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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.European, Asian leaders want free trade; push back at Trump
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Free trade alone is not necessarily fair, however. Free and Fair trade are in the interest of everyone, including the USA.
theFu, if free trade is not fair, then what is it ?
Glad to see that Abe is growing up. Now he realizes that China is not a threat to Japan at all. Just look at his smile, how innocent.
Some 'united front'. They can't even all look in the same direction for a group photo.
Kim Jung Un knows how to smile too. Means nothing.
Matt Hartwell
I can see Hung Sen in the photo to the left. If Europe wants to join hands with that anti-democratic thug, they lose all credibility in my eyes. So Europeans dont know who their friends are? Guess they can deal with Russia and China on their own. After all, the threats they face on that grand Eurasian continent is far more severe than any threat to America protected by the vast Pacific and Atlantic oceans means 0 chance of ground invasion. Could have a bunch of China aligned African states a hop, skip and a boat away from Southern Europe as well. In short Europe needs America about 100 times more than America needs Europe.
Andrew Topolski
Interesting, they are doing what trump suggested not pushing back. Trump saidcat the end of that G7 summit, how about No tariffs, no subsidies, no barriers, completely free trade. So if the EU and Japan to it, they are agreeing with trump. Still, it's not real. Politicians use trade deals as a means to siphon money and control populations. They will never giver up either.
None of those leaders are fit to lead.
Free trade makes one winner. china !
Stay away from this, it's pure poison!
I like to see the Old World reunite from time to time. Different approach to global problems & world order. Not saying the yanks, aussies etc don't offer much but they're -sometimes- overly pragmatic/self-centered and am not sure they always fully get the world they live in tbh.
You should not enrich your enemies who will in all likeliness be launching missiles at you when they get strong enough.
Enrich yourself and your own allies and may your grandchildren prosper.
Don’t agree? Read history.
This is your reaction when you see that Europe is merely just trying to promote free trade around the world? You go all apocalyptic?
You're as fragile as Trump is.
Matt Hartwell
Just stating the geo-political realities. That's why NATO exists. European fear.
And the E.U while not as bad as some on free trade aren't exactly holier than thou either and that's my second point. We seem to forget that ALL of these countries impose forms of protection on different sectors of their economies based on their own national interest. They use tariffs, subsidies, tax breaks and so on.
Even in America which was seen as the leading promoting of so called "free trade" until recent times, deploy subsidies and tax breaks throughout the entire country. Cities compete based on who can provide the greatest number of favours for the likes of big companies, such as Google Inc.
In short, its all a load of absolute bs.
It is probably time to re-name "free trade" and better define and explain what that really means and entails.
We must first know that free trade concept used here really does not mean "tariff free" or "incentive free" or "subsidy free" or other controlling measure such as "tax" free, trade. It may be more closely related to "free access" or "open access" trade.
In any case, unless we know exactly what it really means and describe the situation, condition, circumstance and related rules, policies and procedures are, we do not know enough to even evaluate the concept itself.
They still can't believe the free ride is finally over.
"Trump is increasingly distancing the United States from global organizations like the United Nations."
"Trump told the U.N. general assembly last month: "We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism."
One of the reasons why he was elected.
One of the reasons he had enough votes that an un-democratic system was able to put him in power against the wishes of the people.
It's a bit of a stretch to say he was elected, when the people actually chose his opponent.