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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump meets former Japanese PM Aso; criticizes strong dollar against yen
He cannot help ownself ,as he sit their hopeless,say Help me,Help me,the Secret Service are making contingency plans for Trump time in jail for contempt of court
Only possibly one American leader would speak truth to power to Aso Taro about his corporacratic wealth and how it was built of the back of slave labor and exploitation and present time corrupt crony capitalism.
Bernie Sanders.
Only a few Japanese leaders would speak truth to power to DJT about a family legacy of racist gentrification and about he has long benefited from a two-tier justice system that benefits the rich and powerful.
Taro Yamamoto of the Reiwa shinsengumi or the leaders of the JCP.
This meeting is just a Legion of Doom and having this oligarch meetup is a recipe for nefarious dealings, especially giving Trump's ongoing legal proceedings.
Michael Machida
We have the wrong people on the world stage doing what they do best. Lie, manipulate, greed their dirty little ways. Why don't we have better choices of leaders around the world?
I think former PM Aso should be very careful if planning to meet . . . .with former Pres. Trump . . . . Trump has been involved in a number of criminal trials . . . and has a great number of associates . . . .
. . . better to communicate at distance . . . .
Peter Neil
two failed former leaders at the exit. perfect photo.
and the judge is not sending trump to jail yet. trump is baiting him to do it so he can be a martyr. his goose is already cooked after pecker’s testimony as the first witness.
the lawyers risk sanctions, though.
Indeed! It helps if you keep people illiterate (USA) and submissive (Japan), but it's amazing how far the bad guys get without any accountability.
N. Knight
Couple of clowns.
Birds of a feather...flop together.
Aly Rustom
He’s a highly respected man in Japan and beyond,”
Aly Rustom
Trump told reporters he'd gotten to know Aso “through our very dear friend, Shinzo,” whom he praised as “one of my favorite people in the world.
Birds of a feather.
80+ and 80+, there's no way whatever they're plotting is for the good of future generations.
Already preparing for a Trump victory. Smart man. Trump's re election will def help Japan' yen recover.
Like Trump or not, the US was not involved in any wars during his tenure and the US economy was better. Biden has gotten the US involved in many wars (Ukraine-Russia, Israel-Gaza, etc) and has dramatically skyrocketed the costs of living in the US.
So what does Aso hope for??
Man,that dreaded hat hAs made another appearance.
Not as many Trump tariffs this time I would guess.
Cheradenine Zakalwe
"When my good friend Taroo Asu was Prime Minister of Japan, look at this sharp-dressed man, the economy of Japan was never better. With the weak yen and Asoo's leadership the people of Japan never were so winning, they almost got tired of winning.
Like here in America, which I made great again,before the big steal, Mr. Aso had to suffer a witch hunt by the woke mob, the leftists who hate when everyone is prosperous. "
Telling that the leaders of nations that have strong democratic socialist traditions and egalitarian, broad based prosperity were almost universally repulsed by Trump.
Guaranteed Trump, who admits to still being in the head of a 7-year-old (in his book), couldn't stop laughing at 'Aso's name.
Wonder what Don is up to.....
Smart move. Japan has to be ready for any situation. Besides, it doesn’t cost anything.
Two highly dysfunctional so-called leaders … another meaningless photo opportunity!
Notice all of Shinzo's old Japanese partners in crime are attempting to raise the crashing public support of the LDP. They are trying to create a facade that the old LDP is still relevant and necessary.
1) Shinzo's widow going to Taiwan.
2) Aso visiting Trump in NY.
That will not distract from the shrinkflation or the weak yen! Is Aso going to announce a run for the PM position?
Two half-wits and still less than the sum of the parts.
Derrick Smith
Meanwhile, everyplace else is burning down from all the inflation. The banks are preventing Americans and Canadians from moving their money around. Crime has gone through the roof. The homeless are high-jacking peoples homes. 1.9 Million people were laid off in just December and millions more got laid off after the new year and they are claiming jobs increased when most of them were federal jobs. Tech is eating itself and they just mentioned the FTC is banning non-competes. I don't see any of this helping anyone.
Tim Sullivan
Two proper leaders. This photo gives me hope that Japan can be great again.
Huh? Not in Canada. What conspiracy theory site did you get that from?
Both got absolutely spanked in elections after short tenures as leaders.
Call that proper if you like.
Maybe you like losers.
Desert Tortoise
None of Jupiter's family, not even his wife, accompanies him to his trial (even Jeffrey Dahmer's parents came to his trial). But old Taro Aso is there to hold Jupiter's hand.
Desert Tortoise
Sizing up the real estate anticipating it will soon be on the market ........... cheap ^_^
Oh look, wasted Japanese tax payers yen at "work."
Cute, Aso got his little photo, now what?
He's going back to the hotel and nap?
That's a long way to go for a photo-op with a discredited felon facing serious jail time. That's a photo which won't be hanging for long on Aso's office wall.
Certainly wouldn't be Biden or any other radical socialist sycophant.
No one gives a twig about Bernie, really...
No racism
More like political opponents.
If you think that, then you should take a gander at the people occupying the WH.
Uncle Philgrund
170 years of experience in one photo! Isn't time we try to find some younger leaders?
Great for who? The rich who are already doing better than okay and not the people who actually need help? Japan is safer than the States for sure but unless he is ending poverty and being a direct cause for decrease in crime or even increasing the birth rate you can't really say he's making anything "great"
Great. The guy with the crooked mouth meets the guy who's crooked all over. Just two crooked guys!
Asp must know that there will be a change coming…
Indeed, he knows Trump is headed to jail...
Not really. He's a nobody these days, so meeting with Trump doesn't cost him anything, and if Trump wins Trump will kiss his a$$.
Quo Primum
Under Trump, the U.S. and the world were far safer, far more peaceful, and far more prosperous than under Biden.
No one can rationally, logically, or factually dispute that.
No one.
Like Trump or not, the US was not involved in any wars during his tenure and the US economy was better.
wrong almost every metric on the economy is better under Biden, markets 25% higher GDP growth is higher, Biden created far more jobs than Trump, I can show you that stats if you dont want to believe. Maga always conveniently forget the worst recession in 70yrs, 20million lost jobs and a record 7.8 trillion debt under Trump.
His only legislative achievement in 4yrs, 2yrs when Trump held the house senate and presidency, was a trillion tax cut fore the rich thats it. even republicans now admit Biden get far more done than their party of do nothing.
It's a real "Aso Hatto", alright.
US was not involved in any wars during his tenure
Afghanistan war was ongoing Trumps entire 4yrs.
name me one new war Biden has started. Ill wait.
Biden actually ended a war, something Trump couldnt achieve
It is a strange political pairing.
It also easy to assume Donald Trump, Taro Aso reflects a meeting of minds.
Hardly, I suggest privately Taro Aso would give Donald Trump the time of day.
Aso is a hardcore revisionist.
Donald Trump wants to financially leverage the U.S.-Japan Security Alliance.
Taro Aso meeting is to tread water politically doff the hat to ascertain a future for Japan, of a second Trump Presidency.
I have. and will contline to contend that Taro Aso is clandestinely, with others pulling the strings of government.
Sorry..... to review and amend
*Hardly, I suggest privately Taro Aso would not give Donald Trump the time of day. *
Yeah.....that must really "suck" for the US..........
But in honestly, that's pretty funny. Because none of the LDP thinks the same way. In fact, they clearly couldn't care any less about it.
They are just laughing it up and spending the tax payer's yen like it's going out of style.
Hey Trump, let's make a trade. You keep ASO, and Japan get's a decent Yen again. Sound good?
Aso knows, absolutely nothing.
I mean except how to anger an entire country's population.
Wrong, not one single one where thousands of troops had to deploy and hundreds of soldiers coming back in body bags.
Well, what the Democrats do is they don’t factor in retirees, baby boomers, people that are disabled, people that can’t make a good living, because a lot of people are not hiring some more people are working at home, so more people move in back with their parents, Thomas less demand for certain industries, and with the introduction of more self check services, there is no need to employ more people in many areas, these are the things that Democrats forget to add in financial reports.
And guess what, a lot of those rich people are leaving areas, because they have the money for payroll to grow businesses, and if their tax into oblivion, they have the ability to move out of the market, so sincerely, job providers, they should get a break, if they don’t…
You’re taking that comment way, way out of context. Of course they got way more done, that’s the reason why they lost the house.
Ongoing is not the same as starting a new war, no new war was started in those 4 years.
We have our troops in Russia, but still, we still have a lot of troops in Syria and Iraq that they were bombed, not too long ago, not to mention the devastating and disastrous withdrawal of Afghanistan and it looks like Taiwan is about to go off soon, so politically with NATO with the Asian Pacific, with the Middle East and the Israeli Palestinian conflict, we are all involved in it, and like Biden says the book with the president, OK, so he’s not getting an argument from me.
Yes, and ask all those parents whose children were killed from the king that died, asked her parents, asked the special forces that went in after to get our people out that he left stranded there, again, the buck stops with him.
Biden has not started any new wars and ended the one in Afghanistan.
Where in Russia are American troops? Undercover ops?
It was Trump who put the troops into Syria. Trump's decision to send troops to protect oil fields in Syria.
Fewer troops have been killed under Biden than previous presidents.
No, there is no other context.
Russia and Ukraine definitely should have stayed out of it.
I meant, Ukraine. My bad…
We didn’t have body bags coming back, not to mention the conditions that laid down to the Taliban if any American soldiers were harmed. by left who can forget the images of people falling from the plane and 13 soldiers killed.
That is not true.
Trump talks business, Biden talks arms deals...
Aso and Trump meet....
Trump: "So, Taro, what have you been up to?"
Aso: "Not much, paying a little golf, watching a little kabuki. How about you?
Trump: "Been rage-tweeting at 3:00AM, flipping on abortion, Ukraine aid, and Tic-Tok. Also been dozing off at my first of four criminal trials facing 88 felonies."
Aso: "And I thought Kishida had it rough"...
Trump: "Ding!"
The article makes no mention of the number of troops killed under various presidents.
"Some 65 American service members died in combat while serving Trump during his time in the White House office from January 2017 to January 2021. There were fatalities every year of his presidency, according to the "hostile action" records compiled by the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS), which is maintained by a government defense agency."
Biden has not finished a term.
"During 2022, by which time the U.S. had left Afghanistan, there was not a single death caused by "hostile action," according to DCAS. However, 13 were killed in one deadly bombing the year before, during the messy withdrawal from the country."
Not sure Aso is looking at a winner here.
Polls shifting towards Biden and he is now favourite in the betting markets.
Long way to go but worth keeping an eye on.
And guess what, a lot of those rich people are leaving areas, because they have the money for payroll to grow businesses,
doesnt change the fact Trump was a failure legislatively
actually yes , I bet I can show more stats to prove it than you can.
Russia and Ukraine definitely should have stayed out of it.
and yet bipartisan support show that America want to back Ukraine, even trump stated it recently when asked. Russia is not Americas friend as maga seems to think
two failed former leaders at the exit. perfect photo.
I would rethink your definition of the word "failed"
@Quo Primum did you say safer? How many American's lost their lives to other Americans during that time whether it be hate crimes and or shootings against specific groups of people? And how many people were involved in trying to storm a government facility? Biden hasn't encouraged anyone to do that. But Trump and his mannerism of speaking makes his followers think it's okay to be like that.
Polls shifting towards Biden and he is now favourite in the betting markets.
not that polls have been more wrong than right, but it does trigger maga.
best thing is Biden is just getting started with his 200million war chest
Trump talks business, Biden talks arms deals...
oh like the business of his tanking DJT stocks LOL
The Left it seems as well, checked our borders recently?
Which doesn’t mean anything except more advertising. Ask DeSantis, he was outspent as well.
The establishment, not the regular average American
He doesn’t. Stop the hype, stop the gossip, you’ve been played
When you have a lot of enemies and cycle against you, it is definitely hard, but a lot of those people are not in office anymore, so it will be different next time around.
‘Failed’ can be a relative term I suppose, but the key word is ‘leaders’.
As leaders, both got thrashed in elections after short tenures. I suppose you could make a case that they aren’t perfectly comparable as we are comparing battered leaders in different systems, but they were both given hidings nonetheless.
Being put over the knee by the opposition at the ballot box after short tenures can be regarded as failure for leaders. In the US, one-term Presidents aren’t generally seen as successful ( Bush 1, Carter ) and Aso led the LDP into a a very unusual hiding.
Hard to make a case they were successful leaders.
In the case of the U.S. the first term of Trump was successful when you peel the banana and strip and the vegan guilt aside.
At least Aso didn’t collapse into unfounded and moronic claims the election was stolen when the electorate gave him a spanking.
I suppose that’s something in his favour.
The idiot visits the moron part 2
Those two are only good for a good laugh.
Different country, different system, ethics, political history, so Aso didn’t have any reason to make such a claim.
Tim Sullivan
I bet Taro agrees with the Donald about Biden: “He’s got no message, he’s got no compassion, he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He can’t put two sentences together, frankly. He’s the worst president in the history of our country. What’s going on is a disgrace.”
Trump, it's all about himself... It's going to be the worst thing ever a second term.
Taro isn’t the brightest bulb.
Struggled to read basic kanji I could read after a few years of study.
I wouldn’t get too excited about his believed approval.
Japan PM forced to rely more on "kingmaker" Aso amid funds scandal
Taro Aso, 83 should not be politically underestimated. The gaffe-prone former PM has survived the J political Mesozoic period.
It makes sense to cover your bets, so to speak.
If Donald Trump survives to the November ballot box, would you honestly throw your life savings betting a Joe Biden second term?
Would you?
Look at the photo the gib/cut of Taro Aso suit. it is a perfect fit.
A bridge GIB Bid also focus on a high card points, using 4321 count.
Taro Aso presence suggests LDP ruling government believes there is at least fifty/fifty probability of a second Trump Presidency.
Taro Aso is the Deputy PM of Japan and has the whole power of the Japanese government at his disposal-old but not out…
your linked article does not state how many troops have been killed under Biden. 81 troops were killed by hostile action under Trump's term.
Less than 20 were killed during Biden's term.
There is also a chance neither Trump nor Biden will make it to November. Both old and clearly deteriorating. Trump was falling asleep in court.
I’m sure they’d like a chat with the most likely candidates to step in if they don’t make it.
Look harder.
Remember the Afghanistan withdrawal and how disastrous it was, didn’t Biden say the buck stops with him? Or was he lying again?
Ok, so that excuses Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, the people we left behind, Haiti, Iraq and Yemen, let’s just gloss over those disasters conveniently.
Jimizo, yes, yes politically November is a long way away.
Donald Trump/Joe Biden is not a given.
You know Jimizo, between you and me, I hope tomorrow the US electorate wakes and questions out loud, why does the November 2024 have to be a choice of Trump V Biden.
The link I provided is the most accurate and you should at least read and study it.
4,545 troops died during Trump's term. 81 from hostile actions.
In Trump’s case they did wake up, there were a lot of other choices to Trump, but no one that half of the country liked, especially rural suburban blue collar Americans, the establishment on the other hand appeal more to the conservatives that are sometimes well-off financially or are ok with the Washington political swamp. Half of America are American first patriots and are not globalist like the establishment Republicans. As far as Biden goes, he’s it or you get Kamala, the White House doesn’t want that and neither the rest of the Democrat party.
No, it wasn’t. We also thought and the left continued to say that crime is down according to FBI stats and recently it was found the FBI lied about those early stats.
I did.
Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, the people we left behind, Haiti, Iraq and Yemen, once again, let’s just gloss over those disasters conveniently.
So when you add it all up, it’s worse because this current President did not heed the warning from his senior military leaders, I think he took a page out of his old boss’s book.
I can't wait until next January when President Trump, the greatest President of all time, makes his return to rescue the country from the utter catastrophy of the biden residency. Aso is just getting ready for this great time to come.
Alfie Noakes
The failed leader of a failing, genocidal Uniparty state meets the failed leader of a shrinking one-party state. Pitiful.
The link I provided is the most accurate
Can you provide a more accurate site for troop deaths than the one I posted?
No, I didn't think so.
Troop deaths, which you introduced as nothing to do with the FBI.
You could not have.
4,545 troops died during Trump's term. 81 from hostile actions.
That is a meaningless statement without actual death figures and why they happened.
But since you want to know, since 9/11 the US has killed more than 500,000 civilians.
More troops died under Trump. A fact you can't escape.
Got to agree with him on this awesome comment.
Taro Aso would not be on public Donald Trump powwow without defined agenda/reason.