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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Abe nominated Trump for Nobel Peace Prize on U.S. request: Asahi
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So Trump is jumping the gun and disclosing information because he’s sure he won’t get the nomination but wants the publicity?
If this is true and it sounds like it is, then it’s one of the most cringey things that had ever happened. For both countries. Blech.
They knew just the right guy to ask.
Alex Einz
although all US presidents getting the prize is a farce, he is way more deserving than Obama , thats for sure.
Trump : "Shinzo, jump!"
Abe : "How high, Master?"
A real toe-curler.
Disturbing, embarrassing, pathetic, but most of all completely hilarious. I wonder if Trump asked Shinzo to slide the words 'stable genius' or 'has had lots of girlfriends' into the nomination also?
Considering Abe's government had ZERO policy before the election for Trump's camp and just assumed Hillary would win (and even met with her before the election) goes to show Japan does whatever the US asks of them.
Hopefully this will be brought up in the Diet Monday morning: Abe then either admits it and the opposition wipe the floor with him, or he denies it and effectively calls Donny a liar.
Either way, we get to see Abe squirm.
A real toe-curler.
or apple polisher, brown noser
How embarrassing….
Chip Star
Nothing shocking here.
A lot of Japanese, who haven't had any N Korean missiles flying over their heads for 14 months now probably don't have a problem with this.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Remind me again why Obama got the Nobel Prize.
Other than for being awesome and improving the image of America around the world, reducing anger and hatred? Other than for being the polar opposite of Trump?
I can picture all of the other leaders in the G7 laughing their ***** off.
And those that remember that Trump stoked things up getting so many missiles fired over them as a result of him being an inept moron, probably have a big problem with this.
Jesus Christ, it just gets worse. Recommending the idiot for a prize is one thing, but when you do it simply because he asked you to.....
Abe has no spine. But then again, this is the guy who rolled down a bunker and then quickly got up and ran after the low-IQ man child like a lost puppy. He'd fit very well into the current Republican party. What a laughing stock the current American and Japanese administrations are!
If Abe doesn't nominate Trump, Trump will put sanctions on Japan; this is the normal operation of the US. Do as we say or will we invade you, topple your government or place sanctions on you and freeze your assets. American style democracy and the so called Western Powers (Western Wimps) buckle.
Joe Blow
With anyone else in office, Lil Kim would still be shooting missiles over Japan.
Trump did sth about it, so it makes sense Abe would be grateful.
Anybody sane believes that story?
Anybody sane believes that story
Fixed it for you.
Well, this is somewhat shocking - I can only assume the Chinese were swarming down near the Senkakus or the Russian bomber patrols were especially heavy that day six months ago.
Nevertheless, Abe should pull it back, or just say it was a mistake - tell them given Trump's flings with Stormy Daniels, you thought you were nominating him for the "Piece Prize"...
Trump to Shinzo- here's the deal - You nominate me for Noble Place Price and I won't say a peep about the thousands of kids with Americans / foreign fathers Japanese mothers have abducted with your complicity; and, I'll be your messenger boy when I meet DPRK Kim and whine about a dozen Japanese they may / may not have kidnapped 40 years ago.
Shinzo - deal!
A true statesman would not board about his/her exploits and would not ask another head of state/government to nominate them for such a prize. The man would garner more respect and/or votes if he just did a proper job of running the country. And that goes for politicians everywhere.
Chip Star
This was funny.
Haaa Nemui
Remind me again why Obama's prize is relevant to Trump getting one.
For a time I thought Abe had a sense of humour, but now we know; he was asked to do it. To be fair I think Abe should also nominate Kim Jong Un, who after being insulted by Trump agreed to meet him.
And for a real laugh why not nominate Trump, who does not believe in global warming, for the physics prize as well.
Thus is embarrassing for the Japanese. Obviously Trump doesn’t respect anyone.
Or Abe could just say, “I can’t disclose or discuss that for 50 years.”
Bugle Boy of Company B
Remind me again why Obama's prize is relevant to Trump getting one.
I asked because someone brought it up. And, actually, as Obama was POTUS, there's this sort of connection between the two. It's weird how that works.
Haaa Nemui
Wow... Mikhail Gorbachev received one too... Perhaps Putin should get one for that mere fact... Or if you're going to suggest connections make it relevant we could make it simpler... Let's give all living Russians a Nobel Peace prize.
No point closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
So which is it Shinzo, are you Dummy's lapdog or is Dummy a liar?
rezident dump asking to be nominated is just another example of what a pitiful lightweight (not in pounds or kilos) he truly is
I thought about this for several minutes and couldn't come up with a single name I would nominate for that award. Just who, on all of Earth, is working for peace? Without holding a gun, metaphorically or literally? Europe is a mess, South America is a mess, Asia is a mess, Africa is a mess. North America (specifically the US) is a mess, and no one from Australia qualifies. That leaves Antarctica, where it probably IS quite peaceful.
Churchill won the Literature prize for his diaries. Shinzo could nominate Trump for his Twitter trolling.
Toasted Heretic
It's a generational thing. Aka, Stockholm Syndrome.
Toasted Heretic
Another bigot who was no friend to Ireland, Wales, the working class, India.
Here's hoping Trump isn't sainted like that warmonger was.
Trump is just the most pathetic person and his joke of a presidency will be relegated to the dustbin of history. Americans should be ashamed and embarrassed that such a complete ignoramus could become POTUS. How much time and mony has been wasted on his ridiculous antics? It has been two years of moving backwards so wake up and smell the coffee America.
What a disgrace. This all I have to say and I believe all that needs to be said.
Guess Putin was busy that day. Would have been a short letter, not five pages.
Dear Nobelers,
I am Putin, richest man in world. I have chest. Trump is good guy. He does what I say. Nominate him. I know where you live, Trump does not, but no problem.
I read your email.
Abe is worthless to this country. Just a horrible embarrassment like Mori and Aso and so many others. Like the first time Abe was PM, but worse now.
Total. Loss. Of. Face.
But it makes sense...that's how Japanese business rolls these days.
How could Abe refuse Trump’s request? After all, Japan is a country that depends totally on US for its defense.
Obama got the prize at the beginning of his term before he achieved anything substantial, mainly for being a black president. I'm sure the first woman will get it just as easily as a black man.
In America you get an easier ride, easier path, lower score to get in best college if your Black.
Patricia Yarrow
Eh, what's up with Trump's hair? It like it want to leave in a ghostly cloud?
NCIS Reruns
Trump's voracious ego must be constantly fed.
Asking someone to nominate you for a peace prize............... is such an act of desperation, so uncool [insert Capt. Picard facepalm]
People who deserve a peace prize................ do not do it to win a peace prize. In fact, they deserve a peace prize because they do it for purely altruistic reason - which is the exact opposite to the act of trying to win a prize
Apart from that Obama actually won it. Trump hilariously has to coerce his wingman into nominating him. And don't mention Trump's hands, he awfully sensitive about them.
Alex Einz
actually, none of you seem to understand the process behind nobel prize nomination... someone has to nominate you and typically its being asked for, especially for such fake category as peace prize.. which is a farce to begin with today, starting with Teresa and Obama or OPCW.. ( still looking for wmds in iraq?) or European Union for destroying culture for profit? anyway.. Trump fully deserves one because he maybe the only US president yet to start new war for profit ( although might change soon with Venezuela)
he maybe the only US president yet to start new war for profit
but he is starting a new arms race with Russia since he's the first POTUS to cancel the nuclear disarmament treaty, which raises the risk of nuclear proliferation and nuclear war. Not something a Nobel Laureate should have in their resume
…. A few days ago I said I HOPED this wasn't true,...….no looks like it may well be...
If so this is beyond embarrassing for Japan
A head of govt should not be a recipient of the novel peace prize. How many people have obama, trump, and other world leaders killed (drone strikes, killing of terrorists/freedom fighters etc)? To do so cheapens the award.
No, not for the peace prize. The other Nobel Prizes are specifically for recognition of personal achievement, so it's fine to want to get recognized for a personal job well done and asking friends to nominate you.
But the peace prize is not for "you" personally - it's for the people you help. You do it to help people, not for your own personal achievement.
It's like asking for a "Goodness" award - if you're specifically asking to be awarded, then that contradicts the very concept of doing it from the goodness of your heart.
So no, the peace prize nomination is typically not asked for. The other Nobel Prizes, it's fine to ask to be nominated from friends - it's a personal achievement award. But for the peace prize, people nominate you because they want to nominate you, not because you ask (which defeats the idea of you being deserving of such an award).
Long story short: "If you ask for the peace prize, then you don't deserve it."
What a typical Trump ploy. The only "prize" he can ever hope to win is the BOOBY PRIZE!
Chop Chop
The Nobel Committee never should give the Nobel Peace Prize to the currently serving the President and the Prime Minister because the Nobel Peace Award can be interfered with the President or the PM decision in important matters if the President and the Prime Minister were not strong enough. Their citizens never should have scarified for their Nobel Peace Prize.
The Nobel Award Committee never should have given the Nobel Peace Prize to the former President Obama when he was still in the Office. The Nobel Committee should give Obama once he leaves the Office.
However, the President Obama was cleaver and out smart those activists and satisfied them with just lip service. He had avoided crossing the line when he made the decision. I wish the Nobel Committee has given Nobel Peace Prize to the President Obama after he left the Oval Office. It will be worthier and more appreciable than that one he received.
I have seen some activists are hijacking and trying to tie the Nobel Peace Prize with Nobel Peace Prize laureate country leaders with their Government making decision in domestic affairs and international affairs.
If you give the Nobel Peace Award to the current serving the President, the PM and the Political Leaders and then you should not have to expect what you wanted when they make decision for their country because they have to serve with the best interest for their country and their peoples. The President and the Prime Minister is not a Human Right activist and they are the leader of their country. So they will make a decision in the best interest of their citizens.
I still wish the Nobel Committee had given the Nobel Peace Prize to the former President Barack Obama after he left the White House.
The President Trump never should receive Nobel Peace Prize Award when he was still in the Office if the Nobel Committee decided to give Nobel Peace award to the President Trump.
Chop chop:
I used to think just the currently serving country leader, but I expanded to country leader past and present. The reason is because many countries have militaries who kill and national agents who do the same (though not as widespread). If Ghandi or mother theresa commanded (para)military forces I would be against their nomination too.
I must admit when Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize I was pretty surprised, and I think even he was too! But to even nominate this immature boorish motormouth for the Prize, I have to say it: Is Abe STONED?
Abe/Japan is Trump's/America's lapdog.
I really wish Japan would grow a pair.
What a joke, Trump nominated himself! And Abe is just a puppet!
Danny Nguyen
Absolutely. Ever since Trump became POTUS, Abe has been doing nothing but licking his boots on top of being a Mitch McConnell-style spineless coward. I don't know how this will pan out in the next session at the Diet, but there has to be a major negative fallout after this. Opposition parties and the LDP itself cannot stay still after this.
I know that the LDP leadership race ended only a few months ago, but I think it's time for real contenders to show up within the party. Abe deserves to finish his political career the same way Margaret Thatcher got the boot in the UK.
Hope President Trump can help President Abe in finding peace with Russia.
How many wars has Trump started? Because under his two predecessors, the US become involved in conflicts in more countries than at any other time in its history.
Trump's withdrawal of US troops from Syria sounds like a good thing to me, now that the caliphate is in its last throes. With liberals, though, it's gotta be a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" narrative, otherwise their world stops making sense.
A dog with two tails.
Seth M
Even its true I don't think doing a friend of Japan a favor is a big deal. After all, Trump does make NK a lot more quiet than any previous US presidents did.
But Nobel prize is a joke because of Obama anyway, what exactly had he done to deserve it?
Elizabeth Bates
Unlike Trump, Obama did not ask anyone to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize Nomination is earned. Winning it will be different story. It is not something you buy, trade or threaten another person or entity to nominate you. In history of Nobel Prizes, Trump most likely first to try buy/trade something for his nomination.
Now, here another Trump unethical, dishonest, immoral scandal. Worst, he involving another World Leader into his schemes.
What next Trump get Nobel Prize in Chemistry nomination from chemical reaction from farting?
What next Trump get Nobel Prize in Physics nomination for building Great Wall of Trump at the US Border?
What next Trump get Nobel Prize in Literature nomination for writing a memo above fifth grade level on being really smart?
So we can basically tell Japan what to do. I wonder how the Japanese feel about this.
I still don't know why Abe never said anything about this (even if the request was from the US government). Or boasted that he nominated Trump to the world. Did Abe actually make the nomination? Publish the letter! And what was he going to get in return?
Bruce Chatwin
Robert Mugabe is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than Trump.
The Prime Minister of Japan is not the head of state but rather the head of government, speaking de facto at least. So either the head of government also qualifies, or the letter was invalid. Or, the whole thing never happened maybe.
Kim Jong-Un could be requesting Moon to nominate for Peace Prize too.
Today in the Diet, Abe refused to say whether he had nominated Trump. He says you are not supposed to talk about it for 10 years according to Nobel Committee rules. Mark you calendars for 2029!
He'll probably still be PM.
Remind me again why Obama got the Nobel Prize.
remind me again why Trump so badly wants one also!?
Sorry Comrade Trump, but the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE is ONLY for people with truly GREAT accomplishments -- like the GREAT BARAK OBAMA. People as SELFISH as you shall NEVER even be considered for it.
It must be very embarrassing for Abe to be revealed as the Japanese PM who does what Trump tells him to do.
We haven't got to a state of Peace yet, so isn't that a case of jumping the Nuke ?
Sure, if N. Korea gets inline with the rest/(most) of the Worlds expectation... then sure, Trump will have done something that other US leaders haven't to-date, so a nomination is appropriate, alongside all the other nominations for consideration. So, I don't really see what the fuss is all about yet. Trump can't claim Peace, as that has not happened. Period. End of story, so ... as in the words of others here... "Move on, Nothing to see here"....
What a pathetic sycophant weasel lapdog. It's one thing to trade concessions and favors but Abe has been on Trump's backburner. Pathetic. Sad. What a way to show weakness.
If I am not worong, Name of a Nobel prize proposer unknown about 50 years as a rules, how came Abe san's mane published????????????????
By the way, Nobel prize to US president like a lollipop.
Bush start war, got Nobel prize
Obama continue war, got Nobel prize
So, we can propose Nobel prize for Trump to inspire him to start a new war
How funny...
@Realization You may not realize it but neither Bush got a Nobel prize.
Peace between North and South Korea is a paradigm changing thing. Trump is presiding over that. There's no indication he is going to start any new wars anywhere.