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© KYODOAbe cabinet rate support rises to 45.6% despite data scandal
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This is absolute insanity! The Abe government has done nothing for the people of Japan, but lie, line their own pockets and those of their friends, and caused major diplomatic incidents with neighboring countries, and still people support them. I have no words to say.
Wallace Fred
Ladies and gents, I give you, the japanese model of'democracy'
Ricky Kaminski13
The guys a magician! Incredible.
Less than 520 responses on each side. Hardly a voice for the entire nation. If anything, I'd say the serious lack of respondents speaks volumes!
The majority seem to oppose all of Abe's policies that they were asked about, but his party of crooks and weasels is still by far the most popular. This tells us how useless and ineffective the opposition is.
Absolute nonsense.
‘Smartest people in the world’ obviously refers to the people who dream up these polling methods as well as the people who manage to spin the results out to the public.
In a country of approximately 125m, 1,949 people were contacted by telephone. Of those 1,949 people, only 1,027 actually responded. This means approximately 450 people showed ‘support’.
As I said, it’s absolute nonsense that these figures get used in an official capacity to try and fool people that 45.6% of Japan supports Abe and his scandal infested government.
Oh and by the way, how many times did they run this poll until they got a result they liked?
This poll was conducted over the weekend. Was there one done last weekend? Midweek?
This is the key point. Abe usually gets slated on this site, but I don’t read too much criticism of the opposition parties who seem to be unable to stop the less than loved LDP strolling into power.
Obviously, the rate is correlated positively with the relationship with China, and that is true for any govts.
After the LDP's proven track-record of fudging figures and bullying the media into submission - why would any reasonable person take these figures seriously. Their immorality knows no bounds.
That said, it only takes one propaganda fluff-piece like this to dupe the gullible Japanese voters into a group-voting frenzy each election.
Japan is in for some really hard times in the future. Again (and again, and again).
There was an interview with the NHK director general in the Asahi today. The reporter asked him several times about whether NHK is appropriately independent from government. Each time, the director general said he would refrain from commenting on the issue.
It's refreshing that he chose not to comment as opposed to just outright lie to the reporter. A rarity.
I am really looking forward to when these surveys get to have respondents who dislike the almighty abe
So I guess the general consensus is 'His policies? Awful! His behaviour? Reprehensible! His negotiating skills? Non-existent! His government? Useless! I support him :)'
"In a country of approximately 125m, 1,949 people were contacted by telephone. Of those 1,949 people, only 1,027 actually responded. This means approximately 450 people showed ‘support’."
"Less than 520 responses on each side. Hardly a voice for the entire nation"
As the article stated:
"The survey covered 737 randomly selected households with eligible voters "
The key words are "eligible voters"
Do you really expect them to ask a 5 year old Japanese his or her opinion about Shinzo Abe? LOL
Get used to guys. Shinzo Abe is doing well. The polls numbers show it.
It will be interesting to see what the comments are if and when Abe's polls numbers fall.
JJ Jetplane
Polls typically do not relfect all or the majority (US Presidential approval ratings are only a small sample size).
Business have prospered and unemployment is low.
When the outside is uncertain (US Trade war, Brexit, etc..) the inside tends to value stability.
Japan is a culture that tends to value stability and a nice steady flow.Brian Wheway
I wonder how accurate the above data is? there has been so many scandals and accusations of data manipulation recently, It can leave you very sceptical of Official data, due to the lack of trust.
Who takes these Kyodo News weasels seriously? To survey what many Japanese really think of "(dis)honest" Abe, you would have to get them drunk first. As the Romans rightly put it: "in vino veritas"!
I don't see why people keep attacking the poll.
The problem is that the voters of Japan lack either the intelligence or foresight to recognize that sticking to Abe and the LDP is going to ensure the destruction of the nation, first by the loss of most of its population, then, far later, probably by a cultural and economic takeover by China or Korea.
This is the heart of the issue. It took me a few years to get it, but I finally do. Japanese people just don't care what happens to them, especially if it's not going to happen to them right NOW.
Enjoy the fireworks. I am content to buy a secluded property in the countryside and not need to deal with the coming destruction of social infrastructure once the aging crisis peaks. Only 10-20 years away folks.
Kenji Fujimori
What is the truth behind polls here and abroad? it is all rigged to shape peoples opinion, by the very people who control the muppet in charge: The Lobbyists..
JJ Jetplane
Abe’s popularity is about to take another hit. His finance minister recently placed blame on women not having children as to why Japan has a current economic crisis. Particularly, the rapidly increasing cost of social security.
Whilst the opposition parties need to share part of the blame for not "winning" more seats, I put down the major reason for such, being the woefully politically immature national electorate.
In no other advanced democracy, would the citizens allow for the continuing scandals after scandals, for decades upon decades without putting the party in power to the sword.
The only time it happened was in 2009 when the DP was elected. They had a foolish leader Hatoyama and he didn't last long and then they got hit with the greatest disaster in peacetime history - the 3/11 quake & tsunami.
Chaos ensued, creating a perfect storm for the ldp hyenas to attack and feed off the carrion.
And many of the voting citizens of Japan, took all of Abe Incs prattle - hook,line & sinker - and declared - yeah well they must be better because, because, because ....................the others aren't.
Almost no one in other democracies believe the opposition parties to be always better , but the system allows for change, fresh air, ideas, new faces and by voting out the incumbents, it sends a strong message to the politicians, that we the people are watching, and it is we the people who can control your destinies.
Of course it's not always successful, but it keeps everyone on their toes and gives hope to people that their voices are heard and actions are taken.
But here, the meek-mindedness of many voters, who in all fairness have never been schooled in political ways, just suck in the air and mumble shoganai after shoganai.
I'd love the good people of Japan to show some spirit and spine and cast of their complacency and risk aversion and use their democratic rights to vote in new-comers.
It's a furphy that no good politicians are outside the ldp - an urban myth so oft bleated that the electorate accepts it as truth.
Ganbare Japan!
I am over the moon to read this. But not surprised at all. Continue to 2025, PM Abe!
There are a few good politicians outside the LDP - members of Komeito. All others stand for nothing and should shut down permanantly.
ganbare - thanks for your reply.
Could you elaborate a little more on your comment -
"... All others stand for nothing and should shut down permanantly."
I mean some details of the 100s of people working hard for the good citizens of Japan. Please explain how they mean nothing, because I'm not sure I follow your line.
The local CDParty member in my city works tirelessly here for the common folk- you know the ordinary Japanese people, not the rich, blinkered and connected. He doesn't represent Big Inc and it's century of cronies.
Just as there are some good politicians in ldp there are in other parties as well. You don't always have to bring a Nippon Kaigi viewpoint to all discussions. Broaden your horizons a little. Go out and meet some of the Real People in this country. I think you'll be surprised that the Real People lead lives in variance to the propaganda espoused by Abe Inc & Co.
Ganbare Japan! Feb. 4 11:17 pm JST
That's right. Koike is an example of this. It does not belong to the LDP or to Komeito. And his liberal social democratic ideas are an example of this. It's a pity that Japan doesn't have a lot of people with ideals like her. Because that is what Japan urgently needs.