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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Trump makes his case for Nobel Peace Prize; says Abe nominated him for it
By Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Trump and Abe really are the most deluded and laughable “leaders” in the world. They are made for each other!
Haaa Nemui
Of course he did. It's the one thing he does consistently.
And Kim is laughing at him.
...and he calls him Ahbee.
Note to self: If someone nominates me for the Nobel Peace Prize be sure to learn how to pronounce their name.
The loopy septuagenarian sing-songing to the faithful.
In his defense it does look like he was having trouble with his dentures.
Add the letter to the 8,000+++ (and counting) pinocchios to date?
Is this an Onion article
David Varnes
How do you know Donald Trump is lying?
Well, if his mouth's open, and it doesn't have a cheeseburger in it....
Anyone who has to blow their own horn, and cry out for the Nobel Peace Prize certainly does not deserve it in my book. He is just jealous because Obama got one (To this day I still don't understand THAT one either) and like the spoiled rich brat that gets everything they want, he wants one too and whines about it when he does not get it!
I I were Trump's mom I think I would give him a slap on the butt and send him to his room for a time out!
This is totally embarrassing for the people of the US.
Abe is a smart man..... kiss up to Trump.... inflate his ego, and Japan can enjoy low tariffs with a nice weak Yen vs the USD.
Wow. Talk about daddy issues.
I agree. Obama did nothing when Senkaku was threatened by China. We thought it was a waste of money Japan spends a lot of money to keep U.S. Forces on Okinawa. Trump's best achievement is demonstration of power of America in the world which was weakened by Obama's superficial idealism.
This just show how arrogant Trump can be. He will be remembered as " The most arrogant US president" in history.
This article was out 3 years ago may answer your question.
Haaa Nemui
A less aggressive nation is not the same as a weaker nation
The cheeseburger doesn't change anything.
He is right. Obama did not deserve the Nobel Prize, he didn't even do anything. Trump did make a lot of progress with North Korea, and with Russia, and hopefully with Syria too. In general Trump wants to be a peace maker, he wants to appease to everybody. If Hilary had won, the US would've probably been in war with Russia by now. I would say Trump deserves the Peace Prize a lot more than Obama, and probably a lot more than most people.
Kenji Fujimori
"They gave it to Obama. He didn't even know what he got it for. He was there for about 15 seconds and he got the Nobel Prize. He said, 'Oh, what did I get it for?'" Trump grumbled. "With me, I probably will never get it."
I think trump is referring to what Obama did:
Trump - Peace Prize? Change the spelling to "piece" and link it to the porn star and playboy bunny and yea, he could get a piece prize....
Thanks for a great laugh of the day.
This is the same guy that loved to encourage physical threats against opponents at his campaign rallies.
Him and his supporters just ooze douche chills.
Factually incorrect. Sep 25 2010: The disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea are covered by the Japan-U.S. security pact, meaning Washington could consider retaliation against a military strike on Japanese territory, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara on Thursday amid the rising tension between Tokyo and Beijing,
If by achievement, you mean insulting our allies, pulling out of multi-lateral treaties, cutting and running against the advice of his respected Generals, and furthering Russian interests throughout the world, then yea, he's achieved a lot...
Simon Foston
I wouldn't believe it if he said it was anyone else who gave him the letter. But a grovelling, boot-licking sycophantic worm like Abe? That's almost plausible.
That's incorrect. Obama himself declared that the Defense of the Senkakus falls under Article 5 of the US-JPN defense treaty, as did two Secretaries of Defense and two Secretaries of State under him.
While I have been and continue to be a critic of Obama's "weak" strategic policies, the Senkakus isn't one of them.
Are you saying this with a straight face? Seriously?
This article was out 3 years ago. It says the reason why Obama got the prize.
Though I basically like Trump (basically!), I don't think the Nobel Peace Prize is something you're supposed to actually campaign for.
The Avenger
Dementia. It showed itself before, but it is progressing rapidly.
Maybe I can get the President of Lower Slobovia to nominate my cat. She is certainly smarter than Humpty Trumpty, has a better grasp of international relations, and catches rats rather than appointing them to the cabinet.
Speak for yourself. If one is embarrassed by whoever is president, but not embarrassed by non-stop war, death, destruction and interference in other countries around the world, by a massive spy apparatus that strips all citizens of privacy, by endless political corruption, by a crumbling society and one that cares more about Instagram models than about real achievements, the one basically knows no shame and cannot be embarrassed.
I'm guessing that this is news to Abe.
The only thing that has changed regarding NK since Trump took office is that they now have long range intercontinental ballistic weapons capable of delivering nuclear warheads AND their decades of belligerence has been legitimized by Trump meeting with Kim. Good job!
The President is actually doing a great job! Because his words don’t have the “elegance” of an Obama speech writer, the left becomes unhinged, and because of their anal mindset they cannot comprehend how the country is moving forward and finally winning again. Lets not forget, Trump is only a ring leader and setting a vision for the Nation. Congress and the Senate are the circus.
Ganbare Japan!
Excellent nomination by PM Abe. Trump destroyed ISIS, stop the missiles flying over Hokkaido and is dealing with evil Iran. Obama could achieve none of this. But he even won the Nobel.
I now hope Trump nominates PM Abe for the prize in 2020!!
Notice I wrote..."embarrassing for the people of the United States". Each and all are entitled to their opinions, and throughout the world my sentiment rings true! Whether you like it or not, Trump IS an embarrassment!
I hope he wins it. What a great POTUS he has turned out to be. MAGA!
Funny you should put it this way, don't forget that every circus has a ring leader! And if congress and the senate are the circus, it's pretty safe to assume the "leader" is Trump!
Trump is losing the plot. One of those people who only loves himself without realizing that so many don't love him. Obama got his because he turned down the rhetoric of Bush and his cronies as well as making people (including the Nobel Committee) believe that he believed in diplomacy to solve issues. Trump threatens 'fire and fury' on other countries so the words 'Nobel Peace Prize' don't exactly spring to mind!
What if one is both embarrassed by the president, and condemning of all those other things you just listed?
Let me guess? For being "Super-Mario"? If EITHER of them actually win the prize for anything they have done up until now, the Nobel Peace Prize will (some might argue already has) sunk to the level a of "Raspberry" !
For anyone to think that either are deserving, they must have pretty damn low levels of what the Peace Prize is SUPPOSED to be all about!
The Nobel Committee screwed things up pretty bad by giving it to Obama for "expectations" and not "deeds".
Hopefully they can get back to what it's all about in the first place. But I for one am not holding my breath!
Now the Nikkei is reporting that apparently Trump has confused Abe with South Korean President Moon, who actually did say that Trump should receive the Nobel Prize for his handling of the North Korean problem. But there is no indication that Moon actually sent a recommendation letter to the Nobel Committee.
Had to check the diary to make sure it isn't 1st April. Laughing stock of the world.
Do the hustle
I really would like to take the blue pill and leave the matrix now.
It's the first time I laugh out loud reading a news article !
This speech summarize every aspect of Trump.
The whining, the lying, the boasting, inventing what other people have said, and cherry on the cake :
If it's ok then stop complaining !!!
This guy is acting like a spoiled teenage girl.
David Varnes
There's a comment I could make here, but I won't... it's just so un-PC but funny in a sad way I couldn't help but think it.
Trump's politics are like his business empire: superficial.
I've heard this kind of nonsense so much out of Trump that it doens't surprise me anymore. As for Abe, I'm pretty sure it was an act of appeasement.
Melania, more like
Hard to know if Trump's dire need for praise and recognition is part of some megalomaniac delusions or tragic attention deficit problem. He displays the same symptoms as many troubled children I've seen in my life.
Trump knows if he says it Abe will get down on his knees and kiss Trump's butt all the same. Abe is Trump's little lapdog, and he knows he can abuse the Relationship and Abe won't and can't do a thing, and the public will feign to be upset and also do Nothing but shrug.
Man oh man! I hope this letter isn't real, if it is...…….I don't even wanna think about it!
JJ Jetplane
Obama won the prize because he was America’s most internationally diplomatic president in a long time.
Obama also introduce several bills and peace initiatives such as ending several American torture programs, signing the pact to rid the world of nuclear weapons, signing the carbon emission reduction pact, and also being able to bring Israel and Palestine to the table to talk peace.
Trump has absolutely nothing to do with the Korean peace talks.
Trump has been institutional in dividing the people of his own country as he ran a campaign based on division.
Trump has also stepped away from international diplomacy with many nations.
Also, Trump won’t let himself leave the shadow of his predecessor. He continues to bring up Obama so people will consistently compare the two. Also, Trump is not responsible for the current progress of the American economy. Many of the things he implemented only went into effect this year. All Presidents except Trump seems to know that the first 4 years are a direct effect of the previous 4 years of policy.
Obama got one. Why not Trump? Both are narcissists. The former blows his horn sweetly. The latter does so cacophonously.
Does Trump’s draft-dodging help his claims to being for peace?
If you think that's bad, just wait till you find out how he pronounced the countries, Nepal and Bhutan.
Show us your girth certificate!
Hubert Gulletchip
He's just as qualified as Obama was (hint: not at all). Actually, Trump has been scaling back international interference (still has a LOT to go) but he's at least making more steps toward peace than the previous 5 administrations ever did.
Haven’t we heard enough of this bir... girther stuff?
Is it actually possible to just beg for these type of things? Because II can do that......I probably won't get anything...Hahaha!
It would be awesome if Abe hasn't actually sent the letter to anyone else!
A temporary relaxation of tension with NK might, might, might be worth only an honorable mention, but not a Nobel Peace Prize.
As far as Obama is concerned, please show us the “peace” he brought about.
Simon Foston
And the Order of the Brown Nose Award goes once again to...
Amir Marzouk
Yes. When he declared the war over at the end of his first year the previous 19 years of the war, our troops were just vacationing in the sun.
Great to know how having no conversations with the North aside from I hope to meet with you one day soon means he ushered in peace. The South Korean President and North Korea leader had no productive conversations and all their meetings alone that began in 2016 had no effect until Trump came into office.
Amir Marzouk
Then again. He can possibly win the award because of his strategies and approach to dividing America has caused several groups to come out and fight for their rights more.
Because many people dislike Trump and the hate with which he ran his campaign on, we have more women and minorities holding political offices than ever before. His non peaceful approaches might actually incite peace.
Trump is a giant baby perpetually at the mercy of his insecurities.
Who on earth publicly declares " I deserve the Nobel Prize" and actually means it?
Trump displays many of the characteristics of clinical NPD (Narcisstic Personality Disorder)., a somewhat disturbing illness.
The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, indicates that persons with NPD usually display some or all of the following symptoms, typically without the commensurate qualities or accomplishments.
- Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
- Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
- Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
- Need for continual admiration from others
- Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
- Exploitation of others to achieve personal gain
- Unwillingness to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
- Intense envy of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
- Pompous and arrogant demeanor
Trump's Nobel cause just seems to ice the cake re his condition.
And to hear the MAGA supporters chanting NOBEL, NOBEL, NOBEL.... after he mentioned it at his rally, was....well.... cringeworthy doesn't even come close.
David, thanks. Here's the link.
And "rocket ships"?! Can you define that?
Reading a bit today about Trump's disconcerted Rose Garden address - particularly the slurring of words and meandering - is alarming.
I hope he wins it. What a great POTUS he has turned out to be. MAGA!
yeah a leader that pulled the US out of the nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia , basically starting another arms race which could potentially end modern civilization as we know it. yeah that person would make a great Nobel Peace Laureate LOL
Tell him he won't be nominated unless he puts back the nuclear arms deal
Spartan J
Why don't Trump use his executive power to create an award, then he can nominate himself, and award it to himself. No need to fight with any body else.
What a joke, and a joke of a country, with such a leader?
with so much support in the country for him. Not just his base, but, well, half the government?
What planet are you living on? None of this happened prior to Obama winning the prize! He won it for being elected, as the first mixed-race president!
So all the people who got/clicked (+) are the hero sides of the story and the ones who received (-) are the villaines?
But what good Obama did to the Americans and even the world? Just smooth heroic words without any action like every main hero character of an American movies?
And adult people cheering and clapping like kids....
Do u even know how tough it is to even arrange a meeting with Mr. Kim? Mr. Trump did with a click!
He might not deserve a prize but at least a good praise.
Trump ticks all the boxes for that NPD definition/diagnosis. Very scary.
Amir Marzouk
@ Backpacking Nepal
Trump did what with a click? I see you haven’t paid attention to information during the past 6 years. The Obama administration embargoes and fines on North Korea plus for the first time China backing some of America’s actions towards North Korea left them in dire straights.
After they lost a lot of their main aid from a China, they suddenly began coming to the table to discuss peace with South Korea. Then once the administration changed they started discussing potential disarmament. After the communication channels really opened between the North and the South, China started assisting with more aid. The world practically stifled North Korea over the past few years. However, you credit Trump with peace when he had 0 effect on the North and South communications. As for North Korea, they haven’t disarmed their Nukes or given up on research as Trump has boldly boasted they will do. Their moves have simply been made in order to get back on China’s good side. Just because Trump said a few words it doesn’t make it true. He hasn’t done anything to affect anything with North Korea. Kim is a much more viable prize candidate than him.
Amir Marzouk
As for Trump’s praise. His actions won’t really affect us until he is either out of office or wins his second term. At that point you can tell me if he was a good or horrible president. So far he’s been a good president by motivating certain groups to rise up and seek platforms where they can really make a change. Without him, women, minorities, and others would become as progressive as they are today.
he doesn’t deserve it - he won’t get it- he gets it- well it’s not important they gave it to Obama for doing nothing- look! Russia!
This will be the progressuon.
The Ignoble Award is what he really deserves.
From Alfred Nobel's will:
So even if you dislike Trump for the many other things he's said and done, and even if you think his peace summits with Kim will ultimately turn out to be foolish and unproductive, it's silly to argue that he doesn't meet Alfred Nobel's third criteria to win the peace prize. His nomination is hardly unexpected or unwarranted.
So if the bottom quote is the criteria, then explain how Obama won it? Why does it matter? Because none of the following criteria mattered when he was awarded the Prize. Thus this definition no longer matters.
I care nothing for Trump as a person and even less as president, but there is no way in hell he meets the criteria stated, so that means he could get it just because he is who he is and nothing else. Further diminishing the prestige of a once respected award!
Fraternity between nations? He has done more to fracture the relationships between traditional allies of the US than any other recent president in memory. This alone SHOULD eliminate him from the prize. Reduction of standing armies..yeah right. Promotion of can write that with a straight face?
Joe Collins
Trump fed the fish. Nobody else does that. Of course he should be honored for it.
Give it to me baby, uh huh
BlacklabelToday 06:03 pm JST
he doesn’t deserve it - he won’t get it- he gets it- well it’s not important they gave it to Obama for doing nothing- look! Russia!
Wow. You've even gone so far as to mimicking how your leader speaks...with text.
That's pretty fanatical.
If trump is nominated, the peace prize will have 0 value. It is like U nominate me & I nominate U brother. We are very sorry for this.What a bad joke. U talk abt 21 century villians. Here u are. Just look at the face.
He won through the incompetence of the Nobel committee and their lack of respect for the clear wishes of Alfred Nobel. Obama should not have won the peace prize, but Obama is just one of many undeserving nominees in recent decades. As I noted on this site when the 2018 winners were announced, both have done commendable work but neither even remotely meet the criteria that Nobel sets out.
Because it's Alfred Nobel's prize and his money that's being doled out. The Nobel prize was never intended to be a lifetime achievement award for people who have pristine records in every aspect of public and private life. Either the prize has a singular meaningful purpose or it becomes largely irrelevant.
You seem to imply that what's good for America and its allies is good for world peace. Considering that the US and its allies have been the catalysts for more armed conflicts in recent history than any other group of nations, I think the opposite might be true.
Yes. The Korean war is one of the longest standing conflicts in modern history. Any effort to bring it to an end is to be commended. Do you have a problem with this? It seems like some people are just annoyed that Trump's potential success in Korea might turn out to be the crowning achievement of his time in office.
How much more proof is needed that Trump is mentally deranged? And if Abe has nominated Trump, how much more proof is needed that Abe is Trump's poodle?
The people voted for a mentally deranged man to be their President and now they are stuck with him and don't know how to get rid of him. Day by day Trump is becoming more of a dictator.
The Japanese people need to get rid of Abe and demand the regaining of their sovereignty.
"All those in favor ... nobody? Zero? All right. And all those opposed ... OK, so it's unanimous. Well, that didn't take long!"
Donald J. Trump is the poster child for mental illness.
What's that on your nose, PM Abe?
I'd nominate rezident Dump for something...if he resigns.
The rezident would get The Nobel...if his daddy could give it to him.
I'm sure he got multi-page documents...from the courts.
Maybe Trump made the Nobel Prize nomination claim thinking that Abe would not have the guts to deny this piece of fake news.
Still no coverage about this on Japanese media, just some brief articles online. What's up?
A recommendation from Abe? The kiss of death.
Well, still no mainstream coverage or comments from Abe and government. I think that they are hoping that if they say nothing the problem will just go away.
It is already reported in Japan that Abe sent Trump the letter to inform him of the nomination. Cabinet member in Tokyo confirmed that the request to nominate Trump came from US govt a few months ago and Abe accepted the request so that to let Trump put not only ICBM issue but middle range missiles targeting Japan and abduction issue on the coming US DPRK summit.