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© KYODOS Korea court to rule June 10 on 16 Japanese firms' wartime labor case
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Dismiss the lawsuit!
Commodore Perry
Japan occupied a sovereign nation, enslaved its population, and private companies profited from it. Those poor Korean victims deserve their day in court.
South Korea needs to get over what Japan did seventy years ago and stop indoctrinating its children to hate. This is the country where children drew pictures of Japan being nuked, schools tried to put stickers in classrooms saying “This device was made by a war criminal”, gas stations refused to refuel Japanese cars, and people set themselves on fire at protests.
I grew up with my own parents constantly reminding me what Japan did as if it happened yesterday instead of seventy years ago. The self-righteous self-victimization makes me ashamed to be Korean.
The Koreans learned nothing after that other lawsuit was rejected two months ago. They should get over the past and worry about more current issues, like their nuclear-armed neighbor to the north.
Japanese companies need to dump Korean holdings and refuse to do business with Korea. Get your money out of Korea while there is still time.
Bob Kunihiro
How many times does Japan have to pay SK? Enough is enough….get over it SK.
Boku Dayo
Got to hand it to the Koreans when it comes to perpetuating the "victim mentality" especially when there's money to be gained.
Another day, yet another story of pure hatred of Japanese coming from Korea.
I will guarantee this - crooked Moon will ensure that the Japanese companies lose and lose big. This is purely for money, and politics.
Japan should be loud and clear on this - if the court finds against Japanese companies, Japan will limit the numbers of tourist and business visas granted to Koreans after the pandemic.
These are hardly trials but just insane ceremonies
This will be interesting as most of the wartime criminals are related to most of the current political/ruling class here.
Samit Basu
That ruling contradicts a prior ruling by the supreme court that held Japanese state liable based on the principle of universal jurisdiction and is likely to be overturned on appeals.
And this is a separate case where the defendants are Japanese corporations, not Japanese state, so they don't even enjoy the benefit of sovereign immunity defense.
In Korea, there is a clear separation of power and the executive has zero influence over the judiciary. The outcome of verdict is anyone's guess.
I don't think Koreans would care, given Japan Boycott is still in full force in Korea.
Korean politicians are using always Japan to distract from their own internal problems in history past 1945, nothing new with that.
However Japanese rule in Korea ended 1945 and the very destructive Korean War took place from 1950 to 1953 and no Japanese soldier was involved in that conflict. At that time a Japanese Army did not even exist.
Today there is a South Korea and a North Korea, both of them totally failed to solve their differences among themselves and both of them like to blame Japan for all and everything - but Japan is not responsible for what happened to the Korean Peninsula past WWII.
Samit Basu
Actually Japan is directly responsible for the creation of North Korea, by refusing to surrender after the defeat in Battle of Okinawa and dragging the inevitable outcome to allow Soviet Union to declare war against Japan.
Japan was a spent force after Okinawa and any further resistance was futile, but the Imperial Japanese leadership decided on Gyokusai, fighting to death by last men, women, and children rather than to surrender. And from the ashes of Gyokusai policy, North Korea was born.
There is no reason to be ashamed to be a Korean or a Japanese or of any mixed-race and there is no reason to deny what all happened in Korean-Japanese history, neither in WWII up to 1945 nor in Korean War up to 1953.
Ordinary Koreans and Japanese - but also Chinese, Russians and US-citizens involved - at that time had no other choice but to follow orders by their leaders, but most of them are now either dead or very old. It's all history but it takes time to remove feelings of hate and discrimination.
There are many ethnic Koreans living here in Japan, I guess over 700.000 - many of them born past 1953 - they are free to go back to both Korea, North and South or to elsewhere, anytime, but they see no reason to do so and prefer to stay. Further, Japan welcomes many tourists from Korea (not now because of this corona-virus) - but if Japan is really so bad I wonder why they visit this country.
Younger Korean and Japanese people are thinking fairly different from their parents now, but unfortunately some politicians from all sides do not.
One of fundamental problems is the fact some Koreans lie as if they breath because the truths do not matter to them
Nonsense - DPRK was established 9 September 1948. Japan surrendered in 1945.
Directly responsible for the creation and existance up to now of North Korea you better mention the Soviet Union and China.
What happened after 1945 - the creation of North Korea and the devastating Korean War - has nothing to do with Japan at all. At that time no Japanese Army did even exist, Japan was occupied by the USA.
Without the intervention of USA, South Korea would not even exist today. It was almost defeated after the powerful invasion by North Korea in 1950-1953.
Both Koreas since the end of the Korean War had more than 60 years to find a solution among their own people but failed totally. How is Japan responsible for that mess between the North and the South?
You keep telling yourself lies and maybe one day you'll believe them. What's next, Kim Jong-un and Kim Yo-jong are South Korea's best allies?
Yes, there’s no discussion necessary. Just look up the dates....1945 and 1948. Japan has nothing to do with the Korean War.
She only manufactured and repaired weapons used in the war. Mitsubishi and Sumitomo went back to the defense industry.
A drug dealer is not responsible for the drugs he sells.
Tom Doley
Actually, it's Japan's fault that Asia is in a mess. And I'm not even Korean. Your ancestors shouldn't have started the damn war. You need to reflect on your past and not be arrogant, their self righteous and pompous attitudes passing the blame to others is what causes people t
Tom Doley
what causes people to get peed at Japan. Grow up.
Sven Asai
If you only look backwards you cannot walk forwards.
Please calm down. lol.
Which war are you blaming Japan for starting, if I may ask?
The last war you might blame Japan for starting was WWII, ended 1945. (75 years ago...), however Japan never attacked Korea which it was a Japanese colony at that time. At the end of WWII Korea was in a better condition than with atomic bombs and fire bombs destroyed Japan.
About ancestors, I blame the Mongol invasions of Kita-Kyushu, Japan 1274 and 1281 by Kublai Khan, it's their fault they started all this mess....
However to be serious, after WWII there were many other wars going on in all Asia, without any participation of Japan.
I mentioned already the Korean War ending with millions of deaths and extensive destruction of the Korean peninsula, but at that time a Japanese Army did not even exist, no Japanese was fighting there.
Another war was the Indochina War (Vietnam 1955-1975) war, how is this the fault of Japan?
Japan did not invade Tibet, has nothing to do with the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia
and Japan has also nothing to do with Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. etc.
WWII ended 75 years ago. All people who were in power at that time are now dead, and only a few people who were very young people at that time and had nothing to decide are still alive.
For sure, you cannot blame Japan today and its people for many of the problems in Korea nowadays.
Korean people failed to find an acceptable solution for their own political situation up to today.
Now between North and South Korea there is 'nothing' - no functioning street, railway, airlink and shipping of goods, no way to meet each other even in case of relatives, even no phone lines to talk to each other, letters and parcels are very limited too, open hostility is going on - but you cannot blame Japan for that.
Dear S. Korean government.
Your shady.
Can't be trusted.
Deals and agreements as Final and Irreversible are only temporary with Korea.
Benefited for decades from Japan, technology, culture, added to best friends list(only one in Asia) makes trade easier and faster.
We helped during the Korean War. USA used Japanese land, bases, resources.
We help against North Korea by sharing information from dozens of satellites with South Korea. Which Korea lacks.
We let you keep Japanese Island in the hopes of better relations and we get the opposite results from you.
We signed Mutiple Deals to cover the past historical issues. Multiple times.
We gave over 50 apologies by a dozen Japanese PM and Emperor himself.
USA is far away but Japan is next door. We are restricted militarily article 9, but it WON'T BE FOREVER. Japan in the future can become a most important friend and ally if you change your attitude and approach.
You don't see Japan as important anymore, as a friend or ally. Koreans have been telling me this for the past 10 years now.
Thank you for saying something.
Comments like yours is a good reminder not to give up completely on our side.
Tom Doley
Refer to the correct textbooks, not the ones you study in japan authored by people who lie as they breathe. Then you can answer your own question.
Tom Doley
Yeah, but Japan invaded Korea twice and attacked them at least 700 times over the past 1000 years. Even animals learn from past barbaric behaviors. I'm with Korea on this one.
Tom Doley
Classic brainwashed textbook response verbatim from 90% of the Japanese I met in Japan.
Let me tell you this. It’s not because of the Japanese people that the royal family was spared from execution, it’s not because of the Japanese people that the whole nation wasn’t nuked, it’s not because of the Japanese people that Japan wasn't divided between north and south, it’s not because of the Japanese people that the island wasn't completely colonized, and it's not because of the Japanese that the Americans helped Japan grow economically. Just because Japan got away scot-free from the war, doesn’t mean that others were as lucky after the war, and just like Japan, things were not always under their control. Grow some empathy.
Samit Basu
A quick history lesson on the foundation of North Korea.
1) February 1945 : During the Yalta Conference, the Soviet Union agreed to occupy northern half of Korea if it went to war in Japan, as well as regaining control of the Kurils.
2) July 1945 : Battle Of Okinawa was lost. Japan has no option left but to surrender.
3) August 6, 1945 : Hiroshima nuke attack.
4) August 8, 1945 : Soviet Union declares war against Japan, fulfilling the condition of the division of Korea.
And the rest of history. Had Japan surrendered the day after Hiroshima, the division of Korea would have been avoided and North Korea wouldn't exist today. But the Japanese decision to stick with Gyokusai policy(fight to the last man, woman, children) even after Hiroshima nuclear strike sealed the fate of North Korea.
Desert Tortoise
That simply isn't true. The US had no land forces in China or anywhere near Korea when Japan surrendered. The Soviets share a border with Korea and their forces were right there ready to occupy northern Korea per the agreements made at the Yalta Conference. The US could not have landed forces in the northern half of Korea in time to prevent the Soviets from occupying it and because of the Yalta Conference probably would not have tried. Example, General Patton pushed to take Berlin before the Soviets could and was well positioned to do so but was ordered not to as the US had agreed to let the Soviets take what would end being the Soviet Occupation Zone and eventually East Germany.
Desert Tortoise
The 1965 San Francisco Treaty normalizing relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea already answered this question. The lawsuit is illegal under the terms of the treaty. Universal Jurisdiction only applies to the arrest and trial of individuals accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity. It is a way for nations to arrest, try, and if convicted imprison war criminals. Universal Jurisdiction does not apply to civil damages. It is not a method to collect damage payments for acts committed during a war. The 1965 treaty settled those claims for all time, except the Republic of Korea doesn't seem to want to adhere to the treaty they signed.
Typical example of Hwabyeong
This means you don't have an answer.
I ask you again which war are you blaming Japan for starting , which consequently split the peninsula by Japanese
*Typical example of *distorted history recognition
Typical example of Hwabyeong
I should rephrase my previous post.
One of fundamental problems is some domestic Koreans and especially the ethnic Koreans overseas under Korean diaspora (whichever countries' citizen they are ) lie as if they breath, who tend to have distorted recognition of history, which is even worse than domestic Koreans.
They never blame China. They never blame US. They never blame Soviet. Cowards and nothing else can describe they are.
Samit Basu
@Desert Tortoise
If Japan surrendered right after Hiroshima, then the Soviet Union couldn't have declared war against Japan, and Japan may have even kept the Kurils, as the condition of the Soviet recovery of the Kurils was the declaration of war against Japan.
The comfort women case is a war crimes/crimes against humanity case where the defendant is the Japanese state and is definitely covered by the universal jurisdiction.
The forced laborer cases are damages lawsuits against Japanese corporations who do not enjoy sovereign immunity as claimed by the Japanese government in the comfort women case.
So you think, textbooks published in North- and South Korea are so much better and not brainwashed at all?
Samit Basu
History textbooks of ROK is much closer to international historical consensus than Japanese history textbooks.
Korean history textbooks are brutally honest about historical facts, as to not repeat the mistakes of their ancestors which is the point of history education.
I wonder what you consider as the 'correct textbooks' - those published in China or those from Russia?
Both of them, DPRK and ROK were and still are totally unable to solve their own very serious internal problems. No progress at all since the end of the Korean War in 1953.
Therefore they look for some other country which they can blame together as a political scapegoat for their own shortcomings - to blame Japan is convenient for both of them, despite Japan has no control over anything what is going on in both Koreas since 1945...
Shouldn't have even paid them once.
Desert Tortoise
I do not know where these ideas come from. The US certainly would not have stood in the way of the Soviets occupying North Korea and in any event had no means to prevent them from doing so. In any event that is not how the war concluded and today we have a hostile North Korea.
Desert Tortoise
No, that is emphatically not true. Only individual accused war criminals may be tried under Universal Jurisdiction. It would be possible under Universal Jurisdiction for a nation to try individual Japanese persons accused of war crimes but not the nation as a whole.
Desert Tortoise
That statement ignores the fact that PRC will never permit a unified Korea if that unified Korea is democratic, western oriented with free speech, a free press and religious freedom. No amount of negotiating will change that fact. If for some weird reason the DPRK decided to throw in the towel and reunify under the ROK government China would go to war in an instant to prevent it from happening.
Samit Basu
@Desert Tortoise
That's exactly the reason why the ROK has an insanely powerful military, probably the only one in Asia able to defeat the PLA in an all out ground war.
China actually has been in a secret negotiation with the ROK on terms of China not intervening during North Korean regime collapse scenario since 2009.
China absolutely doesn't want to go into North Korea, one wrong move and Beijing could be nuked by Kim Jong Un.
Your claims about Japan’s failure to surrender are historically false. Japan tried to open peace negotiations as early as 1942, but Hopkins and Marshall on the U.S. side refused. They wanted a protracted, destructive war that would allow the Soviets and U.S. to carve out their respective spheres on influence in Asia.
In July 1945, Japan offered a peace deal in which the only significant stipulation was the the emperor would be retained as a figurehead. Again, the U.S. refused, which is especially bizarre given that the U.S. promptly installed the emperor as a figurehead as soon as the war ended.
The war between Japan and America could have ended months, if not years, earlier but for America’s determination to make it last longer. America wanted to drop the atomic bombs. America and the Soviet Union had long before set the date by which Stalin would declare war against Japan, and the U.S. ensured the war did not ended before that date.
If there is blame for allowing the Soviets to blitz Japanese-controlled areas in the last few days of the war, that blame falls squarely on the U.S., which had every opportunity to end the war long before.
This again? I thought it was over. I guess it will never because know.
Samit Basu
Absolutely true and accurate.
Peace negotiation(aka truce) is not surrender. Of course Japan's end goal was a truce even before the Pearl Harbor, that is Japan takes what it needs and then force the US to sign a truce, this was Tojo Hideki and Yamamoto's war plan all along.
And the US has made it very clear from the beginning that it wasn't interested in any truce, the only acceptable outcome was Japan's unconditional surrender. This was for Japan's own benefit as the US's intension was to wipe clean of Japanese aristocracy that led to militarism and sow seeds of democracy in Japan. And to bring democracy to Japan the emperor had to go.
Commodore Perry
"but the Imperial Japanese leadership decided on Gyokusai, fighting to death by last men, women, and children rather than to surrender."
That confirms they had balls.
Sadly, something Koreans and Chinese know nothing about.
Sure, just ask Park Yu-ha, who was sued for writing that many Koreans became comfort women willingly or were recruited by other Koreans. Koreans seem to be more concerned about their victim status than historical accuracy.
Samit Basu
@Peeping Tom
It's not having the balls. It's called the disregard for human life.
I actually saw the protagonist of Eternal Zero(Japanese TV drama), Miyabe Kyujo, citing Japanese disregard for life and American value for life as the reason why Japan was losing the war; it was clear to Miyabe while little regard was given to protecting Japanese pilot's life in the Zero, the US fighters he was fighting against were armored like hell and allowed damaged planes to return and come back for another fight.
Korean weapons are distinctively American-like in engineering philosophy. While American warships have dual layer air-defense, Korean warships have triple layer air-defense. While American M1 tanks only had passive composite armor and are only now adding active defense, Korean K2 tanks had again triple layer defense, passive composite armor, passive protection(electronics warfare), and active protection(anti-tank missile interceptors). This is the reason why Korean weapons are getting rave reviews and winning orders overseas.
So why are Korean weapons designed for survivability? The combat death benefit of Korean military is at least $500K for a conscript soldier, and Korean government could end-up paying $1 billion for the death of 2,000 troops in combat, so they invest in survivability to reduce death insurance payout.
1) Park Yu ha is a Japanese literature professor, not a history professor.
2) The court already ruled against her on defamation and her claims as historically false.
3) 300 history professors challenged her to debate on TV, she could pick any one of her choosing. She ran of the obvious reason.
Tom Doley
Read the following link. Then tell me whether Japan is lying or the rest of the world is lying.
Boku Dayo
Korea: You got money?
Japan: Well, some maybe...
Korea: Can we have it?
About those “defamation claims”...
Samit Basu
Well, the Korean appeals court already ruled her claims as false. End of controversy within Korea.
I tell you. Japan is telling the truths and the rest of the world has been all fooled for this long by those who lie as they breath. Even some domestic Koreans have finally started realizing it. Even if you are animal, you would know something so wrong with Chong Dae Hyup which you seem like ignoring.
It is just that the rest of the world cannot afford to look at each misjudges.
UNHRC lover. Back to you.
Korean courts are simply jokes and we all know why are not we?
Tom Doley
Your previous prime ministers before Abe have admitted that the 1965 treaty did not extinguish individual rights. So go on tell me, who’s lying, Abe or the previous prime ministers? Are the previous prime ministers not part of Japan?
Gees, even North Korean refugees adjust to the truth much better even after they've been severely brainwashed.
Tom Doley
Btw @fannyG, if you intend to spend more than 30 minutes on this thread like you did yesterday, thinking of what to write, repeating, paraphrasing, etc., I suggest you read up on the correct history during that time instead.
Desert Tortoise
Japan's offer in 1945 was a cease fire in exchange for the US returning to Japan all the territories it held before the US entered the war. The proposal was at that point not even a remotely serious offer and the US rightly rejected it.
Desert Tortoise
Korean DDGs have the exact same air defense weapons as US ships, but lack the carrier air wing and the E-2D to provide really long range air defense. Both US and Korean DDGs have CIWS, RAM, ESSM and SM-2/SM-6. The lack of an E-2D greatly restricts the capabilities of the weapons on the Korean ships.
The US tanks have a classified armor system that reportedly includes DU. That armor system is a closely guarded secret not sold to any ally. So far the US has not needed active armor on their tanks as their current armor system is sufficient to defeat any other tanks main gun. There were cases of M-1A2s being disabled in Baghdad by attacks to their engines (a problem remedies by TUSK). The Army wanted the tank destroyed but their even another M-1A2 could not defeat the armor, nor could Hellfire. Only a Maverick could reliably defeat the Abrams armor. You might want to find out what TUSK is, a system developed to protect the tank for urban warfare. Active armor adds a lot of weight and the M-1A2 is already pushing 70 tons.
Desert Tortoise
That simply is not true. Even after the second nuclear attack the IJA under Tojo was intent on continuing the war.. The IJA steadfastly opposed a surrender. When they understood the Emperor intended to surrender they set out to arrest him. Emperor Hirohito had to go into hiding to make his surrender broadcast by radio while the IJA was hunting him down. This, btw, is why the US ultimately did not seek to prosecute Hirohito for war crimes and allowed him to remain after the war as a figurehead monarch. He showed a little spine at a critical time and spared both Japan and the Allies millions of casualties from a land invasion of Japan.
There are a lot outright lies about WWII being circulated on this discussion and the mods are doing nothing to moderate it.
Here is an example of how Koreans are being brainwashed.
There is a movie called "Spring on the Peninsula" made in 1941. ( If you are interested in the movie, please check it out. )
The director of the film is Korean. The owner of the production company is also Korean.
He went to an English language school in Japan.
During his studies, he founded a company called Korea Records.
After graduating from the college, the filmmaker learned the art of cinematography from a Japanese named Yutaka Abe at a Japanese film production company called Nikkatsu.
He then returned to the Korean peninsula and established the Myeongpo Film Company.
He filmed and released "Spring on the Peninsula".The above is a complete fact that exists with the film.
By the way, how was the above life possible in the terrible society that Koreans claim to have? It is very strange. The equipment for filming would have been very expensive. It seems that he was a man who turned his hobby into a job, but at that time, in 1937, many young Japanese were being sent to war with China and losing their lives. Were the Koreans really treated badly? It seems that Koreans had the freedom to start their own businesses. And this director was educated in English by the Japanese and taught film making skills by the Japanese, right? Why are there facts here that are completely different from the history claimed by the Koreans?
Film name: "Spring on the Peninsula" (1941)
Original Writer: Korean / Script: Korean / Supervisor: Korean / Assistant Supervisor: Korean / Summary: Korean / Lighting: Korean / Music: Ito Seonji and Korean / Performer: Tokyo Orchestra Group
What about individual rights to claim? Pack them into your bag and carry and dump all in front of Blue House.
The one distorted by Korean narratives? No thanks. I suggest you read up 반일 종족주의
"Let me tell you this. It’s not because of the Japanese people that the royal family was spared from execution, it’s not because of the Japanese people that the whole nation wasn’t nuked, it’s not because of the Japanese people that Japan wasn't divided between north and south, it’s not because of the Japanese people that the island wasn't completely colonized, and it's not because of the Japanese that the Americans helped Japan grow economically. Just because Japan got away scot-free from the war, doesn’t mean that others were as lucky after the war, and just like Japan, things were not always under their control. Grow some empathy."
This is quite a rant, and goes to the heart of the disputes playing out today: The increasingly prevalent view among people in South Korea as well as diaspora Koreans that Japan and its people were never sufficiently punished for the crimes against humanity they committed against Koreans during the period of colonial rule. People who espouse this view can be called rejectionists. They reject the postwar settlement which they saw as far too favourable to Japan, and it appears they are determined to undo it somehow.
The implications of this are huge. Since 1945, former imperial powers (led by the U.S., with countries like Japan, Britain, France, etc. happily going along) have prioritised fighting communism and upholding the "liberal order" rather than frankly addressing their crimes against humanity committed against colonised peoples. Japan has hardly been alone in strongly desiring to sweep colonial-era crimes against humanity under the rug.
What do you mean by inhumane crimes committed by Japan? At least we are aware that there are no acts that target only Koreans.
The comfort women include Japanese. The only difference is that it was a legitimate private business and the business was with the military.
The conscripted workers also include Japanese. In addition, most of the conscripts were Koreans who were already working in the area, and many more Japanese were conscripted many years before Koreans.
There is also no record of the Japanese government conducting any exclusionary activities targeting Koreans.
Many of the claims made by the Koreans are based on stories that they have conveniently created, claims that do not match the facts, or claims that replace discrimination with economic disparity that has not been filled since they were incorporated into Japan.
So, Koreans will not be able to answer the facts as stated in my first comment.