Japan Today

China warns Kishida about amending Japan's constitution


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China invaded far more countries in its history, how do you think China got so big? In Qing dynasty alone its territory doubled. There is massive support among Chinese population for a war with Japan as well, so it is stupid for China to tell Japan not to increase its defenses. If China thinks it can win relatively easily, it will without a doubt go to war.

2 ( +4 / -2 )



The promulgation by the people started years after the constitution was implemented by the USA

A kind of penalty for the war it started

Well..iam just stating the facts.

Yes the USA wanted to ensure Japan didn't bounce back to its agendas and made many forced changes.

I don't agree with wars or violence unless absolutely necessary.

That includes the atomic bombings and the Japanese expansion efforts.

Nobody can deny both were horrific and unnecessary.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )



When did Japan invade Korea in the 1900's

I see now what your confusion is with my comment.

Don't try to twist my words into saying Japan attacked korea after ww2 because thats just ridiculous.

I never claimed Japan invaded korea in the 1900's.

I said ended with Korea.

To reiterate my original comment -

japan invaded a huge swath of Asia-Pacific which started with the colonization of Taiwan and ended with the atrocities of Nanjing and korea

Assuming that you know Korea was colonized by Japan from 1910 -1945 and that the whole expansion of Asia started with the invasion of Korea in 1875 the gangwa incident.

In actual fact my original comment was referring to the Japanese chemical factories and biological weapons being made in korea and used on Nanjing then just dumped when the JIA surrendered to the Soviets in Korea at the wars end in 1945.

I read that the invasion and colonization of Samosa Taiwan was the beginning of the Japanese expansion agenda but now it seems the 1875 gangwa incident was .

And if you think the Japanese JIA just peacefully surrendered to the Soviets in Korean you are most certainly naive.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Back on topic please.

"Japan invaded Korea and a huge swath of China before the end of World War II that lasted until 1945."

Ummm... that one little sentence is a very sweeping generalization. They also invaded and colonized Vietnam, which, along with Korea, led to a North/South split when they were forced out and then a war. They invaded even so far as Indian when forcing Indians to help build the Death Railway, before slaughtering them, and they slaughtered more than 15 million people across Asia. Don't resurrect Abe's plans to bring all of this back, please. Respect the man by keeping peace and keeping the Constitution as it is -- not by trying to realize the mad dreams of nationalists.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

It's almost unbelievable. The audacity.

China's rapidly building the greatest military the world has ever seen. Building militarized islands all over. Why? What war are they preparing for?

But China tells Japan not to increase their defenses. Incredible.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

China should stay out of Japanese politics.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@quercetum : Yes, coming up on 80 years ago. 3 generations ago. Not excusing anything, but the world is a very different place. Extremely so.

The Germans and Japanese were wrong.. They have apologized numerous times. It's done. Move on.

China still feel the need to make it an issue because of their own shortcomings. Which country is living under a dictatorship? Just the one I think. I'm sure you will have a clever answer but frankly it will be just be rubbish.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I'm not into playing internet word games. In fact I did not use the word invasion.

Congratulations to Imperial Japan on learning the best colonial lessons of occupation and annexation from the British, French and others and apply it to large swaths of Asia and the Pacific.

I can see how some would emotionally equate that to an invasion. However, by that logic, Japan also helped rid the Pacific of German influence in WW1. Would the Japanese protectorate, and later annexation of Palau be an “invasion.”

0 ( +0 / -0 )

China should learn not to make demands regarding other nations internal business. 

Not the usual level headed response from you, but exaggerating a bit? “We hope” is hardly making demands nor is it a warning used in the headline. That is just Kyodo editorializing and you dramatizing.

"We hope that Japan will earnestly learn the lessons of history, adhere to the path of peaceful development 

Its understandable from the point of view of Asian countries. This was a country that killed 25 million people in WWII.

Everyone has a right to be concerned. That goes both ways.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne (Today  09:14 am JST):

Goodness gracious its completely understandable if you look at what happened during the Japanese invasion of China

You seem to regard Japan's pacifist constitution as a kind of a penalty for the war it started. There might have been some such aspect to the constitution when it was drafted. 

But note that the new constitution was enthusiastically accepted by the Japanese people as a whole. The new constitution is permeated with pacifism and humanitarianism with an emphasis on human rights and so was celebrated with pomp and circumstances by all the nation when it was promulgated. In a way, it was the expression of remorse for the war it started and for the atrocity it committed..

I admire pacifism and humanitarianism struck home in it. I therefore think it shouldn't be revised for worse; rather that all the nations in the world should emulate it. Can you and China accept that?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

@Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne LMFAO did you ask someone to study more? Look at how many times you have been voted down you illogical thinking is very comical. I hope the CCP is paying you well.


Study more instead of arguing with me.

Just because you don't know something doesn't mean iam wrong.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne I love your critical illogical thinking! China doesn't dither they are withering away backwards thinking, brainless.

China doesn't dither like Japan does !

Japan invaded korea and a huge swath of china

Correction - Japan invaded a huge swath of Asia-Pacific which started with the colonization of Taiwan and ended with the atrocities of Nanjing and Korea.

Totally unfair and truly disgusting to not include the other countries Japan invaded during its Asia-Pacific expansion efforts.

Its completely understandable how other nations in the region are very concerned with Japan renouncing its pacifist constitution.

Win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community

That's quite accurate ! but however Japan being previously lethal and being best buddies with the USA and colloidal powers trying to govern the world with their

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Fragile CCP, you love to say "foreign nations shouldn't interfere in our domestic matters". Well, Confucius taught that a gentlemen should not be a hypocrite.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Japan hasn't "invaded" Korea since the 1500s

Another one of those Japanese euphemisms?

If it's against the people's wills, it's an invasion. Doesnt matter if there was a military war or not. The occupation was forced, brutal, and murderous. Even the Australian Aborigines call Australia day invasion day and there was no war there!

The Japanese sure do have a habit of whitewashing everything.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

China on Monday warned the government of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida about amendment of the country's pacifist constitution

China should learn not to make demands regarding other nations internal business. China has as much say in Japan's constitution as Japan has in China's one party government. Absolutely NONE!

"We hope that Japan will earnestly learn the lessons of history, adhere to the path of peaceful development and take concrete actions that would win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community," Wang added.

China honestly needs to follow it's own advice first, as the international community has zero trust in China and its continual military buildup along side its increasing belligerence.

Japan has the absolute right to modify or even rewrite it's own constitution as its government and it's people see fit.

China again being bellicose and trying to tell others what to do. Japan needs to return the favor and warn China against its continuing territorial ambitions of building empire and hegemony in the region and beyond. Oh and warn it to leave Taiwan alone and seek only peaceful contact with Taiwan which will take its own direction for as long as it chooses to.

China disgusts me often these days. Very rarely anything good to say about China's government and complete lack of decent leadership. China is the nation nobody wants to be like and few migrants wanting to live there under CCP rule while literally millions want to move out of China to gain freedoms denied by the CCP.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

@Marco - Conspiracy nonsense. You can't back any of that up.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

USA is behind the possible decision of Japan of changing its constitution as Americans want Japan to fight against China if they invade Taiwan.....exactly like they are doing in Ukraine where EU countries are sending weapons and men to fight against Russia. And that is why Abe san was killed.....it is a political reason .....Abe was against with American intervention in Ukraine and against Japan having some day a real army.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

deanzaZZRToday  04:11 pm JST

How disingenuous can you be. Japan began a pressure campaign starting in the 1870s to remove Chinese Qing dynasty influence in Korea through the use of military pressure and occupation. Any treaty signed by Koreans over the next few decades was done so under the threat of physical violence.

How misinformed can you be. Japan hasn't "invaded" Korea since the 1500s. There are no battles between Japanese and Korean forces in the lead up to the 1910 annexation. The annexation was able to be concluded because there were Koreans for and against becoming part of the Japanese Empire. THe one that just defeated the Russian Empire in 1905. Because it was an "annexation" and not an "invasion" it was recognized and accepetd by other world powers like the United States and Britain.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Kyo wa : I too would like to know when Japan 'invaded' Korea in the 1900's - It must be a unique piece of history that only you have knowledge of. I've been married to two South Koreans and have spent a fair bit of time there and like a: the place and b: the people, so in no way am I being difficult here or showing disrespect to the country ( North and South - The Norths government is a different matter) or its people whatsoever.

We live in different times also as I pointed out earlier.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Kyo wa

I’m not asking for a lecture of the Boxer revolution to the Opium War and Manchuria Incident.

Just tell me when Japan invaded Korea in the 1900’s.

6 ( +7 / -1 )


Sorry dude iam still working in the blistering heat all day and no time to teach a history lesson right now.

Sincere apologies

-8 ( +1 / -9 )


Yes your absolutely correct about Tibet and the Uighurs and iam not denying those facts and certainly not defending China

Iam just referring to the China and Japanese relationship and what the JIA did.

Does it truly compare ?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

I was going to write something clever, but in full honestly, don't give a damn :)

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Rivaled Nazi Germany

From what ive read its much worse than Nazi because of the death count and the fact that even tho they had chemical and biological weapons they didn't use them.

Apart from the chambers of course.

So compared to- you know who, that used biological weapons and infected fleas and candy and chemicals and poisoning wells there were definitely worse.

Truly horrific and i sincerely hope nothing like that happens again

-7 ( +2 / -9 )


I can see how some would emotionally equate that to an invasion. However, by that logic, Japan also helped rid the Pacific of German influence in WW1. Would the Japanese protectorate, and later annexation of Palau be an “invasion.”

3 ( +4 / -1 )

How disingenuous can you be. Japan began a pressure campaign starting in the 1870s to remove Chinese Qing dynasty influence in Korea through the use of military pressure and occupation. Any treaty signed by Koreans over the next few decades was done so under the threat of physical violence.

Is it not the duty of scholars to educate the ignorant?

You obviously know something I do not. So please, educate me. 

When in the 1900’s did Japan invade Korea?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

@kyo wa . . .

"Just warning Japan to be careful and remember what happened last time Japan had an active military."

Yeah, kind of like what the Chinese military did in Tibet or the human rights abuses carried out against the Uyghur people. The Chinese military knows all too well about what an active military is capable of doing.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Japan needs to be able to defend itself as any country must be able to.

If Japan is able to do that without becoming an offensive nation and by that definition; ‘not to engage in preemptive attacks ‘ as Abe intimated before his death, then I am fine with it.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I am no fan of Jiminto but Im for this policy.

Just the warring by the Peoples Republic of China is enough to realize why Japan needs to amend the constitution.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

If China is claiming to be innocent i could understand why commenters are spouting hypocrisy fits.

However China isn't claiming innocence.

Just warning Japan to be careful and remember what happened last time Japan had an active military.

China should also be careful

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

This is the right time for the constitution of Japan to be review for a change. China have no say here the world is fast changing nobody want war but when there's an attack then Japan can defend themselves and fight back. China and Russia are claiming all the island just because Japan choose the part of peace.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Take a hike, totalitarian China.

Japan and her people alone will make any decision regarding future changes to her Constitution. China knows nothing about constitutional change in democratic nations.

The fact that China is so nervous about the removal of Article 9 probably underlines that it is the right thing to do.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Kyo wa

Is it not the duty of scholars to educate the ignorant?

You obviously know something I do not. So please, educate me.

When in the 1900’s did Japan invade Korea?

4 ( +7 / -3 )


"We hope that Japan will earnestly learn the lessons of history, adhere to the path of peaceful development and take concrete actions that would win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community,"

"And in the meanwhile, we, China, will continue to bully all those who share borders with us, acquire strategic locations through leases, and pummel our way around"

3 ( +3 / -0 )


Nah thats ok .

If that ignorant then why bother

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Japan have every right to amend the constitution with the constant verbal diarrahea from China which may sadly one day come true.

Please, Japan is as likely to start as war as Germany is in our, our Children's or Grandchildrens lifetimes.

After that, who knows? As the last twenty years has shown with periods of unique worldwide stability and then Pandemic chaos, Russian aggression, who knows that is far over the Horizon.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

This is your daily dose of Useless CCP Drivel.

Brought to you by Xi the Pooh.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Cor, flushed out the pro Chinese / pro Russians here, haven't we?

Come on down Rodney and indigo!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

From the main article:

Japan invaded Korea and a huge swath of China before the end of World War II that lasted until 1945.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

But if you insist on being the center of attention, then please, educate me. When exactly did Japan “invade” Korea in the 1900’s?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

@Kyo wa

I never mentioned you or anything you posted. I copied that excerpt directly from the main article.

10 ( +10 / -0 )


Study more instead of arguing with me.

Just because you don't know something doesn't mean iam wrong.

-15 ( +0 / -15 )

China has been conducting all forms of non-combat warfare (information, economic, political, etc..) against the US and it’s allies since the late 90’s… Pot, kettle…

10 ( +10 / -0 )

It’s Japan’s constitution to amend, Period. Full stop. As for the “history” aspect that always gets brought up it should be noted that Japan has rarely if ever fired a shot in anger at anyone in the last three quarters of a century and is seen as a source of stability in Asia. China, however……..

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I find it incredibly hypocritical that China lectures western countries on "meddling", "interference", and "sovereign issues" on topics such as Taiwan, Ukraine, HK, and the South China Sea, and then turns around warns Japan about its own consititution.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

China, as is Russia, is excitedly engaged in empire building and is not to be trusted.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Japan invaded Korea and a huge swath of China 

”invaded” Korea? When? Are you talking about the anti-piracy raids in the 1500’s? Because in 1910 Korea was annexed by treaty, granting Koreans the same rights as Japanese.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

On the day of Abes funeral too. These jokers only know how to make things worse for themselves. Surely Wangman, the timing of your 'warning' will only serve to strengthen Japan's resolve to push ahead. Is that the point?


1 ( +5 / -4 )

China threatens while Taiwan condoles Japan.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

If the rogue state of the USA want Japan to remilitarize, then it will. China is merely stating the obvious.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

It is also interesting to learn about the history of Burma, VietNam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia etc before the WWII

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The Crying Commie Party is always good for a laugh.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

mistake....should be ...So Called in the first sentence.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Before discussing Japan's so call invasion, let me humbly advise to read a book written by Helen Mears, and title of the book is Mirror for Americans: Japan

If my memory serves me correctly, she used to reside in Japan before and after the WWII and worked as one of the juries of Tokyo Trials after the war. She comments on Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur and various Japanese characters' activities both in Japan and U.S., and also on Manchurian Incident and its background.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

How many gung ho young Japanese men do you see on the streets wanting a military career

Well ..you should know then that for years it's been discussed/decided that when article 9 changes that it will become mandatory for both young men and women to serve in the Japanese military.

When one article changes so other articles will have to change also.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Earlier Monday, Kishida pledged to push forward efforts toward swiftly proposing the controversial revision of the nation's U.S.-drafted constitution including the war-renouncing article, while China has claimed the move would lead to Japan's remilitarization.

Time for Japan to make its own constitution and stop being the lapdog of the interventionist US..

But this can bring more problems than solutions..

That’s the same China that tells everyone and anyone to keep out of their domestic affairs?!…

China meddling in the domestic affairs of neighbours, surprise surprise.

Sounds like the same good old US, meddling in the affairs of the whole world and seeking a unipolar world for its selfish convenience..

China always makes me laugh.

US makes almost the whole planet laugh..

LOL !!..

-11 ( +2 / -13 )


If anyone should be worried its the Japanese people

You are absolutely correct !

Kishidas new form of imperial democracy dictatorship

-18 ( +1 / -19 )

Abe's grandpa Prime Minister Kishi wanted to change Article 9 back in the 1950s. How ironic would it be to actually happen largely because of the assassination of his grandson in the year 2022.

I don't see it changing much anyway. How many gung ho young Japanese men do you see on the streets wanting a military career?

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

That’s the same China that tells everyone and anyone to keep out of their domestic affairs?!…

10 ( +13 / -3 )

China and Japan will never be in agreement--any more than the posters of this thread can be in agreement? Not ever. So what? Destroy ourselves. You don't have to like everyone and all countries. Just cooperate and live another day.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It is time to face reality, the genocidal, democracy despising governments of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea have brought the global community to face up to the fact that we are heading for a unparalleled historic confrontation.

One of the casualties will inevitably be Japan cherished pacifist constitution.

The blame for this will solely lie at the feet of the Government of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

China warning Kishida is preposterous idiocy. Guaranteed to inflame hearts and minds.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

The uncomfortable truth is that hardliners feed off of other hardliners. Especially in the case of authoritarian hardliners who don't govern with the consent of the people. Xi Jinping, if he's being honest, will tell people that he actually enjoyed having Abe around as Japanese prime minister. Abe's reputation enabled Xi Jinping gleefully to deflect the attention of the Chinese public away from their own government's shortcomings towards an external adversary.

Look at what happened when a more conciliatory Japanese government under the DPJ, emphasizing "fraternity" with Asia, was in charge from 2009 to 2012. Total disaster for China-Japan relations. The East China Sea dispute really intensified from 2010. The Chinese Communists actually hated having a government in Tokyo that wasn't into downplaying the atrocities of the 1930s. None of this bodes well for the future of the region.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Ukraine is almost totally destroyed but the G7 will give them a blank reconstruction check. War with China japan will totally be destroyed, but I don’t think anyone will give us a blank check

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

Goodness gracious its completely understandable if you look at what happened during the Japanese invasion of China.

China is absolutely correct that many countries are concerned of Japan's rise to militarization.

Why that's so difficult for some commenters to understand is bafflingly ignorant

And of course, China others have clean records? The US, The UK, China itself?

What is bafflingly is your complete lack of historical knowledge.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

China warns Kishida about amending Japan's constitution

To China: Or What?

6 ( +13 / -7 )

China's hypocrisy is breathtaking.

16 ( +22 / -6 )


No country has the right to tell others to or not to revise its constitution

China isn't telling Japan what to do or not do !

China is warning Japan !

Did you read the article ?

Goodness gracious its completely understandable if you look at what happened during the Japanese invasion of China.

China is absolutely correct that many countries are concerned of Japan's rise to militarization.

Why that's so difficult for some commenters to understand is bafflingly ignorant

Besides Japan invaded and colonized the Ryukyus so your voiceofokinawa is also baffling.

-18 ( +7 / -25 )

@ indigo

do you know that japan killed millions of Chineses, Americans and Koreans? stop your BS!

from where does the million mathematics come??? what a joke.. then put billions or trillions that suit your comments ..

Chinese crying communist party killed many millions of people which are human being with geographical area of current china. .... NO COMPALINTS????

China attacked Korea for a millennium and killed nearly millions ...

China killed many 100 s of thousands Tibetans and it is still going on ...

China killing many Muslims ( Uyghur ) in their own country .. (But no ass tunnel muslims in the world there to complaint and question chins that is funny )

But they wants to bark at Japan..

15 ( +22 / -7 )

Beijing's warning is always interpreted in Japan as the green light for constitutional amendments. 謝謝!:)

10 ( +13 / -3 )

China does have a valid perspective on this specific topic due to history.

Over the last 50+ yrs, Japan has shown itself to be very trusted and certainly should alter their basic rules of living in this world as they feel best. The choice is for Japanese citizens to make and I'm not concerned regardless of what they choose.

How would China like it if Japan made suggestions about their constitution? There are a number of sentences that I'd love stricken from the Chinese Constitution, mostly the parts that prevent complaining about the govt in public, forcing all people and companies to support the govt without question, and the clauses that protect rapists if they happen to be in the CCP. Look up articles 51-54. Those are the scariest.

22 ( +25 / -3 )

why china is strong just because of this guy



-5 ( +0 / -5 )

stormcrowToday  08:45 am JST

only japan is teasing china nowadays. japan has just an inferiority complex due to its dark future. you want or not, you will finance the WAR with your taxes as usual.

-18 ( +7 / -25 )

without China, japan's economy is already dead. japan should thanks every day for made in China products to fight inflation made by kishida.

-23 ( +6 / -29 )

Interesting up/down votes on these comments. Makes me think there are a lot of Chinese sympathizers on this site.

8 ( +14 / -6 )


Not recently, and WWII was a long long time ago. Are you saying that the children are guilty and should be punished because of the father?

16 ( +21 / -5 )

Let me get this straight, the country that’s STEALING from all its neighbors is WARNING one, that it’s stealing from..

Do I have that right ?

18 ( +23 / -5 )

stormcrowToday  08:37 am JST

do you know that japan killed millions of Chineses, Americans and Koreans? stop your BS!

-20 ( +11 / -31 )

Now that Abe's gone, here come the threats from China.

If China was a peace loving nation, then it would be less likely that Japan would worry about its defense. Unfortunately, China's actions in Tibet, against the Uighur people, broken promises to Hong Kong, land grabs in the South China Sea and China's daily threatening military threats and actions towards Taiwan......Well, it's hard to ignore, wouldn't you say?

19 ( +28 / -9 )

Not a word about Abe… convenient as it’s being thrusted through almost in his name. Japan has a standing army of nearly 250,000 troops. It can and will defend itself but big business wants more and that’s what we’re seeing here. Scary times!

14 ( +18 / -4 )

China always makes me laugh.

16 ( +23 / -7 )

the Japanese inflation is so high that coward KISHISDA is trying to make China as a scapegoat for all Japanese problems. INFLATION - WAR, the history repeats itself.

-26 ( +4 / -30 )

What is it that China is always saying: 'Don't interfere in our domestic affairs' as it makes claims over sovereign independent territories? China should heed its own advice when it comes to weighing in on the domestic affairs of other countries. And it is China's continued belligerence that is partially responsible for making this a consideration in the first place. Definitely a case of the wok calling the kettle black.

18 ( +24 / -6 )

If anyone should be worried, it's the Japanese people. The proposed changes to the constitution involve more than Article 9. They also include an elevation of the emperor's status and a devaluing of sovereignty of the people. Human rights will be severely curtailed. The LDP rarely mentions this in public because it knows that national defense is an easier sell than a return to authoritarianism.

23 ( +34 / -11 )

A very strange reaction on the part of China. No country has right to tell others to or to not revise its constitution. That's really comical and grossly caricaturistic.

Japan's war-renouncing constitution is a role model for all countries of the world to emulate. Is China ready to accept that proposal? How about the U.S. and Russia?

7 ( +15 / -8 )

CCP has no right to talk about wining trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community!!!

25 ( +35 / -10 )

Wow. These comments by the Chinese government take "hypocrisy" to a whole new level.


28 ( +36 / -8 )

Colonial not colloidal !

-13 ( +3 / -16 )

China doesn't dither like Japan does !

Japan invaded korea and a huge swath of china

Correction - Japan invaded a huge swath of Asia-Pacific which started with the colonization of Taiwan and ended with the atrocities of Nanjing and Korea.

Totally unfair and truly disgusting to not include the other countries Japan invaded during its Asia-Pacific expansion efforts.

Its completely understandable how other nations in the region are very concerned with Japan renouncing its pacifist constitution.

Win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community

That's quite accurate ! but however Japan being previously lethal and being best buddies with the USA and colloidal powers trying to govern the world with their rules based order of a new world order probably won't win trust of its neighbors anytime soon

-15 ( +13 / -28 )

We hope that Japan will earnestly learn the lessons of history, adhere to the path of peaceful development and take concrete actions that would win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community

You'll be waiting a long time for Japan to do any of the above.

Learn the lessons of history?! Ha!

18 ( +25 / -7 )

China meddling in the domestic affairs of neighbours, surprise surprise.

29 ( +39 / -10 )

"We hope that Japan will earnestly learn the lessons of history, adhere to the path of peaceful development and take concrete actions that would win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community,"

Laughable tripe. The Japanese PM should tell Mr. Wang to look in the mirror if the CCP wants to understand why Japan might change its Constitution. Mr. Kishida could also suggest to Mr. Wang that China might be better served following its own advice.

24 ( +35 / -11 )

Japan's constitutional revision and re-militarization is simply because of China's belligerent behavior.

16 ( +33 / -17 )

Japan will continue its prosperity through joint agreements with its allies.

Japan's prosperity has been declining, and it is not the fault of China or Korea.

Constitutional revision and re-militarization is a convenient distraction from this fact.

7 ( +32 / -25 )

China's government is an imploding mess of corruption and hate. Japan will continue its prosperity through joint agreements with its allies.

14 ( +31 / -17 )

Why does Japan need to amend it's constitution? Because of China.

"Xi Jinping orders China’s military to be ready for war ‘at any second’


19 ( +37 / -18 )

As if anyone cares is worried about China’s feeling the issue.

29 ( +44 / -15 )

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