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© KYODOJapan, U.S. agree impact of Russia's aggression goes beyond Europe
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The Avenger
The French detained a Russian ship that was carrying cars as it passed through the English Channel. The reason was "sanctions enforcement". They are hitting Russia so hard even cars are banned.
Chechnya is deploying (at least) 12,000 troops to Ukraine as an ally of Russia
It's more Japan finally realized the impact of recent aggression.
Japan shoud have amended Article 9 while Abe was still PM. High probability that global events are headed in a direction where that will become necessary for the country's survival. Japan just needs to hope it's not too late.
The Avenger
Credit cards that draw from Russian banks have been reported to have stopped working abroad, but they still work in Russia.
I’m usually critical to Japan’s government but in this case I applaud their stance and support to Ukraine.
There isn’t much that Japan can do as the US-EU-UK alliance but still it’s good to see them take a firm stance against the barbaric slaughter that is happening right now by the Russian forces against a pacific and neutral country.
Putin is the worth heir of Stalin.
I can agree that the US government in the end is following it’s own interests but so do every country.
Furthermore the war was started by Russia not America.
The aggressor is always wrong in my agenda.
so basically Japan financed USA equates to “international order”?
(japanese people don’t have access to information. They don’t know that our tax money paid for fuel to illegally invade Iraq because of WMD. About 150000 civilians dead. Or flying US/NATO soldiers around Afghanistan. 3.5% of Japanese sovereign land under American control.)
japan should just stay away. Last year I accidently hit a beehive in a tree in my garden. I got stung three times. Same will happen with Japan.
Military aggression means big bucks for arms manufacturers. Who is supplying the Ukraine with arms?
Sh1mon M4sada
Arms are being given to Ukraine, not supplying. USA just announced an additional $400 million in funds. This is a war against democracy.
Democratic nations have to 'pay' "big bucks" to defend against repressers like Russian and China. I'd gladly pay for tax, and I'd gladly support cutting all economic ties with repressers.
Amazing how some of you keep bashing the west and find every possible excuse to justify Putin’s aggression.
You make it sound like there is a major US-EU-UK conspiracy to sell weapons.
Yes in this world we live now unfortunately there are weapons and the producers of such weapons get profits.
But how do you think is Russia leading this war,
With confetti?
Russia is the second world producer of weapons and the first nuclear power in the world.
To don’t mention that now that we’re posting here thousand of innocent Ukrainian people are defending their own land.
If the US and EU will supply Ukraine with weapons it is not because of a dark west conspiracy but to help to keep Ukraine free from Tzar Vlad.
There was a picture of someone holding up a picture of Putin with dark hair and a Charlie Chaplin mustache. The resemblance and behavior is quite similar.
Would it make sense for the Western allies to sit down with Russia, find out what is troubling them . . . . in order to help negotiate a peace . . . ?
The Avenger
This military conflict should be of concern to International - World - Safety as it is near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, . . . .
Is there any possibility that the nuclear fallout from Chernobyl can be reactivated . . . . ?
You can get around SWIFT through third party banks. Here is the real problem. The US is now talking about freezing the assets of the Russian Central Bank. This is something different.
If all the supermarkets won’t sell food to the Russians in town, they can still get groceries from their friends, neighbors, buy from Costco and so on. That would be SWIFT. If you hack into their devices and change their passwords so that they can’t access their bank accounts or like their discussing now digitally reduce their balance of billions of dollars, you are now carrying out financial “aggression” and better be prepared for what they would do to retaliate.
Up to now sanctions have been ineffective. Trying to shut down the Russian Central Bank is not a joke. Once you attack the Russian financial system this way, Putin will take his gloves off and attack the US financial system.
In the end, what it means is the numbers in our portfolios and retirement accounts will change.
The goal is to de-escalate not to make things worse. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
M. Jamil
From the Chinese embassy in Moscow:
Chinese embassy points to ‘real threat to the world’
The Chinese Embassy in Russia has shared a list of US bombings and invasions since World War 2
Chinese diplomats have published a list of US military adventures in recent decades, arguing that Washington was the “real threat” to the world, as the EU, the US, the UK, NATO, and the UN chief have all accused Moscow of an “unprovoked” attack on Ukraine
Why do downvotes of Jamil’s toxic post not register?
My downvote has just now (16:06) been registered...
Japan is not in Europe, but Russia is only 24 km from Japan ...
Who started this and is doing nothing about it???.
Google US Nuclear Alert
I've been talking about Russian aggression for the past decade. You only have to look at a map to understand the cancer like expansion they've done in Europe, central Asia and East Asia, Artic.
Article 9 only benefits Japan's enemies. Keeping Japan weak, while everyone around us arms to the teeth and ready to strike at any moment. Aka: Russia, China and North Korea, even S. Korea is no friend. Japan is surrounded!
An alliance between China and Russia and North Korea becoming more true every day!
Still waiting on that. After devastating Japan's economy with the Plaza Accord, and doing everything possible to keep us weak militarily.
Are we getting Nuclear Submarine technology like Australia is? ?
India got Nuclear Weapons from USA under George Bush. Will Japan be offered such capabilities as India and Australia is getting? ?
When will we realize that weakness will only bring Disaster upon Japan. Just as much as being too aggressive! Being too weak has eve more devastating consequences!! Ask Ukraine.
Germany is realizing and has made statements how weak they are! Will spend more on military over 100 Billion Euros and increase military budget over 2%. Apparently being weak is a bad thing. And Europe only has to worry about Russia unlike Japan in East Asia. Surrounded by China, Russia and North Korea. With a South Korea sidding more with Beijing then Japan or USA.
Desert Tortoise
The Russians were apparently concerned that Ukraine might use some of the P239 in the remaining good reactors to make nuclear weapons. As for fallout, there is a low to no probability of any increase in fallout, The plant is very close to Belarus and Russian forces there. Any fallout would have an immediate deleterious effect on Russian forces and Belarus in general. There is a very low likelihood the Russians would do something that would jeopardize the safety of their forces and that of an ally. If say a bomb or missile hit the containment over the melted reactor or the good ones there could be more fallout. Preventing this may be another reason the Russians seized the plant so early in the conflict.
Desert Tortoise
SWIFT is basically a communications medium that replaced Telex to allow banks to communicate with each other securely to transfer funds between them. It deals in all currencies though about 79% of global trade is conducted in US Dollars. SWIFT is international and basically universal. Almost every bank that handles any kind of international trade does so through SWIFT. SWIFT operates 24/7/365 and its message format handles large volumes of data.
Russia has something called SPFS. Currently SPFS has about 400 member banks in Russia or former Soviet Republics, primarily those in Central Asia. Among those 400 member banks, 38 are foreign banks from nine nations among its members. FPFS is only open during normal Moscow working hours M-F. It's message format handles much less data than the SWIFT message format. SPFS only handles about 20% of Russia's financial transactions.
China has something called Cross Border Interpayment System, or CIPS, but it only handles trade conducted in Renminbi and does not handle any large capital-related transactions. After the 2015 Chinese banking crisis it was further watered down and now is merely a complementary network for settling trade-related deals in the Chinese currency to a current patchwork of Chinese clearing banks around the world. It is in no way going to replace SWIFT.
Desert Tortoise
In recent polling, among younger South Koreans Japan is viewed more favorably than China. New generations bring with them their own new views on the world. The US is viewed more favorably than either Japan or China by all South Korean age groups.
Informative post, thanks.
Desert Tortoise
Is that a serious question? The US gave Japan the means to grow their economy after WWII in part by relieving Japan of the expense of defending themselves in a dangerous region and by allowing terms of trade favorable to Japan allowing it to grow rapidly through exporting goods to the US. The US and the west in general were not just engaged in a military confrontation with the Warsaw Pact and USSR. There was a battle for hearts and minds between western democratic capitalism and communism. The US was ardent that the capitalist democracies be more prosperous and economically stronger than the communist states as part of that battle for hearts and minds, to demonstrate materially to the world the superiority of the western model of government and economy. To that end the US deliberately allowed its trade deficit to balloon as a means to support the economic growth of its allies. That deficit spending also just happened to allow the US to afford a much larger military than it otherwise could without very large tax increases. The tacit unwritten agreement was that these allies would buy up US debt as the price of being able to flood the US market with their exports. Without that ready market for US debt, interest rates would rise and making servicing that debt too expensive. Japan benefitted greatly from this policy choice by the US. So did the other Asian "Tigers".
Lots of Ukrainian are reaping what they sowed by supporting Russian Federation loyal Ukrainian politician in their parliament, letting Russia influence their domestic policies as of giving Russia a say so in their lives, as dire as it is people are dying everyday in armed conflict around the world Ukrainian have choose to fight to the death, they should punish those disloyal to their country by supporting Russia Google Russian Ukrainian Lawmaker
The US is supporting attempts to have article nine altered or removed.
No, and why should you? You have not asked for it like Australia has. This technology is not given to just everyone. You would need to be able to defend the US and UK to have a similar deal. Can you? Would you?
That is simply not true.
"India's loss to China in a brief Himalayan border war in October 1962, provided the New Delhi government impetus for developing nuclear weapons as a means of deterring potential Chinese aggression.[32] By 1964 India was in a position to develop nuclear weapons."
"India first tested a nuclear device in 1974 (code-named "Smiling Buddha"), under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as a peaceful nuclear explosion. The test used plutonium produced in the Canadian-supplied CIRUS reactor, and raised concerns that nuclear technology supplied for peaceful purposes could be diverted to weapons purposes."
Nothing has been "offered" to India or Australia. India got Nuclear submarines off Russia and Tech transfer from Russia to build their own. Australia asked the UK and US for help to build nuclear powered submarines. What has Japan asked for and offered in return? Just curious.
Desert Tortoise
Japan honestly doesn't need nuclear submarines. The primary virtues of nuclear subs are high underwater speeds and the ability to make global transits submerged. Australia needs those capabilities to be able to send submarines half way around the world from Australia to possible theaters of action around Taiwan and Japan. I don't think any class of DE boat could make a non stop round trip from Australia to waters around Japan. They would have to refuel and resupply for the return trip. (Russian, Chinese, German and French DE boats have even shorter legs than the Collins class has). Nuclear powered subs do not have that problem. Japan however is already right where the action will be. Their subs do not need to make long underwater transits to get to the action. Nuclear subs are tremendously expensive to build and maintain. DE boats are less costly, allowing Japan to afford more subs than it could if they were nuclear. For Japan with its geostrategic situation, DE boats with AIP make more sense than nuclear subs. It gives them more capability for their taxpayer's Yen. We always considered a Japanese sub to be the next best thing to a US or RN nuclear sub. They are that good.