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Japan opposition parties vow to keep scandal in spotlight in snap election


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If only all these opposition parties could join together to form a strong, stable party that would actually have a chance in the election.

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Nobuyuki Baba, head of the second-largest opposition party, the Japan Innovation Party, said at a press conference, "We oppose the dissolution, but we will fight by asking the public which party is best suited to reform politics in the wake of the funds scandal."

None of them. It shouldn't be a partisan issue. Any Diet member should be able to propose reforms and every other Diet member should be free to vote for or against them based on their own convictions, rather than towing a party line.

Realistically speaking, the public won't bother with parties that can't win outright majorities by themselves.

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grundToday  10:25 am JST

If only all these opposition parties could join together to form a strong, stable party that would actually have a chance in the election.

It would be a start if people voted for anyone they could except the LDP. If no party could form a majority they would all have to start finding some common ground to get anything done.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Japan opposition parties vow to keep scandal in spotlight in snap election."

I'm confused, when new elections are called to enable PM Shiba, seek mandate the opposition complains about. Now the elections are called, why not the people decide what they want?

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