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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.N Korea fires missile, possibly from sub; falls in Japan's exclusive economic zone
By TONG-HYUNG KIM SEOUL, South Korea©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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And they shoot their ballistic missiles with impunity. Apparently this one came close to Japan.
Thank You North Korea. You are just helping Shinzo Abe quest to rearm Japan.
Samit Basu
Remember that after November, Japanese MoD has to learn about NK missile launch from CNN Breaking News thanks to the GSOMIA termination.
re: JT: "We will continue to cooperate with the U.S. and the international community and do the utmost to maintain and protect the safety of the people as we stay on alert," Abe said.
CNN or BBC alert? Cooperate by responding to Trump about the beautiful written letter sent by NK.
If Safety is such a concern why not shoot that thing down as it was over Japan waters and under the Constitution it is an authorized defensive measure. IF this was fired in China's EEZ it would have been shot down. This should not be any different for Japan. Use what the taxpayers have payed for not just too look at and kept clean. It was bought for a purpose time to use it and prove to the world that Japan will not be bullied by anyone.
Samit Basu
1) EEZ is not a territory, but an international airspace. Any object from anyone can fly over there.
2) China doesn't have the ability to shoot it down over the Yellow Sea.
Did it detonate? If not, move on, it's a no news.
As a side remark, Japanese can't be surprised of the North Korea behavior since they keep accumulating US grad weapons in Japan presumably for defense, a motivation the North Koreans don't believe.
Norman Goodman
And if it was an "ally" that did that to an "enemy" it would not even be news.
Look at any world map and you will quickly see that North Korea has no other place to test their missiles. Just like all the others it landed in completely nowhere.
Do these constant reminders that North Korea has weapons to test too have some sort of purpose?
Just goes to show that both the North & the South Koreans are only pretending to be enemies. One fires missiles at Japan, the other flies fighters over Japanese almost the same time.
Abe was right to ban high tech exports to S.Korea. These exports will only be sent to the North and used for the military against Japan.
This is actually good. Because Japan & US can now pick it up and study it....and the ways to counter it.
Samit Basu
There is nothing left to pick up. These missiles hit water at Mach 7~10. Debris then sink to the bottom of the sea, which is deep.
Ganbare Japan!
Absolutely despicable. PM Abe is right to be furious, and USA has Japans back, so Trump will not be happy about this. If Chairman Kim keeps this up, there will be no Summit with PM Abe, and no joint economic cooperation and projects.
Wisely argued. There is a high chance in fact that SK had intelligence about the launch of this missile, and withheld it from Japan. If so, its unforgivable.
Samit Basu
The missile was an SLBM.
Aegis Ashore cannot stop SLBMs.
Samit Basu
Japan has to redesign its missile defense architecture.
1) Spend $1.5 billion to import the X-Band radar from the US to replace the lost radar feed from Korea.
2) Replace $2.5 billion Aegis Ashore with a $12 billion THAAD to be able to deal with NK missiles at terminal stage.
3) Spend $10 billion on PAC3 to cover lower altitude missiles.
The total bill is $24 billion, and this buys Japan a dual layer missile defense network
This is not as good as the ROK's $30 billion triple layer missile defense, but better than nothing.
And Trump will say, "It wasn't nuclear, so I'm not worried about it. Kim and I have a great Relationship!" and Abe will be forced to say and do Nothing about it because he's Trump's lapdog... well... aside from muttering that it's "regretful".
Samit Basu
@Ganbare Japan!
Trump doesn't care, and has an implicit consent. As long as NK doesn't test missiles with ranges longer than 2000 km, Trump will keep quite.
Abandoned by both US and Korea, Japan is on its own as far as NK missiles are concerned.
Ignorance at that highest level. Whether it be IRBM,SRBM or SLBM, they fly up to the altitude in which radar can detect so they are no difference.
X-Band is not used for Anti Ballistic Missile defense due to it's short range.
The range of THAAD is much shorter than SM-3Blk2A so it does not work for longer range IRBM.
Lower altitude missiles/cruise missiles can be intercepted with SM-6 missiles that will also be deployed within AEGIS ashore.
BS! Abe and his crooks never so far have presented any evidence whatsoever supporting the fact that South Korea has exported sensitive tech to North Korea or shared sensitive military information with them. And Japan did not ban tech exports per say but the export of material processed in Japan used to build tech products.
Is there any evidence to back up this claim? I believe none. So please retrain yourself for coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Samit, gathering intelligence and counter-intelligence doesn't just mean picking up physical pieces. There is such a thing as SIGINT. And since you weren't there when it hit the water, you don't know what remained. Military Forensics has advanced quite a bit and you CAN pick up quite a lot from debris...even the tiniest ones.
What is the point in providing evidence to a militant and nationalistic nation that burns flags and starts riots everytime their politicians direct the people's attention away from their politician's own failings and towards Japan?
S.Korea has a history of refuting evidence and making about-turns on treaties that have long been settled with Japan. There's no point in providing evidence to someone who doesn't have the capability to accept it.
SK "Intelligence" isn't very reliable in the first place. If they can't even monitor the movements of their own neighbor correctly, then it's useless.
Japan needs to rely on it's own intelligence gathering and not on SK's.
Samit Basu
The KN-23 missile demonstrated it can fly below the minimum interception altitude of both SM-3 and THAAD interceptors.
A quick google search goes a long way in expanding one's knowledge.
1) SM-3 is useless without the early warning from Korea, which Japan won't be getting unless Abe san surrenders.
2) Therefore Japan must deploy an X-band radar from the US.
3) Even then, Japan has a greatly reduced response time, so mid-course interception by the SM-3 is out of question.
4) Japan can only attempt terminal-stage interception with the THAAD.
Increasing pressure, very good for the US war dealers conglomerate, Japan is going to pour more money into US weapons.
And both china and russia are going to benefit being the suppliers to the North.
Much ado about nothing. Much as the fake media claim otherwise, this is simply political posturing, and there is no danger to Japan.
Maybe it's time that Japan tried true diplomacy to smooth things over with Japan's neighbors...
Again showing ignorance, KN-23 range is 240-690 km meaning it won't reach Japan.
Photos of Sea-based X-band Radar doesn't really prove anything especially when SBX's primary task is discrimination of enemy warheads from decoys. NK doesn't have MIRV so it is not required.
SK's radar is worthless since by the time it can detect the missile coming out of the horizon it's already within Japan's line of sight on AEGIS ships as well and for your information AEGIS only uses S-band which has a much longer range than X-band.
I find it hard not to stifle a yawn!
The use of rockets and the systems to intercept them are now Obsolete.
Although, the Japanese government might very well buy these ‘obsolete’ systems in the near future to keep the US from blocking auto exports.
Russia and China (Maybe NK) are in possession of hypersonic missiles which travel at over 5 times the speed of sound.
They are impossible to deflect.
And this why there is little condemnation from the US over NK middle tests.
Technology has now enabled wars which are unwinnable. (again)
ICBMs travels at 20 times the speed of sound. Even SRBM travels at 9 times the speed of sound.
Fat Boy shouldn't be shooting missiles into Japan's EEZ. Have him shoot them up toward Russia's EEZ and see what happens.
This is beyond hilarious, SK made request to Japan to share information of missile launch through GSOMIA while it is still in effect till end of November.
Abe needs an excuse to use the revenue from the new tax rise for more defense spending. Kim works for the US. Japan needs a convenient "threat" to boost weapon sales for US companies. Maybe Abe is in on the "Kim as bogeyman" scam or not. Anyway, the timing is TOOO good. Just like when NK conveniently fired off some rockets right before a crucial election for the LDP.
I find people who try to portray South Korea like an ally for Japan so funny. In terms of their relationship with Japan, South Korea isn't different from North Korea. Japan isn't completely stupid at this point. The US forced this alliance between Japan and SK since the end of Korean war but it's failed, stop denying the evidence. It's obvious Japan can't trust South Korean government for its own safety, it's hilarious like some people can't see the facts. The Moon government in particular is also ambivalent towards the US, despite obviously it's still submitted to it. Something is happening in the Korean peninsula, and it's a strong conflict of influence between China and the US. It's not really clear which side the South Korea supports for real, since Moon wants the reunification so much, and it's okay also under Chinese influence.
"We will never again lose to Japan".
Do you remember who said these words recently?! Kim Jong Un?! No, the South Korean president Moon. Are these the words of an allied Country? Again, stop denying the evidence, because at this point it's blatantly stupid.
This is the result of trusting trump & spending tax payer's money to import anything and help america ???.
Talk is cheap. prove, yr stand trump.
Brian Wheway
I bet the supreme leader ( Donald Trump) is rubbing his hands this morning, as he will be thinking what new Hitech missile defence systems can I sell to the Japanese government ??
Chip Star
This is not a logical inference from the DPRK firing a missile.
That's not what Samit claimed, nor is it a logical official inference from what he claimed. Samit was talking about the altitude of the missiles, not the range. Talk about demonstrating ignorance.
Chip Star
Absolutely incorrect.
Richard Burgan
So, where is NK getting the cash and materials to carry out all these weapons development programs? Must be Russia, Iran, and China.
re: South Korean and U.S. intelligence authorities were analyzing more details of the launch, it said.
What is there to analyze that is not known. A sub, a bmissile was fired it flew and perhaps landed in EEZ of Japan. Sound about right? The so-called analysts failed to even track the sub until it was in the air. Sound about right? Of course both answers are YES. But again Trump has a very beautiful with great penmanship written by NK and 3 pages at that. The short missiles are no threat so says POTUS so were not discussed, but forgot that the while the NK's have been playing him like a fiddle they keep production and improving their methods time after time. Neither China nor Russia would take steps towards a US counter move. That is a truthful statement. So much for protection of our own in Asia. Trump 0 NK 16. That's the number of testing that has happened since the beautiful letters and summit meeting.
In the past a weapon launched in any manner against another country would be considered some what War Like. Bully's will always continue their intimidation until they achieve complete acquiescence or they are stopped.
Irrelevant information. Do you really believe that Russia and China (Maybe NK) ) are interested in or willing to use ICBMs to attack Japan?
Yes. Technically ICBMs can be used to attack a rabbit in Fuji mountain.
SJToday 10:11 pm JST
Why don't you add the quote within the original post as well?
Mach 5 or 5 times the speed of sound is much slower than any kind of ballistic missile so ;
No ABM is not obsolete.
And your snipe is completely irrelevant to the argument at hand.
Chip StarToday 08:35 pm JST
Give me an example that can fly quasi ballistic trajectory and still reach Japan from NK and I will be more than happy to eat crow. Until then my posting stands and you are the one showing ignorance.
It's simple math really, to gain range on a ballistic trajectory you need to gain height at optimum trajectory which requires higher velocity. That is why a ICBM is much faster than a SRBM.
In other words you can't really have the best of both worlds. If you want range you need to reach a certain height, to reach that height you need a certain speed.Without both it won't gain range.
Shin Ra
LoL, but but but "Japan was suppose to find out through CNN"
A missile fired in North Korea and falls into Japanese territorial waters. It is a very dangerous matter.
Imagine that unfortunately those missiles hit a fishing boat, a merchant ship, or even a passenger ferry. Not only causing material damage, but human lives. Whether they are Japanese or of other nationalities.
I haven't seen any comments so far speaking in this way. It is a very dangerous issue that can destabilise an already unstable area.
Fortunately, as on other occasions, nothing has happened. And the missiles have fallen into the sea without consequences.
But the danger of something happening is still latent. Until some day a real misfortune happens.
Samit really believes that without South Korea, Japan has some kind of invisible shield around it preventing it from getting intelligence from any other source.
Tom Doley
Oh dear, Japan is in no man’s land when it comes to NK missiles. There were reports that Japan hastily announced two missiles were launched, but later backtracked to just the one missile. What an international embarrassment.
It seems like they are now making guesses as to the number of projectiles.... and you still have Abe fanatics on this site thinking Japan doesn’t need the GSOMIA.
never say
When will Japan become a real peer? It is the only G7 w/o nuclear weapons. When will it regain is sovereignty? It does not have it at the moment. Nukes are directly associated to national sovereignty, at least if to be a top G7.
North Korea has nukes. It can directly and singularly threaten Japan. Japan directly and singularly needs to have its own defense. It must not continue its “dependence” on USA.
North Korea at least has it. It still has its sovereignty. It never gave it up as South Korea did. The real trick now is that in 10 years - there will be a unified Korea which is nuclear.
Japan has to do the same. Grow up please. The NE Asia "needs" to take its equal seat at the table with the rest of the peers.
never say
When will Japan become a full sovereign again? It is the only G7 w/o nuclear weapons. It does not have full sovereignty at the moment. Nukes are directly associated to national sovereignty, at least as a G7.
North Korea has nukes. It can directly and singularly threaten Japan. Japan directly and singularly needs to have its own defense. It must not continue its dependence on USA.
North Korea at least has it. It still has its sovereignty. It never gave it up as South Korea did. The real trick now is that in 10 years - there will be a unified Korea which is nuclear.
Japan has to do the same. Grow up please. The NE Asia "needs" to take its equal seat at the table with the rest of the peers.
Unfortunately, Abe wasted two year time to reach out to the neighbors. Noe, everyone gets along with NK, except Japan. How sad and how ununderstanable.
Recommend Abe visit NK as soon as possible. A great PM is a crisis manager, not a crisis maker.
@samit basu
You best quit while your ahead.
An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is a sea zone prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea over which a state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources, including energy production from water and wind. It stretches from the baseline out to 200 nautical miles (nmi) from its coast. In colloquial usage, the term may include the continental shelf.The key term is "exclusive" in this case relates entirely to Japan as the governing authority in that zone. It is not related to international airspace as you noted. Totally and far fetched wrong. Recommend you take your own advice provided to others in researching tools aside Google.
Re: your response 1) SM-3 is useless without the early warning from Korea, which Japan won't be getting unless Abe san surrenders. Therefore Japan must deploy an X-band radar from the US. Even then, Japan has a greatly reduced response time, so mid-course interception by the SM-3 is out of question. Japan can only attempt terminal-stage interception with the THAAD.Not true but do you seriously think that either the US or Japan government will post online which or what capabilities they have in real world? Please. There are many other obstacles and agenda's i.e. Abe's push to change the constitution and get support being one that are behind many. NK is only following what China allows it to do. I would be more careful of what the US will respond and its patience is running very very thin.
Tom Doley
It's international airspace above an EEZ. So if you read the context in which Samit responded, China has no reason to shoot a missile flying over China's EEZ, contrary to what you suggested.
Japan you’re smarter than this. Don’t fall for this. The US just wants you to buy their shite. Koreans may insist on apologies sincere and all but they’re not going to attack you and neither will China.
And everyone just stands by and watches it fall into the ocean!
Rocket man at it again.
This all he is good at. Rattling sabers. (launching missiles) Flexing his muscles.
You guys are going on and on about the EEZ, trajectories, missile types. Armed and or unarmed.
There will be missile shield sale here unless........
Ask any Japanese citizen. Or most or the majority Japanese citizens .
Until the DPRK hits Japan somehow with a missile and causes financial damage, loss of life, or structural damage. The attiude is angry yes, but also shoganai. Nothing is going to happen until the DPRK really crosses the line. That's the sad reality of the situation and its pathetic. The DPRK is inching closer and closer to this in my opinion. And my opinion doesn't matter.
Sorry no missile shield sale. *typo
"The North is trying to convey a message that time is not on the side of the United States
At this point time's not on the side of the North Koreans, that's for sure.
Now that's GOOD!
It seems to me that Kim is playing the same boorish provocative crap that Qaddafy did. Acting like the juvenile turd in the back of the classroom shooting rubber bands and being a pest, this time it's with rockets and bombs. Always spoiling for a fight, looking to get his butt kicked.
Some people never truly grow up.