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© 2013 AFPAbe: China radar-lock on Japan ship 'dangerous'
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Compare Abe's restrained response with what China would have come out with had it been the other way round. Shame on China.
Akemi Mokoto
The UN has to do something about this before all hell breaks loose. China is being a childish bully and Japan is trying its hardest not to rain fiery hell down upon them. Kudos to Japan.
Battleships enegaged in confrontation, I think thats standard protocol.
It seems that China really rather wants to start war whatever than maintains peace.
BOTH countries need to show restraint and stop escalating. There is no doubt this move was stupid on the part of the Chinese, and ups the ante, but talks about 'firing on Chinese ships' by Japan last week certainly helped stoke the fires that currently burn. China won't fire unless fired upon first -- and that's why any 'warning shots' would be dangerous; Beijing would just call it an attack.
Regardless, this will go one of two ways: Japan saying what it's said on the issue and doing nothing, or b) them next time putting a Chinese ship in radar lock as a tit-for-tat response. The latter will just lead to China upping the ante again, so I hope as the posters above claim Japan really does have restraint enough to hold off.
What part of "The Chinese ship locked on the Japanese ship" do you not understand? China is escalating the issue despite calls for restraint.
It's quite good tactics for Abe to persuade people to support his constitution change bid!
Tyler Vandenberg
As long as Japan keeps isolating itself from allies China will keep getting bolder.
It is Japan's territory. If they don't defend it then China will just move in and claim the old "possession is nine-tenths". A few warning shots now could save having to actually fight Chinese troops posted on the island in a few months. Try adopting a viewpoint longer than "right now". I don't like Abe, but I agree with him on this one.
China is assuming Japan will not escalate the situation because a full scale confrontation with China will cause a severe economic crisis for the world. Based on China's actions and the progressive nature of those actions, confrontation appears to be inevitable.
China is also afraid of the involvement of the ICS, so they are trying to get the Japanese government to walk away from the islands like some of the left leaning newspapers here in Japan are suggesting.
Japan needs to bring China's case, if not China itself, before the ICS and get all the facts on the table.
Nathaw, diplomacy and compromise are not in China's interests. They have no legal basis for the islands, so they are trying to scare Japan away. If they were interested in diplomacy or compromise, they would have gone to the ICS to prevent the sale of the islands or to reclaim them. If Japan capitulates on these islands, expect China to push again the next time China eyes something that isn't theirs.
I am actually proud of the restraint showed by Japan in the face of the stupidity shown by China. Keep it up, but don't let them get the jump on you. Defend yourselves.
America has its 7th Fleet here and they are truly a formidable force but the truth is we can't cover every nook and cranny of Japan. It's surrounded be water. The Chinese don't want your country. The want to see you blown off the face of the map. The Chinese also know that's its not the people of Japan who are wishing for this. It's the government, in TOKYO.
I encourage some of you to protest your own governments actions. You have to fix the real problem. It's that or put your lives and everything you love in the hands of a few old men.
I know you think I'm against Japan on this conflict but right now I'd rather not see the beautiful part of your society plunged into darkness.
This is going to end in tears.
A radar-lock is nothing to worry about compared to a phaser-lock.
Nope, There is no war, and once, this is escalation was carried out by the Chinese side. Again, Japan behaves like the adult in the situation, and the Chinese communist government like an irresponsible bully.
That would be excellent advice for your average poor, downtrodden Chinese citizen. Sadly for them, the last time they tried to protest anything about their own government the communists rolled out the tanks and ran them over.
Which part is that FPS? I've been reading your posts for a year now and don't believe I've ever seen you have a pleasant word for Japan.
Elbuda Mexicano
China just wants ATTENTION, you know, kind of like the stupid games North Korea does for attention.
Before the 911(Japan nationalizes the island), china protested fiercely. Even president Hu warned PM japan not to do it in a meeting just a day before 911. But Japan paid no attention to it, nationalized it as planned. It is a kind of impolite, at least you should postpone it. Now China has to be firm, because the status has already been changed by Japan. A lot of guys here said china is a boiled child, but if you are Chinese , you will have a different perspective. Japan invaded china in the past , now nationalized our land, how will you feel if you are Chinese ? Communism is losing legal status in china. Believe they will fight if Japan shoot our ship. Also, the diaoyu island belongs to Taiwan . So China will defend the diaoyu firmly, like defending Taiwan . A war is option for China, but we won't shoot , wait for the Japan to start.
So says Smithy-who sounds like the voice of reason, but disguises that he means, both governments. Who would bleed their country for their ideals. The only question is, which governments ideals are for the people the most? In which case, shouldnt the debate be about democracy and communism.
It is terriority issue, have nothing to do with the communism. If china is democracy, the war may have already been started, so many Chinese support the war(so many reasons) with Japan . If the war starts , think about china's missile, I believe it may be used heavily .
Jeff Ogrisseg
The Senkaku Islands are Japanese territory, and Tokyo's administration of them is an internal matter and none of China's business. Beijing should stop interfering in the internal matters of other sovereign countries, including Taiwan.
People in china don't like communism , a lot of them are not satisfied with the society, they want change. Communism need to consolidate its ruling. Due to these domestic reason and Japan's invasion history, china is not afraid of war.
Japan said it will fire warning shot. China responded with radar lock.
China had proposed to let UN decide. What will Japan do in response?
As Chinafujianren well knows, Noda nationalized the islands because he wanted to keep the status quo of keeping Japanese citizen off the islands, to PREVENT the nationalist Ishihara from buying the islands and changing the status quo. The status quo of keeping Japanese citizens off the islands has been in place for many years.
The Chinese government is not stupid. They knew exactly why Noda nationalized the islands. The reason China claimed "aggressive change of status", while it was plainly not so, is simply because they saw a chance to gain in Chinese internal politics by exhibiting aggression towards the Japanese.
On the other hand, Japan's official line that the Senkaku (Daioyu) were claimed in 1895 (and used for a fish processing plant 1900-1940) because it was an uninhabited island, and had nothing to do with war. However this completely ignores the fact that Japan defeated the Chinese navy at the battle of Yalu river in 1894, and again at the land+sea battle of Weihaiwei in early 1895, resulting in full Japanese control of the seas around the Senkakus (Daioyu). If China had won the naval war, it is unthinkable that a fish processing plant would have built on the island.
Both China and Japan are deceiving themselves, and each other. It's not uncommon for people anywhere to pander to their egos rather than listen to their common sense or think about boring responsible things. What makes this particular instance so notable is the size of the LOSE in the LOSE-LOSE situation they are falling into.
This issue is typical of the Chinese people's character. Since the Second World War, Japan has donated or provided billions of Yen zero interest loans to the Chinese. Much of their technology was given by Japan also. The Chinese government and its people are truly shameful. If it was not for the Japanese government and people, the Chinese people would still be eating one bowl of rice a day with pickles and riding bicycles. The UN charter has confirmed the Senkaku Islands belong to Japan and the only issue is China needs its people to look outside of China while the Chinese government pillage their country and their family members enjoy the good life in our countries. If the Chinese think their country is the best, may I suggest get your bottoms out of Japan, Europe and North America. Study in your crappy universities, eat your poisoned rice and veggies and buy your own fake garbage. The Chinese character really comes out, win at any price, the rest of the world can go to hell... I do not buy anything made in China if I can identify it and I suggest the rest of the world do the same. There are options around for most things.
Chinafujianren, does it really matter if some right wing members of the parliament instigated the purchase of islands? I imagine there was some collusion going on. The government was right to purchase the islands because if Ishihara's city government owned the islands, the tension would be worse.
Political tricks are ugly, but they are common in democracies.
At least now, the Japanese government can keep the right wingers from causing too much trouble by keeping them off of the islands.
Did Chinese citizens even know about these islands before the newspapers in China started making an issue of the islands? Newspapers by the way that are controlled largely by the Chinese government and told what and what not to report.
Here are the recent sentiments of the U.S. Navy chief of intelligence in the Pacific:
''In my opinion, China is knowingly, operationally and incrementally seizing maritime rights of its neighbors under the rubric of a maritime history that is not only contested in the international community but has largely been fabricated by Chinese government propaganda bureaus in order to 'educate' the populous about China's rich maritime history, clearly as a tool to sustain the Party's control.''
China's attitude was undoubtedly expansionist, he said – ''what's mine is mine, and we'll negotiate what is yours''.
I fear 'radar-lock' is going to become phrase of the month like 'fiscal cliff' was last month. :-)
Well said Paulmqs. I do the same.
Abe, brave enough to play with fire, and fear of taking dire consequence.
Victory Nippon
Assemble the Banzai Squad let's attack the Chinese radar ship
OssanAmerica: "China is escalating the issue despite calls for restraint."
Unlike you, I understand this quite well, and the reasons WHY they are doing what they are doing -- in response to Japan's provocations despite their own calls for restraint. You don't say, "We are going to do our best to deepend ties with China and mend fences" then turn around, promise to rescind an apology, and suggest your going to fire on ships or planes that enter the disputed space and not expect China to respond. All of you who seem to think this is a one-way street are just as bad as you proclaim China to be in terms of ignorance and childishness. You DO know you need two to tango, right?
tian4670: "Abe, brave enough to play with fire, and fear of taking dire consequence."
Exactly! But some on here would have you believe Japan is nothing but an innocent victim in the whole DISPUTE (which takes more than one party).
Please tone down the borderline racist rhetoric - you are simply showing your emotions are getting to you whilst providing no argument. This dispute has to do with MANY issues - it has nothing to do with racial/national "character". Blame the government and the ideology, sure - but don't try to turn this into a racial issue. I mean - do rational people blame the German "character" for the outrages of WW2? Or the Japanese "character" for their barbarity in the pacific war? This notion of blaming a "national character" has been discredited for a long time and is only brought up these days by reactionary racists.
The fact that millions of people of Chinese origin are leading positive lives in free and democratic nations - as businesspeople, politicians, students, mums and dads (most of whom likely condemn the regime in China) further disproves your nonsense.
Well stated. Most people in every country in the world are likely good people. I know as many nice Chinese people as I do Japanese people. Its a big difference to discuss a state or to people. So I guess one question could be: If one single individual vote for a political party that takes government in a country and another single individual vote for a political party that loses, are they equally responsible for what their government does? What about the people of China?
Except when it comes to nationalism. I've met far more knee-jerk nationalists from China, despite meeting many wonderful Chinese.
Can only hope and prayer that this all stops soon and somehow the dispute is resolved with both agreeing to a end. I think the subject has changed to, how to stop these actions and than back to the original subject.
To hell with the UN. They are not the world government and they are probably the ones actually behind wars. I don't mean the people from each nation that go to talk and vote, but those who control from behind the scenes. They would love everyone to have to come to them , as that is why they were created... to be the world government controlled by the banksters. You can never trust power hungry people. they are addicted and always want more. If Japan and China had any guts, they would sit down together and share the stupid islands
smithinjapanFeb. 06, 2013 - 06:08PM JST
So, in your infinite wisdom, what provocations? There haven't been any in the news recently.
Saul Schimek
"Maoism With Chinese Characteristics" is more like it. Which is pretty much Robber Baron capitalism in the old style.
China is pressing hard. they are not going to like the response
Only a fool wishes for war. That applies to both Chinese and Japanese hawks hoping for conflict.
Bottom like China, the islands were handed by my country, to Japan. Case closed. So knock it off and lets get on with some collaborative ideas about how to take advantage of the resources around those islands in a way that benefits all of Asia.
Or be foolish, go to war with Japan and then my country as well, as we will no doubt support Japan.
Bottom line Japan. You need to hold your ground but do so in a way that does not lead to conflict. Conflict will harm everyone involved. Restraint is the word. Keep the hawks in a box and shut them up.
America. Your job is to continue to encourage both to be restrained. And support the legal claim of Japan to these islands when it goes before the global courts.
Maoism? You sound as if you slept throught the last decades. This is not about Maoism any more. This is pure, robust, Chinese imperialism.
When all is said and done, an investigative team looking into a firefight between two military vessels and seeing that one side had a lock-on the other will conclude that this act was sufficient to constitute engagement. In other words, the craft being locked on (or their support) would be justified in attacking the first craft.
It's pretty much the oldest rule of distance weapons: Don't aim at something you don't intend to shoot.
If someone claims that the rose bush by your fence belongs to them, it doesn't matter that their family owned that patch of land forever, or even at all). As long as you filed your paperwork correctly, the land is recognized as yours. If this person keeps jumping into your yard to steal roses, turning the hose on him is probably the least aggressive attack you can make. If he starts turning up on your yard carrying weapons, you are justified in doing considerably more.
The kicker is that even if this guy is standing on your lawn carrying weapons, you can still tell him that this is your property, and that if he does not get out, you will defend it. You can even tell him that if he tries to threaten you again, you will shoot him (you can also tell him you will fire a warning shot, but really, if the guy is foolish enough, that would only encourage him). Even having told him that you will use deadly force to protect your territory, you are still on the good side of the law. Why?
Because you haven't actually done anything. You haven't actually engaged him. You haven't put him in a position where a reasonable observer would conclude he was in fear of his life.
Unlike, say, if this person then pulls out the gun and takes aim at your head. Taking aim at you with a weapon is engagement. Any reasonable observer will conclude that you are in an extremely dangerous position. What the shooter intends is irrelevant. Whether he fires or not only determines the additional crimes he will have committed. Just by itself, the sheer act of pointing a weapon at someone, is considered not just aggressive, but actual engagement. No one will care if you claim you never meant to fire.
This was a very, very, foolish move on China's part, and I can't help but think that the fault may lie in their extremely inefficient chain-of-command system, one through which a message has to pass through so many hands that by the time the data arrives, it may be too late. This act, the locking on with a weapons system, the only reason people are referring to this as an escalation is because no one fired and the US is trying to retire from the global cop business. In any other civilized country, pointing a weapon at someone means that the aggressor is going to be arrested and tried, regardless of whether he fired or not.
Climate change earthquakes and rapid depletion of worlds resources.<>
We are not living in a perfect world anymore. China's greed and desperation is unspeakable cannot be ignored or the whole planet earth will be destroyed. Go to china and drink their local water or melamine tainted milk. They have polluted their own country and now illegally claiming for more territories to pollute.
No you don't understand this at all. The Chinese government themselves have denied any knowledge of this act which suggests a far more dangerous situation, that the PLAN may have acted on it's own. I would refer to the historical scenarios where the military did not maintain subservience to civilian control and what that lead to, but the mods here seem to consider any reference to fascism to be vulgar/offensive to the extent that the discussion is being manipulated.
Many people make a point for boycott another coubtry products but world is not that simple. We have to care for eachother. Still... Their philosophy of selling garbage is maintained. Im not talking about foreing factorues
Every time Abe opens his mouth something dangerous comes out, why is he complaining?
This is indeed a very dangerous situation within PRC now they have a power struggle between the Politburo and the party military(PLA). Since the General Secretary is new at his seat there is a possibility that he had not had the chance to secure the vital chockpoints of the military.
PLA had been sending out outlandish messages to their troops like prepare for conflict. I can only hope that the generals are not foolish enough wanting more power within the party in which can only lead to a coup like in Japan in the 30's.
Unlike you, I understand this quite well, and the reasons WHY they are doing what they are doing -- in response to Japan's provocations despite their own calls for restraint.
So, in your infinite wisdom, what provocations? There haven't been any in the news recently.
I like smithinjapan's comments too. He seems to be an expert on just about every thing that's happening in the world, because every time I check the comments on any story at all on this site, there he is, telling Japan what it needs to do to shape up.
You do realize that this incident took place while your favorite party leader (Komeito) was visiting China, right?
What Japan is doing is basically monitoring INCREASED presence of Chinese vessels which any normal country will do given the same scenario. But the only difference here is that it's China that radar-locked Japanese vessels twice so any person with common sense would agree that it's China that is doing all the provoking.
As to the alleged "warning shots" that Japan will fire if infringed upon, this turned out to be a false report by Asahi for Defense Minister never stated such a thing. Even China's Communist paper reported that Asahi indeed misrepresented the minister's statements.
So who's doing the provoking here?
Japan's battleship used radar locking system first. It is Japan who casts the first stone. Japanese occupied the Diaoyu Island by a ridiculous government purchasing action. This is shameless invasion of other people's property.
Tony Ew
"Abe’s comments come a day after Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera announced weapon-targeting radar had been directed at the Japanese vessel in international waters of the East China Sea last week."
Excuse me PM Abe. WHY is Japan's navy STALKING Chinese ship IN INTERNATIONAL WATER? If somebody STALK you DO YOU JUST SIT BACK AND DO NOTHING? Are you making a PRETEXT to BAIT Chinese ship to fire first and start a war?
I think US should revise the security treaty with Japan if a PATTERN of Japanese tricks to bait China to shoot first results in a war AND NOT DEFEND Japan IN THIS SCENARIO.
Tony Ew
The alleged statement by Onodoera turned out to be a false reporting by Asahi in which even the Chinese Communist paper People's Daily reported the error on January 16th.
As to your assertion that these events occurred in international waters, this is incorrect. Due to the narrowness of East China Sea itself, practically the whole area is covered by EEZ of both Japan and China hence any presence of naval activity by both nations are monitored by each other which is standard in most nations.
With all due respect Bao.2ye, you have been misinformed.
Japan has owned the Diaoyu Islands for decades. Before the Japanese government purchased them they were owned by a private Japanese citizen. It is convenient for people to start the story with the Japanese government's purchase, but since the Chinese claim to the islands requires one to go back about a hundred years I find it a tiny bit hypocritical to try and leapfrog all the history between now and then.
This is not the first time China has attempted to "reclaim" these islands. In fact it is about the 5th (although others may reach a higher count, I'm consolidating each "campaign" into a single attempt). To claim that Japan started this is... well, it is ridiculous.
It should also be noted that Japan did not acquire the islands from China, instead Japan bought islands from China long ago, lost them to the U.S. during WW2, and the U.S. then granted them to Japan. The most recent previous owner of the islands is the U.S., not China as you may have been informed. These islands were "spoils of war", a concept that China must be familiar with since that is how most of modern China was acquired.
Japan may or may not have engaged a weapons lock at some point, I doubt they'd admit it if they did, so I admit there is the possibility that it may have happened. However since the Chinese vessels were trespassing in Japanese territorial waters (in terms of Japanese and International law) they were entirely within their rights to do so if they did. China undeniably engaged a weapons lock at least twice, and did so in Japanese territorial waters. Tell me, in all honesty, what would China do if a Japanese ship did this in Chinese waters? I'm pretty certain that the Chinese military would blow them out of the water first and ask questions later.Oh, and SmithinJapan, Japan has shown the patience of a saint, has repeatedly attempted to de-escalate, and every time has been greeted with more and more severe provocations. What you seem to ignore is that China used these exact same tactics in the Philippines a couple of years ago, and acquired the disputed islands there using these tactics. There is no question here that China has been emboldened by this success, and sees itself as above international law. If they are not stopped now this tactic will be repeated endlessly until Idaho is under Chinese control. I would remind you that after WW2 all the historians agreed that had Hitler been stopped when he attempted to annex Austria WW2 might not have happened at all. Someone needs to draw a line in the sand (or water in this case), and say, "This far and no further.". If that means sinking a couple of Chinese ships now to prevent billions dying in WW3 then I'd say that is a VERY reasonable price to pay.
Correction. The islands were never acquired from China. It was simply incorporated by Japan under terra nullius for China throughout history never exercized effective control of the islands.
Another thing to note here is that there are reports flying around that China's radar lock occurred during the DPJ administration PRIOR to Japan purchasing the islands.
Yes, let's ignore what the article says and just make something up.
The 3 islands the Japanese government purchased were bought from Japanese civilians. Furthermore the Japanese government has always owned one of the islands. Did you know there were 5 of them?
Stalking? From 3 km away?
You can think whatever you'd like Tony Ew, but please read the article I posted above. Essentially it should lead you to the conclusion that your suggestion has something less than an ice cube's chance in hell of ever happening.
More importantly, how do you explain the Chinese government's statement that they knew nothing about it? Do you agree that there exists the possibility of the PLAN acting on their own without government approval? Or Did the Chinese government knowingly do this and they are simply lying?
To add cabadaje's post,
"President Clinton, asked about the shooting during a press conference at the White House, sought to minimize the incident's significance, saying that the attack was carried out under "standard rules of engagement."
"If radar locks onto our airplanes, our airplanes are authorized to take action," the President told reporters. "This has happened a number of times. I wouldn't read too much into it."
Though the "tensions" between these conflicts are night and day, people need to be aware that radar locks in general is not something you can dismiss casually as "routine".
What provocation next? Till "Japan hit first!", China won't stop trying. Guess what's been cooking.
To solve this , need political wisdom. maybe we should have a rule : no navy and Air Force is allowed in the island region. this would assure that this issue would not lead to war. but I don't think Abe is going to do it. he is the nationalist .
people here think the J government buy the islands , in order to better manage them. but is there possibility that the J government is working with isihara to buy the islands? do you believe that isihara don't have any communication with j government before proposing buying the island ? the purpose is to let the government buy it. if Ishihara buy the islands , do you think he really plan to build facility on it? I doubt about it. Ishihara don't want to buy the islands, he want the government to buy it. he is working with government .
people think these islands belong to Japan . think about it . why the US only hand the administration right to Japan ? if it belongs to Japan, why not hand the sovereignty to Japan?? Japan is the ally of US.
we sometimes don't use our mind. we all some kinds of nationalist. that is the reason why war happens. we are irrational and emotional in the territory issue.
Japanese pretended to be bullied by China. Japan's short term goal is to find an excuse to increase their military power. The long term goal of Japan is to become a military super power again and invade other Asian countries, like what they did in WWII.
Actually, U.S. did give sovereignty to Japan, initially.
"assumes full responsibility and authority for the exercise of all and any powers of administration, legislation and jurisdiction over the territory and inhabitants of the said islands"
What happened was, when China started to claim the territory, U.S. took the position on the position of "neutrality" and recognized the administration part.
This radar locking by China is quite serious no. This Chinitos will never stop nor listen to any one. Btw, I wonder if that instrument used to Radar locked the Japanese ship and plane were sold by USA...
It will be impossible for the two countries to initiate any talk because Japan has already closed the door by saying that "there is no dispute over the Islands". If there is no dispute, what are they going to talk about? And Mr. Abe can not go back on his words because he will be seen as coward and unreliable by his people. The Chinese will ask themselves: why should they talk to Japan if there's no dispute.
Article states "weapon-targeting radar had been directed at the Japanese vessel in international waters"
You only hear the Japanese propaganda version. Why were Japanese vessel so close to the Chinese vessel in the international waters? There is no reason for Japanese vessel to be there. The Chinese boats were not inside the Senkaku/Daioyu boundaries. It might be that Japanese Self Defense boat were trying to intimidate the Chinese playing cat and mouse game and it backfired and Japanese are crying foul. If you want to play a grown up game in international waters, stop crying. China has every right to be there.
nigelboy Feb. 07, 2013 - 02:46AM JST Actually, U.S. did give sovereignty to Japan, initially.
Huh? Initially when? Why don't you send me a link. U.S. never released a statement indicating the sovereignty for Japan.
Tony Ew
@kwattFeb. 06, 2013 - 12:26PM JST
@lbuda MexicanoFeb. 06, 2013 - 03:15PM JST
People should get real! China is telling the Stalker Japan to buzz off. I suppose you will do so in similar situation.
Will you fall asleep when the Japanese navy is two miles away? I like to know if you welcome being harassed.
@OssanAmerica 2 miles away is less than 9 seconds to get hit by a missile. Physical distance does not count as much given the speed of being attacked ... in seconds! When you stalk someone you are inside the Comfort Zone of that party.
@Kobuta ChanFeb. 07, 2013 - 02:57AM JST
Nobody laughing.
Don't be naive! This is big boy politics and there is more than meets the eye. Japan is a master in PR to confuse people's thinking. Perhaps Japanese war history will help you understand better how the Japanese government operate.
China may well be a Two Headed Hydra! The PLA and the civilian government may not always act in unison. There is a serious danger the PLA may take unilateral actions when it think immediate action is needed instead of waiting for Mr Xi to give orders. So folks, you are dealing with an unpredictable government in China. Better not mess around with a MAD man like N Korea! Article shows Japan STALKING Chinese ship. WHY is Japan not the aggressor? The world should see through Japan's dirty tricks playing victim while in fact is actually the aggressor!
" According to Japan’s Asahi Shimbun newspaper, which cited Japanese Defense Ministry officials, the Chinese vessel and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ship were less than two miles apart when the radar was used."
@nigelboy There is NO 200 miles EEZ when the Chinese ships transit that area just like there is NO EEZ rights re ships transiting the Straits of Malacca, the Hormuz Straits in Iran or the Bosphorus Straits in Turkey. WHY is Japanese navy ONLY 2 MILES away? Looking for trouble? Obviously Japan is BAITING a first shot from China. I hope people are not that naive!
False reporting? I doubt it when Abe further commented on it.
One could easily replace "Japanese" with "Chinese" in the above quote. But again, the fundamental difference here is that it was the Chinese who locked radar on Japanese vessels and it looks like they been doing them before the government purchase of the islands.
And why are you talking about "Straits" as if this is some disruption of a commercial/commerce activity?
nigelboy Feb. 07, 2013 - 06:38AM JST But again, the fundamental difference here is that it was the Chinese who locked radar on Japanese vessels and it looks like they been doing them before the government purchase of the islands.
What is your Japanese version of what led up to the incident the international waters? You only hear the propanganda version of Japan, but what led to Chinese action in the last 60 minutes before the lock radar? Who is the real instigator? Do you have facts?
It appears neither does the Foreign Ministry of China.
No, I don't like it all all. If the harasser turns violent, for instance when they point a weapon at me, I would definitely take action. If I was in danger of imminent conflict, I would counter as well as I could. If the situation did not turn violent, I would call the authorities and have the person arrested.
The first question they would ask is if the person illegally trespassed on my property. I would say yes, and I would show the proper documents. The stalker can complain all he likes that it is his property, but if he can't support his claim, off he goes to jail, and when he gets out, he gets a stay-away order from the judge. He isn't getting out anytime soon, though. A stalker is one thing; a person who pulls out a weapon is another more serious thing.
A person who actually aims a weapon at another person is another level altogether, and will be tried as a dangerous criminal.
Also, when you stalk someone, you always have a tendency to believe that you know what's best for the person you are stalking. Indeed, if they refuse to acknowledge your love for them and your desire for their safety...well, sometimes you have to hurt the ones you love to keep them safe, right?
I didn't know it was loaded! I just wanted to scare them!
Not anymore, no. Tell the rest of the 50-Cent Gang that this isn't a joke anymore. China may just have achieved what it thought it had all along; China may have just gotten the global countries to pay attention to it.
As Saddam how well that turned out.
Really? Because it seems less like strategic PR and more like one head doesn't know what the other head is doing.
Oh, wait...
Yeah, China doesn't know its ass from its elbow. Even their internet cheerleaders can't keep their arguments straight.
Sorry, but that masterful PR attempt to make us think we were talking about N. Korea failed, and we still remember that we were talking about China.
And yes, China has finally shown, with the radar lock-on, that it is not stable. Either there is no understanding of the gravity of the situation at the global level, or there is no communication between the military and the government, or the Chinese government truly does intend to engage in war. There is really no other option that I can think off, and the only peaceful resolution I can find is for China to admit they went too far with the weapon lock-on, which I cannot see them doing. Unfortunately, they have painted themselves into a political corner, and did not allow themselves an escape route that would help them save face.
Tony Ew
@nigelboyFeb. 07, 2013 - 06:38AM JST
OK the best way to answer your question is to ask the Defense Minister of Japan the log of the Japanese navy ship. What is the sailing direction and was it designed to park next to the Chinese ship? That seems like aggression to me. Find out if Chinese ship is just PASSING through the sea which is international water. Even though you say it is less than 200 miles it does not give Japan the right to interfere with Free Passage, that is what I mean. So my question is, is the Chinese ship LOITERING over there OR the Japanese ship PURPOSELY STALKING the Chinese ship? Ditto the helicopter incident. I am very suspicious of Japanese actions given cunning war historical moves. If Japan really can prove China is loitering in the area why don't Japan report it? Besides I think it is rather silly for just ONE Chinese navy ship to be loitering there. Must be a Japanese trap!
I don't know about Chinese ships locking radar on Japanese ships way back. I talk about the Straits with regard to Free Passage here. I am sure I read the ship was in international waters, not in Japan's EEZ.
" I am very suspicious of Japanese actions given cunning war historical moves"
Yes. Hence, your wild imagination and scenario. I guess it boils down to which nation is more credible in the eyes of the world. With Japan being peaceful for nearly 70 years with no foreign civilian deaths by SDF, I tend to think China has a long way to build up "credibility"
It's no wonder the Chinese still harp on the history of IJA.
Tony Ew
Calm down, just like Noda like to say, Calm down!
First of all me no 50 cents party. Ask FBI , NSA. They never find any record of me being a Commie, so please get your facts straight.
I am telling you the Chinese leadership may not be as disciplined as in the West, so the Two Headed Hydra entity may not be a 'logical' entity because the person you are supposed to talk to and could do bad things is in the shadow pulling the strings, oh maybe Mr Ziang Zemin, Mr Hu etc, they might have some leverage, so maybe even become a Three Headed Hydra!
No, you get it all wrong again! Japan is the instigator and a master in covering her tracks. It should not be very hard to understand as you see in my post to nigelboy above. WHY should ONE Chinese navy ship in the vicinity of Japanese navy base PURPOSELY radar lock a Japanese navy? THAT looks like SUICIDE to me if the Chinese ACTUALLY shoot, make sense to you? I like to hear your logic. The ONLY reason the radar lock is done is to tell the Japanese to BUZZ OFF. This is international water!
Like you can read Chinese minds! Even if China is unstable, two head or three head hydra, the decision to radar lock could have being in the Manuals, Standard Operating Procedure OR a DIRECT permission from Mr Xi himself. I wouldn't want to be a mind reader here like you seems so sure about.
Tony Ew
@nigelboy Feb. 07, 2013 - 08:35AM JST
" I am very suspicious of Japanese actions given cunning war historical moves"
You better believe this is not wild imagination. Just ask the Vietnamese whenever there is a dispute to comment on, they will bring back hundreds of years of history!
So no, this is not my wild imagination. Given Abe wish to change the constitution to be more militant is this my wild imagination? Looks like Japan pre Imperial time again but it will take a while to get that bad if ever. You see the bad economic times is a big factor in Japan militancy before and it may repeat now as Japan economy is not doing very well for quite a while already.
70 years with no foreign death means nothing because Japan cannot have offensive weapons. But if Abe changes the Constitution who knows what's next. I don't expect Imperial Japan again but this time any war will be missiles and drones inflicting massive damage, especially given Japan have tons of plutonium!
My imagination is no different than US, Israel, S Korea worries over Iran or N Korea having nukes. Sure you can understand this. Will Japan be willing to be audited for her plutonium stock? Audit to make sure no offensive missile launch vehicles? Japan already have the Epsilon Launch Vehicle for further testing this year, so very very easy for Japan to become more militant at short notice. Yes, Ishihara will be very happy for a nuked armed Japan!
We are digressing here. Perhaps you can ask somebody to contact Japan Defence Ministry and figure out WHY the Japanese ship is so close to the Chinese ship. We all want to know who is at fault.
No. Only if you were constantly fed with exaggerated history by China since childhood. But, it doesn't matter. The more China behaves this way, the easier for Japan to revise the current constitution and become a "normal" country with the right of collective self defense pursuant to the U.N. Charter with blessing from the international community(of course, not including China and her tributary state in the peninsula)
You mean like what China is planning on doing now? WWII ended 70 years ago pork bun.
Tony, even if you think Japanese ships were shadowing Chinese ones in international waters, which do you think is more aggressive, signaling intent to follow, or signaling intent to fire, because that's what radar lock means.
Also "is Japan prepared to be audited for its plutonium stocks?". A valid question, but very ironic coming from someone whose country is closed about all details of defense spending, and whose military isn't even under the control ofthe government.
Did US own that Island? Did US has authority to transfer any land to whoever they want? It is a wild west theory.
tkoind2Feb. 06, 2013 - 09:18PM JST
In the perfect world, it may be true. Not in the real world. That dispute has existed since 1960s. It is making more noise now.
Do you know America signed as withness between Japan and ROC(Taiwan) treaty of Taipei. Therefore America is very relutant to involve that conflict. It is legally and morally corrupted for breaking the rules of treaty.
Abe abolish Article 9
It does? In other words, you know the sailing direction, and you know it was inevitably headed directly to the Chinese ship (something which is mind-boggling, considering that these ships are designed for warfare at great distances)?
Or no, wait...
This is one of those "Factual References with No Lies", isn't it? One of those things the rest of us call "opinion"? As in: "In my opinion, the mere existence of the JSDF constitutes a direct aggressive provocation of war towards China."
Ships that are just passing through have absolutely no reason to lock-on to crafts that are nowhere near a collision course with them.
2 miles of separation between two ships is way above safe passage minimums. Even for military ships. Even for military ships whose countries are engaged in a staring contest. The person who blinks first loses. China blinked, panicked, and drew a gun. Twice. China lost the game it started.
This is not too different from the previous comment of:
Sounds good. Let's look at Japanese war history. Heck, let's go all the way back to the last war they lost, WWII. How has Japan been acting since then, over the last 70 years? Have they aggressively engaged other countries in combat? Have they seized territory other countries considered their own and controlled them through the use of the military? Have they threatened other countries with nuclear warfare, or accused other countries of possibly being nuclear dangers, or threatened these other countries with invasion if they refused to break their treaties with other countries?
Just to be fair, let's ask the same questions about China. Heck, let's be more than fair. We won't even go back 70 years. Let's just go back 50 years. Nah, that's still one generation removed. Let's go back 30 years, so that the victims are still alive (the lucky ones, anyway). How does China's war history compare to Japan's, even if we spot China a 40 year gimmee?
Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be posting so much in all caps. If I can't type without shouting, gracious, people might think I was getting all excited or something, instead of actually countering presented points, pointing out ludicrous logic, and making it clear when I was giving my opinion (not a fact) on a subject. And gosh, if I'm panicking, why, that must mean that anything I say should be ignored, whereas yourself, who can calmly point out the panic, should be considered the paragon of reason.
Tony, you are insulting our collective intelligence. Stop with the first-year evasion tactics and discuss like an adult.
Oh, I did. I have them on speed dial, right after my good friend Barry. I called them up and asked them if Tony Ew was in the 50-Cent party, and they answered back right away "Yep! Sure is." (then they apologized for monitoring my internet traffic and went back to monitoring my internet traffic).
So, there you go...Factual reference...
No lie...
So, should we go back to actually discussing things that can be reasonably or logically deduced from the information available to all of us, or should we keep on speculating, since that seems to be reaping so many rewards?
You seem very surprised. Has it occurred to you that if every one of your posts numbers in the negatives, and out of all this time you can count the number of people that agree with you on one hand, perhaps the problem is not the overwhelming majority of people here, but rather just...well, you?
You can keep being surprised that no one understands you, but the rest of us can see at least two other options. The first is that you really are hard to understand, particularly your convoluted and somewhat random attempts at logic. The second is that other do actually understand. They just completely disagree with you. Just because you can clearly explain your conclusion doesn't mean anyone is obligated to think it is correct.
Tony Ew
No man, I am made in good 'ole USA! A little in your face sometimes for many people's liking.
Let me ask you how should the Chinese ship respond? This is not like two jets with pilots EXCHANGING SMILES like US and Russians did in the Cold War. How do you communicate to ask the other guy to BUZZ OFF? This is not the first time. It happened with the helicopter incident earlier. There is a Comfort Zone one cannot get in or risk serious confrontation eg US spy plane got damaged and land in Hainan Island in 2001 The Comfort Zone could be defined as a 15 second missile hitting his ship whether from a helicopter OR a Japanese navy ship. With this defensive criteria you can see the Chinese ship is NOT aggressive at all! The Chinese captain may fear the Japanese ship may paint him and attack his ship FIRST! There are other posters who mention this is not such a big deal like a phaser radar lock, so I have no expertise here, just quite routine. In any case the Chinese captain knows better so he did not fire, just to give an unmistakable warning not to get too close.
Perhaps you can also read this the other way round. The Chinese captain may think if the Japanese radar lock his ship, this is like about a 9 second window for self defense, SO he think this is too dangerous for his own survival, THUS he radar lock the Japanese ship first. Make sense?
I am trying to show there is a PATTERN of Japanese Aggressive Behaviour. I don't know WHY people don't get it! First Japan send EIGHT F15 military jets (!) to chase off a SMALL Chinese propeller plane for 'intrusion'. Harass Taiwanese boats a couple of weeks back outside the 12 miles coastal waters. I don't know what it takes to get people to realise Japanese behaviour is too extreme! Can only be interpreted at itching for war, baiting China to attack first!
Be smart, be well, folks.
Who will be the beneficiary if there is a war between Japan and China? Think.
House Atreides
Well, you've failed. On the other hand China has attacked and seized Tibet, East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia and the Paracel Islands. China also attempted to seize Damansky Island and the northern part of Vietnam by force. Now the Chinese are threatening to seize lands from Vietnam, Japan and the Philippines. The real aggressor is China and its pattern of aggressive behavior seems very clear to me.
when a child misbehaves, you remove their toys.
Tony Ew
@House Atreides
Like you know history in that part of the world very well? China in fact is VERY CIVILIZE! The disputes in the S China Seas can EASILY be resolved with BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS China had proposed from Day One. But WHY don't the other countries, especially Philippines, Vietnam agree?
The Japanese goverment should release the flight pattern logs of the Japanese navy ships and the helicopter that were radar locked so we can see if there was INTENTIONAL pretext to FORCE a response from China BAITING her to fire the first shot. I have to remind people Japan master the Playbook of Deceit from observations of wars conducted by Japan in history.
Tony Ew
I wonder why nobody comment on this post .
I must be doing something right exposing Japan's true intentions ie to set up China to fire the first shot! AlexNoaburg got plenty of negative votes as well. Guess people don't like to hear the possibility that Japan is the real aggressor cloaked as victim!
Tony Ew Feb. 08, 2013 - 12:08AM JST China in fact is VERY CIVILIZE! The disputes in the S China Seas can EASILY be resolved with BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS China had proposed from Day One. But WHY don't the other countries, especially Philippines, Vietnam agree?
Maybe this is the reason why Japanese don't trust Chinese for possiblity of negotiation over Senkaku/Daioyu issues. Why would China build on Sansha before any peaceful negotiations? Why don't China tell you about how Vietnam and Philippines, and how resentful the fact that China has built a town in disputed island in South China Sea. What negotiations are you talking about? China has built on disputed waters without resolvement in negotiations, and they are claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and other neighbors. The Philippines does not recognize the city or its jurisdiction, and Vietnam said China's actions violated international law. Sansha was stolen. As you notice, Japan is not building on Senkaku/Daioyu, but China is and you call it very civilized?
Tony Ew
We may be off topic here, but briefly it is because Vietnam drill drill drill in disputed waters off the Gulf of Tonkin, bringing in India, Russia, US companies to cause even more tension there. Vietnam pass laws claiming the islands belongs to her and China think there is NO honest negotiating partner there, so that is what you get: Sansha!
Japan not building on Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands was a perfect balance as it should be until both sides settle the disputes. As I said, Vietnam DRILL and pass laws, that is what trigger Sansha. If Ishihara have his way to build 'tourist infrastructure' on Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands hell will break lose, so I guess Noda have no choice but to buy the islands to keep them frozen pending dispute resolution.
I have to give you the other side of the story regarding the radar lock the Chinese ship did to the Japanese navy. Chinese navy ships transit through that area on the way or back from the Western Pacific to exercise and Japanese ships and helicopter harass the Chinese! Guess you never read this news in the Japanese press. I just notice the news today. Judge for yourself.
"Li Jie, a researcher at the Chinese Naval Research Institute, told the Global Times that Japanese military vessels and aircraft have often made provocative gestures by tailing Chinese navy vessels on the high seas.
"If the reports from Japan are true, the Chinese navy vessels might have intended to prepare for further provocative acts from the Japanese side by testing their radar equipment," Li said.
Chinese navy vessels are often followed and harassed by Japanese military vessels and aircraft as soon as they leave Chinese territorial waters, a military source told the Global Times earlier."
House Artreides:
Exactly. Commentators here sometimes look a the Senkakus as an isolated problem. The bigger picture is that communist China is involved in imperialist aggression all over the region. In addition to the ones you mentioned, they are also claiming part of the Spratleys owned by Malaysia and Brunei.
I wonder if there is anybody in the neighbourhood lucky enough not to to be subject to demands from Peking.
Tony Ew:
Well, we all hope so. Now, if China could just show that, instead of playing gunboat diplomacy.
@Tony Ew. You are doing something right. I have already been contacted and asked not to voice my opinion by Japanese authorities. This is pure propaganda to incite war. It's being done by the Japanese side.
However I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about contacting American families and warning them of this manipulation by our former enemy Japan.
America needs to stay out of it.
China cannot play a rule of the world. They are all acting like children with HDDS behavioral problems..
cabadaje guys really give other people here absolutely no credit for any intelligence at all. You really believe you can type that sort of thing and people won't see through it.
Let me guess: The next step in the guidebook says-
-If accused of deception, claim it is up to readers to decide "The Truth".
-Re-emphasize lack of fear of foreign authorities, and fear of safety for family.
Tony Ew
@FPSRussiaFeb. 08, 2013 - 12:29PM JST
Thanks buddy! I am ready with 24/7 video surveillance. I have police friends, FBI next door, so if any crap come my way, the weight of the US law enforcement is going to send those guys to Alcatraz!
Tony Ew
@WilliBFeb. 08, 2013 - 11:05AM JST
I can expect this coming! Ya, China gunboat diplomacy vs Vietnam, vs Philippines right? This is not the right forum to explain further, but I commented here before. Look up my comments history and you understand why China did what she did. Basically it is a TIT FOR TAT AND CHINA IS NOT THE INSTIGATOR!
I am sorry there is a Human Psychology DISEASE where the smaller ones play REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY painting the big guy (China) in this case as bully. People should not be so naive buying their storyline, like I say a woman crying R* while really is the ORIGIN of the problem AND trying to mislead public opinions!
So it come back to the same observation here: Japan playing victim to win public opinions vs big 'bully' China! I keep on challenging Japan to tell the FULL STORY, NOT JUST SOUND BITES TO MISLEAD THE PUBLIC! Boy, people are gullible! I hope you demand to learn more too before accusing China for being really the bad boy! I welcome investigations that says China is indeed the bad boy if it can be proven!
An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind
Sun Tzu, The art of War "Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting".