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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Japan, South Korea drop export claims against each other
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I give it 4-5 years before the next government change their stance again.
Ricky Kaminski13
Tit for tat games over, cooperation has begun. Impossible is nothing!
Michael Machida
Good news. It's about time peace arrives.
I hope this annoying little wiener measuring contest is finally coming to a close.
It would take North Korea to crumble, or completely alter their position and officially end the Korean War and sign a peace treaty within the next 4-5 years for that to become a certainty.
when We are friends who will lead the Asian NATO? That is the goal for normalization if relations right?
Samit Basu
It's not in 4 years, it could be as soon as in next year, where the Democratic party plans to impeach Yoon after the general election. They are already building a case against Yoon, the primary charge being that of treason.
Asian NATO is impossible because of overlapping territorial claims against each other, and Japan is the worst offender, launching territorial claims against Russia, China, Taiwan, and Korea.
Japan didn't apologize at all.
Anyhow, here are the series of counteractions announced by the Democratic party to turn back the clock and keep the feud going so that they can crush Yoon's party in next year's election and extend their majority.
1) Dokdo(Liancourt Rocks) National Holiday on October 25th bill.
2) Mass group visit of the Liancourt Rocks by Democratic Party parliamentary members.
3) Automatic Japanese Seafood import ban bill if Japan dumps Fukushima radioactive water.
4) A 3rd party compensation ban bill. Currently the civil law makes it all but impossible for Yoon administration to stop the liquidation of seized Japanese assets, and this bill will explicitly codify the forced laborers who refuse 3rd party compensation can go ahead with liquidation in letter.
Another major news is that Samsung decided to NOT contribute to Yoon's 3rd party contribution fund.
This means most of Korea's big corporations that were watching Samsung to make the first move too will be staying out of contributing to this fund.
The public polling against Yoon's plan is so bad it's actually scaring most of big corporations away as they are more afraid of the Democratic party's threat to charge them with embezzlement if they contributed than Yoon.
Worse, 14 out of 15 government owned companies that took 1965 treaty money decided to NOT contribute to the compensation fund, the very companies that Yoon was counting on.
Very happy these two countries are cooperating in a time where it is essential. I just hope this isn't something that gives the LDP credit during the next election because this isn't something Kishida accomplished but rather something that was gifted to him thanks to the cooperation and initiation of the S. Korean leader. I don't want everyone mistaking these accolades as something the LDP accomplished, any other party would have most likely done the same if not initiated it at an earlier time.
Bigger fish to fry now than zero sum blame games from the distant past. Anybody surprised at bad behavior occurring in ANY war?
FAR better to work together today to AVOID future BIG problems, like war with China for starters!
Japan didn't launch anything against Russia, China, or Taiwan. Especially Russia. You just want Japan to say stealing from them is okay.
The "bad Japan" card played by Korean politicians is insanely self-destructive in today's environment, with an increasingly aggressive China next door. I too hope they come to their senses before it is too late.
Hito Bito
Progress! Even baby steps add up to real change.
What's in the past is in the past. Nobody expects the history to Japanese/Korean relations to repeat, so to forever dwell on it is senseless, always reopening the same wounds again and again...and for what? Short term cheap political gains back home? No. We need, both countries need real cooperation now and especially in the future. Well done!
Work together alys better
Xavier Today 12:56 pm JST
As a noteworthy fact, the word "Traitor Yoon" was trending topic on Twitter South Korea, for several days. And it is a reflection of the majority opinion of the South Korean people.
@Samit Basu is right about that. Most Koreans hate Yoon, and that is an unquestionable reality.
Samit Basu
They can't.
According to polls, 65% of Korean public says there is no need to improve relations with Japan as long as Japan doesn't apologize. They just don't see the need for or want to improve relations. And it's not like Koreans don't remember the time when the relations were good until 2012. That good time isn't worth more than social justice according to Koreans.
You are searching in the wrong language. The situation in Korea is nearly as bad as the French protest against Macron's pension reform, but for some strange reason it's not being covered by outside press. It is somewhat covered by Japanese press.
"Bad Japan" card is what makes Korea invest in 70,000 ton aircraft carriers, Mach 3 supersonic antiship missiles, ballistic antiship missiles(although I understand this one is more of aimed at China), 800 km/hr super cavitation torpedoes, nuclear attack submarines, etc.
@Samit Basu,
Yes, the situation in South Korea is bad as the country has long been sliding towards political and economic irrelevance.
South Korea is suffering from the demographic fallout of having the world's lowest fertility rate and being one of the planet's fastest-aging societies, all-around economic competition from China, vulnerable supply chains, and negative growth rates.
A small but positive step forward.
Unfortunately, the next anti-Japanese president will overrule these agreements. According to the latest survey, 60% of Japanese do not think that relations with South Korea will improve, although they appreciate the move of the South Korean president this time.
Takeshima issue. comfort women issue. Recruitment problem. Fire control radar irradiation problem. Problem of returning stolen Buddha statues. Nothing fundamental has been resolved.
After many discussions with Japan, the president of South Korea has sought various solutions such as the Asian Women's Fund, the Kono statement, and the Murayama statement, but in the end the next president will again demand an apology and compensation from Japan. That's what it's like to say.
List of history of apologies to South Korea by successive Japanese prime ministers
1982 (Showa 57)
August 24 Prime Minister Yoshiyuki Suzuki [press conference on the textbook issue]
"Through past wars, we are deeply aware of our responsibility for causing serious damage."
"It is necessary to recognize that there is also criticism of" aggression ""
1983 (Showa 58)
January Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone
"Unfortunately, it is a fact that bilateral relations have had an unfortunate history in the past, and we must take this seriously."
1984 (Showa 59)
September 7 Emperor Showa [President Zento Kang visits Japan and holds a banquet at the imperial court]
"It is very regrettable that there was an unfortunate past in one period of this century."
Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone (welcome lunch)
"It has caused great difficulty to your country and your people."
'I feel deep regret'
1990 (Heisei 2)
March Foreign Minister Taro Nakayama
Apologizing for Sakhalin Remaining South Korea and Korean Issues
May 25 Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu [1st Summit Meeting]
"I would like to humbly reflect and offer my frank apologies for the unbearable suffering and sorrow that the people of the Korean Peninsula have experienced due to Japan's actions during a period of time in the past."
May Emperor Akihito
"In this unfortunate period brought about by our country,
When I think of the suffering that the people of your country have endured, I cannot help but feel deep regret."
1992 (Heisei 2)
January 17 Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa visits South Korea on the comfort women issue
"I would like to sincerely apologize and reflect on those who have been licked by the unspeakable bitterness."
"Heavy and heavy"
1993 (Heisei 5)
August 11 Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa [First meeting with Cabinet reporters after taking office]
"The war ahead is a war of aggression"
November 7 Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa [Visit Korea (Gyeongju only, stay 22 hours)]
"Due to Japan's colonial rule, people on the Korean Peninsula were deprived of the opportunity to learn their native language, forced to change their surnames to Japanese names, and experienced unbearable suffering and sorrow as comfort women and conscripted soldiers. As a perpetrator, I would like to sincerely reflect and apologize."
1994 (Heisei 6)
July 24 Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama (Visit Korea)
“I would like to express my sincere apologies and deep remorse.”
1995 (Heisei 7)
August 15 Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama
“During a certain period in the not-so-distant past, Japan made a mistake in national policy and caused great damage and suffering, especially to the people of Asian countries, through colonial rule and aggression. and express my sincere apologies.”
1996 (Heisei 8)
June Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto
"I can't imagine how many South Koreans were hurt by the name change."
"(Regarding the comfort women issue) there is no issue that has hurt the honor and dignity of women this much. I would like to express my sincere apologies and remorse.
1998 (Heisei 10)
April 3 Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto [Japan-Korea Summit Meeting at the Asia-Europe Conference (London)]
Proposal of “Japan-Korea Partnership” without Talking about Historical Issues
October 8 Emperor Akihito (President Kim Dae-jung visits Japan)
“A time when our country caused great suffering to the people of the Korean Peninsula…deep sorrow”
Keizo Obuchi, Prime Minister of Japan [Joint Declaration on New Japan-Korea Partnership for the 21st Century]
"To the people of South Korea, I would like to express my deep remorse and heartfelt apology."
An official document expresses an apology to the Korean people. President Kim appreciates this
2001 (Heisei 12)
On November 18, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited South Korea for the first time since taking office, visiting Seodaemun Independence Park, which is located on the site of a prison where independence activists were imprisoned during the colonial period, and spoke to reporters of his "sincere remorse and apology." rice field.
President Kim Dae-jung highly appreciated the Prime Minister's apology and requested that it be put into practice.
“I sincerely regret and apologize for the great damage and suffering caused to the Korean people by Japanese colonial rule. As a politician and human being, we must not forget the pain and sacrifice of the Korean people. I would like to express my sincere respect for the fact that Korea has endured unimaginable pain and hardships, such as foreign invasions and the division of the motherland, and is now developing.
Japan-South Korea relations must reflect on their past history and work together to ensure that such a painful history never repeats itself. The development of friendly relations between Japan and South Korea will contribute to the development of Asia and world peace.
Terrorism, which threatens freedom and peace, is a threat to all mankind, but the cooperation of South Korea, Japan, and the United States, which are allies, will contribute to the development of Asia and world peace. Luckily, Japan and South Korea will host the World Cup together next year. I hope that the World Cup will be a success, and that this will serve as an opportunity to deepen exchanges and cooperation between Japan and South Korea. ”
2010 (Heisei 22)
August 10 Prime Minister Naoto Kan
Regarding the past "colonial rule" of the Korean Peninsula,
Expressing ''deep remorse and heartfelt apology for the great damage and suffering'', he ''wanted to hand over books originating from the Korean Peninsula, such as the protocol book ''Chosun Royal Courts'' from the Joseon Dynasty, to South Korea. '' he said.
Probably. Still, this is a significant step forward, something we do not see very often. And we should welcome.
Besides, the polls show only about 60% are opposing the new proposals. If 10% move over to the other side, the picture will become very different. Infact, a month ago, those who opposed was 64%, and now the most recent polls shows it has shrunk to 59%. People change their opinions, even Koreans. We all do.
As his administration has already started, the 1st and the most critical task he has to concentrate on is to expose the fact and inform the Korean populace that how badly the SKorean populace has been affected all these years by NK spies underground and NK puppets, which have been often reported these days by Chosun Ilbo.
As you say, Japan and South Korea, which are military allies of the United States, should cooperate with each other to confront China, Russia, and North Korea. (Korea and Japan are not allies.)
As part of that, if South Korea had the spirit to overthrow the dictatorship of North Korea and regain its territory and people, the United States and Japan would have spared no effort to cooperate.
So far, South Korea has grown after World War II with US and Japanese funding and technical assistance. Due to economic friction between the United States and Japan in the 1980s, Japan temporarily gave up on semiconductors and outsourced production to Korean manufacturers.
The reason why Samsung currently occupies a large position in the world's semiconductor market is that it has continued to export Japanese manufacturing machinery, materials, and technical support. As proof, South Korea's trade with Japan has never been in the black.
However, the reality is that both right-wing and left-wing governments in South Korea are anti-Japanese, and it will be impossible to improve relations with Japan in a national character and society where appealing how anti-Japan you are in elections is linked to voting results. .
If South Korea stops its anti-Japanese education, returns Takeshima, recognizes the historically wrong part of comfort women and forced laborers, and apologizes and compensates Japan, the road may open up. Realistically, it is impossible.
In the future, Korea will become a society where the trade balance due to semiconductors, which is still shrinking, will decrease more and more, the birthrate will decline, and the economic gap between rich and poor will widen further.
The amelioration of trade friction with Japan will be a turning point, but South Korea, which is not cooperative with the United States, will continue to be excluded from supplying semiconductors, and without technical support from Japan, the future is bleak.
Those who may think it is fake, should really open your eyes to know how badly SK as a nation is being polluted by NK puppets.
Of course, Japan is too.