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© KYODOKishida revamps cabinet to boost public support
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Kev James
One female in the cabinet, Taro still there, and Kono somehow manages to stay on - failing to see a massive fundamental revamp here! I hope things change but I’m pessimistic
Michael Machida
Good luck with that attempt.
What a dynamic team. Ready to tackle the issues that await them in 1983.
Derek Grebe
One glance at that picture is the answer to the question "Why does nothing ever get better in Japan?"
The legacy, returning usual suspects; Carry on as usual.
Oh, sweet lord, look at that pose! So full of life! Probably not one of them under 60, and only one woman to boot. "Revamp" is particularly funny given Aso is in there... again.
Good to see the boys looking smart with neckties and no masks. I think this revamped cabinet will do well. By the way, I think there is a woman in the photo.
""dubious ties""
Yes indeed, I see no changes the only thing I see is Mr. Kishida moving pawns around his chess game trying to gain public support, the public knows it and at some point Mr. kishida will know it too.
Lame attempt.
If the LDP wants to gain public support they only need to do one thing, Remove all UC puppets and so called volunteers from it's ranks and offices first, then have a new election with candidates that are free of any CULTS influence or connection.
The faces don’t reflect popularity. Only policies will boost popularity. It would also help to have members who are not associated with criminal syndicates and rogue religious groups.
Pokus Hokus
The new showa era cabinet looks promising.
40% should be women.
But anyway the issue remains the same.
Revamp (verb): give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to
A real revamp should start with getting rid of Taro “Francisco” Aso.
Mr Kipling
The one second from the right looks a bit out of place. Is she there to pour the tea or serve the snacks?
With Aso at Kishida's right hand, expect everything to be measured in cement trucks and superfluous infrastructure.
Just looking at this Paleolithic photo and it sums up how behind and detached are these cronies from the modern world and issues.
Oh yes,how magnanimous of them to allow a woman in their club.
And a hawkish one as well.
Japan resemble much more a regime than a modern western democracy.
And besides this is just a reshuffle of the old ultra right wings ojisan at the power.
Nothing will ever change….sadly.
Some posters are assuming this is the Cabinet because they are assuming JapanToday put a photo of the Cabinet above an article titled: nananan Cabinet nanana.
JapanToday has fooled them by using a different photo - a photo of the real powers - The LDP - not the fake leaders aka Cabinet.
Good on JapanToday for revealing where the power lies.
KISH, Aso, 10 old Japanese guys in suits and only one woman?
So what has changed?
‘Boost public support’…..Knowing what a lot of Japanese think of Aso there won’t be any ‘boost’ in support!
Brian Wheway
"There are only two women in the new cabinet, and most of the men are over the age of 60"
well, that says it all really.
Are the ladies a token gesture trying to keep some one happy? I wonder is she their to make the tea and bring in the sandwiches? and do a bit of cleaning on a Friday. (sarcasm)
Quite a joke really.
Kishida trying to emphasize that the "re-shuffle" is all about security and covid keeping the good citizens of Japan safe.
When we all know it's about the Moonies.
And speaking of the UC, how come 4 members of the "new" cabinet have known connections - Kato. Terada, Yamagiwa & Nishimura???
Not a clean out if you don't clean out.
And as @gintonic indicated , Why a man - Ogura from the Nikai faction - is appointed as Minister for declining birthrates???
Oh I see - it's gender equality. Not.
Taro Aso still in place, with an addition of Takaichi? Now that's a big "LOL".
So Kishida is saying that Taro Aso currently doesn't have, and has never had, any connection to the UC?
This is Taro Aso, the perennial mainstay of Japanese politics, ex-PM, long-serving number 2, and a cabinet minister who has served in the highest posts for goodness knows how long.
Are we being asked to believe that he has achieved all this - maintaining his power, gaffe after gaffe, and incompetence after incompetence - without any backing or connection to the UC? The same UC that has effectively been funding the LDP and the majority of its politicians since time immemorial?
Come off it.
Reshuffled Cabinet has slashed the number of members with ties to the Unification Church from eight to four.
Prime Minister:Fumio Kishida, 65, Lower House, LDP
Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications:Minoru Terada, 64, Lower House, LDP
Justice Minister:Yasuhiro Hanashi, 62, Lower House, LDP
Foreign Minister:Yoshimasa Hayashi, 61, Lower House, LDP
Finance Minister:Shunichi Suzuki, 69, Lower House, LDP
Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology:Keiko Nagaoka, 68, Lower House, LDP
Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare:Katsunobu Kato, 66, Lower House, LDP
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries:Tetsuro Nomura, 78, Upper House, LDP
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry:Yasutoshi Nishimura, 59, Lower House, LDP
Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism:Tetsuo Saito, 70, Lower House, Komeito
Environment Minister:Akihiro Nishimura, 62, Lower House, LDP
Defense Minister:Yasukazu Hamada, 66, Lower House, LDP
Chief Cabinet Secretary:Hirokazu Matsuno, 59, Lower House, LDP
Minister for Digitization:Taro Kono, 59, Lower House, LDP
Reconstruction Minister:Kenya Akiba, 60, Lower House, LDP
National Public Safety Commission Chairman:Koichi Tani, 70, Lower House, LDP
Minister in Charge of Measures to Deal with the Declining Birthrate:Masanobu Ogura, 41, Lower House, LDP
Minister for Regional Revitalization:Naoki Okada, 60, Upper House, LDP
Minister for Economic Revitalization:Daishiro Yamagiwa, 53, Lower House, LDP
Minister in Charge of Economic Security:Sanae Takaichi, 61, Lower House, LDP
Vice President:Taro Aso, 81, Lower House
Secretary-General:Toshimitsu Motegi, 66, Lower House
General Council Chair:Toshiaki Endo, 72, Lower House
Policy Chief:Koichi Hagiuda, 58, Lower House
Election Strategy Committee Chair:Hiroshi Moriyama, 77, Lower House
Kobe White Bar Owner
Just oozing virility and open-mindedness.
power strong! i salute the new cabinet and am thankful, deeply, for Kishida-sama and the ruling LDP party. Together, we can show to how to govern.
Simon Foston
"Boost public support?" How's replacing some old men no one's ever heard of with some other old men no one's ever heard of going to boost public support?
NipponGloryToday 07:31 pm JST
This is a joke, right?
At this point almost anything he would do would boost the public support since it is quite low. Still it appears he is taking the relatively safe route and put a few smoke screens to keep the public happy, the current situation (that allows for "foreign enemies" to be the center of attention) can also help him look better, even if he is just keeping the same path.
Dango bong
We aren't actually going to do anything to help the people, but we need them to like us
The youngest member is only 53 y.o. the oldest 77 which means same old face same story NOTHING will change and has changed this is nothing but Political chairs. Move this seat one down and over move that seat up one row and over.
An alpha male in charge of gender equality? I pity Japanese women.
Alan Bogglesworth
Jesus, get someone under 45 in there?
Hagiuda installed as Policy Chief, the same Hagiuda who while working in the Ministry of Education proclaimed that Japanese students should compete based on their financial standing (Hagiuda was trying to push through private standardized English exams for integration into the college entrance exam... the resultant uproar, marked by actual physical demonstrations and organized protests, led to this measure being temporarily shelved).
Four ministers in charge of economy. I suppose Japan's economy is going to skyrocket with so many qualified people working on it, right?
Jesus, I can almost smell this picture. Don't they realize how cheap the entire setting looks?
What percent is women of Japanese population?
I see only one women in the cabinet.
Familiar faces if you work in an old folks home....
They just need the head of the moonies to be in the picture with the rest of his mates and it would sum it up completely! Nothing has changed!
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Kev James
It helps if you actually pay attention to the article or actually read it before you comment
The same old men in different seats. At least they are showing the masses that restrictive masks are next to useless.
Tetsuya Yamagami was correct.
Not only Abe but many other Japanese politicians do too.
The Japanese public need to be asking why a shady cult is so esconced amongst Japanese politicians?
Mods. Yep I was stupid to think you could be neutral and fair respecting your own policy
Impolite other users? What about this paranoid poster keep calling and insulting other poster(s)
Mods Isn't it time for you to officially announce the fact and let this paranoid poster that I am just using single account?
You must be able to check through IP address, mail address, log-in/out time (especially I never log out by myself except I am logged out periodically by your server)..and what not. It could be that he actually knows I am not any of those other posters and intentionally pretends such way to cancel out his own sock-puppeting.
In such case, it is what you prohibit stalking/harassments/personal insults