead.
It would be really funny if suddenly some of them decided to work for the electorate instead. Novel idea which hasn't really taken off here.
If you can believe what Smith and Bud said, I've got a gohonzon to sell you...!
The real birth name Daisaku Ikeda is Son Tae Chuk.
Despite all the 'guts pose' posters and cries of "Gambarou" Japanese politics appears to be best defined by giving up easily.
yasukuni: " are either incredibly uninformed, or you are as I suspect a Soka Gakkai who is defending the indefensible...."
Ah, 'as you suspect', eh? More proof of the fear of the fanatical. No doubt you'd be among the people who would throw a woman in the water some few hundred years back and declare that if she flies away to safety you'd be right and she's a witch, but if she dies she was pure of heart -- doesn't change the fact that you are persecuting for the sole sake of doing so.
When this became a thread on the hatred of some about something they know nothing about except gossip they've heard from friends who have heard from friends, I know not, but I do know your comments are off-topic, and your complaints unfounded. The Komeito have pushed for the rights of minorities, pushed for suffrage in some towns for ethnic Koreans and others, and tried to help with relations between other nations, but you some of you on here can only see as far as the trees blocking your view of the forest and let your fear and inability to learn dictate your sour view of how politics should be.
So, ummm... 'yasukuni', are you advocating Abe? a man who is not only a proven hypocrite, grandchild of a war profiteer, and ultimately a man who quit in record time because of a tummy ache and will do it again? Says a lot about your politics.
issa1: "The real birth name Daisaku Ikeda is Son Tae Chuk."
Subscribing to 2-channel, are we? or just another Rick Ross sellout blog? What's humorous about this is people like yourself get furious when the Emperor himself admits he has Korean blood in his veins, as do all Japanese (well, okay... Korean and/or Chinese). His real name is not Son Tae Chuk any more than your handle is really Il Sa Il -- it's the fear you have bought into so easily, and that's all.
Why are you guys so scared of a party that is separated from the religion? 'yasukuni' himself admits they are separated before he goes on to vent his misdirected anger. If Komeito is Soka Gakkai wouldn't Ikeda be the party leader?
The stupidity of some people is literally quite astounding. But how about sticking to the topic first and foremost lads?
That's pathetic.
Man one thing Japan is good at & thats sinking to new lower lows..................there is no bottom in this country you can fall forever & never hit bottom, amazing!
The only person actually doing their Noda.
"Nine lawmakers quit the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) on Thursday and Friday in protest over Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s decision"
So are they protesting the PM's decision in protest, or protesting the demands of the opposition to do so? Oh wait, they're doing what the opposition wanted, which is a protest to the party they belonged to.
yasukuni: "Anyone over 21 in Japan knows that Soka Gakkai started Komeito and all vote for it, the Komeito are all Soka Gakkai, and that come election time Japanese will all be getting phone calls asking them to vote for Komeito."
This is going to come to you as a newsflash, perhaps, but it shouldn't really be surprising people want to vote for those who share similar interests -- or do you intentionally vote against a person you believe has good values?
For the record, I don't believe in the way some SG members go around and try to get voters on their side -- if you haven't talked to a neighbour for four years and suddenly do around election time that would turn me off as well. But I would see such people for who they were and what they were doing, not the politicians in question if I believed in them.
While it may not be a popular opinion, Noda is hardly the most charismatic guy ever to be PM, and with all the dissenting members of his own party, and all the crap that the other parties tossed in his way, I personally believe that Noda did a decent job with the hand that he was dealt.
Smith. Now you are really showing your colors! I've STUDIED Soka Gakkai. You are being silly. It's not just a case of people with similar interests and you KNOW that. Come on Smith. What I am saying is common knowledge. Japanese Soka Gakkai wouldn't refute it! So why would gaijin, unless they are totally out of the loop and still being courted, or see themselves as PR men?
Who do you think thought up the idea of Komeito? Just look at the history and all the comments made by Ikeda re Komeito. You honestly think that Komeito is free to hold different positions that Ikeda doesn't like?
But if the average foreign reader here doesn't understand the power and influence of Soka Gakkai in Japanese society (or at the VERY LEAST, the relationship between the gakkai and Komeito) they won't understand Japan.
"Why are you guys so scared of a party that is separated from the religion?"
I'm not scared at all? Should I be....?
" 'yasukuni' himself admits they are separated before he goes on to vent his misdirected anger."
I am saying that the organizations are "technically" separated. In case someone new to Japan thinks Komeito is CALLED the Soka Gakkai Party. But no, they aren't really that separate.
And I'm not angry at all. In fact I think it's funny. That you could seriously try to argue that they aren't linked is comical. Not venting. Man, if I went to the local SG meeting and said what you said THEY'D laugh!! lol
Man I should have known better than to say anything about SGI.....Man, the gaijin SGI I more fanatical than the Japanese!
All readers back on topic please. Soka Gakkai is not relevant to this particular discussion.
You are right Yasukuni! People should ask why a religion needs a political party. Why?
Smith, I'm usually with you 100% on here but on this case, I'm with Yasukuni on this one. A cult AND a political party all rolled into one. Yippppee!
Anyway, I think DPJ will be in trouble. But that started when Hatoyama and Ozawa started attacking Kan right after the earthquake which to me was the beginning of the end. In a normal world, LDP would have put aside any attacks on the govt for a few months after the 3/11 and Hatoyama and Ozawa would have not attacked the PM at such a crucial time, let alone join in with LDP.
con't~ sorry I hit a wrong key and sent it after I made a typo. ~~~ legitimate political organization.
Quote from the 9 lawmakers: "You can't fire me! I quit!"
Quote from Noda: "Whatever. The result is the same."
These idiots are just like kids! "If I can't play my way I am taking my bat and ball and going home!" Japan has no leadership and has had no real leadership (except Koizumi) for the past 15 years, which is reflected in the economy that has been failing for the same time frame. There doesn't seem to be one member of the diet that does not behave like a selfish child. These fools are playing with the future of 130 million people and just want to have childish spats while the economy of the country goes down the toilet.
HikozaemonNov. 16, 2012 - 12:21PM JST
Sounds like rats jumping off the sinking boat to me. I have no respect for those who are political prostitutes.
Then I take it you pretty much dislike the entire DJP?
YubaruNov. 17, 2012 - 09:23AM JST
No, Yubaru san. Prostitutes have no ideology.