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© KYODOUkraine crisis to test Japan's democratic principles
By Keita Nakamura TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Nobody in the real world cares about Japan and its damned islands. Don't start a war if you don't like losing territories to begin with. In Ukraine thousands of children have spent their first night of many in cars or cold undergrounds.
Interesting that even Japan is more vocal than the United Nations - hardly a peep out of the UN over the invasion. Please tell me what is the point of this useless organization that does nothing but sucks up global funds? And how does the Security Council have any legitimacy when Russia is still a member?
Japan doesn't have democratic principles.
The Avenger
Putin's peacekeepers are getting something wrong.
There is zero excuse for this kind of war in the 21st century. Putin needs to go to the Hague.
chinpo wo sasageyo
Lol, which principles are those? Just the other day they were running their annual cry fest about the Liancourt Rocks. How is it different from Russia claiming Donetsk and Luhansk?
David Brent
Japan seems to think it is some kind of heavy-hitter when it comes to world diplomacy. It isn’t.
finally rich
Russian Embassy just next to Tokyo American Club has always been heavily guarded 24h, cant imagine the situation this morning.
To be fair, Japan is a very heavy hitter in world diplomacy when it wants to be. Don’t be ignorant.
No doubt any statement is locked up in the "Security Council" where the permanent members can veto anything.
@Gaijinjland No it is not.
Japan is only caught up with domestic trivial matters and celebrity scandals most of the time.
Japan blows with the wind 99% of the time.
Useless and nearly always ineffective diplomacy from an out of date and out of touch old LDP government that is only interested in bettering itself and it's cronies.
The Japanese have no voice on the international stage.
Michael Machida
First of all, Japan is not a democratic country. I have to show my Gaijin Card if a Japanese Police stops me. I cannot vote. I pay taxes. Etc... And in terms of Japan being a heavy hitter in World Diplomacy, everyone in the world except Japan, knows Japan has no clout.
How is South Korea different from Russia altering national sea boarder by force?
The Russian Ambassador sais 10 days ago on TV that Russia would not attack and make war
chinpo wo sasageyo
The point is it is all the same. Every country is right from their own perspective and whatever they claim must be the undeniable law of the universe. So it is funny when Japan tries to lecture other countries like Russia for the exact same thing they are doing. Well, one difference, Russia actually goes and takes what they claim instead of crying about it endlessly.
Just to be clear, I condemn Russia for invading the sovereign territory of Ukraine and possibly leading to the deaths of thousands of civilians.
Japan has democratic principles?
A country with a de facto one party state,a hostage system and where people get abused and even die in immigration centres and where visible minorities are often harassed by it’s police forces and where slave labour is a normal thing.
Furthermore as someone posted above no one in the world cares about Japan’s claim to these tiny islands.
What about gunboat diplomacy?
That one difference is what Int'l community except some is bashing. so you condemn SK for invading sovereign territory which caused death of Japanese people and detained 4000 Japanese people.
I disagree. Japan has its own version of democratic principles, just like most other nations that consider themselves to be democratic.
Dear Japan, please do not get involved in these matters, they are matters between SLAVIC PEOPLE, it is not your matter, get away from there and solve your problems first..
Do not follow the interventionist rhetoric of the US and its NATO circus. They are already leaving Ukraine alone, as they always do.
This happens in eeeevery country, you have to show your ID to cops, pay tour taxes and vote when you get citizenship, this is how the world works.. Did you know it??..
Suggest you do this in some other threads
Japanese do
Yet another example what a SUPER Power will or can do, Russia, the U.S, China, and NATO can and will Attack, Invade, Destroy, Kill, and install puppet governments any where in the world unchecked. Putin is NO different than the rest, it's the "New World Order".
In my country,foreign residents are not required to carry their Visa 24th and randomly stopped by the police due to be a visible minority.
finally rich
never trust a communist
The above ignores the reality that having great wealth makes a nation a heavy hitter, and having the world's third largest economy (argue the legitimacy of that ranking in any way you can) makes Japan a heavy-hitter.
Most countries want to stay on Japan's good side. Japan, Inc. plays crucial roles in most nation's businesses and economies. Russia is a country that is not rich (in part because Putin and his oligarchs have skimmed off so much for themselves) but Russia does have huge reserves of, unfortunately in my opinion) the world's currently most important natural resources.
Japan will be tested as Putin and Xi are the new Hitlers. America thanks to Tramp and GOP has failed to nourish democracy. A vacuum was created in democracy during the Trumps' 4 years and that allowed Putin and Xi to dilute democratic principles. EU was too busy with Brexit to care much about democracy and the rise of Putin/Xi. And now they got caught with their pants down and totally unable to deal with this threat.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Ukrain is finished already as was expected.
NATO diplomacy efforts was a farce .
Japanan has taken too long to be tough on the territory issues of senkaku and kuril and allowing the constant breech of Japanese territory of Chinese coastguard and fishing vessels and Russian military and korean missile tests.
Its sad that a once powerful and determined Japanese military has been whittled down to a cowering canine that waits for instruction from the USA.
China will pursue to take back Taiwan any day.
Stand strong Japan and do your own thing.
Don't expect the USA to protect Japan's interests or country.
Who can you trust ?
Japan an independent show of force in a passive manner is necessary for the stability of the Asia-Pacific region.
Stop talking about it and do it !
Russia hasn't been communist for decades.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
In other words -
Japan focus on protecting your own borders and territorial issues before you involve yourself in other countries territorial issues.
It should have been a direct order weeks ago that all Japanese nationals evacuate Ukraine - not urged or advised .
The alarming thing is the amount of posters on here who believed it.
As much as I feel Ukraine could have diffused the situation years ago by doing things to alleviate fears the Russian minority has but instead stoked those fears by passing laws that only increased tensions.
I watch Putin's speech and I have to wonder if he hasn't gone off the rails as he rambled on.
My fear is Japan or someone in the government will think this is a good time to secure these rocks from Russia.
I hope the remember Hiroshima was 15 kilotons, Russian has ICBMs that hold three 475 kilotons warheads each. And from the sound of it Putin may be unstable enough to use them.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo neToday 09:09 am JST
You do realise the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship!
Japan told it's citizens to get out of Ukraine on February 12.
That is the best a democracy can do, if these people chose not to leave, well that is their own choice and stupidity.
The Japanese government cannot forcibly remove them.
Aly Rustom
Dango bong
Japan's democratic principles?? LOLLLLLLLLL
Dango bong
if you want the islands put a tank on them or shut up
It also test Japan's grand security strategy. The SDF has for the recent years been realigning the deployment with its focus on southern maritime borders sharing China. Troops in Hokkaido planned to be curtailed and relocated, but may need to stay there in alert.
Intended or not, Russia's invasion will help Beijing justify its aventurism on the Asia-Pacific region.
Putin has put all his forces into attacking his neighbor to the south. This might be a good time for Japan to re-occupy its lost territory. Russia can't afford to wage war on two fronts.
1glennToday 09:54 am JST
Brilliant, collective suicide.
Let me remind you, a single Russian ICBM carries three (3) 475 kilotons warheads.
Let me also point out the Hiroshima bond was 15 kilotons.
Ukraine crisis to test Japan's democratic principles
Thats an interesting headline. Japan is a democracy, in principle. ;P
Japan’s principles are to follow the G7. If the West became fascist socialists, Japan would follow right along.
Well said. That was Hitler's biggest mistake.
UN is based in America and all visitors need a US visa.
Russia defeated the Nazis, lost 29 million solders, is a nuclear armed Superpower, the largest country in the world. You should question why France and the UK are permanent members…
Well let's see 4 rocks few people want to live on VS nuclear annihilation, if Russia wants to keep those rocks I say fine.
If Russia decides for some inexplicable reason to try and take Hokkaido, etc.. then I suspect they will have a fight on their hands.
But the idea that Japan should take what is going on in Ukraine now as an opportunity to invade and take back 4 rocks is pure insanity,
BTW when are you heading to Ukraine to fight the Russians, I mean anyone willing to suggest going to war must also be gung ho to go fight now!
KumagaijinToday 10:15 am JST
He didn't have ICBMs with 3 nuclear warheads of 475 kilotons each (each being 31 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb)
I am quite glad none of you guys are in power, we would all be nuclear BBQ by now.
Vis-a-vis Russia, Japan's government simply does not care about democratic principles. The singular driving force in Japan's foreign policy vis-a-vis Russia is the endless nursing of bitter grievances over what happened in the three weeks after the USSR declared war on Japan on 8 August 1945. That's all it's been for 77 years now. Some years ago, I believe it was Aso Taro who in his typically arrogant and conceited manner stated that Japan should simply buy the disputed islands in the Kuril chain from Russia. Yes, just put more money into Vladimir Putin's vast coffers. Nobody in the LDP who supported Aso's stance then cared about democracy in Russia.
When did Japan send troops and missiles into the Liancourt Rocks?
My thoughts exactly. There was something different in his eyes as he was delivering that rant. His televised ‘discussion’ with his ‘advisors’ made it clear that he is surrounded by Yesmen, and he’s started to believe in his own invincibility. He has to be right.
Reminded me of Nero and Caligula.
He will go down in history (assuming we all have a future) as Vlad the Mad.
BungleToday 10:51 am JST
No it isn't our problem.
If and a very remote chance Russian starts something here then yes Japan will need to fight, until then stay out and your reply was to my comment on 1glennToday 09:54 am JST suggesting actually going now to take back the silly rocks.
1glenn is actually suggesting using the Ukrainian distraction to attack Russian troops on these rocks.
As for the rest, we know Putin will not go into any NATO country as he may be nuts but even he knows that means all out war on a massive scale.
Think far more recent history.
Joseph Stalin!
Because both can and will hold off the west because at this point I think both are capable of using their nukes.
Had Stalin been in charge during the Cuban missile crisis he wouldn't have backed down, and unknown at the time the nuclear weapons in Cuba were armed and the commander on the ground had the codes and keys.
Putin is a wannabe Stalin, we need to tread very lightly.
While Stalin was certainly a very nasty piece of work, I don't think he was actually mad, crazy, bonkers, as Vlad is showing himself to be.
He did set an example that Vlad may be trying to emulate.
Ricky Kaminski13
What is Putins potential endgame? We need to discuss that.
Aly Rustom
Hitler waged war on 3 fronts. He was fighting the British, then he invaded the USSR, and then when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor he declared war on the US.
Russia is still fighting in Syria. They are now in Ukraine. If a third front is opened at Kunashiri that would be 3 fronts. Now imagine if someone assassinated Ramzan Kadyrov and a less pro Russian leader was to rehash the whole Chechen Republic conflict with Russia... That would be a war on 4 fronts...
Just saying...
If the invasion in Ukraine goes well and no one stands against Russia, China's looking over at Taiwan knowing no one's gonna try to stop them.
Also, Japan's not a democracy.
Have people asked why Ukraine wasn't let into NATO?
It is simple, those NATO members that understand Europe and expecially the Ukraine Russian dynamic saw how Ukraine wasn't doing anything to try and peacefully get the breakaway regions back, on the contrary Ukraine kept adding laws that made those in these 2 regions even less willing to return.
Most European NATO members understood what would happen, the moment Ukraine became a member it would militarily go in to those two regions and take them back which would immediately have prompted Russia to counter dragging NATO into a war.
NATO members are not going to intervene unless Putin crosses into a NATO country.
Japan needs to just sit this one out, let the European settle their own problems.
This has been a fight going on since the Kievan Russ times with Keivan (Today's Ukrainian) and Rus ( today's Russian) regularly going after eachother over the same territory
Now imagine over 6,000 nuclear warheads, over 1,500 mounted on missiles with as many as 3 warheads each of up to 475 kilotons yield (Hiroshima was 15 kilotons) .
Now imagine Russia finds itself backed into a corner.
Just saying.....
This is not 1939 or 1945.
Nations have ballistic missiles with nuclear capability that can hit anywhere on the planet.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Of course i realize the difference between democracy and dictatorship.
I live in Japan and i do not consider Japanese democracy to be a real democracy.
Or not as they pretend it is , as they frequently ignore their own constitution.
The Japanese government imposes laws on Japanese nationals regardless of which country they reside in.
Is that dictatorship or democracy ?
A new type of democracy ?
You can't heat your home on democratic principles.
The US, UK and EU consider the islands Japanese territory under Russian occupation. Why? They were stolen by USSR after Japan surrendered in WWII. They were taken in contradiction to the Potsdam and Cairo declarations as they were never taken by war.
Stealing territory is a Russian national characteristic as we are witnessing right now.
Aly Rustom
Which the west also has...
You mean Putin finds himself backed in a corner.
He is not going to use nukes on Syria or Chechnya. The fallout alone would destroy whatever is left of Russia.
No its more like the 80s when they invaded Afghanistan and had their butts handed to them on a silver platter.
That goes both ways. I know Putin is crazy, but I doubt that anyone in his party is going to let him start a nuclear war. He'll be removed by his own people if it really comes down to that. He may be crazy, but I don't think the rest of his people are suicidal.
Interesting take on things.
I will point out this:
UN Enemy State Clause
Look it up, Japan is technically still subject to that Clause, which in theory means Russia as the inheritor of the USSR Legacy and is technically still at war with Japan has the right to hold on to them until a peace treaty is signed, not only that but in theory if Russia feel threatened it has the right to attack Japan under the above clause and there is nothing the UN or the US can do because of this clause the USA signatory to the clause.
It shows the danger of creating something without and expiry date.
Yes the clause is in theory still in effect and applicable.
Aly RustomToday 12:23 pm JST
You yourself made the comparison to Hitler and most here are in agreement Putin doesn't seem to be playing with a full deck.
What did Hitler do? Did he surrender when it was apparent all was lost? No like the mad man he was he ordered the military to fight untill near full destruction of the country.
No Putin won't nuke chechnya or Syria, but in a last gasp he could nuke everyone and everything he perceives as an enemy or has wronged him.
The Hitler view, if I am going down I will take everyone I possibly can with me
You are thinking far to rationally.
Watch the 2 hour Freakshow Putin had outlining his "justification" for invading Ukraine, does that sound like someone that would think rationally if they were about to go down?
Aly Rustom
I agree. What I'm saying is I don't think the rest of the country or party is going to let him do this. We can already see fierce protests in Russia over what he is doing.
I have no doubt that he would try to take down everyone and everything with him. I just don't think others in his party are going to let him start a Nuke war. Its their A$$es as well on the line. He may have gone insane, but the rest of the nation hasn't.
Aly Rustom
I think you just offended every Freakshow on the planet my friend.
There is zero excuse for this kind of war in the 21st century. Putin needs to go to the Hague.
And which kind of wars are excused... this is just one in many which have already taken place.
Maybe Japan should send some "peace-keeping" troops into the Russian held islands to help keep the peace. They could start by bombing the islands to help keep the peace.
the Balfour Declaration, Treaty of Versaille, India & Pakistan, Korea, Vietnam, and and and... ah! but those changes were made by 'the good guys'!
There's been some debate in previous posts about whether or not Japan is a "heavy hitter" on the global stage. Having the 3rd biggest economy should have some bearing on it, but let's take a quote from the article:
"Abe prioritized relations with Russia under his "illusions" that Putin was eager in the territorial negotiations"
With this kind of schoolboy cluelessness from the supposed top talents in the country, how can Japan hope to be taken seriously, let alone considered heavy hitters?
How's life in the country which nobody in the world cares about? Good isn't it?
Nobody who cares about such tiny damned islands cares about you to begin with.
Japan can act aggressively; the defense agreement with the US gives them the biggest stick in any fight.