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Suga apologizes after LDP execs visit hostess bars during state of emergency
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will they name and shame the clubs they visited? - oh that's right, establishments politicians visit shall remain nameless...
What's to apologize for?
Everyone knows you and your boys are hypocrites. I doubt anyone is shocked by the news.
Now the problem here is, how much of those bills were paid with tax money? 100%?
How are these criminals still in office? That's the real shocker here.
You just could't make it up.
Haaa Nemui
And this is why people have a hard time following the "urges" of those in power... except for those in power that is.
How much of this can the Japanese electorate take? It never ceases to amaze me, how willing the Japanese are willing to put up with. It's both admirable and regrettable..
Lazarus Knows
They should resign from the Diet.
Needs to be some heads in the sawdust.
Resignations all round.
Hostess Bars.
In midst of a pandemic whilst insisting the electorate stay lockdown in there rabbit hatch.
Hey didn’t the LDP say we should punish and jail those that ignore mockdown protocols? Welcome to the Party of Leopards Eating Peoples Faces!
Ok, I’m now officially pissed off after staying home for the last month.
these clowns need to be thrown out of office
Lock them up, lock them up!!
I used to despise Suga when he was Abe's spokesman and giving his monotone pre-prepared statements to the 'media.'
Now I am beginning to feel a little sorry for him being the leader of a bunch of degenerates who don't don't deserve one ounce of sympathy.
He looks so elfish and vulnerable.........I feel like I just want to hug him and tell him everything is OK.
Then I remember what he was like with Abe and his total disregard for the good citizens of Japan and I think to myself what goes around comes around.
Back in my day they were name-called and forced to resign.
Now they don't have shame anymore. What happened to Japanese pride?
This occurred on a Monday night nine days ago.
What a life these Japanese politicians have.
Meanwhile four little restaurants in my neighborhood are obeying the SOE request to close by 8pm or have even decided not to reopen until February 7th. My daughter's friend is a part time worker at one of those restaurants and she has had no income since December.
These lawmakers are a disgrace to Japan and have failed the Japanese people.
Visiting hostess bars at the taxpayers’ expense during a state of emergency. These people are just taking the p##s.
Boot them into touch.
Do it now.
Why are these clubs open?
Lol hahahaha havent even read the article yet
Just another day of a bunch of clowns playing politics. Maybe it's time for them to "bow out".
Ricky Sanchez
LOL These old kids (they are not men because they do not act like one) think nothing applies to them. They will bow low, say "It is regretful as to what we did. Please forgive us". Next friday they will be back having chanpagne showers.
Well said.
I remember growing up and hearing about Japanese pride all of the time.
It doesn't seem to exist anymore...........
Like others have mentioned on other threads on JT.....this is what happens when there isn't a decent opposition party.
These 'elites' think,and probably know,that they are above the law.
Japan is becoming rotten to the core.
Imagine what would happen if this were South Korea!
**with these politicians
They now are aware of the world around them.
So, for the pride, the new japanese motto is "look at other countries, there is worst"
If the gentlemen in question are not fired from their positions then it shows what a joke this SOE is. It's farcical.
Sven Asai
No cash handouts, but keeping businesses and jobs alive... Exactly what they said before. lol
Radovan Stojanović
When things don't go very well, they just Apologize! WTF?!
"Each lawmaker should behave to gain the public's understanding."
....and that's it. Suga was really tough on them.
Hope they all choke on their steak.
Lorem ipsum
I come home from a long day at work, and this is the article I read...
As if that article earlier in the day with the ten thousand doctors for the olympics wasn't enough, now this. Freaking unbelievable. No changes, no punishments, nothing but hypocrisy of the highest order. Starting to think they deserve to be physically tortured. These politicians are COCKROACHES.
Hypocritical, ignorant, selfish, pathetic, Japanese politicians strike again.
They could control their "urges" no more!
Do the hustle
Above the law!
...actually just want to add.
I think those LDP members just forfeited their place in the vaccination line.
There is no way they should be vaccinated until every single other citizen has been given the opportunity.
Alan Harrison
Astounding. These people are supposed to be running a country.
Even more astounding, ordinary Japanese people just seem to except this.
Peter Neil
Only apologizing that they were caught. They'd be there tonight otherwise.
Or maybe they are still going and are there tonight? No one knows.
Hey, they're important people. I'm sure they were discussing important business.
With the girls.
Your tax yen at work.
Of course if it is a matter of direct assistance to a desperate populace it is "Where is the money going to come from!? We can't just give away money!"
Septim Dynasty
Please go to jails.
This is NOT where I want my tax money to go!
From the LDP to the Yakuza and the Chinese Mafia!
No need to apologise as LDP member they automatically get reelected whatever they do.
Nether less this story didn't get on the NHK news because it might upset some viewers.
I hope those hostess bars are not getting the handout for closing on time at 8 PM
Had they just visited a steak restaurant then it could be said that they were only following the boss.
These oyajis will change their tune when a few of them contract Covid....
Self entitled pervert oyajis doing what they shouldn’t be doing with their families waiting at home, what a surprise. This government’s credibility level is currently at 0%. Not even a dog listens to you.
Ken Holcomb
Do as we say, not as we do. Typical politicians. Disgusting overpaid, overpriviledged scum.
A disgrace!!!
And they expect the good old ippanjin to follow orders while they go galavanting around town with hostesses?!!
And of course they won't resign!
Just bow a bit and carry on as usual!
You couldn't make this up if you tried!!
Unbelievably self entitled, arrogant selfish old cockroaches!
Kiyohiko Toyama, a lawmaker and acting secretary general of the coalition's junior partner Komeito, also apologized after tabloid Shukan Bunshun reported he had visited a high-end hostess bar in Ginza until late last Friday.
I really wish to know how Soka Gakkai will explain this to their members. I remember that after the Soka Gakkai split with Nichiren Shoshu the high priest of NS Nikken Abe who was a regular at hostess bars was accused of being morally corrupt and not capable of maintaining the sanctity of the office of high priest. Well, how about this guy?
In my country also the local Soka organization has often cozied up to politicians and faced embarrassing situations as a result but the response has always been to brush things under the carpet instead of owning up and apologizing.
@ Zoroto.
Yes. Probably true
Does this mean the SoE is off? ?!
If not, I'd like to see this awful, useless government replaced asap.
Alan Harrison
This is pretty natural response. You can't expect everyone to follow these restrictions forever. We're only human.
I am sure a lot of people lile myself would like to.reply to this comment, but this is on renders me at a loss for words. I'm not even sure whether to laugh or cry.
Twelve persons including 3 staff members of lawmakers (belonging in the Nikai group) tested positive after their dining & wining at a karaoke bar despite SOE.
12人がコロナ感染 二階派“秘書軍団”が「和歌山カラオケバー会食」
Suga has his legs pulled down. His administration has been cursed and haunted by the walking dead Nikai (who is also an easy puppet stringed by Beijing).
He's also the lead singer of Arashi! He should know better!
To be fair, the SOE means everybody should avoid unnecessary outings. Perhaps for these guys, paying women to listen to them is a necessity to keep their egos going.
This is a nice little outrage nightcap for me. This morning I was greeted with an article saying they needed to take away 10,000 medical workers for the Olympics. Made me mad. Now I’m reading this just before going to bed. I ain’t even had enough time to stop being mad at the morning article for cryin’ out loud.
Well played LDP leadership, well played.
LDP execs visit hostess bars during state of emergency
This is why most people believe COVID-19 is a hoax! The government ain’t serious!!
Simon Foston
ReasonandWisdomNipponJan. 27 10:58 pm JST
Don't you think people who make serious mistakes should face some consequences? What do you suppose would happen to you at work if you made serious mistakes like that? Would your boss just let you get away with them? I see no reason why these LDP ... people shouldn't be held to the same standards as everyone else.
Bunch or morons. Gee I wonder why there's no confidence.
@Samit Basu
I talked to some Japanese dudes online about why a lot of Japanese PM's and LDP reps have predecessors who are family members. They actually thought that this was a good thing as it showed that a "strong bloodline" of leaders were in charge of the country. In Western countries this would be suspiciously treated as a sign of corruption and insider politics.
"Shukan Bunshun" and "Shukan Shincho" weekly magazines are shadow police in Japan. Most frightening enemy for corrupt politicians. I wish people will not vote them again in their districts.
Speed, Jun Matsumoto, you had me going there, I thought they might be related.
Instead of apologizing, or in addition to bowing and all, "miss" a few paychecks. Man up and give up a few paychecks to feel the pinch. Businesses are suffering, people are struggling to survive. Politicians are enjoying dining out and entertainment. Why not just say, "Hey, I don't have to abide by the rules, but you do... ha, ha."
In the end it is about ownership. These LDP creeps assume they own not just their party but the governmental system, And why shouldn't.t they? This is no viablably alternative opposition party. Sure, they own the system and they can do what they want. Problems? A few cute contrite bows and it's all settled. You are absolved: Go and sin no more until next time.
The LDP probably excuse was they thought they were at Nostress Bars
Did he say 'my chums made me'? It's what they say around here.
He is a expert at apologizing. Abe is still running around free eating luxury lunches at Yasukuni Shrine.
for those overseas, beef meals are about $200-500 per person.
You know why they are above the law, don't you?...they support their foreign master, in the firm knowledge that by doing so nothing can befall them.
@ ReasonandWisdomNippon.
''Are you perfect with all your decisions in the past year?''
To be perfectly honest; since you ask. Yes.
My company, the companies that oversee my company and the personal choices we have made allow me confidence in my answer.
I have been correct in my decisions for the past year to protect myself and my community at not insignificant personal cost. I do not want to catch Covid, nor spread it. I take it seriously as I have people I care about and people i work with who are at high risk.
I am disgusted by the actions of these LDP representatives, and appalled they live a grand life of privalige on our hard eraned taxes. They are not worthy of their station and can only hope the Japanese remember these transgressions (for once) and use their vote accordingly at the next election.
It is no shock for anyone keeping up with the news that Japan is not alone in it's...let's be honest...horrifying response to a Global Pandemic.
As a worldwide community we all need to take a hard look at ourselves.
Stop or I'll say stop again I guess
Simon Foston
danToday 01:43 am JST
Of course they do. They basically run this country for their own benefit. Everyone else has "respect for authority" so deeply ingrained in their psyches after generations of feudalism that these daimyo wannabes do as they please and expect to be kowtowed to.
The more things change, the more they remain the same ... over, and over, and again.
Lucinda Lohman-Oota
These politicians are the ones who should be subject to the new law, not those infected by Covid. Put the politicians in jail for a year and/or make them pay a fine of 1M yen! How on earth can you criminalize people for catching a disease. They have done nothing, these LDP politicians on the other hand....have. Lock them up. (Ha!)
Do as we say, not do as we do!
I mean, really. WE work hard. The government takes taxes from our income from money we spend from just about every exchange of money.
And how is it spent!
By LDP "politicians" playing around with hostesses (whores)!
Where is an opposition party when you need one?
Stupid government, stupid politicians.
This state of emergency is turning into a big farce
Come on, there is more than just the named LDP execs in this article.....
Politicians are breathing a sigh of relief, but for the grace of god go I, it's kyabakura night, get on down.
Eight o'clock, what that all about, only for the masses.
englisc aspyrgend
Immediate resignation is the only acceptable response. Never going to happen alas; and the electorate will still elect them lemming like.
Is it really a surprise The Japanese economy suffered a lost several decades and the powers that be failed utterly to remedy the situation given the demonstrated quality of their elected representatives?
They're only terribly sorry this got out. Must be pretty peed off at those damn newspaper stool pigeons.
I’m at Oshiage now at the train station ,family mart is now closing since it almost 8pm here as they serve booze
The hypocrites need to resign
Samit Basu
Opposition is impossible in Japan due to gerrymandering. Rural districts are overrepresented by a factor of 3 compared to urban districts, and LDP reps hold their electoral districts like a fiefdom. Many LDP reps are 3 or 4th gen from specific family, like Abe Shinzo and Koizumi Shinjiro.
Politicians in Japan, but really just a symptom of the culture and its salaryman/company group invincibility of poor individual behavior allowed. Japan should grow up, but it won't in our lifetimes, if ever.
Inevitable with how media and educational process allows for 'betterment of the group' over individual pride and integrity.
Does this type of go to hostess behavior surprise, anyone? Not me, it's part of Japan that people might complain about, but those people need to understand they're also in that circle. Too many times I've dealt with Japanese who complain individually, but when it comes to group and company type policy, they're lemmings and won't speak up when they need to.
What's the point? All politicians are the same.
Souka? Gakkari!
Going to Sekkura How dare they muck around they must be joking or smoking something. How can anyone trust anything they say with these infections . I was at Setagaya and boy was everyone eating and drinking it’s crowded too on trains. This SOE is a joke....
And yet ANOTHER example of the government not doing the very minimum it could to practice what it preaches -- and a hostess bar no less... not even just a steak dinner this time.
I'm sure they were just there inspecting the hostess bars to see if they were following COVID guidelines. Haha.
"I'm terribly sorry that this happened when we are asking people not to eat out after 8 p.m. and to avoid non-essential, non-urgent outings,"
I'm glad he has said that we do not need to follow the guidelines. I mean, if he named the lawmakers in question and shamed them, and perhaps punished them in some way instead of a, "Hey, please don't do what we've told everyone not to do -- because if you do... it's awfully regrettable!" Suga should be on his knees, head touching the ground, begging for the public's forgiveness.
could you imagine going out and drinking with those guys. maybe I could talk to the girls for them.
Woohoo! Kampai!!!
LDP probably getting too old and starting to suffer Alzheimer’s and dementia...
Go To The Hostess with the Mostess. Sort of sounds like an old jingle for Cup Cakes. And we sure know how well these old JiJi like CUpCakes!
Whats the problem men will be men!
If old men want to risk getting covid is up to them
As for me, I don't really care about them going but I do hope the eye candy was worth it. Nothing worse than going to a hostess bar where the babes are fugly and/or geriatric (which means over thirty in this case).
The only logic that comes to mind is that SUga knows that this pandemic is false therefore the are not worried about infection as it doesn’t exist. I don’t want to approach the pandemic this way but when you are like me living in Japan everyday and see no evidence of Covid hospitalization then you will start to ponder
We've been in lock down for over a year now.
How many people made a mistake during Covid19? Are you perfect with all your decisions in the past year?
How many people did not wear a mask, or did not follow the instructions?
It will be a shock to you, but globally, leaders and politicians have made serious mistakes when it comes to this pandemic!
Good for them,
This is how the coronavirus pandemic finishes, not with vaccinations or herd immunity but with enough people realizing its a very mild virus on the spectrum and thus stop following these stupid rules.
I sincerely hope these politicians inspire more people to go out this weekend.
This is pretty natural response. You can't expect everyone to follow these restrictions forever. We're only human.