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© 2024 AFPJapan expresses concern to China over Russia-N Korea ties
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Tell us, which sovereign nation is Japan currently helping invade?
FatBoy Kim, his family, and his men in Russia need to be levelled.
I doubt Japan is nearly as concerned as China is: the more Putin and Kim team up, the more China's leverage over both countries falls, the more it is forced to pick a side (when it wants to play both), and the more it will lose money-making and influence opportunities in the free world.
Despite China's hatred of the free world it does want to exploit the stability of that world for its own ends, and Russia/NK are doing their best to wreck it.
Do you mean, as opposed to Russia's strategy of actually invading its neighbor, murdering and raping its citizens, destroying its infrastructure, plundering, and abducting its children?
(And before anyone brings it up, yes I know what Imperial Japan did. All the people who instigated that are long dead, whereas Russia's atrocities are happening right now.)
Japan does have a right to protest the dirty pair teaming up to assault Ukraine, though.
Yeah the problem is Russia is inviting those troops into someone else’s country which it has no business being in itself.
They certainly exhibit animal level behavior and lack of thought. I agree, though, that it is unkind to dogs to compare russia and north korea to them.
Japan is entitled to invite allied troops into their country for any necessary, sovereign defensive measure.
Hopefully many of the North Korean "expendibles" will use this opportunity to defect!
Some dude
It makes sense though. Loser countries gravitate to other loser countries.
What utter nonsense.
It does that every single day of the week with cyber-attacks, influence operations, elite capture, illegally occupying other nations' territory and menacing ships/planes, Operation Fox Hunt, illegal police stations, illegal fishing, using Chinese companies overseas to gain a foothold for the PLA, etc., etc., etc.
Or perhaps you really believe your Emperor when he says China doesn't intervene?
Japan is perfectly entitled to question the suitability of North Korea's stance of sending over 10,000 soldiers to almost certain death, for whom the sole instigator of such needless slaughter is the toxic Russian leader, Putin.
As if things aren't bad enough in NK, where over half the population are starving there, many are forced to live in caves and eat grass.... these 10,000 servicemen and women would be far better deployed in NK in trying to save their country from total collapse.
Check out the manspreading stance of Kim Jong Un in his "wet-look" black PVC jacket.
Kim is flanked by a bizarre collection of elderly North Korean troops that an increasingly desperate Putin needs as cannon fodder to continue his failed invasion attempt.
In 2017, a North Korean soldier who made a frantic escape across the border – barely surviving multiple gunshot wounds from his own side – was found by the South Korean doctors who saved him to have a 27cm intestinal worm and a host of other parasites in his system. His stomach contents reflected a poor diet.
And this for a staff sergeant said to be from the relatively elite border guard. South Korean researchers in 2015 cited elevated rates of chronic hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis and parasites among North Korean defectors.
Unless they are in East Asia, then they will happily intervene in a country's political and military affairs.
When your friendship only exists to attack other countries, you are still open to criticism. Inb4 NATO.
This is Putins game and the FatBoy is playing kissing cousins. Putin went to China for weapons and support Xi said no because he didn’t want his country to face economic sanctions so Putin went to the FatBoy and told him let’s become kissing cousins and make China envy how about me giving you technology transfers to help build your missile defense, air defense, food and should any country choose war against us we will form a pact to defend one another. With that said the FatBoy was rubbing his tummy and licking his chops because now he knows he doesn’t have to listen to China the master of NK and with a strong military and with Russia backing NK should China want to attack NK they would have to deal with Russia. Russia on the other hand gets a guarantee from NK to support a war should they have to fight China for the northern border XI was thinking of taking back. On the other hand SK doesn’t not like it at all because with all the military technology that FatBoy has they may become even more bold and want to attack Sk just as Russia is doing to Ukraine and China wanting to invade Taiwan. Japan doesn’t like it either so Japan goes to China to try to have some diplomacy to try to get NK to back down but China has no bite anymore China is now worried about China because now they have to deal with the missing cousins Putin and FatBoy. Its a mess someone has to go in and tame the FatBoy because his head is getting too inflated all it takes is one of his missiles to go off course or he decides to throw his weight around then things will get ugly. China is now on the outside looking at the two everyone else is in panic mode. Nk is giving China manpower to use as cannon fodder both are playing each other in the end someone is going to lose. Putin is the smarter one FatBoy is going to be on the losing end.
By and large, every country has their sovereign rights, among which, whom their friends are/to make. Or, are you suggesting only America has that rights?
Over to you, copy/paste response.
China also concerns Japan-Taiwan clandestine collaboration. Japan should explain to China what is going is going on or what are you doing secretly with Taiwan !
dobre vam zajebava
ok and now what?
Maybe I can help, are you referring to North Korea and Russia as dogs? Are you suggesting these countries are actual dogs or metaphorically dogs? Please tell us more about dogs. We really want to know.
True or not (as mentioned there is no evidence for it so far), Russia is entitled to invite allied troops into their country for any necessary, sovereign defensive measure.
Japan is literally a staging post for global US deployments, so for them to even utter a peep is hypocrisy in the extreme; plain and simple.
Yes, it is. How sovereign the decision actually is, is up for debate.
The point is Japan has no right to be telling other countries they can't. None whatsoever.
Yes, express your concerns to China. It’s okay to admit you need China’s help but unfortunately for Japan, China will not intervene in other country’s political or military affairs.
Please define "dogs" for us in this context. We really want to know.
Tokyo needs to keep its concerns to itself and mind its own business.
Besides, they threaten other countries by hosting aggressive US forces, so they have no right to lecture others.