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© KYODOTrump says U.S. watching Japan closely for possible travel restriction
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Is the word "very" the only adjective he knows?
In this case "very" is an adverb not an adjective.
Given the way the virus is spreading in the US, Japan could also watch the US closely.
JJ Jetplane
I believe @rgcivilian1 is simply speaking about information he has heard. The CDC and WHO have said that the finding, testing, developing, and mass producing a vaccine is at best a year away.
As for travel restrictions. Doesn't matter if the US imposes one or if Japan imposes one. Both governments have done a horrible job because of their concerns about sending their respective economies into recession. Trump is worried about a tanking economy before election and so is Abe. Because of this, they have suppressed virus detection attempts within their countries.
The only reason Japan has a relatively low number, is because they are not testing enough people. As of the time I posted this comment (excluding the cruise ship) Japan has only tested 2517 people and 289 have been confirmed as infected.
Many overseas agencies and analysts are starting ask why Japan is not testing or refusing to test people who have flu like symptoms... What is Japan trying to hide (or protect)???
We have to remember that Japan let 1000's of Japanese nationals return from Wuhan and other parts of China with only self quarantine as a precaution. Also Japan is still allowing Chinese nationals to enter Japan without testing or quarantine. The only refuse entry to someone with a passport issued by the Hubei region.
I'm not fear mongering, I just advise caution when believing the official number of cases reported in Japan.
Heh, you don't say.
Dan Lavender
USA with its woeful health care system will be a hot bed for Corona in no time...
I mean it costs $5-7,000 just to call out an ambulance...
Trump rolls back Obama care...
Corona rolls in!
The perfect storm!
Jacek Adamczyk
Has it evolved into Ebola or perhaps cyanide already?
Tought it was just a slightly special flu type of a disease...
Sadly I think you are correct Towingtheline…….
I think Japan is doing its best to keep numbers down solely for the 2020games...…
We are in for interesting times ahead, likely too interesting unfortunately
What if those country leaders have repeatedly demonstrated incompetence in handling this situation? No one should be immune to criticism, least of all politicians. This single-minded kotonakare shugi thinking is the reason Abe is still in office after the countless scandals he's been involved in.
Do not forget:
A guy I work with who insists on talking politics and Economy asked me what I thought of this and I just said that as crazy as the Trump admin is, if they are placing restrictions on countries where Covid-19 is flourishing, then I Don't see any Reason why Japan should be an exception. He seemed offended and said, "But we're not China!" You can't debate with someone who only sees the victim in the mirror all the time.
Why is everybody panicking over this? You get sick for 2 weeks, then you are better. There is only a 2% mortality rate, mainly the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. We should look after these two groups, and get on with our lives.
It is not a matter of manipulating the inspection numbers but under-testing. Based on the number published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as of the 29th of February 1510 people were tested, 130 more than the previous day.
If yo want more updated information, you can use the link provided by @towingtheline. The difference with the number said by the Minister (more 10.000 test conducted) is most likely linked to the fact that people are getting tested several times (and it perhaps also include some of the cruise people).
Where did you get that from ? Aren't you mistaking with the incubation period ? The prognosis is not so plain.
I think your interpretation of what is "panicking" is pretty low. If talking about something is panicking, I guess it is time we discuss the need to kept changing year, Santa Claus/Christmas, ... and lot of other event people talk about.
For people saying that Japan is under-reporting... in any country you can only test so many people - unless you frog-march every single person down to the local testing clinic every day of the week you will never get a truly accurate number.
Take the 50odd million people in Scotland... we have three cases so far... but I don't see lines of people queuing to get tested... so how many people are tested? So far NHS Scotland has tested maybe 900 people, and we have 3 cases, none of which are serious it seems. IS that under-reporting? Or just not testing enough people?
Same in Japan... do they test every single person? The death rate may then end up being something like 0.05% rather than 1%, because those rates are based on the number of people they know have contracted the virus.
OK, I have a CT for you, and admittedly won’t be able to offer any data or links to support it. But it may pop up at a later date, and if so, I will proudly take credit since I have not heard of it from any source. Soo, here goes...
I suspect that Japan is under reporting virus deaths. We have many single elderly people and elderly people all have underlaying medical conditions - hence are ripe for this virus. If they self quarantine - that is, not permit visitors or simply have no visitors, they are very likely to not be tested and if they die at home, they won’t be tested postmortem either, since to be tested you must have a high lingering temperature. Obviously a dead person will have difficulty with this. If the death isn’t considered suspicious then there will be no autopsy either.
Who benefits? Our Liberal Democratic Party which is restricting testing because they want low numbers to save face and save the Olympics.
Cue The Twilight Time theme dirge...
JJ Jetplane
The virus is classified as a not deadly but highly contagious virus.
I think one of the more comical stories coming out in this is the Corona beer and Corona Virus connection
Certainly not. He knows the adjective "beautiful":
agreed here also, but its just my observation and opinion.... Reminiscent of Fukushima...damage control and keep the investments protected at all cost.
...Twilight Zone. :)
Seriously? What is it with Americans and bloody conspiracy theories? It's crap like this which leads to people being assaulted on the street for simply being Asian... there is no-one to blame for this.
Are you sure it’s 50-odd million?
B. Jay
It is not up to Japan, you dummy. It is up to the IOC backed by the expert advice of WHO. Japan's view is secondary. If the IOC determines with the WHO that it is too dangerous to hold the Olympics so it is cancelled, it is cancelled. They only inform Japan and seek it understanding.
Would he devastating for Japan in all ways. Wonder how that's going to affect plans to introduce thousands of those 15 minute testing kits to hospitals all over Japan?
Looking at the US right now I’d say Japan should be the one imposing travel restrictions on Americans rather than the other way around.
I would say at this stage, should any new country be put on a black list for non-entrants, it should be Italy. It now has the biggest death toll outside PRC - and rising rapidly.
@Thunderbird2; Very well stated. (honestly speaking)
Theodor W.
This is the same guy who called the Coronavirus a hoax some days ago? The US are just the laughing stock of t he world these days.
An examination of the video and transcript show Trump actually described Democratic complaints about his handling of the virus threat as “their new hoax.”
But frankentrump says, there is no such thing, Fake News.
Along with all of frankentrumps family and sycophant's.
Josh Tolin
First of all you must be born after 2009 if in your life time you never seen it at this magnitude or worse, Spanish Flu variant: 2009 H1N1 aka Swine Flu killed over 500K ppl around the world in the first year alone. Our great US CDC lied to us about the numbers saying it infected only around 100K people when CNN and NBC called on their bs and they release the number as 22million, 3 days later - 50million actually, 2month later "actually we meant 80million cases in the states"... w. t. f. Aside from that our CDC ENCOURAGED traveling (to spread it around?) with no regards to the international public. Our government tried to hide it, because it was afraid of the economic impact that's similar to what's happening to Asian business everywhere right now (you think only Chinese business is affected? Think again... most numbskulls here can't tell a Japanese from a Chinese). It was so bad the WHO declared the 2009 H1N1 as pandemic designation PMD09 (which covid19 isn't... yet at least). Our sensational MSM is blowing it up for views, profit motives, and conveniently some China-hate at the same time. It is absolutely INSANE to see a pizza joint PACKED next to a empty asian restaurant here in the states as if non-asian food is somehow immune to covid19... LOGIC.
all in all stop your fear mongering and DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH, most of this information is readily available from multiple nation's CDC sources that's compiled, aside from WHO and many other sources. If you are too lazy this dude does a brush over analysis comparison:
Chip Star
Its not all Americans. It’s typically conservatives and especially Donny’s supporters that love conspiracy theories.
It is becoming more difficult for Japanese travelers to move around in Asia without submitting to a two-week quarantine...
Personal precautions mean more than safety levels. I went to South Philippines to attend a wedding 2 years ago and the only dangerous were heated debates about the NBA G.O.A.T.
China has a workable solution for the virus
Omachi- I agree that your crazy theory could be true, but it is also true that you can test postmortem.
Of course you had to say that. Let's take one example out of 100+ millions.
The whole "Japanese+apologies+victim attitude" joke is getting on my, and many others' I bet, nerves.
Graham DeShazo
We are 1 “ very” from being put on double-secret probation.
I say "Remember who started this mess." as a reminder to all that we should NOT rely so much on a single country for economic growth.
I don't think they are manipulating the inspection numbers; besides, you can hardly hide to the media/public the number of deaths or patients in critical conditions (which are still relatively lower compared to cases in other countries). To tell the truth they are prioritizing or employing "triage" for the sake of fast and efficient treatment under crisis and limited resources.
We are seeing the rising problem in South Korea where "obsessive" random inspections (which contribute to the latest spike) have ended up going beyond treatment capacity at local hospitals, more likely to ignore patients under critical conditions.
No, it's not. He didn't call it a hoax. The networks deliberately sliced and diced the videotape to make it sound like that.
“very” is an adverb
@rgcivilian1, I think your estimate of a timeline for the development of a vaccine is too apocalyptic, sensationalist and fear-mongering. Don't know where you live, but here in Canada the majority has faith in our country's ability to develop and provide it. Fingers crossed, of course!
Wallace Fred
Yikes! The do no wrong crowd will not be pleased.
@Thnderbird2; My deepest apologies. Please direct me to the information indicating where the virus started. I'm apparently looking in the wrong places
Looks like it is time to head for home. I would not want to be stuck in the USA.
Is the word "very" the only adjective he knows?
I'd be more concerned with other countries who have a lot ore cases than in Japan. Also vice versa the US is just at the very beginning with no end to a vaccine on the horizon no later than 1 to 2 yrs away.
@Trevor: I think your estimate of a timeline for the development of a vaccine is too apocalyptic, sensationalist and fear-mongering
You have your opinion and I have mine, thanks for reply but that is our right provided the moderators allow it.
Nevertheless, there is no fear mongering but rather what is researched from various countries top labs and the public is updated on status. It is a known fact not apocalyptic or sensationalist sentiments but rather informational nothing more nothing less. In creating a vaccine/cure it takes multiple trial testing, that has to wait on the findings, testing parameters, retesting before human trials and finally developing, and mass producing a vaccine. That is a given that cannot be done quickly when it is to be spread out across the world. I doubt any country out there would take such risks to get a marketable product to save face in 2 or 3 months without the required medical, scientific community to back them up with hard data. So where is the fear mongering or apocalyptic /sensationalism in that? The US is AT the very beginning of this pathogen strain compared to where other countries are by comparison and only an ignorant person would see otherwise. I use the word ignorant simply because it is one's choice to ignore real facts until one does their research as many of us out here in order to separate real world from fake news.
For once I agree with you.
I think Japan is doing its best to keep numbers down solely for the 2020games...…@ since1981
We all know it is a conspiracy in between Martian and Reptilian to eradicate humanity in order to please the kawasugi Selenite (according to their taste) which are still upset that human dared to enter their planet uninvited and worst without cleaning their shoes leaving a big foot print behind. Obviously, the funds came from Plutonian which did not appreciate the reclassification of their homeplanet as a darf planet. They saw it as an attack of their virility and we all know how touchy is that subject for them.
Does that change anything about the fact that the government have to deal with it now ? No.
Does this deprive citizen to express pleasure or discontent about how the people they give the job of dealing with this kind of situation do it ? No.
I do not think that the lack of testing is only motivated by the 2020games. As pointed before by different people : economical, political, ... ones are also to be taken in account.
After, that seems like it is coming back to bit them since it is probably not be the number of identified case (as they are properly isolated) which put them on the watch list of the US.
SINCE 1981
Let's not bash country leaders trying their best to stop this virus from spreading. In my life time, this has never happened at this magnitude. If you find the need to do any bashing, remember who started this mess!!!
That is one of the best posts I have ever read.!
Thank you.
Let's not bash country leaders trying their best to stop this virus from spreading. In my life time, this has never happened at this magnitude. If you find the need to do any bashing, remember who started this mess!!!
People are loosing their jobs, companies are filing for bankruptcy, people are fighting with people who sneeze and/or cough!! Remember who started this mess!!!
The entire international travel could shut down if we don't get control of this virus. Millions of jobs will be lost, though perhaps temporary, will be tough to recover from. Remember who started this mess!!!
Do I blame Abe for the spread around Japan? Nope! As we can see in so many countries, the spread was/is inevitable. Remember who started this mess!!!
Do I blame Trump for the spread around the US? Nope! As we can see in so many countries, the spread was/is inevitable. Remember who started this mess!!!
I really feel for the country leaders and the decisions they must make. One leadership role I would never want to have.
Yahoo Search; wuhan china biological warfare center
And I end with; Remember who started this mess!!