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© 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Quad FMs, wary of China's might, push Indo-Pacific option
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considering they carry the future of the planet on their shoulders, they all look remarkably relaxed, even cheerful.
Well that's in conflict with, and will antagonize China right there.
Why all this beating around the bush?
Quad will remain a joke till the time it doesn't become a military alliance against China.
“We the democracies of the Indo-Pacific are committed to the free and un-impeded flow of goods and the right of all to live safe within their borders, free from aggression or coercion, and we will act as a block to defend these interests.”
Thats what they SHOULD say.
I don't understand, are these four ministers themselves naive or are they playing the fool and taking others for fools? What democracy?! Western? Corrupt with gender ugliness? They want to shove it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow into the mentality of Asians (like they are trying to do in Ukraine) ??? Democracy in states not corrupted by all-permissiveness, democracy, adequate or even the same as you have there in America, cannot be established instantly, at your command. It takes years to establish democracy. Years without violence, physical or moral. Your democracy is alien to states in which this has never happened before.
You don't understand that something in this world may be not like you think. Inflexible western thinking. you want to introduce democracy for "glass beads" - That's not how it's being done!
More blind leading the blind! Just another way for weapons companies to make money…
You are right. The weapons companies in China are manufacturing flat out increasing China's military from more ships, planes, tanks and missiles. They have no equal with the amounts they produce for Beijing. And soon to perhaps begin supplying Russia, becoming an accomplice in the invasion of Ukraine.
As opposed to the Chinese offering of total dominance and control down to your very thoughts. No freedoms for the people other than those graciously approved for the masses by the CCP, that they themselves are not subjected to. The benefits of CCP membership. Talk about inflexible, that is the CCP to the very core. If it is done by democracies we will not allow it in China!
No surprises that free and democratic people will not be choosing the Chinese despotic option, but will remain with democracy. It is not a perfect system but it is the best so far found in the many millennia of human existence. Just ask any pro China fan, their protest's are proof positive.
Designer 02
Press can't wait for WW3 to happen
I see nothing in that statement that suggests anyone is scared and afraid of upsetting China. It simply makes clear that the QUAD and China are in conflict if China does not abide by the law and international norms. Which it presently isn't.
Besides, the QUAD could say anything and it would upset China because it's very existence challenges China's aspiration for regional dominance.
Stephen Chin
If this meeting is NOT against China, WHY not say NOTHING about this meeting of ALL nations along China's long coast from Russia to countries as far away as Australia, ARE not against China?
Through out her many thousands years of distinguished written history, has China not proved that she is a defensive country by The Great Wall of China? The only man made structure that can be seen from our moon and, much further in space?
Tibet however, was NOT invaded by China. The people of Tibet and Chinese people share the same blood. Tibetans living on the Roof of the World since forgotten time have been brought to planet Earth's 3rd millenium by China. Tibetans and their culture and religion are respected by China. Rubbishing all anti-Chinese reports by the west.
Since the inception of the ruling CCP 101 years ago, previous behavior and motives of China does not apply to the current belligerent and aggressive policies being actively shown by the CCP. Peaceful past behavior under different rulers means nothing, and does not give a free pass to current leadership that is repressive and on the wrong course in confronting other nations in their territory and claiming it for China. China may have been a "defensive country" for much but not all of its history, but that has all changed under president Jinping Xi and the CCP.
Your erroneous statement does not alter the fact that China did invade Tibet and continues to occupy it today.
The whole world shares the same blood, and is no justification for invasion and occupation. Tibetans share the same blood as Russians, should they be allowed to invade and occupy Tibet? Or America? Or Malta? The big taking from the small and dominating it is the Chinese way under CCP. Heed China not on its words, but judge it on it's actions. Chinese actions are hostile and China is untrustworthy, this is a proven fact.
What's missing from this picture?
South Korea.
Powerful rising economy.
No article 9, No restrictions militarily.
South Korea expects full support if Korean War 2.0 starts again.
Yet South Korea is not part of Quad Alliance to balance China.
South Korea doesn't care about Taiwan emergency, Not a Korea Peninsula Issue. Doesn't care about Ukraine, not a Korea peninsula issue.
South Korea only cares about Korea, it's own economy, it's own interest, selfish, self-centered country.
Just a reminder that India is ranked #150 in the most recent Reporters Without Borders index bookended by Turkey and Sudan. With Modi in charge India should kindly refrain from lecturing other countries.
Taiwan proves that the Chinese are capable of democracy. India proves that a large country can at least put on a good facade of democracy. It seems the CCP thinks their rule is inevitable when it only came about from Soviet weapons.
America got enough problem of it own,it do need the problem of insecure foreigners, everyone know the consequences of attacking America,why are we not concentrating own domestic issues,that threatened the foundation of our survival as a democracy
As much as I hate to encourage you, Larry, we live in a global society and democratic borders need to be defended the world over. No one else can do it and our reputation as the preeminent power on the planet is on the line.
Stephen Chin
Of course.......,Taiwan...., Taiwan IS China. In prehistoric times Taiwan was NOT an island. It was not separate from CHINA and was in the Chinese mainland. And, remains, till today and, the distant faraway future: C H I N A !
No it's not. Ethnically they are the same, and they have a shared cultural background, but Taiwan is a free and independent nation, and China is like an abusive stalker ex-husband who tracks his ex-wife's every move and tells people she's still his.
Taiwan is not recognized as a nation,just like saying Puerto Rico is independent and
Taiwan is an independent nation, the same as a divorced woman is an independent woman. Just because China does not want to accept it, does not change that fact.
englisc aspyrgend
Taiwan is an independent, liberal, free democratic country no matter what distortions and lies the CCP seek to propagate.
India while being justifiably concerned about Chinese expansionism on both land and sea is a questionable ally in the Quad as they are heavily dependant on russian military equipment as russia progressively becomes more and more reliant China and slides in to being a subservient client state of China. Equally unfortunately under Modi, their credentials as a democratic state are diminishing, a situation I sincerely hope they can remedy but I am not holding my breath.
India while being justifiably concerned about Chinese expansionism on both land and sea is a questionable ally in the Quad
India's value in the Quad comes from its strategic location and vast armed forces.
Maybe you British have forgotten the contributions of the 2.5 million Indian soldiers who fought for the British Empire during WW2. But more importantly, India was an important supply base to keep Chiang Kai Shek's forces supplied. Allied pilots called the present day Arunachal Pradesh 'the hump' because of the same reason.
Without India there is no 'Indo' in the Indo-Pacific, unless you count the small military bases in the Indian Ocean that the US maintains.
China’s armed forces might become confident enough to invade Taiwan one day and neutralize US and Japan's navies, but if they think that they will have to simultaneously fight on their Western borders they will have second thoughts.
Tibetans and their culture and religion are respected by China.
The authentic surviving remnants of Tibetan culture are in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh in India where the Dalai Lama and his Tibetan government in exile are based.
englisc aspyrgend
EvilBuddha, the Second World War is irrelevant to the present situation though you are wrong if you think their contribution has been forgotten. India’s strategic value is in reality diminished by its pro-russian stance and heavy reliance on russian equipment, making it vulnerable to supply constraints and political pressure from China’s client state. Do you honestly believe russia will be in a position to have any real foreign policy autonomy from China in the future. If there is any conflict between India and China, russia will have no choice but to toe their masters line. For India their historic reliance on russia has become an existential threat. Ergo it has become the weakest link of the four despite any other appearances.
@englisc aspyrgend
India's friendship with Russia is irrelevant to the Quad since the Quad is an alliance against China.
Moreover, Russia doesn't really trust China and in case of a war between India and China it will stay neutral. Note that Russia even today recognizes the Indian claims on Aksai Chin and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, something which none of the Quad members do.
India is reducing its reliance on Russian military equipment, and slowly replacing it with French and American hardware.