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© KYODOKishida says Trump rally shooting 'challenges democracy'
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4 minutes of people in the crowd telling Trumps security team about a shooter on the roof and yet they let it all happen is just weird!!!
Imagine the average sanity of people traveling to attend a trump rally, I'd guess they get hundreds of weird comments and allegations towards people they don't think should be there, so I'm not surprised they didn't start running at the first comment about a potential shooter. Still at that distance he should have been spotted the moment he went on the roof, I thought they had drones for that stuff.
Bob Gorskin
Agree. His security detail and SS should face the same scrutiny Abe's got.
Randy Johnson
Kishida says Trump rally shooting 'challenges democracy'
It most certainly does.
There’s no place for gunplay in a democracy.
Time respect and civil discourse are reintroduced to our divided politics.
Challenges democracy? America is a democracy and has the most well armed civilian army in the world.
I would like to know what Kishida and the decades of one party LDP rule and Trump's possible return to power after years of election denial has done to promote democracy.
Same question to you for 2016's election denial involving Russian interference. Why did you do it dagon? Why?
They do have drones for this exact instance at every political rally. But for some reason not today. They have cameras on Epstein also not the day he suicided. They had WMD in Iraq but when they got there there was none. This is just more spin from a something that they call a democracy. Stage event.
Actually the vast majority of people get the US political structure incorrect. The US is a "constitutional federal republic" which is different. Below is the definition. I'd also add that the electoral college has a major effect on just a majority rule situation of a democracy. Below is the explanation of how the electoral college works.
"While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. The Constitution not only provides the framework for how the federal and state governments are structured, but also places significant limits on their powers. “Federal” means that there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power."
"The Electoral College prevents presidential candidates from winning an election by focusing solely on high-population urban centers and dense media markets, forcing them to seek the support of a larger cross-section of the American electorate. This addresses the Founders’ fears of a “tyranny of the majority,” which has the potential to marginalize sizeable portions of the population, particularly in rural and more remote areas of the country."
These are tragic, yet isolated extremist occurrences.
Not to take anything away from the loss and distress to the Families.
Government could take direct action that restricts the public, the electorate from directly holding there MP's accountable.
That would be a a failure to acknowledge that "democracy" can require a devastating price
Footage of the offender prone on the rooftop and firing:
'Challenges democracy'?! I'll tell you what 'challenges democracy': fascism. Let's be truthful: look up any definition of "fascism" and Trump will tick all the boxes. This shooting is a convenient way for Trump to avoid such conversation at a point where Biden was beginning to recover from his gaffes.
And it wouldn't be the first time that a would-be dictator utilized such an event, staged or not, to rally the gullible behind an autocratic banner. The 20th c. was full of 'em.
Ironically trump is by far more of a threat to democracy than this shooter.
CrashTestDummyToday 05:12 pm JST
“ Actually the vast majority of people get the US political structure incorrect. The US is a "constitutional federal republic" which is different. Below is the definition. I'd also add that the electoral college has a major effect on just a majority rule situation of a democracy. Below is the explanation of how the electoral college works.
"While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. The Constitution not only provides the framework for how the federal and state governments are structured, but also places significant limits on their powers. “Federal” means that there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power."
"The Electoral College prevents presidential candidates from winning an election by focusing solely on high-population urban centers and dense media markets, forcing them to seek the support of a larger cross-section of the American electorate. This addresses the Founders’ fears of a “tyranny of the majority,” which has the potential to marginalize sizeable portions of the population, particularly in rural and more remote areas of the country."
And some people still refuse to understand and/or accept these facts… (their problem, not ours).
“Tomomi Inada, acting secretary general of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said she feels protest and opposition toward politicians is growing more radical.”
Yes. And I wonder why that is. I wonder if Inada-san, Secretary General of the LDP ever wonders why too.
Trump has made America politics dangerous with his rhetoric, full stop. The shooter could have been from either side of the government who was fed up with him, because so many moderate Republicans have resigned this year because of the nonsense that Trump spews from his mouth.
What was more sickening Trump did not care his security team was trying to protect him, or he was endangering all the lives that were there to watch him. No, all he cared about was giving his Hitler style fist a wave in the air just full on crazy. From here on in, he will play this up to the fullest and make his followers even wild than the scene at the White House 4 years ago.
RIP to the individual who lost their life and speedy recovery to the person injured in the crowd.
Kyodo needs to get its reporting more factual.
Trump was shot
He was bleeding from gunshot wounds
It was his blood
Its a criminal act, an assassination attempt, straight forward and simple, non thing to do with democracy, or, your definition of democracy. Or, are you saying that a similar act carried out in a Non democracy, your definition of it, is acceptable????
What I am saying Okuniyoshi, Trump's rhetoric and "I am above the law" spew and his Hitler style fist bumping is causing so much unrest in America. Is it shocking what happened today? No. It all started 4 years ago with Trump calling on his followers to attack the White House and destroying democracy.
Trump did not care about his life and or that of others when that shooting was going on instead of staying down not only for his safety, that of those who were protecting but also all for those who came out to watch him. No, he could not do that, he was fighting the secret service and physically at that so he could stand up and put his Hitler fist in the air with ZERO regard to anyone around him.
You do realize some innocent bystander was SHOT dead, another person was injured by a bullet and that it was not only Trump that ended up being a target.
I can’t stand this guy
He stood up again and while pumping his fist in the air, shouted "Fight, fight, fight!" according to one video I saw.
Of course we should not forget how a pipe bomb was thrown at Kishida himself only last year.
(Not a 'smoke bomb' as at first reported and widely disseminated.)
Not a challenge for democracy. This will give Trump a landslide victory as he will be considered one of the greatest men ever now. He will receive a lot of votes. This is democracy in action.
It doesn't. If anything, it'll make it stronger.
"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
If this isn't an attack on democracy, then what is?
Is it possible that some people don't understand that?
Whatever the argument, whether it's Biden or Trump, it is guaranteed to be made.
What does the Chinese Communist Party's $250 million investment in a US election systems company represent?
Yes. Imagine. Imagine hard enough and Trump is Hitler.
Hitler style fist bumping? I thought that was the Obama greeting.
The media will be so let down when the shooter is revealed as just a sad schmuck.
This was a Republican shooter,most lone wolf like him are a long line of people,that has targeted US President,their are probably 100 of open files on people, threatened the President every day by the Secret Service
After 8 years of the progressives falsely equating Trump to Hitler we shouldn't be surprised it triggered some lunatic like this. The democrats have blood on their hands
blue in green
America is a Constitutional Republic.
Gene Hennigh
It does challenge democracy. Any such attempted assassination is both un-American and deplorable. Don't get me wrong. I hate Trump and would never vote for him. But he has the right to run for office and be inaugurated if he wins the vote. The vote. The only American way of speaking your mind. I don't want to be deprived of a candidate, even one I detest, but this stupid man wanted to decide for us all. Go vote. You don't lose if your candidate doesn't get in, but you win if you speak with your vote. Then you get to complain all you want to if your guy didn't win. Didn't like Jan. 6, don't like this, and want the rule of law followed. I wish I could say that they should have captured this guy, but, on this very rare occasion, I'm glad he's dead.
Biden will probably win again, even for all his inadequate problems,
"Touching on Abe's assassination, Tomomi Inada, acting secretary general of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said she senses a rising trend of increased radicalism in protests and opposition toward politicians."
Guys... this is not like Abe any more than an assassination attempt made on Hitler was about Abe -- it was just an attempt on a leader's life by someone who very strongly disagreed with him and thought his rule and presence was bringing about ruin. What happened in Japan happened because a nut made a gun and no one suspected that would happen. What happened in the US was an even more right-wing nut than the guy he shot at wanted MORE guns despite being able to have them anywhere, any time, and Trump just wasn't right-leaning Republican enough, like the shooter himself. In the US they should have KNOWN this kind of thing was likely to happen (again). They have nothing to blame it on but themselves.
Just an update, as I indicated earlier, with all of Trump's rhetoric the shooter could be from either side of the political aisle, and it turns out the 20-year-old shooter is a registered Republican.
The people on the Republican side, seem to be more the radicals and have more violent tendencies and that is the side at present that are really are riled up by Trump and his rhetoric.
Even after being shot, he is pumping his fists in the air shouting fight, fight, fight all the while the secret police are trying to shield him with their bodies with no care for their safety, that of those who were there to listen to him and or his own. Selfishness.
Let us remember of the innocent bystanders one who was killed and one who was seriously injured by the shooter.
And this is why liberals need to not be in elected office.
But in this case you only chose the "fact" you liked, not all of the facts.
sicilian, I did not choose to skip any facts and if there are any additional ones, please fill them in. I only wrote what was written in the news story and I am not sure why you did not fully fill in any new bits by the sounds of it you have. Making innuendos, is not the way to behave.
For myself, the only new bit I have since I wrote the above is that the 20-year-old had a car full of explosives.
I find the Hitler references interesting. We tend to view those who attempted to assassinate Hitler as heroes. I wonder if this kid might be viewed in this way in 20 years or so.
But we seem to be entering a period of madness. I fear for my kids.
Maybe you don’t know this but a lot of libs register as Republicans to throw off the GOP primaries. The guy donated to THE most radical liberal organizations out there. Actblue, Democrat Underground, Daily Kos, doesn’t get much clearer than that. No Republican in their right mind would go anywhere near these organizations.
Ricky Kaminski13
That didn’t take long. The mindset of the left will be quietly lamenting that the Trumpman survived the hit. It’s the pea brained life’s mission to try and wish anything confrontational away.
That Biden and Trump are at the top of the ticket of both parties is a challenge to concept of a well functioning democracy.
Dangerous rhetoric from the left saying that if Trump is elected, it is the "end of democracy" caused this.
America is not a democracy. It is a republican union of fifty separate states and the constitution says so.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Venezuela was a democracy and they voted themselves a wolf. Now they are all sheep.
Democrats for Trump
Trump will milk this cow to every last drop. Will advance his election campaign. Biden tonight will address the nation from the Oval Office.
The shooter was a registered Republican.
Why would he not? He should
To those nitpicking about America being a constitutional federal republic. Sure. But its also a democracy. Canada is a constitutional federal monarchy but nobody would really say that.
Republic has an elected head of state (president), monarchy has a hereditary head of state (king/queen/emperor/empress/sultan). Some republics and most monarchies separate the symbolic head of state from the political leader head of govt (prime minister/chancellor), while others do not (US, Syria, Nigeria).
A democracy can be either. Do you vote? Then it's a democracy of some sort, even if a failed democracy. And don't say, "well I only vote for representatives, so it's not a democracy." Come off it. Republic is not contigent on representatives, just on the status of the head of state (as stated above). All modern democracies are representative, but some may have some direct democratic components (recall, referenda).