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Okinawa Gov Takeshi Onaga Image: File

Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control


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How is an emergency landing where no one was hurt, crazy? Helicopters are inherently difficult land when things go wrong. They don’t glide well.

Again, without knowing the numbers: helos, flights and flight hours, it is impossible to judge whether there are “a lot” of incidents. If they have 10 helicopters, that fly twice a week and 6 of them have had problems—- then you have some serious issues.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

Gov. Onaga is the one who is crazy and out of control with his crazy histrionics. 

The U.S. and Japan agreed to relocate the Futaenma base to the more remote Henoko region, but not good enough for Onaga.  Col. Darin Clark expressed apology for the recent helicopter incidents, but not good enough for Onaga.  PM Abe said he "takes seriously the feelings of the people in Okinawa" and will work with the U.S. to resolve the issues.  Not good enough for Onaga.

Nothing short of a complete U.S. military withdrawal from Okinawa is going to placate Onaga.  But that might not be good enough either.

The Japanese government has "no ability to act as a party in charge," Onaga said.

Then it's time for Onaga to put up or shut up and declare Okinawa independent and secede from Japan as a prefecture.

-8 ( +15 / -23 )

Must be preparing for another election based on making more empty promises about things you have no control over and more of the same no focus on economic, social or education issues.

-2 ( +13 / -15 )

Okinawa Gov Takeshi Onaga calling the military "crazy" and "out of control."

Pot-Kettle-Black, plain and simple, There is a host of evidence against Onaga as well, and he is truly lucky that there is no American type media here in Okinawa to call him out on it either!

Yes the increase in incidents is "crazy" and Onaga should learn the difference in how the word was used, it's disingenuous to call the military "crazy" and "out of control" and these incidents show that the folks piloting these aircraft were very MUCH in control, and showed great courage and intelligence, and more so, concern for the people of Okinawa by landing these aircraft in areas that would cause no harm to human life, possibly outside of their own.

I highly doubt that Onaga has the cojones or cool to do the same in an emergency!

0 ( +15 / -15 )

Then it's time for Onaga to put up or shut up and declare Okinawa independent and secede from Japan as a prefecture.

This is downright "crazy" and it will never happen, and I wish folks would stop suggesting that this is even an option. This isn't the 1600 or 1700's. Okinawa is far too integrated into the country of Japan for these to be even considered an option. If anything it's a tiny, academic type "what if" discussion at best.

Okinawa CAN NOT stand on it's own. Even attempting a referendum on the issue brings up a pandora's box of unsolvable problems. The people of Okinawa are JAPANESE citizens, and will stay that way.

10 ( +19 / -9 )

Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control

The pot calling the kettle crazy!

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Really? The whole military is going crazy? Making such a brash statement makes one tend to discount whatever else he says. Making such an illogical statement makes it a bit difficult to take him seriously.

2 ( +14 / -12 )

This, now, is obviously an unwelcome exaggeration, but otherwise "Yankees go home", as the saying goes.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Don’t really like anyone or thing trying to drive a wedge in the US-Japan relationship.

Onaga wants the US Military out of Okinawa more than he cares about the US-Japan alliance.

If its such a politicized sensitive issue they should just find a new location.

Appreciate the US and JSDF!

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Ridiculous unuseful comment by Onaga. As usual.

1 ( +14 / -13 )

I can't wait until December when he is long gone. Even his base is getting tired of his inability to be effective and his contradictory actions of approving use of Oku and Motobu ports for the base construction. Good riddance Onaga. Vote Sakima (if he does choose to run)

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Perhaps better the U.S. remove itself and leave northeast Asia in the hands of the Chinese to be used as they wish. On the bright side I would imagine the postings on Japan Today would change dramatically due to the inability for those within the great firewall to access outside information. Oh...but this would never happen...right?

Anyway - his comments are ridiculous

3 ( +11 / -8 )

What's with the caps? "Okinawa Prefectural"

Besides the politics of what Onaga is saying. I'd be interested to know how he feels about all foreigners in general.

I get the feeling I wouldn't be welcome to tea and cakes around his house.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

The most amazing part of this whole ridiculous situation is that out of all these incidents, all but one was precautionary. The remaining incidents were just safety concerns and the aircraft all landed with no injuries or damage to the aircraft or surrounding property. The falling window was found to be human error, not mechanical, and the plastic cover found on the daycare roof was proven not to belong to a Marine helicopter, as all IBIS covers were accounted for.

So basically Onaga is calling the military crazy because they are being careful.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

His comment about it "craziness" isn't too far off.

The US was asked to ground and inspect all their aircraft and especially to not fly over schools until a thorough inspection was done. Then right afterward US helicopters were seen and photographed flying over an elementary school.

There have been numerous emergency landings and falling parts in the last few weeks and months in Okinawa and it's not unreasonable for them to expect more cooperation regarding safety by the US military and Japan's national government.

7 ( +15 / -8 )

I admire Onaga. Instead of muttering "shoganai," under his breath and bowing his head to the great LDP/US coalition, he is actually representing his people and speaking his mind.

It IS crazy to house so many foreign troops in a small island like Okinawa. It IS crazy to have a busy military airport right in the middle of a crowded city. And a large element of the US military ARE crazy, just about held in place by the threat of punishment.

Perhaps people in mainland Japan believe Abe when he says that he "takes seriously the feelings of the people in Okinawa," but no one here does. If he were sincere, he would actually DO something to alleviate the problem.

-1 ( +14 / -15 )

The Situation is Crazy and Going Crazy are as different as apples and oranges.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Perhaps better the U.S. remove itself and leave northeast Asia in the hands of the Chinese to be used as they wish. 

Why do pro-US base people always result to thinking there'll be a Chinese invasion if the US is not there? The JSDF alone is very capable, so that's nothing but scare tactics. Besides, there's plenty of places that the US military base could go to in Japan, a place that's less densely populated.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

The word crazy seems too much but out of control seems right word as helicopters accidents are recently many. Okinawans just worry a lot about they may park on my house's roof very safely when machines are out of control.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

The US was asked to ground and inspect all their aircraft and especially to not fly over schools until a thorough inspection was done. Then right afterward US helicopters were seen and photographed flying over an elementary school.

Prove this wasn't done, tell me in depth what the Marine Corps maintenance and inspection practices are and how you know for a fact this wasn't done.  If you cant explain or provide information on this then you need not make the accusations on whether it has happened or not.

Just because the aircraft had an indicator light showing an error for one of the 1000s of parts in this piece of high tech machinery does not mean they're not thoroughly inspecting and maintaining their aircraft. The reality is, these are probably routine indicators that most times would not involve unplanned landings. However, out of respect for the safety and well-being of the residents, the Marine Corps' pilots chose play it safe immediately land their aircraft.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )


The US helicopters didn’t fly over the school afterwards. That is misleading.

The school is located on the edge of the runway.


Google it.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

All things man made that fly are machines. All machines are prone to have mechanical problems. As a prior military serviceman, and aircraft mechanic, I can assure everyone that no military flying “machine” will leave the ground unless 100% ready to do so. There is too much checking and re-checking to make certain the “machine” is flight worthy. It is not the fault of any US service member.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

No damage. No one hurt. Didn't happen on the main island. Page one story and you all know why: the U.S. military doing anything remotely out of the ordinary and all the ''bereaved victims'' come flying out of the woodwork.

1 ( +8 / -7 )


Very well said! Exactly!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Hey, if Onaga doesn't want the military there, then he should put his money where his mouth is and convince all of his family members to join the SDF. Guarantee that all of these people who complain about the bases would be the first ones evacuating the second China starts making a move toward the prefecture. It's like all those politicians in the States who sign off on military action overseas but make sure their families never see any kind of military action.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

I cannot think of 100% safety of military trainings. Ocurrences of accidents suggests they are engaged in dangerous missions. Blamed is the Japanese government which does not accept U.S. Forces in the mainland Japan and imposes 70% of U.S. Forces in Japan upon Okinawa.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Has this issue destroyed your ability to enjoy a nice vacation to Okinawa? I go there a lot and have yet to be refused sevice or attacked for being American. The media makes many of you believe there is an all out clash between the military and people of Okinawa.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

What was the Japanese word he used? Was it translated?

2 ( +2 / -0 )


I admire Onaga. Instead of muttering "shoganai," under his breath and bowing his head to the great LDP/US coalition, he is actually representing his people and speaking his mind.

You admire a man that blows hot air out of his butt? That's where his "mind" is obviously being warmed, and the proof is in his inability to negotiate and get ANYTHING done. He is a useless, blowhard with nothing other than his own financial interests and ego at heart!

Oh, and you again forget he was LDP and the leader of the LDP in Okinawa too! He just traded spots. You often complain about other politicians who do the same, but give Onaga a free pass. Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.


-4 ( +7 / -11 )


Your evidence that a large number of US military members are crazy and your active duty service dates in the US military or medical license to make such a claim.

Lets admire Onaga for saying American military members are crazy, but not speaking up about anything else.

Okinawa continues to be the worst prefecture for DUIs without American numbers added, the worst when it comes to education exam scores, unemployment, next to nothing when it comes to child-care options for single mothers and families.

But you are right, thats what all okinawans are thinking, You cant blame the bases that were already there before people built around them. Lets gloss over important issues to show our hate for the US bases!

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

If US military return these bases to JSDF (Ground, Air, Maritime forces), US military will be not accused about such accidents any more. JSDF have enough number of members and enough US built weapons to protect their own country. US and Japan have a security treaty for a long time, that's probably why US military is still staying there. However it seems no need of such biggest US military bases there in peace time.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


I highly doubt that Onaga has the cojones or cool to do the same in an emergency!

Onaga isn't criticizing the skill of pilots but mechanical trouble of helicopters so frequently occurring and the whole maintenance system of the Marines’. Maybe, the lifetime of these aircraft is long over? Who knows what would happen someday if helicopters went out of control of even highly skilled pilots? And we know one incidence in which that really happened.

On August 13, 2004, a CH-53D helicopter went out of control and crashed on the campus of Okinawa International University. It was said the pilot had managed to avoid crashing on halls where classes were being held but outside an administration building, thus injuring no one on the ground.

The underlying cause of such accidents is the marine air station itself.  Remove it unconditionally outside Okinawa, preferably to an uninhabited Californian desert. Otherwise, emergency landings of helicopters will keep recurring if the function of Futenma remains within Okinawa.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Onaga isn't criticizing the skill of pilots but mechanical trouble of helicopters so frequently occurring and the whole maintenance system of the Marines’.

Once again, not reading the article, if calling them "crazy" isn't a criticism then you have problems with comprehension here.

Okinawa governor says U.S. forces crazy, out of control

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Maybe they should start learning how to speak Chinese !

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

 It IS crazy to have a busy military airport right in the middle of a crowded city. 

The U.S. military bases have been on Okinawa a long time, and the cities have built up around the bases. The base at Futenma was a strategic location on a hill and close to the worst fighting of the battle of Okinawa.

It is past time for the base to be moved, but the all or nothing arguments seem to be stopping an acceptable solution.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Setting aside the issues of the remarks, there is quite a serious problem here. The volume of incidents involving US helicopters around Okinawa (in particular) is a lot higher than it should be. The US military there seem only to utter words of apology (without any evidence of sincerity) before resuming flights, only to have more problems crop up very quickly. Three this month alone, averaging once a week. For a small island like Okinawa, that's very frequent. Obviously something is very wrong with these helicopters. They need to be grounded, at least until they can be thoroughly inspected and proven safe for flight. If US engineers can't find anything wrong, that should let Japanese engineers take a look as well. There's no harm in getting a second opinion, and if they happen to spot something, it can be fixed right away.

This situation isn't going to improve any time soon, the way things are going at the moment. PM Abe needs to step up and get firm with the US on this issue, before it gets any further out of hand. If he waits for innocent civillians to be hurt and/or killed, it'll be too little, too late. He needs to take action before something like that happens. Maybe set up some kind of three strike system. 1st Strike: all aircraft are grounded for 2 months. 2nd Strike: Substantial fine, plus grounding aircraft for 6 months. 3rd Strike: Shutdown of base, relocate to uninhabited island if possible, or remove from Japan entirely if not. It doesn't have to be exactly these things, but certainly a tough set of consequences to try and pressure the US into reining in this problem before people get killed.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Onaga certainly knows crazy and out of control; it slaps him awake every morning when he looks him in the mirror.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

It IS crazy to house so many foreign troops in a small island like Okinawa. It IS crazy to have a busy military airport right in the middle of a crowded city. And a large element of the US military ARE crazy, just about held in place by the threat of punishment.

Perhaps people in mainland Japan believe Abe when he says that he "takes seriously the feelings of the people in Okinawa," but no one here does. If he were sincere, he would actually DO something to alleviate the problem.

So what do you suggest? Don’t even talk about wishful dreams like, the US should go, it’s not going to happen.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

What do I suggest, Mr Bass?

Okinawa is not US territory. They should either relocate to US soil OR if they absolutely HAVE to be here, they should pay the total cost for ground rent and housing and for the inconvenience they cause to people living near bases. And the ground rent should be paid at a level equal to what a private citizen would pay and the money should go to Okinawa, NOT Tokyo.

I don't expect you to agree, but, since you asked . . .

2 ( +9 / -7 )

The US military has outlived its purpose in Okinawa. The land belongs to the Okinawan people, not the USMC, if they want the US military to leave then it is time to respect the will of people and leave.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

 Blamed is the Japanese government which does not accept U.S. Forces in the mainland Japan and imposes 70% of U.S. Forces in Japan upon Okinawa.

It's a little over 60% in Okinawa.

If they are not "accepted in mainland" then where are the other approximately 40% of US Military in Japan? Are they in China?

Almost as ludicrous as this below, this poster continues to bark up the wrong tree, the fight is with Tokyo, not the US military. The US military is here because of an agreement between the governments of Japan and the US.

Too many posters are confused, and refuse to recognize this glaring fact.

Okinawa is not US territory. They should either relocate to US soil OR if they absolutely HAVE to be here, they should pay the total cost for ground rent and housing and for the inconvenience they cause to people living near bases. And the ground rent should be paid at a level equal to what a private citizen would pay and the money should go to Okinawa, NOT Tokyo.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Yubaru- What would you say is the primary reason for the bitter protesting against the US military in Okinawa, would you just denounce them as paid protesters, since you seem to look down upon the Okinawan people.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

 They should either relocate to US soil OR if they absolutely HAVE to be here, they should pay the total cost for ground rent and housing and for the inconvenience they cause to people living near bases. And the ground rent should be paid at a level equal to what a private citizen would pay and the money should go to Okinawa

The Japanese Government pays the land owners far more than fair market value for rent. The land owner of a 200 tsubo plot, which is about the size of a standard US city lot, gets $90,000 a year rent. If you live in a noise zone around an air base you get noise canx windows installed and upgraded every 10 years, you get air conditioners and ventilation installed and replaced for free. The children of residents of Kadena town go to school free. Every Japanese worker that works on base in a GOJ supported position, gets hardship pay and language pay on top of location pay and their regular salary. There is a lot of very upset Okinawan people who owned worthless mountain land that was being used as the Northern Training Area, about 10,000 acres, that was returned to them. Onaga and his agenda made them loose millions of yen. What does Japan get in return? It rents the worlds most powerful military at a fraction of the cost it would cost to field it.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Okinawa people never really felt like they were truly Japanese nor were they ever treated like one.

Okinawa had the highest casualties in WWII, a war Okinawa was involved only because Okinawa was annex by Japanese. Now, they are forced upon them the burden of hosting US military. US/Japan always talk about how strategically important Okinawa is because of its location (close to China) but Okinawa has historically been friendly with Chinese.

I agree with some of you saying the beef Okinawa people have is not against US military itself, but is against the Tokyo.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Back to the helicopter problem........ The Marines are suffering from the same infliction that their parent DOD branch is undergoing. When the Navy had several major ship accidents in less than a year, they were in a state of denial until the accident reports came out. Seasoned military aircraft mechanics will tell you there is no such thing as an old aircraft but there is such a thing as a poorly maintained aircraft. The military has a lot of old aircraft the are better than they were when they rolled off the assembly line. The MC has a maintenance problem, the sooner they come to grips with that fact the better for them and everyone around them. The Navy moved to fire and prosecute personnel from admirals on down, its time for the MC to do the same. Maybe start with the MC general on Okinawa?

5 ( +5 / -0 )


"Crazy" is the word used by Commanding Gen. Lawrence Nicholson, referring to too many cases of trouble related with USMC helicopters (and an Osprey), according to the Jan. 25 Okinawa Times. Did Nicholson take any measures to prevent these too many mechanical glitches with Marine aircraft from occurring? Maybe he did, but trouble occurred once again, only two weeks after the previous one. Don't you call this state of affairs "crazy"?  Onaga was simply venting his anger on the U.S. military with this word.

But the real issue here should be whether or not the Marines should be stationed in Okinawa with so many training bases. It’s nothing but their presence that is causing so much trouble. How do you respond?

4 ( +7 / -3 )

It is easy to criticize him for using such extreme language, but imagine if you were living under the flightpath of helicopters which have been going down (precautionary or not), or losing parts over your children's school?

We have got to consider the feelings of the people living in the region.

I think that the best solution for both parties is to restrict takeoffs and approaches to military facilities in the region. Takeoffs and landings should follow flightpaths that do not fly over areas with people living under them. Future military installations should be positioned in a way that allows aircraft to take off from both directions of the runway without any risk to the public living directly under the departure or approach paths.

Tokyo ought to be the same but we've now got new routings taking aircraft directly over the most built up areas of the city - it is only a matter of time before something bad happens. You sacrifice safety for convenience when you allow flight paths over extremely densely populated areas, be it risk of a crash or falling parts or falling ice.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Given the current environment, situation and circumstances, there is an increase in all military activity at all levels... that includes all aircraft flights... that increases percentage of errors and accidents...

That is all outside of politics and private priorities and interests...

But given the current environment... there is possibility of "intentional" errors and accidents... by sympathizers of what ever causes...

Such can be insiders or outsiders and for whatever reasons... to justify whatever it may be...

So it is difficult to point a finger at just the US military and the Japanese government...

All of this is a major distraction for what ever reason to benefit of whom..?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The land owner of a 200 tsubo plot, which is about the size of a standard US city lot, gets $90,000 a year rent

According to this page - https://dot.asahi.com/aera/2015062200059.html?page=1 - the going rate is ¥2,000 per m2 per year, which works out at ¥1,320,000 for your 200 tsubo (660m2) plot. That's a little over $12,000.

That's still way too much for the Japanese government to be paying out of my taxes, for land used by the US. The US should be paying.

All the compensation for noise - double glazing, air conditioners, etc - should also be paid for by the ones making the noise.

What does Japan get in return? It rents the worlds most powerful military

A military that starts more wars than it wins.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

WOW !!!  Looks like someone is trying very hard to create situation with the US military on Okinawa.  Are the shadows setting the stage for US troop withdrawal from Japan??  Mr. Trump??

0 ( +1 / -1 )

WOW !!! Looks like someone is trying very hard to create situation with the US military on Okinawa.

China and Russia want US forces to leave Japan and make this whole region their sphere of influence.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

 If US engineers can't find anything wrong, that should let Japanese engineers take a look as well. 

Lol ...sorry.

1st Strike: all aircraft are grounded for 2 months. 2nd Strike: Substantial fine, plus grounding aircraft for 6 months. 3rd Strike:

3rd strike...US military gets a time out? May work for a teenager but ther’s not much Tokyo or Okinawa can do.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

A military that starts more wars than it wins.

HAHAHAHA you just lost all credibility with a statement like that.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Well said that man. Keep going on this course. Make the invaders pay huge price for their arrogance.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

If the USA was to pull out of Okinawa, the local area will suffer greatly, the reason for this is that service men and woman spend a lot of money in the local area wether its food, drink entertainment or buying goods. then there are the service suppliers for the base, and there dependents, there is a whole load of people that depend on the USA base, directly and indirectly, when the base moves or shuts down completely there is going to be a lot of unemployed people, then watch the crime rate creep up, as there are people that did have a good income, now don't have that kind of comfortable life style.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

If the USA was to pull out of Okinawa, the local area would boom economically, just as every single area that ever had a US base close has done, time after time. Crime drops, more high paying jobs are created from private sector development.

The view that somewhere is dependent on the military for its economic base has been proven to be a myth again and again.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Crazy" is the word used by Commanding Gen. Lawrence Nicholson,

I see you still have difficulties understanding the differences in how the word was used. The Gen was referring to the incidents

Crazy is the word Onaga used to talk about the people in the US military. Copy and paste the following into this link I am providing for you here, since you seem not to be able to under the differences.



0 ( +2 / -2 )

f the USA was to pull out of Okinawa, the local area will suffer greatly, the reason for this is that service men and woman spend a lot of money in the local area wether its food, drink entertainment or buying goods. then there are the service suppliers for the base, and there dependents, there is a whole load of people that depend on the USA base, directly and indirectly, when the base moves or shuts down completely there is going to be a lot of unemployed people, then watch the crime rate creep up, as there are people that did have a good income, now don't have that kind of comfortable life style.

You know, it is really bothersome that people continue to trump out this fallacy every time there is a discussion about Okinawa.

NO the local areas will NOT suffer greatly. Okinawa counts on the US military for very little when it comes to the GDP and welfare of the island. Do a little research, what you THINK and what is fact are two very different things here!

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Crazy is the word Onaga used to talk about the people in the US military.

That’s not accurate. The text you posted says the American military is crazy overall, there is no reference to the people in it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The Amerikan colonizer of Okinawa is subtly and cleverly preparing the Ryukyuans to be desensitized to such military related events.

Unlike the VN war when the Vietcongs cannot retaliate and hit Naha with missiles, any Amerikan wars now involving troops and planes from the giant military bases will certainly invite corresponding attacks hitting not only military targets but also massive civilian abodes, hospitals and schools.

Therefore the pre-war psychological process is now very evident .

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Brian Wheway,

I agree with Yubaru. Okinawa would not suffer economically. Many US military people never shop outside the base. Look at Facebook. "Does anyone cut hair? There's a strike of haircutters on base." I mean you can't drive down any street without seeing two or three barber poles. I also agree with domtoidi. When land such as Kadena is returned, you will see an economic boom. Okinawa was the poorest prefecture in 1945 and is still in 2018. US bases have done NOTHING to change this.

As for crime, you should take a look at Facebook. Crime around the bases is far, far more than other parts of Okinawa where there are no bases. We never lock the door at night. I often leave my car unattended, unlocked and with the keys in the ignition. I often leave my wallet on the car seat. I've never had anything stolen in 42 years. US military posting on Facebook report almost daily theft and break-in issues.

And finally I completely agree with Cleo.

The US is very good at starting wars, but useless at winning them. If their protection is like the protection they offer in the Middle East, we really don't need them here.

Time for the US military to leave.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Yubaru & Strangerland

What Onaga wanted to say was "There's something wrong with the U.S. military, their aircraft maintenance." As I said in the post above, Onaga was only venting his anger on Marine aircraft's recurring glitches, that is, emergency landings twice this month. 

Whatever, this kind of trouble can be avoided only if Futenma Air Station were moved outside Okinawa, and I repeat, preferably to an uninhabited Californian desert. There's no significant reason why the Marines must maintain so many training bases in Okinawa when active elements of them are slated to move to Guam.

How do you respond to this?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Abe is too afraid to tell the US to remove all military bases from Japanese soil and the Japanese people know they are managed by Washington and after 70 years are still under US occupation.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

As for crime, you should take a look at Facebook. Crime around the bases is far, far more than other parts of Okinawa where there are no bases. We never lock the door at night. I often leave my car unattended, unlocked and with the keys in the ignition. I often leave my wallet on the car seat. I've never had anything stolen in 42 years. US military posting on Facebook report almost daily theft and break-in issues.

That's funny. Scroll on down to the chart labeled SOFA Crime Rate vs. Overall Okinawa Crime Rate and tell me again how much worse crime is because of the military.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

If the USA was to pull out of Okinawa, the local area would boom economically, just as every single area that ever had a US base close has done, time after time. Crime drops, more high paying jobs are created from private sector development.

I'm sorry, what was that?



Let's not forget the Philippines. They have actually asked us to come back. I guess they didn't like how ISIS tried to take over once we left.


But go ahead and believe the economy will be all peaches and sunshine if the US leaves.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I think Abe , Suga and other gov't official are ready to evict US mmilllitary forces from Okinawa. They haven't ignored Okinawa talks yet.

I agree with Yubaru and Bertie and stranger.

Governor think is Ameican military. Force lost ability to control military force.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

What would you say is the primary reason for the bitter protesting against the US military in Okinawa, would you just denounce them as paid protesters, since you seem to look down upon the Okinawan people.

Exaggerating much here? "Bitter"? Hardly, Yet from your wording here I can already tell which side of the issues you choose to stand on.

I have no problems with the Okinawan people protesting, it's their right, I do however take issue with folks who distort the issues, lie, obfuscate, deflect, change the subject, make comparisons, etc etc, and number one....make their decisions based upon ONE side of a story.

What Onaga wanted to say was "There's something wrong with the U.S. military, their aircraft maintenance."

This is a ludicrous statement, especially knowing the history that Onaga has regarding his comments about the people in the military.

He called the people crazy, it's that simple. Oh and how can you tell what someone "wanted to say" when you can't understand what people tell you? Funny that the pot is calling the kettle black here!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Peple seem to forget thatt he majority of people in Okanawa never wanted the American military bases there. So try to imagine what it is like to have a foreign military of occupation in you area for for 78 years and have no say so about what goes on. Then you might understand that most who do not make money off the bases are not liking it much, especially having young men looking at their daughters like whores.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

What Onaga wanted to say was "There's something wrong with the U.S. military, their aircraft maintenance."

"Indeed, the whole U.S. military is going crazy," Onaga said

You know, I'm just not seeing any mention of aircraft maintenance in that statement. We know you like to tweak translations until they suit your agenda, but this is one of your weakest arguments yet.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


He called the people crazy, it's that simple. Oh and how can you tell what someone "wanted to say" when you can't understand what people tell you? Funny that the pot is calling the kettle black here!

The article says Japan, that is, Tokyo and Okinawa Prefecture, "stepped up criticism against the U.S. forces after a third forced landing by a military helicopter...with Okinawa Gov. Takeshi Onaga calling the military 'crazy' and 'out of control'."

Onaga apparently criticized the military by calling it "crazy" and "out of control" due to repeated forced landings during so short a time. You claim "the military" he criticizes is individual service memvbers including pilots. But that's a moot point.

He's criticizing the military all right, but by that military he means its higher echelons who cannot control the system as a whole and cannot maintain military aircraft in good service.

Of course, they must be doing their best not to let accidents happen but in spite of them accidents occur repeatedly. So what should be done to avoid hazzards deriving from U.S. bases, in particular, Futenma Air Station. 

I say Futenma should be closed completely and unconditionally with its function to be moved to the U.S. mainland, preferably to an uninhabited Californian desert. I suggested there's no strategic reason for Futenma's function to be maintained in Okinawa because the active elements of the Marines are slated to move to Guam in the near future.  How do you respond?

1 ( +2 / -1 )


If the marines leave Okinawa, I believe nothing would happen and the Okinawan People would only benefit from this. They have never wanted us here and it is not our place to tell them what to do. It is time to leave. Their is no question that the marines have outlived their purpose here, their not designed to be a deterrence in the first place, they where design as an expeditionary force.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I say Futenma should be closed completely and unconditionally with its function to be moved to the U.S. mainland, 

What you think matters nothing, it's a decision that is made far above your pay grade!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Anecdotal musings: I asked a Navy family member about the accidents recently, he said one problem might be a recent shift in training--moving a lot of training from hands-on and "analog" to online and digital. It saves time and money but in the long run it may be proven a less effective method. I wonder if other branches of the military are doing similar and we are seeing similar issues from it?

Or is an increase in accidents/lack of promises to stall operations due to increased activity in the area? It seems all my military friends/family are going to either Japan or SK this winter and spring.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

 They have never wanted us here and it is not our place to tell them what to do. It is time to leave. 

I honestly wonder when people are going to get it into their heads that it's not a decision for the Okinawan prefectural government, nor the prefectural Governor either.

It's between the US national government and Japanese national government.

Hence my previous comments about people commenting and going off half-cocked based upon emotions and less than half a story!


-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Well then I guess everyone has a say in Okinawas future with the exception of the Okinawan people. I think it is quite obvious that they only reason they support the US military today is because they are forcibly enslaved.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Well then I guess everyone has a say in Okinawas future with the exception of the Okinawan people. I think it is quite obvious that they only reason they support the US military today is because they are forcibly enslaved.

Cripes, you really know NOTHING about Okinawa or it's people if you have the nerve to make comments like this here.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

 I honestly wonder when people are going to get it into their heads that it's not a decision for the Okinawan prefectural government, nor the prefectural Governor either.

It's between the US national government and Japanese national government

That's precisely the reason why Onaga and the Okinawan prefectural government cannot order the U.S. military and U.S. military bases out of Okinawa. The arrangement is between the Japanese national government and U.S. national government.  Japan and U.S. will continue the arrangement as they deem necessary.  (Personally, I think continued U.S. presence on Okinawa is necessary, given the aggressive Chinese expansionism in the China Seas, potential military conflict over the Senkaku Islands and Taiwan. Stability in that region is just as important to Japan as it is to the U.S.)

As long as Okinawa is a Japanese prefecture, Okinawa will have to comply and cooperate with the Japanese national government.

Since Onaga and government refuses to comply and cooperate, and wants the U.S. military and bases removed, then Okinawa will need to secede as a prefecture and become an independent country again as it once was.  Okinawa, as an independent country, can declare there are no agreements between Okinawa and U.S where U.S. military presence is concerned, and that previous arrangements between the U.S. and Japan are null and void.  In the absence of agreements between Okinawa and the U.S., the U.S. military is illegally occupying Okinawa and must be removed.

Some believe when the U.S. military leaves Okinawa, the Okinawan economy will suffer. Perhaps not so as many Okinawans believes.   Back in 2015, Onaga went to China to promote economic and tourism exchanges between Okinawa and China. With Okinawa no longer a Japanese prefecture and the U.S. military presence out of Okinawa, Okinawa can freely accept investment, trade and tourism under China's One Belt One Road program. 

(In doing so, Okinawa invites itself to becoming a "vassal/colony" of China.....if that is more preferable than being a Japanese or U.S. "colony".)

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

As long as Okinawa is a Japanese prefecture, Okinawa will have to comply and cooperate with the Japanese national government.

Okinawa will stay a prefecture of Japan. I have no problems with people protesting either, but I do have problems with folks choosing to stay ignorant, and choosing to make or base their choices because they are afraid to accept that their preconceived notions are wrong, and that what their "media" has been telling them is totally and unfairly biased, and most importantly afraid to leave their cocoons of ignorance.

Sounds the same as the religious nut-cases.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Before Japan conquered Okinawa in the late 19th century, they were independent, but allied with China. China's temporary decline allowed Japan to step in. Could it be that this mayor is being paid to say that he wants the US to withdraw, so as to make it easier for China to move in?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

China and Okinawa were together? There is no record Okinawan people were speaking Chinese.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


I honestly wonder when people are going to get it into their heads that it's not a decision for the Okinawan prefectural government, nor the prefectural Governor either.

It's between the US national government and Japanese national government.

You seem to say Okinawa, a local prefecture in Japan, doesn't have any right to butt in what was internationally agreed upon between Japan and the U.S. If you say so, then we can refute you by saying that the U.S. forces had no right to confiscate private property to build Futenma Air Station because it impinged upon international law. Consequently, you can say Futenma is stolen goods and therefore that the Henoko relocation is tantamount to fencing. Do you agree?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

You seem to say Okinawa, a local prefecture in Japan, doesn't have any right to butt in what was internationally agreed upon between Japan and the U.S. 

Quite so, they have ZERO right to but in in going to the Hague, going to Washington, and wasting taxpayers money so foolishly, as no one with anything to actually do with the situation will listen, because it's NOT the prefecture that negotiated the treaty.

You keep barking up the wrong tree, once again, for at least the hundredth time with you, Onaga's fight is with Tokyo.

If you say so, then we can refute you by saying that the U.S. forces had no right to confiscate private property to build Futenma Air Station because it impinged upon international law. 

Same old, beat a dead horse argument. I am done responding to your ignorance when you bring this up anymore.

You know, I truly believe that you believe what you wrote here, really, just like the folks who repeat a lie long enough and hard enough that they themselves start believing it's the truth, even when deep down they know they are telling lies, they just can't stop, it's a disease that eats them away.

Like I wrote before, do something about it, go to the court and plead your case. You can't, because deep down you know you would lose, as you have no case.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Halwick Jan. 26 05:50 pm JST,

We're not demanding all U.S. bases in Okinawa be removed right now. Rather, it’s USMC Air Station Futenma that we’re demanding be removed from Okinawa immediately and unconditionally. The Henoko relocation is out of the question.

As with Yubaru, you say the Henoko relocation was decided on by the two governments whereby Okinawa should have no say about it. Is this the kind of democracy you want to teach the world? The government can agree with a foreign power about life and death matters for a locality totally over its head and local people have no say about what has been agreed upon between the two governments.

The land on which Futenma sits is stolen goods, so that the dealing about its relocation between the two governments is nothing different from fencing. How do you respond?

1 ( +2 / -1 )


Your hollering reminds me of those 300 armed GIs who were dispatched to Iejima in August 1955 to guard army engineers from protesting islanders to bulldoze and demolish houses, farmland and all, shouting, "You people have no right to protest. We shed lots of blood to take this island from the Japanese army!"

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The government can agree with a foreign power about life and death matters for a locality totally over its head and local people have no say about what has been agreed upon between the two government

wereThat's how a federal system of democracy works; Okinawans are Japanese citizens and the Central Government has final say. Do you intentionally omit this fact or were you ignorant of it, how do you respond?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

you say the Henoko relocation was decided on by the two governments whereby Okinawa should have no say about it. Is this the kind of democracy you want to teach the world? The government can agree with a foreign power about life and death matters for a locality totally over its head and local people have no say about what has been agreed upon between the two governments.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but that is actually how governments work. If Onaga wants to be special, he really should stop protesting US bases and start campaigning for Okinawa to secede from Japan if he wants it to be different.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Your hollering reminds me of those 300 armed GIs who were dispatched to Iejima in August 1955 to guard army engineers from protesting islanders to bulldoze and demolish houses, farmland and all, shouting, "You people have no right to protest. We shed lots of blood to take this island from the Japanese army!"

Do you even realize what you are writing now? It gets crazier and crazier, just proving that you are living in a time warp.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Agreed! Close all USA basis in Japan,South Korea And Europe----Now! We Americans have done our share--you deal with the Chinese---Good Luck!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

extanker: Today 07:54 am JST,

I hate to break it to you, but that is actually how governments work.

Really? Governments agree with foreign governments without heeding their own citizens' voice and welfare? If such governments exist, they are despotic and totalitarian. Do you say Japanese as well as U.S. governments are totalitarian and despotic per se and their professed democracy is nothing but a facade to hide their true nature of totalitarianism and despotism?   

Do you want your government to be like that?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Do you want your government to be like that? A wolf in sheep's clothing?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


My response to your asking is summed up in the post addressed to extanker.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


What I write gets "crazier and crazier", just proving that i am "living in a time warp"? Probably, you want to say I can't bring up past incidences of the U.S. military's illegal action to requisition land. That's an absurd argument. Can a  thief claim his theft took place in the past and so he is exonerated from the crime?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Well, I hate to break it to you, but that is actually how governments work. If Onaga wants to be special, he really should stop protesting US bases and start campaigning for Okinawa to secede from Japan if he wants it to be different.

In this case maybe Hawaii and Guam should just secede from the United States as well. I guess when it comes to the US governments need for security and financial support, its not about the will of the people its about what America tells you to do.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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