Japan Today

Kishida says Russian attack on Ukraine undermines international order


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Now is the time for all good countries to come to the aid of innocents caught in the crossfire. Do your best, Mr Kishida, to the full extent that Japan can render aid.

19 ( +24 / -5 )

Putin doesn't care what Japan does - he's weighed it all already.

The echoes of German expansionism pre-1939 are very clear. He's basically using Hitler's playbook and the West should be very concerned. Putin will have his eyes on other countries that gained independence in the 1990s.

18 ( +28 / -10 )

Oh my god, not the “international order”. How dare someone undermine that.

-12 ( +14 / -26 )

Do politicians buy their masks at the drugstore or Amazon?

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Basically Russia can literally do whatever they like even invading Poland!

True that. And anyone who even questions Putin is called a warmonger. Putin has been able to use media outlets of all sorts, especially the fringe media, what some extremists call the 'real media' to push his messages and convince the intellectually vulnerable and poorly educated in many parts of the world, that what they need is a strong leader unafraid to put the citizens he controls, like the tsars of old controlled serfs, that he will protect them from enemies, some possibly real most imagined.

Putin has shown that being a politician who commands a gigantic army with nukes, plus controls one of the globe's largest reserves of oil and gas, plus controls media can get away with invading a sovereign nation. And using his media manipulation skills he can get his true believers to think it was the other guys that made the problem. Extremist American politicians try to ape him, though owning luxury resorts and golf courses do not pack the same punch, except with some of the poorly educated perhaps who want a leader to protect them against their imaginary demons, which might include alien reptiles.

8 ( +20 / -12 )

He is right. Putin is Hitler 2.0 or if you prefer Stalin 2.0.

Delusions of grandeur and an unending desire for power over others. The International order is in the process of being destroyed at the hands of despots and unless the worlds democracies stand up now then more and more people will become refugees in Europe and more people will be sacrificed to fight once again for freedom.

Do not give them a head start this time like was done for Hitler with appeasement and attempts to stay out of war. That time is done. Pick your side and stand up. Your for freedom or for slavery all over again. This generation has the same choices to make that others made.

Appease and do not fight and you will be added to the ranks of slaves in your turn, one nation at a time.

14 ( +25 / -11 )

We should organize a protest outside the Russian embassy in Tokyo.

9 ( +19 / -10 )

Liberal society has a bunch of made up problems and made up aggressions.

They have no idea how to handle actual problems or actual aggressions.

or any willingness to treat those with any level of seriousness that doesn’t involve screaming an -ism, or calling someone an -ist and then blaming an unrelated person for what has happened to ruin their life

-19 ( +7 / -26 )

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Thursday strongly condemned Russia's attack on Ukraine, saying that it undermines the foundation of the international order.

No, it undermines American control of the global economy, which can only be a good thing.

-17 ( +14 / -31 )

The leaders of the G7 -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States, plus the European Union -- are scheduled to hold a virtual meeting on Thursday to discuss the Ukraine crisis.

All right! They've scheduled a meeting!

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Oh my god, not the “international order”. How dare someone undermine that.

War in Europe may seem wonderful from the vantage point of the Russian security services, and their supporting troll farms, but for the rest of us, peace in Europe is a very good thing.

21 ( +26 / -5 )

Yes and after that scheduled G7 meeting the US President will read a speech from a teleprompter that someone is still writing.

I expect lots of name calling, tough guy talk and finger pointing as to who is responsible then “some sanctions” to be announced after.

will there be any additional Japan involvement after that is still to be seen.

-14 ( +10 / -24 )

I am surprised that so few here understands that this was about getting rid of the cheap Russian gas on the market an replace it with expensive US gas.

Do you really think the US cares about a poor underdeveloped country like Ukraine?

Let's not be naïve folks.

-16 ( +10 / -26 )

Yes and after that scheduled G7 meeting the US President will read a speech from a teleprompter that someone is still writing. 

I expect lots of name calling, tough guy talk and finger pointing as to who is responsible then “some sanctions” to be announced after.

Article is about Japan. There’s even a big photo to help you.

Liberal society has a bunch of made up problems and made up aggressions. 

They have no idea how to handle actual problems or actual aggressions.

You think Japan is a ‘liberal’ society? Oh, silly me. You’re just being edgy to get some hits. How unusual.

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Taiwan next?

4 ( +12 / -8 )

So Putin sensed that Ukraine would be allowed into the NATO

"Sensed"? What is he, Yoda? Ukraine hasn't even applied to join NATO, and even if they do all NATO members must agree to them joining. "Sensed"!!

meaning weapons and troops deep into Russian territory (Russia essentially surrounds Ukraine).

Essentially, apart from Ukraine's very extensive borders with Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova. Ukraine is not in Russian territory.

It's the same thing as if Texas decided to leave the US and become a Chinese ally with Chinese weapons.

It's so far from being 'the same thing'. Texas is a part of the US, Ukraine isn't a part of Russia.

Do you think the US would attack Texas before they could do that?

I think you need to go back to the start of whatever it is you don't understand.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Russia and Japan are technically still at war. From Japans point of view, International Order cannot really be undermined any further.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Article is about Japan. There’s even a big photo to help you.

The article-

"The leaders of the G7 -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States, plus the European Union -- are scheduled to hold a virtual meeting on Thursday to discuss the Ukraine crisis."

So yeah.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

I expect lots of name calling, tough guy talk and finger pointing as to who is responsible then “some sanctions” to be announced after. 

will there be any additional Japan involvement after that is still to be seen.

It is getting very scary especially with China watching and I don’t have a lot of confidence that Japan will get the help it needs should Xi copy what Putin is doing. Japan has been ne of the most powerful military air forces in the Pacific as well as Naval fleet, but the way the events are unfolding in the Ukraine, Japan needs to seriously think about revising arrival 9 and depend on itself that would make more sense as far as reliability and dependability are concerned.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

I think it is best that Japan just sit this one out and save whatever response for when it is China vs Taiwan next.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

I think it is best that Japan just sit this one out and save whatever response for when it is China vs Taiwan next

I agree and I believe that is sadly coming within the next 2 years. Scary times ahead.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

China, as per usual, is sitting back, saying nothing, watching how the west responds, and taking notes for future reference.


9 ( +12 / -3 )

We should organize a protest outside the Russian embassy in Tokyo..

Yeah, that'll be a good waste of a few hours.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

"The Russian attack shakes the foundation of international order that never tolerates unilateral change to the status quo by force, and we strongly condemn Russia," 

Never a more accurate assessment from a country that paid the ultimate price.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Oh my god, not the “international order”. How dare someone undermine that.

Yet the international financial order of banking bailouts and tax havens is right up your alley.

If a rogue actor like you imagine Putin or Trump could ever be could upset that order I imagine many people would be behind it.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Lol at the half-assed plastic divider in front of Kishida. Lest we forget the words of Linsey Marr from Virginia Tech, one of the world’s leading experts on viral transmission, speaking on plastic dividers:

Everybody’s aerosols are going to be trapped and stuck there and building up, and they will end up spreading beyond your own desk.

But I suppose empty remarks about Russia need to be made in the presence of empty covid measures.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The Moscow Madman wants to bring back the Soviet Empire.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

It's better than nothing.

Most countries cannot say anything to Russia.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Perfect time for Japan to grab the Kurils while Russia's not looking?

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Russian attack on Ukraine undermines international order, but arming Ukraine to the teeth & attacking Donbass for 8 long years, destroying electro station, water plants, schools, hospitals, homes, killing & wounding innocent people daily does not undermines international order, right?

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Japan needs to pay good close attention to what's happening in Ukraine because the writing is on the wall that Taiwan will be the next crisis. Time to get it in gear and amend Article 9 while there is still time.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Japan needs to pay good close attention to what's happening in Ukraine because the writing is on the wall that Taiwan will be the next crisis. Time to get it in gear and amend Article 9 while there is still time.


0 ( +6 / -6 )

Russian attack on Ukraine undermines international order, but arming Ukraine to the teeth

It was the west that helped Ukraine remove its soviet nuclear weapons, and Russia that guaranteed its soverignty for doing so.

& attacking Donbass for 8 long years, destroying electro station, water plants, schools, hospitals, homes, killing & wounding innocent people daily does not undermines international order, right?

The Donbas terrorist bombing and shelling Ukraine territory and killing thousands over eight years just escapes your notice? How about trying to illegally break territory away from the Ukraine rather than emigrate to Russia? That is all fine and dandy for some right. It is criminal is what it is and in Russia they call it treason. Just ask the Chechen's.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

And exactly who's international order would that be referring to ?

Japan is working closely with the United States and also moving swiftly ?

Swift ?

Supplying oil reserves ?

Why are there still 120 Japanese nationals in Ukraine?

Japan stop fooling around and get your act together.

This is another opportunity to do good with the international community , but don't let the west take advantage again.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Japan needs to pay good close attention to what's happening in Ukraine because the writing is on the wall that Taiwan will be the next crisis. Time to get it in gear and amend Article 9 while there is still time.

100%. And the chance of revising it has now increased markedly.

There is no doubt the CCP is licking their lips watching the brutal invasion of independent Ukraine by China's totalitarian fellow travellers Russia. And picking up cues all the time.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

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