Japan Today

Abe accuses China of letting Japanese firms be targeted during isle protests


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This is an important & valid point by Abe. However, I'm not sure China will appreciate being called-out like this...maybe it would be better to raise such an issue behind closed doors.

Abe already won the election, no need to keep up the rhetoric so high.

10 ( +14 / -5 )

Abe-san is right to defend the interests of the japanese people.Soon the Red Chinese will put tails between their legs and sneak out!

-4 ( +15 / -19 )

You will see who are the first to put their tails between their leg. It will be japanese.

-10 ( +13 / -23 )

Yep. A good call by Abe. It was all politically motivated by PRC. Shame on China.

4 ( +15 / -13 )

Wonder if Abe's message is aimed at the US more so than China to make sure he has their attention amid schedule conflicts disabling him to meet Obama any time soon.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Abe is demonstrating good leadership - and not only to the Japanese, but to Americans as well - ALL who have acquiesced China's bullying and internationals violations too long.

4 ( +12 / -10 )

Perfectly said Abe-san. Also, IMO it's not to late to ask the PRC a payback for the damages, monetary and moral. Or at least a sincere apology announced publicly by their premier and thus stop the crazy quest for the Japanese owned Senkakus.

2 ( +8 / -7 )

Abe, you are PM now, you no longer need to mouth off to impress your black van supporters.

I hate how this clown ia refered to as a 'hawk' by the media.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

A lot of things have come out of Abe’s mouth to provoke China and this time is very low. Have you guys ever heard Chinese PM say anything to provoke Japan? It would seem that Abe, just like a little kid, is running around digging up things to say about China.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

I'm an American of Japanese ancestry living in Hawaii and have a daughter studying in Beijing. The level of violent anti-Japanese riots in China relating to the Senkaku Island controvery according to her was very palpable. Those demonstrations were not noticeably opposed by the Chinese authorities. PM Abe has the right to criticize the Chinese government for its passive attitude towards those violent demonstrations.

15 ( +18 / -4 )

All these people saying abe can stop now he is pm? Give him a break. He is doing what he said he would.

7 ( +10 / -4 )

Give him a break. He is doing what he said he would

Yes he is ........giving backhanders to the yakuza in construction and keeping the uyoku dantai stisfied.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Abe calling a spade a spade. If the Chinese government was complicit during the rioting then they should be called out on it. They shouldn't be above reproach for their actions/inactions.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

The message in the headline differs somewhat from what he actually says. I agree to an extent with the headlines, but not with the rhetoric that follows.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Both sides are responsible but at this moment it's impossible to resolve this issue as long either one or both not willing to swallow their pride and acknowledge there are mistakes in their part and negotiate on how to avoid such issue from happening again.

It's cold war and unless one of them facing a financial crisis, it would go on until next year.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Come at your own risk. The same rhetoric that Japan shows to foreign residents should be considered for Japanese firms.

We have quite a few Pro-Japan Nationalists on this site who are ready to click. Feel free to do so if it floats your boat. If you are a sensible person who can take an objective view of this situation then you'd ask yourself "Who let the cat out of the bag? Who really let the dogs out?

China has absolutely no responsibility for the safety of Japanese citizens who live abroad. Those Japanese expats may have the life of luxury with maids, butlers and personal drivers but the police are not your private security.

It is NOT China that put these companies and their employees in harm's way. The real blame is on Ishihara and his real estate buddy who concocted this whole debacle. Preaching his own views, Ichihara, put their safety at risk.

Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.

Japan's police provide no extra security or considerations for any foreign resident living in Japan whether it be temporary or permanent. Abe shouldn't expect any different if he wants to play it that.

Abe and Japan are walking on thin ice over there. The attitude I sense is that of Pre-WWII Japan. Japanese do not represent "The Divine Race" and they never were based on their war atrocities.

It is unrealistic to complain to China's government about civil hostilities when it's your own people who are stoking the fire.

An example, but only as a reference, is when that stupid American Protestant preacher burned the Quran in protest. This upset Muslims all over the world. America's government didn't go after or complain to protect Americans with added security. We had to police our own. Those Muslims had every right to be angry. He put American lives at risk.

I believe in Freedom of Speech. However if you are a public figure you need to take responsibility and consideration when you speak out. Ishihara started this situation so it's unfair to ask China to suddenly break out Pope-Mobiles for Japanese citizens working abroad. The responsible thing to do is to police your own.

Japanese citizens working overseas were doing just fine till Japan started this.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

If every nation in this world claims all their near seas as their ' indisputable historical national blue soil' ( or their own lakes) like China then there won't be any global commons, international oceans, seas or waterways left for use for all nations in this earthly world ! Ironically, the ' so-called five-thousand-year-civilized China' is, indeed, just a rogue backward country! Oy Vey ! Blame Chairman Mao tse tsung for burning all the legal historical documents and maps of China - China's real borders are in fact stays within the confines insides China's Great Wall.

In the meanwhile in the summer of 1996, Indonesia showed the world how to deal with Chinese extra-territorial fake claims. Beijing claimed the Natuna Islands of Indonesia. Jakarta responded by holding war games involving 10,000 soldiers, 50 war ships and F16 fighter jets (present number now is 35 F-16's). Beijing has not bothered them since.

Putin blew a Chinese fishing vessel out of the water last year. FREE TIBET !

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Finaly some balls from a Japanese PM , smal they may be.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

If every nation in this world claims all their near seas as their ' indisputable historical national blue soil' ( or their own lakes) like JAPAN then there won't be any global commons, international oceans, seas or waterways left for use for all nations in this earthly world !

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Japan's police provide no extra security or considerations for any foreign resident living in Japan whether it be temporary or permanent.

Doh! Maybe@ FPSRussia, that's because foreign residents in Japan don't need any "extra security. It is not the policy of the government here to egg on mobs to attack their factories or stores.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

On Friday, Japan’s coast guard reported maritime surveillance ships were loitering in the so-called “contiguous zone”, which sits a little further out. Also Friday, Japan scrambled at least one fighter jet after a Chinese plane flew close to Japanese airspace, the defence ministry said.

Japan claimed Exclusive economic zone = 4,479,358 km2 = 12 times of it's land! Actually no other major country on earth claimed such high ratio of sea-to-land EEZ, so obviously JP will be easy to dispute with others and consequently needs more fund to strength it's coast guard power, my point is whatever Abe said is to try to get budget for Defense/ coast guard use.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

On Friday, Japan’s coast guard reported maritime surveillance ships were loitering in the so-called “contiguous zone”, which sits a little further out. Also Friday, Japan scrambled at least one fighter jet after a Chinese plane flew close to Japanese airspace, the defence ministry said.

Japan claimed Exclusive economic zone = 4,479,358 km2 = 12 times of it's land! Actually no other major country on earth claimed such high ratio of sea-to-land EEZ, so obviously JP will be easy to dispute with others and consequently needs more fund to strength it's coast guard power, my point is whatever Abe said is to try to get budget for Defense/ coast guard use.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


Japanese citizens working overseas were doing just fine till Japan started this.

Japan started what?

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Is what Abe saying true? Let's look at the facts.

In fact Chinese police did use tear gas and arrest protesters at least in one case. See The Telegraph, "China seized by second day of violent anti-Japan protests" (16 September 2012) <<[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/china/9546336/China-seized-by-second-day-of-violent-anti-]>> The government also requested its citizens to obey the law. Plainly, the Chinese government was not happy with the violence of the demonstrations.

Futhermore, it should be noted that the Noda government did make a protest at that time, demanding that China pay for the damage done to Japanese government facilities, to which China responded with a vague response.

Abe's accusation that China "deliberately allow[ed] Japanese businesses to suffer in the corrosive row over disputed islands" is wrong. He is more than wrong. He is either ignorant or lying. This is not only stupid but also dangerous.

If could be argued the Chinese government did not do enough--enough being the usual way it deals with protests and dissent. To have done so in this case would have been suicide for any Chinese leaders who ordered any harsh repressive actions resulting in injuries and, perhaps, death. The protests were grass roots and nationalistic. Being so, this was one of the few times that the Chinese leadership was in fear of its people.

Abe is continuing his post election hubris, a micro triumph des willes, and I believe it is time for him to stop it before he gets this country into real trouble.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

This is funny... Considering that japan lets korea town and chinatown and us military areas to be targeted during conflict... There are no problems there... Now he is crying when it happens to japan... Smh

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Here is a source regarding the Noda government's response and demand for compensation: BBC: "Japan seeks payment from China over protest damages" (20 September 2012) [<http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19658724]

However limited Noda's demands were they were at least responsible. Abe is not going to getting any compensation from China by making wild accusations. You have to wonder if Abe really expects or even wants compensation. Rather, it seems to me he wants only to inflame hateful ultranationalist passions for whatever reasons.

Ultranationalists always manage to screw their countries. It not a question of if but how much will Abe screw Japan before he gets another bellyache.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

As a rule, spontaneous large-scale protests aren't allowed in China. There are isolated cases of protests against local government corruption, pollution, or land seizures, but one rarely or never sees protests against a government or some larger cause. I don't think it's a stretch to say that protests and targeting of Japanese people/companies/products for assault and vandalism happen with at least tacit approval of the government.

For Abe's part, he would do well to try not to put more fuel on the fire and give any reason to get the rabble riled up (e.g. maybe keep his mouth shut about retracting apologies, etc.)

2 ( +3 / -1 )

China has absolutely no responsibility for the safety of Japanese citizens who live abroad. Those Japanese expats may have the life of luxury with maids, butlers and personal drivers but the police are not your private security.

The Chinese pulled the same nonsense during the Boxer Rebellion. It just shows that the basic nature of the average Chinese has changed very little over the past 100 years.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

The Chinese pulled the same nonsense during the Boxer Rebellion. It just shows that the basic nature of the average Chinese has changed very little over the past 100 years.

I agree with you@House. But the Chinese government does not only stir up hysterical mobs to target foreigners. It also targets Chinese whom it wishes to purge. You need look no further back than 1966 and the Cultural Revolution, which wrought havoc on educational institutions, ruined millions of lives and set China's economy back decades.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Any person with intelligence and a sense of reality can see where this is heading. Japan is going to sink further and once again make its own people suffer simply because of PRIDE. China is NOT the enemy of JP, never has been. Communism is an enemy to some, but in the end the greatest enemy is WAR. Abe wants a War, he is going to get it. It is so sad to see that the Japanese are manipulated mentally by decades of unjustified hatred for their Ancestors, Neighbors and Business partners in Asia, and once again manipulated by OLD men in Politics who only want to resolve their conflicts by being rigid and unbending. If the US support Abe, I will have lost faith in my own Government and very disappointed with the Worlds view on what is right and wrong.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

WonbattoJAN. 12, 2013 - 11:45AM JST As a rule, spontaneous large-scale protests aren't allowed in China. There are isolated cases of protests against local government corruption, pollution, or land seizures, but one rarely or never sees protests against a government or some larger cause.

Let me point out the obvious. The protests in question were not again the polices of the Chinese government, like the current protests and journalists' strike against censorship. These were protests were essentially in agreement with national policy. It would have been awkward, at say the least, if these protests against Japan were brutally put down, though the police did use tear and did make arrests.

The idea that "...I[]t's a stretch to say that protests and targeting of Japanese people/companies/products for assault and vandalism happen with at least tacit approval of the government" is frankly dead wrong. I am sure the government had nothing against the protests per se; it was not happy with the violence and said so and took action, though relatively mild, against it. The violence in fact made China look bad.

This was one case where the Chinese government was afraid of its people and was careful in how it dealt with them.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

What FPSRusia said. Ishihara threw stones at the beehive.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

There's only so far that one can argue that Japan started this considering that China has done nothing to escalate the issue and looking for armed conflict. What Abe said is no secret, the whole world with the exception of global internet China supporting army knows that demonstrations without Chinese government knowledge and approval, especially anti-Japan ones, don't happen. Anti-Japan sentiment has been pounded into generations of young Chinese basically as propaganda. And the Senkaku issue did NOT start with Japan at all. This conflict was planned and created by the Chinese government which several years ago started sending fishing vessels to the Senkakus. The Chinese government established a East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute that recruited fishing boats, gave them funds and equipped them with a Chinese GPS system with real time communication to the Instiutute. The Institute gives instructions to the boats as to when they should go to the Senkakus. This included the fanous drunk captain of 2010 that rammed JCG vessels twice from behind and was treated as a hero back home. The world is very much aware of the game that China is playing in it's quest to expand it's territorial control over the East and South China Seas. Sorry but neither Ishihara nor the Japanese government "started this". That is pure CCP propaganda.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

rrently , the communism in China is going to lose the legality. It has destroyed everything and people don't trust it any more. The officers are extremely corrupt and the environment is polluted... the media is controlled.. people's mind/intelligence are restricted...... By setting Japan as an enemy, Japan help the communism to maintain the legality. Anyway, I am a Chinese.. I don't like the communist.. Any way that could destroy the communist is good for me... But I don't think Diaoyu belong to Japan, this is another story. A war is not going to solve this island problem, but may help to destroy the communist. if Japan win a battle... But probably the communist will not stop, it will start a bigger war.. If it stops , it is going to collapse... Your choice..

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Whatever Abe said it is doubtful his words come from his heart. He was a PM before and has been kicked off from office shortly. If Abe is still Hawkish and arrogant, he will be kicked off from office sooner than later. Currently he is spending money like drunken sailor. It is also doubtful it is for economic recovery or rewarding construction projects to his fellow Yakuzas. The more arrogant the merchant, the more consumers from China will boycott his goods. As a PM who is responsible for employment and growth, he should be careful what he said. It is counter productive and inflammable.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

There is no way China is going to mess with Japan beyond inciting demonstrations and verbal remarks. Japan is right to stand it's ground as an equal and counterbalance in the region. Shinzo Abe whipsawed the Bank of Japan into a 10 trillion yen stimulus plan, slammed the yen back down to close to 90 to the dollar and now he's letting Asia know he has a foreign policy that means too. About time!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

China's Communist regime will fall, sooner or later. It's time for Japanese and USA businesses to move to other Asian countries and give China a taste of how it will stand without economic partnership. Young, Chinese citizens already got a taste of freedom, now they won't let themselves being crushed down by the government so easily anymore. Of course for a while it will get more and more ugly inside China.

The question is what the US will do. Giving in to China is like feeding a monster. The arrogance and ignorance that the Chinese government shows is without comparison.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Avalon: "China's Communist regime will fall, sooner or later. It's time for Japanese and USA businesses to move to other Asian countries and give China a taste of how it will stand without economic partnership."

You seem to forget that while Abe and the wingers are pushing an anti-Chinese aggression campaign, they're begging on the sidelines for economic cooperation because Japan is losing BIG TIME in terms of fincances. It would take literally fortunes for Japan and other nations to set up camp in other countries and develop the infrastructure and competitive know-how that China already has, and all the while China will continue making grounds. Japan will soon be fourth in the world in terms of Economic power, then fifth. Instead of all his wasetd bombast and rhetoric, Abe should be living up to his pledge of strengthening ties with neighbours.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

China has absolutely no responsibility for the safety of Japanese citizens who live abroad. Those Japanese expats may have the life of luxury with maids, butlers and personal drivers but the police are not your private security.

"butlers"...LOL! BTW, it seems obvious that every government has a responsibility to protect all the people living (and businesses operating) legally within its boundaries. For example, in this day and age, can you imagine the outcry if the US government surreptitiously encouraged violent protests and attacks against Chinese people or companies in the States?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The government also requested its citizens to obey the law. Plainly, the Chinese government was not happy with the violence of the demonstrations.

Oh please! There is evidence the Chinese government even paid students to take part in the protests. When it decided it had inflicted enough damage and it had "made its point" then the government made sure all protests and violence stopped.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

billyshears: "Oh please! There is evidence the Chinese government even paid students to take part in the protests."

So show it to us, Billy!

Here's an example of how to back up your statements, because you see, the governmen did in fact try to stop protesters: us-china-japan-idUSBRE88F00H20120916

I won't hold my breath for you though, Billy. In the meantime, Japan's trade continues to fall.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Patrick: "Abe's probably right that the protests had tacit approval, but Ishihara kicked all this off deliberately..."

EXACTLY! He even says he wanted to go to war with China. And yet here are people complaining about similar sentiments from the Chinese government. They hypocrisy is pretty astounding.

"Abe will soon lead Japan into a full-blown trade war with the world's biggest market. America, Europe and Korea will look on and smile as Japan Inc. starts its conquest of Myanmar."

Bang on again.

"People seem to forget he was just a right-wing revisionist last time round too, and he achieved absolutely nothing when in power. He is mentally unbalanced, is racist in the extreme, and cannot even mange his own bowel movements."

Very well put. It truly is amazing how quickly people forget how much he 'accomplished' his last time around (still amazes me as well they get a second at it after failing so miserably the first time) before QUITTING in one of the shortest stints as PM ever!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

You especially gotta love it when they say, "Finally! A PM with some courage" or what have you when he was ALREADY PM before!!

He's an ultra-right nut, and he won't change a thing but to make things worse.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Japan gotta do what big brother says-law of the jungle!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You will see who are the first to put their tails between their leg. It will be japanese.

Hehehehe... don't forget, Japan almost conquered ASIA during WWII. If not for the unconditional surrender they signed, JPN will be more powerful today than being on the defense always. That treaty should have an expiration. Har...har...har...

Btw, if China hussles Jpn businesses in Beijing, do the same in Japan hehehehehe.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Japan gotta do what big brother says-law of the jungle!

Heheheheh Big brother is a lamed duck. USA debt to China is neck deep. Poor big borther.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I see the cluster of Japanese ultranationalists are out in force giving me me furtive minuses rather than attempting to argue with me intelligently. I presented empirical proof. They cannot. Abe's accusation, regardless of what you may think of the Chinese government, is withoutt foundation. It is also bad business. If Abe truly wants compensation this a lousy way of trying to get it.

No doubt the Chinese government welcomed the protests until they turned violent. If you care about facts, the facts are that authorities tear gassed and arrested protesters and called on them to not break the law.

But they could do little more lest they be branded as Japanese sympathizers. Power is tenuous in China. The government can get at individual dissidents, but it fear mass actions, at least by the majority Han Chinese. Google the new about protests in China and you'll see what I mean.

With regard to the anti-Japanese riots (let's call a spade a shovel) the Chinese government got more than they expected. There is a lot of pent up anger in China, not just about Japanese crimes against humanity, in the situation in gerneral--the rising social inequalities and the overall repression. I sense, though I cannot prove it, that the anti-Japanese riots had as much to do with anger with the situation in China as it did with the territorial dispute.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Japan has been pro long recession since 1991. Successive government failed to recover the economy. Poor and inferior neighbors economies are roaring. For that lost decades, right wing politicians have frustration and insecurity. They will find the scape goats for blowing their anger. Abe grandpa was a imperial army high ranking official and he has never been charged for his adventures. Ishihara is also preWar Yamato baby who think themselves they are the purest and cleanest race on the earth. In fact Japan is revisiting pre war era with ultra nationalism.

China have also inflaming nationalists. Both side have to swallow the national pride. They have to compromise like married couple. Japan likes a unemployed drunken husband. China likes a noisy and demanding wife who is very intolerant to alcoholic husband.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Japan should sell the islands to china for 1 billion $ a year ;)

Balance the economy ;)

0 ( +3 / -3 )

How very, very, typical human behaviour. I live on the other side of the world and i see it's the same everywhere. Where there's opportunity, people would rather fight at the cost of many than to take it, exploit it, use it, both as trade partners, and corner the world economy as the largest. But no ... too much in the past. It's very sad even the allegedly greatest of the earth anywhere are not immune to this. I suppose they're fighting over stuff from when most of them weren't even born. Always the same.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

So, excuse me for double posting here. If there's fighting, then both sides will lose out, waste resources and others will be involved. Meanwhile no one benefits from the resources. So instead of not giving a diplomatic solution leading to shared stakes would be way better for all parties involved. I think that's undeniable. Time is wasted. I dont see how this helps anyone except if the point is to rebuild an economy according to the american model, based on warfare. From my outsider point of view i just see people not budging over things long in the past. But like i said, i live on the other side of the world

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The reason China is stoking this issues is because she needs unencumbered access to the sea. It may appear China as sea access, but she does not have free strategic military access. Just look at a map. China is hemmed in, starting clockwise from the direct south, by Southeast Asia (Viet Nam, Myanmar) , then India to the south-west, and to the direct west, by all the Islamic "...stan" countries, and to the north Mongolia, and to the north east, by Russia. So, China's access to the sea is via her east and south eastern coastline. However, look closely. The south-eastern part is surrounded by Philippines/Indonesian Islands chains, and to the direct east, it is dotted by the southern islands of the Japan archipelago.

If the Philippines, Indonesia, and Japan are hostile, China's navy is sitting ducks to land based military assets. The Chinese navy would have to maneuver through very narrow channels to access Chinese territory. Thus, China's ability to project major naval power is limited because it lacks untrammeled access to the sea. China is challenging Japan's claim to her southern-most islands for this reason, because they are a the biggest impediment to China's free military access to the sea.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

No one should pay attention to Abe's cry baby shenanigans, he is simply seeking attention from Americans. It is up to the US to tell both China and Japan that there are more important problems in the world than flexing of their rubber muscles.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

LUIZ FRom BRAZIL It´s better both China and Japan to play the drums of Peace and the drums of bilateral commerce,not the drums of WARS . It´s a good opportunity for both nations to show the what is fraternity ; Chineses and Japaneses are Human beings , not Beast Animals . We are all living in 21st century ;let us all study more Buddha´s Dharma and practice it !

Sao Paulo City

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Come on people, open your eyes. China is a country from 1958~1962 killed 45 million of it's own people and it's master mind is enshrined as a hero. Recently this government restricted free press and jailed their own Nobel Peace prize laureate. Defenders of the CCP is taught since childhood and bombarded propaganda with Japanese as a villain in many TV shows, movies and education. Do you absolutely want to pack your bags and move to China?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

As Westerners, we have problems understanding Chinese logic or, rather, lack of it. For instance, China claims the Senkaku Islands because they originally belonged to the Qing dynasty. Extend that logic now to all lands that belonged to the Qing dynasty and, by inference, what China should also be contesting at this particular time, not postage-stamp islands in the South China Sea or East China Sea but large parts of mainland China under foreign domination.

Take Primorye, for instance. We have always been amazed by how gutless China has been in relation to Russia. Primorye, whose capital is Vladivostok is obviously the product of an invasionary inroad into China for the purpose of securing Russian access to the Pacific, even if it meant stealing this large swath of territory from China. If the CCP is serious about reestablishing the boundaries of China to those of the Qing dynasty (which is part of its claim to the Senkakus), then let China exercise its territorial sovereignty over Primorye by confronting the Russian Federation.

My question is, why is China picking on its small neighbors for territorial concessions? Is it because, unlike Russia or the US, they do not yet possess nuclear arsenals? Is the solution to stopping Chinese territorial expansion simply to be nuclear proliferation across every one of their borders? We can do that. Japan is ready to start. Or, if that scares the shit out of the CCP, they can shut up about their territorial sovereignty based on irrelevant historical records and just relax for another generation...and leave Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. in peace and commingled prosperity with their loudmouth neighbor, the Han Chinese.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


As Westerners, we have problems understanding Chinese logic

There is no logic. In 1905, China published Great Qing Dynasty(China then) map which was published as the first edition did not have any indication for the islands are China.The 5 maps till 1968 since the first edition, none of these maps have what China has claimed since the potential oil was found in 1968. and the 5 of them clearly indicating as Senkaku as Japan also the border line was shown as Japan territory in Chinese map.

1987, A Chinese historical map was published which were collection of old maps. Believe it or not, the fist edition of Great Qing Dynasty(China then)map originally has no indication the islands as China in 1905 I mentioned above, out of chronological order, historical maps from 1820, they somehow show Senkaku in Chinese name and the next to the name of islands (Fukien section) Originally the first edition in 1905 and the one published 1987 has different indications. How logically can anyone explain this? If someone says this is fabrication, it will make sense to me. I do not know how this illogical situation exists.

BY the way, America was using 2 islands of Senkaku as their shooting training ground while their occupation till 1972. Does it mean America snatched over from China? I do not believe there is no history that USA occupied China in the history the world knows. Now China said Senkaku has been China since Qing Dynasty. China said nothing while America was using those places for shooting and bombing. How it could be logical? If what China said is true, the history must be rewritten that America took over Chinese islands till 1972 officially after San Francisco Peace treaty.

In the treaty, it is stated in article #3 that Senkaku is left for Japan. (For that matter, Takeshima as well)

1953 January 8th Jinmin Nippo which is the official Chinese news paper indicates Senkaku as Japan. Also recently, the official documents in the communist party in 1950 was found that they treated Senkaku as Japan. How is could be logical?

In 1871 after the Miyakojima inhabitant incident, Qing dined governing the area which has nothing to do with the war then. That China stated the last year at UN that Japan forcefully took over Senkaku. How it could be logical?

1919, when Chinese fish men had an accident in the area, some people who are the residence of Miyakojima Japan helped their life. Japan received the official letter of appreciation from China which clearly states Senkaku Japan area, Chinese are saved in Japan territory. The place where Japaneses helped Chinese fish men is the spot where China keep sending their military boats. How this could be logical?

The judicial precedent in an international law. Island of Palmas Case teaches the world, 1)The title by geographical approach ability does not have a meaning in the international law. 2) Discovery itself is immature origin of rights to obtain a sovereignty in international law which is inchoate title. 3) When a foreign country begins to use realistic sovereignty and a discovery country does not protest, the title which uses sovereignty is only larger than the title of discovery.

When did China have the realistic sovereignty based on the law?

Japan has a condition to match the law. Japan has a bonito flake factory between 1895 till 1941 and about 250 people live on the island but the war broke out, the people left then after that, make a long story short, with the 48 countries approval after the peace process of WW2 in San Francisco peace treaty article 3. Okinawa and all its island went back to Japan. Temporarily, Japan only allowed to have only the 4 main islands right after Japan accepted the Potsdam declaration until SF treaty was approved by the international community. However, Okinawa and all its islands were taken by the US as Japan.Okinawa and its islands were returned to Japan by US in 1972. Since then Japan has been ruling the islands as Okinawa. Based on the international law, it is Japan clearly and logically. China has no way to say this is China. Japan must seek peace with China but also Japan needs firmly talk to them. Then Japan could discuss how the fishing right or other issue with Taiwan more openly.

There are many documents between from 1885 till today that suggests the islands were under the TERRA NULLIUS status when Japan registered them as Okinawa in 1895. Japan confirmed to China then again even though, Japan heard their statement in 1871. Based on that confirmation, this legal process happens then. since then, till the potential oil was found in 1968, China was quit. The issue did not exist. They were interested in the oil in the area first. That sounds logical. Unfortunately many Chinese people even who do not know where exactly Senkaku is, got only one side information then reacted as a terrorism to destroyed Panasonic and many Japaneses businesses and justified the action because AIKOKUMUZAI. ( Action comes from patriotism, any thing could be forgiven.) Is is logical?

If the old maps without latitude and longitude especially those may small rocks exist the area determined which country has sovereignty, the world would go crazy. The Manhattan island as old map show it is as Dutch. The territory issue must be discussed not old maps but the law. What China and Japan can lose is much bigger than those rocks.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The truth is the truth and the PRC was wrong in their efforts.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@Chamkun. You make this point. I made this point awhile ago with a different spin on a previous article.

Really, China? You consider these little islands sacred? Sacred?

If what your Communist Party says is true, that the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands are yours by right of sovereignty, then why have you allowed the US Navy to have the right to bombard one of these islands for the last 50 years? The US would not allow China to bombard one of our Hawaiian islands for one minute...without heavy retaliation. So, really, China, just how sacred are these islands to you?

By claiming sovereignty under these conditions, you have embarrassed yourselves, saying that you have tolerated this expression of foreign militarism against sovereign Chinese soil for 50 years. Japan gave us permission to do this, not China. Every time we hear of your surveillance or fishing fleets entering the 12-mile limit of these islands, we are embarrassed for you, since you forget your recent history with these islands. In the eyes of the world, China, you have lost face by being so clumsy and maladroit.

Posted in: China relentlessly harries Japan in island dispute

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The People’s Republic of China’s claim that the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands are an “inherent territory” of China contradicts its own demands before 1970.

Before 1970, the People’s Republic of China did not merely acquiesce to Japanese sovereignty over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. China demanded self-determination for the U.S.-administered Ryukyu Islands, with an option of return to Japanese administration, while specifically including the “Senkaku Islands”. Thus, China agreed with the United States and Japan that, in the event of the Ryukyu Islands’ return to Japanese administration, the United States should also return the Senkaku Islands to Japan.

The common law doctrine of estoppel prevents a party from gaining by making an allegation or denial that contradicts what the party has previously stated as a fact.

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I read with interest all the comments posted here, some talked about the past and the reasons why the islands should belong to China or Japan. However, I believe most of us want a peaceful SE Asia where Japan and China can get along. Now what puzzling me is the conflicting approaches made by Japan, Abe wants to improve Japanese economy by pouring in a lot of money in all sorts of programs, yet he’s bad-mouthing and attacking China in every chance he got, knowing full well that China is Japan’s largest trading partner. Why is that? A lot of analysts agree that Japan can shape up its economy is very much dependent on China, yet Abe’s attitude is Japan does not need China. China proposed to meet Japan half way on the territorial dispute, but Abe said no. Anyone notice that China never said anything to provoke Japan; and Chinese PM never used words to attack Japan in any way. China sent in non-military vessels and planes (considered to be normal course of action in this kind of dispute), yet Japan sent in fighter jets which always outnumbered China. Abe has been running around accusing China this and that, and tried to get other countries to side with Japan. However, according to Australia's Foreign Minister Senator Bob Carr, “Australia has resolutely avoided any involvement in territorial disputes and will certainly resist any Japanese attempts at being drawn into possible conflicts involving Australia's leading economic partner China”. Carr also cautioned the Japanese government against reviewing and revising a 1993 statement made by then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono acknowledging the Japanese Army’s hand in forcing thousands of women from China and South Korea into sexual slavery during World War II. While the negative image of Japan with regard to the denial of the WW II atrocities is on the line, on Sunday, Abe visited Japan's Shinto shrine, which commemorates Emperor Meiji, a symbol of Japan's rise to become a global military power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He has also said he hopes to visit the Yasukuni war shrine, which honours war criminals among others. Undoubtedly he doesn’t care what other countries think of Japan as long as he can fool most of them as well as the Japanese people most of the time. You can see that he doesn’t care much about the Japanese economy, all he cares about is to bring back Japan of the past, and if all else fail he can blame it on China.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Well done, Abe!

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If what your Communist Party says is true, that the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands are yours by right of sovereignty, then why have you allowed the US Navy to have the right to bombard one of these islands for the last 50 years?

Because after San Francisco peace treaty, Okinawa became USA till 1972. Japan was not in any position to say how they should be used. My aunt is from Okinawa. We needed a passport to visit Okinawa and used US $ there. Senkaku is Ishigakijima county of Okinawa. Again, Japan has no control then. So Senkaku was part of Okinawa fro 1895 then after WW2, US ruled then 1972, it was returned to Japan.

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Take Primorye, for instance. We have always been amazed by how gutless China has been in relation to Russia. Primorye, whose capital is Vladivostok is obviously the product of an invasionary inroad into China for the purpose of securing Russian access to the Pacific, even if it meant stealing this large swath of territory from China. If the CCP is serious about reestablishing the boundaries of China to those of the Qing dynasty (which is part of its claim to the Senkakus), then let China exercise its territorial sovereignty over Primorye by confronting the Russian Federation.

Further, Primorskii kray (Primorye or Maritime Region) was a territory of ancient Balhae Kingdom, not chinese land.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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